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yeonbin au #yeonbin #soojun

where soobin has hearing aids and gets bullied for it for a while until it totally stops, event totally (un)related to the fact that yeonjun -baseball team leader, most popular kid in school, heartthrob yeonjun- has a crush on him
— tw: bullying, violence, probably threats
— also idk what having hearing issues is like so if anything i say is offending towards deaf people please please please tell me!!
— enemies to lovers ig? so yeah, angst, hurt/comfort and fluff
— my first txt au!!
— follow me <3
— quote!! rt!!! like!!! feedback is very important to writers :)
— ignore time stamps im lazy
— updates are not gonna be regular but please stick with me <33
< our protagonists >
< soobin's brother >
basically his only friend since they just moved to seoul, they bicker a lot
< yeonjun's best friends >
younger than him but they play in the team too ; brats but they love their hyung and actually respect him irl
< for info >
- sookai moved during the summer
- yeonjun was away in the us the whole summer + 2 months for his mother's job (he got homeschooled while away so he wouldn't be behind on classes)
- for plot purposes, yeonbin are both seniors and the rest all juniors (high school)
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Soobin sighs as he faces the high school's entrance door. His damaged hearing aid is ringing in his left ear, and he tries to ignore it screeching but it's hard.
But somehow that noise is nothing compared to the loudness of the hallways when he enters.
Students going left and right, walking past him and not even sparing him a glance.
The few looks he gets are from curious people, curious about the piece of tech in his ears.
This pair isn't the best he's had, it's chunky and black and it looks like earpieces a little.
It's too obvious for his liking. But he didn't really have a choice, because of the new pair he'd gotten 3 weeks ago due to "falling over in the gravel" (or at least that's what he'd told Seokjin), they hadn't had enough money for a good pair, and the insurance hadn't helped.
He feels like a burden when that happens, and he hates that he can't do anything about it.
"Choi Soobae!" a voice he hates to recognize calls him.
/It's Soobin/ he thinks. "What do you want?" he says.
The boy catches up to him. He's shorter than Soobin (everyone is) but he's +
still bery impressive. Broad shoulders and a face that /actually/ gives Soobin nightmares.
"Wow chill," he says. "I just wanted to say hi! How are you?"
"Been better" Soobin mutters.
Jaehyuk's face turns to what Soobin knows it better as: igly and mean, menacing.
Jaehyuk takes Soobin's collar in his hand and pushes him harshly between two lockers.
"Speak up, deaf boy. I can't fucking /hear/ you. Keep it up like this and you won't either."
Soobin had shut his eyes tight, holding his breath, and knows Jeahyuk is gone only because +
no one is holding him anymore. If his hearing aids hadn't been damaged he might've heard his footsteps walking away. But it was damaged. Thanks to that very boy and his stupid friends.
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< 6 >

Yeonjun puts his phone back in his pocket, eyes going back to watching the scenery through the car's window.
Maybe his friends are right, he thinks. Maybe they're right and Yeonjun /will/ be able to go back to his life like it was before the summer.
But something inside Yeonjun tells him there's a possibility they're wrong. It's only been 4 months but Yeonjun feels very different from the boy he was then.
He feels free, his mother having given him a lot of free time (and not a lot of hers).
But he also feels lonelier. Not just because he's far from his friends, but like something is missing. Yeonjun is not quite sure what, but he knows it's missing. He sighs.
"Everything okay, mister Choi?" the driver ask, glancing at him through the rearview mirror.
"I suppose," he vaguely answers. "I'll miss you back in Korea, David."
"I'll miss you too, Daniel."
Yeonjun chuckles. He goes back to watching outside.
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< author's note >
hi!! first of all thank you so much for the love on this i really didn't expect it since the fandom is still small, and my account is too! but im glad you're all here 🥺 i hope you're liking the au so far, even if it's just starting!!
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When Soobin entered the school after saying goodbye to his older brother, he could tell the place was louder than usual, even with only one hearing aid. Everyone seemed so excited, about what was the real question to Soobin.
No teachers were absent, no classes were canceled, no changes to the school had been done... He didn't know what all this was about.
So he just decided to ignore it, taking his books in his locker and making his way to class.
Soobin also found unusual the fact that no one came to bother him. No push in the hallway was felt, no "Soobae" was heard, no nothing. He wasn't about to complain, but it just seemed strange.
Sitting down at his favorite table (second row, next to the window), Soobin could hear the conversation of the girls behind him.
"Really?" one of them said. "I didn't know he was coming back today!"
"You never know anything" another joked.
"I saw him get to his locker before he got called to the principal's office," a third one said, "he's gotten sooo hot since last year omg."
"That's so het of you," the second one added.
The rest of the conversation died as the teacher entered and asked for silence.
"Guys I would like to ask you to welcome to this class a student that was here last year," the teacher said.
A brown-haired boy entered the class behind him. Soobin couldn't help but to notice how beautiful the boy was.
