It shows the Armenian church there was recently vandalized by Turkey backed Syrian groups who captured Tel Abyad after U.S. pull out.
Acc to witnesses, vandalism took place on or around 31-10-2019.

Witnesses say the vandals belonged to Syrian group al-Jabha al-Shamiya or Faylaq al-Majd.
Church already vandalized by #ISIS during its rule of town in 2014-2015.
In 2015 SDF took town.
Armenians then repaired damage to church & I visited in 2017 when SDF was in control.
Here that story:
This changed October 9 after U.S. pulled out of N-Syria &Turkey started operation Peace Spring.
I already explained in this thread that this was fake news.
On 3rd Nov 2019, Al Jazeera Arabic visits same Armenian church. But their reporter misrepresents the facts.
Although @AJArabic report shows pictures of the fresh damage of the church caused by rebels, reporter says church was vandalized by ISIS.
Especially in areas where independent media isn't allowed, it is really hard and often propaganda wins.
Luckily I'm still in touch with Syrians on the ground who still believe in truth over lies.