He was standing next to the teacher, taller than her - but to be fair most seniors were, his eyes piercing over the class. He waved at a few people, his pouty lips turning into a smile.
"Now please sit down, Yeonjun."
Yeonjun obeyed, sitting next to what seemed to be his friend.
The girls behind Soobin started chatting again.
"He /has/ gotten hotter."
Soobin had to admit Yeonjun was indeed gorgeous and seemed to have a great athletic build. But if he was part of the baseball team, that meant he was an asshole like his friends.
/It's the first period of his first day back and his uniform is already sloppily put and he's chatty, he's obviously a slacker,/ Soobin reasoned.
Soobin sighed and turned his attention back to the teacher, trying his best to hear what she was saying with only one hearing aid.
He didn't notice Yeonjun's eyes on him when he turned around.
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Soobin tried playing like everyone else, he really did. He's usually pretty good at coordinating his movements, but with his left hearing aid completely out of use – not that he'd admit it – he can't seem to find his balance.
He's so embarrassed as he keeps bumping into his teammates behind him, or doesn't give the ball to someone that called his name, and soon everyone is cursing at him because they keep losing. Not that he hears the curses, but he can guess them by the stares.
On the other team, Jaehyuk is beaming. Why wouldn't he be, since his team keeps winning. He gives high fives to all of them, and even brings a few in for a pat on the back – the baseball players, including that guy who came back from America. He hates them all.
Them and their self-suffisance.
At least he's far from these guys, Soobin concedes. Well, that's until the teacher announces team changes.
Then, Soobin finds himself in the same team as Jaehyuk. Now, instead of getting thrown the ball in the face, he gets pushed around.
He really doesn't know which he likes best, honestly.
At least he can hear them, as unapologetical of their evilness as they are.
"Come on, Soobae, it was right in front of you!" "Stop tripping, start playing!" "Soobae we're going to lose because of you."
It's not new to Soobin being bad at sports. However, getting blamed for stuff that's not even his fault (for reasons that only seem evident to himself and his bullies apparently) is new. And he fucking hates it.
The end of class sounded in the beginning of it like heaven. Because he'd be able to go on a lunch break, hiding behind the library like he's taken the habit of doing.
But he hadn't thought that before that, he'd have to go change.
He'd have to go in a small – and smelly – room surrounded by his bullies, and with no teacher surveillance. Fuck, he thinks.
Maybe he can get away with it? Take his bag and leave, go change in the upperlevel's bathroom?
Except his bag is not here.
Soobin looks for it for a moment. After all, just because it's not where he thought he'd left it doesn't mean it's lost, right? It happens often to misplace your bag. What if it's not in Soobin's locker? No biggie. It's not that bad that it's not under the benches either.
Not above the lockers either? Tsk, no worries! Soobin starts to panick. He's losing the precious time he'd obtained by not having friends in his class thus arriving earlier than others in the changing room.
People start flowing in again, and Soobin still doesn't find his bag.
Jaehyuk and co come in too, and Soobin's backpack is still nowhere to be found.
The stupid-faced-asshole gives a look at Soobin and the latter just /knows/ he didn't just misplace his bag. Someone took it.
He should speak up, tell Jaehyuk to stop this and give it back.
But Soobin doesn't want to cause a scene, he doesn't want it to end either in public humiliation or in the principal's office. He just wants his bag.
So for a short while he just stands there, looking at Jaehyuk with a clenched jaw and furrowed eyebrows. That's intimidating, no?
"What is it, Soobae." Jaehyuk says with fake annoyance. "Got a crush or something?"
Soobin urges his cheeks to keep their fair tone, but he's sure it's failed when he hears some boys snicker. They don't /know/, it's fine. It's just a joke.
"Not on your stupid face, no." he wants to say. "I just want my bag." he says.
Jaehyuk shrugs, "I don't know what staring at me will do to help that."
"Just give it back, Jaehyuk."
"What makes you think I know where it is?"
Soobin rolls his eyes but before he can say anything, mister school favorite enters the conversation.
"Guys whose bag was in the showers? I almost didn't see it."
Yoonjun is in nothing but a towel around his waist – proof that he'd been ready to actually soak Soobin's bag.
In his hand is the almost-victim of an unwanted cleaning, looking dirty and sad. They'd probably stepped on it a few times before abandoning in the showers.
Soobin takes the bag before anyone says anything and doesn't let himself watch the boy's chest, just storming out.
He fights back tears as he walks the hallways to a safer bathroom.
< 21 >
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< 24 >

Yeonjun shakes a hand through his wet hair, making his way towards the hall, looking through his twitter timeline, chuckling at himself when he sees a video of Toto repeating "Taehyun is a drama queen" after Beomgyu.
Both his best friends stayed home since their morning classes had gotten cancelled. When Yeonjun walks past the male bathroom, he remembers he forgot to fill his water bottle again. He takes a few steps back and enters the bathroom. But the scene inside stops him in his tracks.
Everyone inside freezes. There's four people aside from him in the bathroom. Jaehyuk, two of his classmates, and... Soobae? The three first are standing. The latter however, is seating on the floor, cowering under the sinks, hands in front of his face.
"What the fuck?"
The two guys standing in the back look at each other and walk out of the bathroom, walking past Yeonjun without a word. Jaehyuk doesn't move, he just eyes Yeonjun with a calculating look.
Yeonjun looks back to the kid on the ground, and he's met with big round eyes.
"I repeat," Yeonjun says looking back at his teammate, "What the fuck?"
Jaehyuk sighs, shoots Soobae(?) a dirty look and walks past Yeonjun like his friends, intentionally bumping shoulders. Or at least he tries to, but Yeonjun catches his arm before he can open the door.
"Explain, Jaehyuk. Right now."
"I don't have shit to say to you. Mind your own fucking business. Unless you want the same thing happening to you."
Yeonjun raises his eyebrows, actually surprised. Jaehyuk had gotten bolder in the last 6 months. And more of an asshole too.
"Are you really threatening me right now?"
"I suggest you do nothing about it or i'll have you play sidelines at the next game. That wouldn't look so good on your resume now would it..."
Yeonjun grits his teeth but he knows there's not much he can do about this.
He lets Jaehyuk go, and sighs when the door closes again. He turns back to the kid, who's looking at him with a worried expression.
"Are you alright?" he almost asks. But then he remembers what Beomgyu had told him.
"Uh..." He points to the kid, making him flinch, then he shots a thumbs up and draws a question mark in the air.
Soobae(??) frowns. Yeonjun can see his right cheek is red, and so are his eyes.
But as Yeonjun is ready to reiterate the gestures, the kid stops him.
"Y-you can just speak, I can read lips." the kid says.
"O-oh," his cheeks flush lightly – but you'd have to know him to notice, "are you okay?"
The kid's frown deepens. "Why do you care? Aren't you here to finish the job? As their leader or whatever?"
Yeonjun's mouth gapes. "Finish the what? What happened here? Did they hit you?"
The brunette tsks at that. He doesn't answer, simply getting up and dusting his pants. Then he seems so realize something, his hands coming up to his ears.
Did he turn not-deaf? Did a miracle just happen in front of Yeonjun's eyes.
But then the kid half runs towards the bathroom stalls. He opens them one by one, visibly checking something inside.
"Did they hide your bag again?" Yeonjun asks but then mentally slaps himself. (He can't hear you, dumbass.)
Then finally the search stops and the frantic senior comes to a halt, a hand on the door.
Yeonjun takes a step towards him, but Soobae(???) kneels.
Yeonjun looks as the other plunges his hand down the toilet, grabbing something inside. He pulls a fist out and tries to stop a gag. His hand is closed and Yeonjun can't see what's inside until he gets back up again and goes to the sink, rincing his hand and– bluetooth earphones?
(No, dumbass, not bluetooth earphones.)
Hearing aids. They put the kid's hearing aids in the toilet.
"At least they didn't flush," the kid chuckles to himself, sarcastically.
Yeonjun takes a step towards him again, but he backs out, teary eyes meeting Yeonjun's worried ones.
"Why are you here?" he asks, voice wavering a little.
"Soobae, I—"
The kid lets out a wet laugh. "It's Soobin, for fuck's sake! And he knows it!"
"I'm sorry, I—"
"Don't be fucking sorry, just let me go."
Soobin(...) looks at him with an expression Yeonjun doesn't like.
It makes him feel bad, not guilty or pitiful, no. It makes him feel like /he/ did something wrong. Soobin's eyes are accusating, angry, and hurt. He looks broken. It makes something coil inside Yeonjun.
He realizes he'd been standing between Soobin and the door all this time.
Yeonjun steps aside, and lets Soobin storm out, wanting to explain himself but knowing the kid won't hear him and since he's not looking at him to read his lips because he clearly wants nothing to do with Yeonjun, it's useless to say anything.
Yeonjun bits his lip and eventually leaves the bathroom too to get to class, completely forgetting about his water bottle.
< 25 >
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Soobin is dreading the moment he'll see the other walk in the classroom. He keeps telling himself he should act like he doesn't care, look outside the window or something. But he can't help it, his foot tapping under the table, chewing on his already bruising lip.
His eyes dart towards the door every so often. "Anytime soon," his mind provides. Multiple times, his mind is wrong, but around a minute before the official start of class, it seems to be correct.
Yeonjun walks in. He's not wearing his confident smile like he used to.
He doesn't shoot the teacher a fake apology look, he just walks in, looking around. For Soobin, apparently. He starts coming closer and the boy can feel his blood boil.
This can't be happening. His body tenses.
Yeonjun stops when he's standing before the chair next to Soobin's.
Soobin notices Yeonjun starts talking, so he looks away. He doesn't want to know. He doesn't have to know, only advantage that provides the destruction of his aids.
But the other is persistent. He keeps standing there, Soobin can feel it, even if he doesn't dare take a look.
A finger taps his shoulder, and Soobin flinches, eyes finally turning to Yeonjun. It's not him that touched him, tho, it's the girl sitting behind Soobin.
She shoots a glance at Yeonjun and says "Are you gonna let him stand there like an idiot?" (not that he hears it).
Soobin scowls and his next words just flow from his moith before he can stop himself.
"He /is/ an idiot."
At that, the people that weren't already looking at them because of the – obvious – idiot standing there already turn to them.
Soobin feels his cheeks heat.
He didn't control the volume of his voice well. Everyone heard it. The teacher looks pissed.
"Is this scene ending soon?" she mouths, Soobin focuses on her lips as best as he can with the embarrassment creeping up his neck, "Mr Choi please come see me at the end of class."
Soobin almost thinks ‘thank god the teacher ended this’ but then Yeonjun actually sits. On the chair next to Soobin.
The latter wants to protest, but he doesn't feel like getting into more trouble. He's already mortified about the notice.
He tries to focus on the course.
Keyword: tries.
See the thing about not hearing a thing except for a low buzz in which the slightest sound from outside Soobin can perceive drowns. And that's a problem when you're trying to hear what the teacher says.
He writes down what she puts on the board, but he can't read lips and write at the same time (he's tried, but the graffiti on his notebook look nothing like words to him. Plus he's not actually the best lip reader so sometimes it doesn't even make any sense.
Thirty minutes of struggles in, Soobin gives up. He lets his head fall on his crossed arms, turning his head towards the outside (the opposite of where Yeonjun is.
Since the beginning he's been nothing but too aware of the other's presence.
His side glances, the way he keeps opening his mouth to – probably – start conversation, but closes just as quick. He looks like a stupid fish lost in his own tank. It's annoying.
Outside is more interesting, the sun shines brightly through the reddening leaves shaking in the wind, people come and go between their classes, some greet each other, some are listening to music. God, what Soobin would do to listen to music right now... And then he wakes up.
He hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep, simply lost in his thoughts. But the hand shaking his shoulder makes his sit up quickly. It's the end of class, Soobin knows this by the way the teacher is writing homework on the board, and by the clock above her.
This time, it is Yeonjun that touched him. The evidence of that still sitting on his shoulder. Soobin shoots a dark look at Yeonjun and the other takes his hand back like he's been burned. (Good, Soobin thinks.)
"Sorry" he mouths. Or at least Soobin thinks he did.
And then the bell rings. Soobin can faintly hear it, but it's quickly replaced by a louder buzzing again with people starting conversations, and putting their stuff in their bags.
Oh how Soobin wishes he could do like them and storm out the classroom to leave and go home.
But no, Soobin has to stay. Strangely, Yeonjun stays too. Soobin walks up to the teacher's desk, and Yeonjun follows. He wants to tell the other to stop and leave him alone already but the teacher stands up, apparently ready to speak. She looks at Soobin with a surprised face.
"Soobin? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
Soobin opens his mouth, closes it, confused, but the teacher seems to understand his concern.
"Oh, right, your name is Choi too. I actually meant Choi Yeonjun."
She laughs – silently by Soobin's standards.
"I'm sorry about that, you can go now. I'm not going to blame you for using the word ‘idiot’ in my class."
Soobin lets out a relieved breath. He wishes her a good evening, bows a little and leaves the room without sparing the other a glance. He goes home.
< 29 >
< interlude: new character! >
meet jongho, a long distance friend soobin met online three years ago thanks to their shared love for music/singing. he also acts as a rant buddy and therapist sometimes. in exchange jongho gets to scream about his bf. they met irl 3 times.
[ reminder!! ]
- as i've said this au will dabble a bit in darker themes, and im adding tw for ptsd and mentions of death
- however i can guarantee a happy ending, and no actual character death!!
- please continue interacting with me it really keeps me going! qrts are the best <3
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[ just a reminder that yeonbin don't know each other's twitter, but jongho went detective mode ]
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< 41 >

Part of Yeonjun /knows/ he shouldn't listen to Taehyun's idea, because his friend was probably joking, and because that part of him understands how many ways this could go wrong.
But that rational side of him stays quiet next to his ‘big dummy energy’ (as Beomgyu likes to call it) that is screaming at him that this is the only way. If Soobin doesn't want to see or talk to Yeonjun, then the other won't force him to.
Yeonjun gets out of bed, jumping in his slippers and leaving his bedroom. He heads to his mother's study. If she was here she'd ask why he's up so late, say that he should go back to bed if he doesn't want to disappoint her with bad grades. But she's not here.
So Yeonjun enters the study and settles at the desk. He turns the computer on and waits a moment. It's not a long enough moment for him to reconsider his choices.
He opens the browser and uses the link that "Jongho" guy had sent him.
Yeonjun doesn't know much about hearing aids. Actually, he really doesn't know anything about them. But seeing the price of the ones in front of him, he feels bad for Soobin. If he really had to buy 3 pairs of them in the last 2 months, he surely put his family in difficulty.
To be fair, the ones he's been sent look very top of the line, far more discreet and elegant that the ones he'd seen in Soobin's hand earlier.
But it doesn't matter. It's not like his mother would see the difference on her bank account. And he owes him that, at least.
Without much thought, Yeonjun orders them – to his house since he doesn't know Soobin's address, and it's not like the boy would give it to him would he.
"What!?" he says, mouth agape when he sees that even with the highest shipping cost, the package wouldn't arrive anytime +
before thursday afternoon. And it's monday night.
Soobin can't spend that much time without them, can he?
It's not like he has a choice anyway, so Yeonjun closes the tabs, puts his mother's card back into the drawer and leaves.
He's determined to make it right to Soobin. Even if that means he'll have to pay attention in class and take the time to find his other classes' notes.
Whatever it takes, he'll do it. Because he has to, because he might not know the boy, but he has a feeling that he deserves it.
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[ my dumb ass forgot soobin's @ so i put "@s" and fORGOT TO GO BACK BEFORE POSTING 😭 anyway it's supposed to be @/choibun ]
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< 52 >

Soobin considers his day went okay. No one came to pick on him, and even if Jaehyuk /did/ look at him with the look of someone ready to do something, he stayed away. Even Yeonjun didn't do anything but spare him a glance when he sat next to him again.
It feels weird to Soobin but his day was... boring. Nothing really happened and the only thing he could do during classes was wait, and try to not fall asleep.
At the end of the end, Soobin goes to his locker, and sighs when he sees that the lock has been forced.
He opens it and yelps when something falls on him.
At first, he panicks. What is that? Paint? Bricks? A knife? A slushie like in Glee? But when he opens his eyes, he actually seems... okay?
He's not covered in some uncomfortable substance, and doesn't feel any pain.
Soobin looks down to his feet, to where the thing fell. And he's actually surprised to see it's just a stack of papers. He picks them up, cursing at himself for being so disorganized, when he realizes that, no, that's not of his doing. That's not even his.
He looks around, maybe someone mistook his locker for theirs, but no one seems to be coming for them.
So he looks at the papers again, checking for a name.
Chem, algebra, history... No names but— these are all his classes.
It's all in different handwritings, not his obviously, since he hasn't been able to hear the teachers. But there is no doubt, these are all the classes he's had since the week began.
As Soobin flips through, he sees a post-it note.
"Please take them and study well :)" it says.
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< 55 >

Once he gets home, Soobin goes straight to his bedroom. He's the first one back, since Hueningkai still has one class, and Seokjin is still at work.
He puts his bag on his desk and gets the stack of notes out, discarding the bag to the ground carelessly.
He begins by sorting them by subject. Then, he sorts by handwriting. He's left with four piles.
Soobin takes the post-it note next, and compares it to the other writings. He's not really good at that, in his opinion.
It's easier when he can also take into account the paper used and the way to take notes (he would compare color but three of the piles are actually copies of the original notes.
He eliminates one pile because it's clearly written by a girl, unlike the others.
Then, he eliminates a second pile because it's a dirtier handwriting, careless.
He's left with two that could be the same person. But he's hesitant. One pile (that is really only his algebra class from the day before) is the one that's an original copy.
The handwriting isn't perfect, but it looks like the person who wrote it took their time, putting as much detail as possible. But it's an original, and so is the post-it.
On the other hand, the last pile (his literature class from this morning) is a copy but the handwriting is more similar, kind of rushed – which is more usual since some teachers talk really fast – but somehow it's still written with care and detail.
Soobin sighs, taking his head in his hands.
"Is it really that big of a deal?" he thinks.
He looks up at the pictures on his wall. It's mostly him and Kai, there's a few with Seokjin too, two with Jongho, one with Jongho and Yeosang. In the middle is the most recent one.
It's a family picture. Seokjin, arms swung around his little brothers' shoulders, and sitting in front of them, hands linked and smiles kind, their parents.
Soobin looks at the pictures for a few seconds, before he feels his eyes burn with tears.
But he doesn't let the sadness wash over him, he looks away and wipes his eyes with anger.
But even when he looks away he can hear his mother's voice, telling him to always answer kindness with kindness.
He can't disappoint her, not again.
So Soobin concentrates on the post-it again. He guesses it has to be either algebra or literature, that's his best guess.
He also wonders how the person that gave him the notes knew he needed them.
Maybe... No, it can't be. That guy doesn't /care/.
He discards the idea and gets to work, studying the notes. Like his kind invisible friend said he should do. Can't disappoint him too.
< 56 >
< 57 >

On wednesday, Yeonjun is early. He usually sticks around with Beomgyu and Taehyun until the bell rings the start of class. But this time he waved at them and went straight to class.
He doesn't want to miss anything, both of the lesson so he can take the best notes possible, and of Soobin's reaction.
Yeonjun wonders if he knows that he's the one that put the stack in his locker. The kid's a smart one after all.
But when Soobin enters class, he doesn't spare Yeonjun a glance, like the times before.
Yeonjun feels relieved and sad at the same time. He didn't get discovered but nothing changed either. To Soobin, he's still that asshole.
Class starts and Yeonjun is focused. Even when he gets called by a classmate behing him, she shushes her and glances at Soobin. He's still trying to pay attention, and still trying to take notes. But Yeonjun notices that next to the boy's notebook is his own notes.
He feels his chest swell and can't keep the smile from forming on his face. He got them, and took them.
Yeonjun wonders what he thought of the post-it. Did he think it was nice? Weird? Cringey? Maybe Yeonjun shouldn't have put the smiley face.
But it was better than the initial ‘I'm sorry for being an asshole to you, here's what you've missed.’ he'd initially thought of. It would've been a dead giveaway. Actually, any kind if apology would've been a giveaway of his identity.
Yeonjun focuses back in the lesson before he misses anything important. He still steals a few glances Soobin every once in a while.
The boy looks bored, that's for sure. However he seems less tired than the previous days, which relieves Yeonjun.
[ *he shushes her, sorry for the mistakes 😭 ]
Part of Yeonjun wishes to tell Soobin that the notes he's taking now are for him. But he can't, he won't. Not before the hearing aids get there anyways.
No matter how much he wants the other boy to look at him, to smile and show his dimples.
Not that he wants that a lot.
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if anyone has questions i'll leave my cc here!! the answer will automatically be posted on @http9293 (my main) but i'll try to remember to screenshot them and post it here too!
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When Soobin opens the car door, he's smiling. He's really happy Seokjin took the time to come and pick them up during his break.
He quickly greets him from the backseat, and settles in – seatbelt! – while the car starts again.
The mysterious feom his locker is on his lap. He had been struggling to cut the tape that keeps it closed when Hueningkai had texted him.
He opens his bag and gets his pencil case to take his scissors from it when his little brother snaps his fingers in front of his face.
Soobin's eyes shoot up. He sees the kid say "Seokjin hyung asked you something."
Soobin feels dread set itself in his stomach. At home he can pretend he didn't put his hearing aids on, but just out of school? Less believable.
The boy still signs to the other.
{The car is too loud.}
Hueningkai seems to pause for an instant but he repeats to their older brother, then turns to Soobin again.
{He asked how your day went, and how you are.} his hands talk for him, his lips vaguely following with them.
Soobin smiles.
{It was okay,} he responds, {just tired.}
The message gets to Seokjin and Soobin crosses his eyes in the rearview mirror. They're concerned, like an older brother's are.
{You looked like death this morning,} Hueningkai continues to translate. {Why?}
{Stayed up studying,} Soobin lies.
It's easier to lie in sign language, because your voice doesn't waver, and your face seems to heat less for some reason.
The answer doesn't totally convince Seokjin, Soobin can feel it, but he still drops the subject.
Soobin's hands now free again focus back on opening the box. He mouth falls open.
Inside of it are three treats, all looking as delicious as the smells that get to Soobin's nose seem to suggest. Under the lid there's a post-it note again.
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Soobin can't help but smile at the note. Which catches his little brother's attention – on top of the obnoxious smell of bread that probably made him turn around.
{What's that?} he asks, eyeing the box of treats.
{Bread.} Soobin signs with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
Hueningkai rolls his eyes but he's smiling too. {Where did you get it?}
{A friend of mine gave it to me.} Soobin responds. Calling Daniel his friend makes a bubbly feeling grow in Soobin's chest. He likes it.
Hueningkai beems at that. He forgets to sign with how excited he is. Soobin reads the words "What's their name?" on his lips.
{D A N I E L,} Soobin spells out.
"Daniel?" Hueningkai repeats, incredulous. "That's a strange name for around here."
Soobin shrugs. He closes the box.
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When Yeonjun steps onto the school ground the next morning, he steps with conviction, taking big strides thanks to his long legs.
It was exactly 8:11 when he stepped out of the car. He has exactly 19 minutes to find Soobin and give him the package that sits under his arm.
As he expected, Soobin is taking his books from his locker. So Yeonjun looks around in the hallway, checking to see if there's anyone that could potentially report to Jaehyuk about what's going to happen very soon, but it's clear. Good, he thinks, it saves him time.
Soobin doesn't hear him get close – obviously – thus his panicked yelp when Yeonjun gets really close, grabs him by the forearm with one hand and closes his locker with the locker, dragging the younger behind him as he continues to walk fast.
He crosses a confused Taehyun's eyes but ignores him right before stepping inside an empty classroom.
As soon as the door closes, Soobin yanks his arm away from the other's hold and backs away from him.
Yeonjun feels a tug at his heart when he reads the fear in Soobin's eyes.
"What the fuck?" Soobin says, rather loudly. "What do you want?"
Yeonjun's mouth twists, he wants to reach out, but as soon as his hand twitches, Soobin flinches.
"Here to finish the job?" Soobin bites. His words are fierce but his eyes say otherwise.
Yeonjun lowers his head slightly, and raises his hand, more slowly this time around, reaching for the small package under his arm. It's still wrapped in the brown paper it came in, his name and address written on the white sticker.
Yeonjun looks back up and extands his arm.
Soobin looks puzzled. His body language still screams wariness and most probably hate, maybe disgust as he stutters. "W-what's this?"
Yeonjun shakes the package his way again. When Soobin looks at him, he says "It's for you. Take it."
Soobin doesn't move.
Yeonjun sighs. He takes a step forward. Soobin takes one backwards. Yeonjun raises a brow, stepping forward once again, and the other backs away again.
Yeonjun tries to shoot him a look that says ‘please just take it’ but Soobin is watching his feet.
So Yeonjun takes step after step, until Soobin's back hits the window and he can't escape anymore. Finally he looks at Yeonjun again.
"L-leave me alone!" No matter how tall and broad he is, Soobin looks small, his voice matching.
Yeonjun takes a final step forward, leaving the boys only a meter or so apart. Soobin closes his eyes shut, one hand gripping the side of a table.
It makes Yeonjun feel sick. He's the one doing this, he's the one making Soobin squirm and not in the good way. He's scaring him.
He hates it but he knows it's the only way. Soobin doesn't actually hate /him/. He hates the idea he has of him. But attempting to break that idea would also mean breaking any chance at friendship he has with the kid. He has to endure it.
The room is silent, mind for the background noise coming from outside the room. Soobin is holding his breath, almost shaking.
Yeonjun's lips tighten and he pushes the package forward. It hits Soobin's chest lightly and Soobin jumps at the contact, his hands flying up to +
intercept it.
Now that Soobin actually holds it, Yeonjun lets go of the box and takes a step backwards, giving to Soobin his safety space back.
Soobin looks at him, more confused than ever.
"Please just open it."
They don't have a lot of time. Only 12 minutes to be precise.
The taller student hesitates at first. But he seems to reason with himself. It's just a box after all.
He tears the paper and clutches it in one hand. His eyes grow wide. He looks at Yeonjun for answers.
"I owe it to you." Yeonjun says simply. "Put them on, you need them."
Soobin pauses. He looks back and forth between Yeonjun and the pack of hearing aids a few times.
Yeonjun imstarts to think he's not going to accept them, and he'll throw them at his head or something.
But Soobin bites his lower lip and starts to open the box.
Soobin's mouth opens and closes a few times as he takes everything out of the box. But every time he choses not to say the words that get stuck in his throat.
Or maybe Yeonjun is projecting, and it's really just him that doesn't know what to do, standing there like an idiot.
Soobin takes a seat at the desk closest to him. He lays on it every piece that was inside the package.
He takes the small manual and quickly reads through, probably used to the system.
He puts some pieces together, luckily the set included batteries – it better do with the price Yeonjun put into them – and Soobin turns them on. He doesn't put them in his ears just yet, though. Worried eyes meet Yeonjun's again.
"I, um..."
Yeonjun doesn't say anything but gives the other a prompting look.
Soobin lets out a small breath, proof of the nerves probably eating him up. "To set the right parameters for my...condition, I need someone to talk at different levels."
Yeonjun nods.
"Do you—"
Yeonjun nods again.
"Could you—"
Yeonjun gives a small smile, and says "Yes Soobin I'll do it."
Soobin nods, and his eyes shoot back to the hearing aids in his hands.
< 87 >

Soobin knows his hands are shaking, but he can't let it show. His voice probably already betrays him.
He's scared. There are so many ways this could go wrong, and his mind won't stop telling him about each one.
Yeonjun could have found a way to make some really convincing-looking aids and this is some kind of twisted prank; he could have given him real aids but is planning to scream when he first puts them on; and so many other ones that sound as horrifying as they sound improbable.
Soobin gives a quick look to the boy standing at his side. His eyes are on him too, expecting, waiting. But Soobin doesn't see any mischief, he doesn't think so at least. Not that he's the best at reading people, but he can try.
So Soobin takes the first piece, and puts it into his left ear.
First, average tone.
"Can you, um... say something at a normal level? Like if we were having a conversation in a calm place?"
Yeonjun nods. He doesn't really know what to say – no one ever does in this situation.
"Hi, I'm Choi Yeonjun. Nice to meet you."
Soobin adjusts the settings. It downs on him that this is the first time he's actually hearing the other talk. His voice is lower than he expected it to be, but somehow still high pitched, it has a bubbly sound to it. It's nice.
"T-thank you. Um, nice to meet you too, I-I guess?"
He can hear his own voice too now, and the wavering it has to it makes Soobin's ears heat. Damn you shyness, he thinks. He shakes his head lighty, and continues with the settings. "Loud voice next? Like in hallways or streets."
Yeonjun is hesitant again, but he quickly makes his mind up.
"I didn't know about the way Jaehyuk treated you!" he says louder, and Soobin almost forgets to set the volume.
He doesn't know what to say so he just moves on. "Louder? Like you're speaking over music or something."
Yeonjun takes a breath. "I PROMISE I'M NOT LIKE THEM!"
Soobin's lips are in a fine line, and he silently does his manipulation.
"The last one is..." He glances at Yeonjun. His face is a little red.
From the shouting, probably. Or maybe he's embarrassed and thinks people +
can hear him from the hallway. He wouldn't want people to hear this, would he. That's why he pulled him aside, after all.
Soobin continues, "The last one is the lower, actually. You, uh... You need to come closer."
He looks back at Yeonjun.
"Can I?"
Soobin nods. He ignores the way his heart jumps a little when Soobin approaches.
"Ready?" Yeonjun asks.
Soobin nods again, and Yeonjun bends forward, so his mouth is level with Soobin's ear. He closes his eyes, face too hot for his liking.
"I'm s—" Yeonjun starts but a strident sound interrupts him.
Soobin winces and flinches away, but something immobilizes his head, and makes the painful sound fades.
Soobin opens his eyes in surprise and looks up.
It's Yeonjun's hands that cover his ears, protecting them from the school bell, ringing 8:30, the start of classes.
As soon as it stops, the hands are gone. "Are you okay?" Yeonjun asks.
He sounds convincingly concerned.
"I'm... fine. A but shaken at best."
Yeonjun nods.
Yeonjun is still bent over, a hand resting on the desk in front of Soobin for support. "Do you want to finish this now or..."
Soobin's eyes are still wide, but he shakes his head. "No, let's— get to class. I can finish this on my own at home."
"But you'll only have one thingy."
Yeonjun stands straight again.
"Wh—" Soobin huffs, frowning. "One /thingy/? Better one /working/ than two broken ones don't you think?"
"That's not—"
Soobin doesn't let him finish, he stands up and collects the things on the desk. "Get to class before you earn another ticket."
"Soobin, I—"
‘Soobin he’ nothing, because Soobin is already storming out the room, his face red with anger. Or so he believes.
Luckily the next class isn't one they share. Soobin knocks on his room door and enters when he hears the teacher telling him to. Actually /hearing/ them.
Soobin's usual spot is taken, so he has to sit at the back. But it doesn't matter because he's got an hearing aid on. Just one, but the room is quiet enough for him to get everything the teacher says.
He marvels at the technology's power, and it's like he's never felt happier during a history lesson.
And, somehow, it is thanks to Yeonjun. Choi Yeonjun, whom Soobin really doesn't understand.
[ hi random but since many of you live-read, have you thought about turning on notifs? i use this account mostly for this au, and i sometimes rt a few things but really i mostly talk au... so if you wanna talk with me put my notifs on haha 🥺 ]
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Yeonjun sighs as he locks his phone after saying good night to Soobin, wishing him good luck with the school week and all that sappy shit he didn't even know he had in him.
He doesn't know what to do with himself lately.
It's only been a week, but to him it feels like he's known Soobin forever. Sure there are some things he other keeps to himself – especially about his past. But Yeonjun can't blame him, he himself can't tell Soobin too much or he'll be relieved and that's the last thing he wants.
Yeonjun feels bad to lie about his identity to Soobin, especially since he seemed to have guven the older all his trust, venting to Yeonjun about, well, Yeonjun. It's not like he knew, but Yeonjun finds it awkward to be calling himself an ass and a brat.
All that just so Soobin will keep talking to him.
Yeonjun sighs again, his hands coming to hide his face and the shame that covers it. He just can't help it when it comes to Soobin. He just wants to keep the butterflies that fly in his stomach at each notification he gets.
Yeonjun knows he's already far too deep, into his lie and into his feelings, but he doesn't want it to stop. He doesn't want Soobin to hate him.
Suddenly an idea hits him. Instead of acting like an asshole so Soobin won't suspect him like he'd tried to do on friday, he can +
try to make Soobin become friends with him in real life too. He doesn't have to tell him he's Daniel just yet, but if they become friends, or that at least Soobin doesn't hate him anymore, it'll hurt him less when he learns they're the same person, right?
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Soobin knew this would happen. He'd almost forgotten about Jaehyuk in the span of one week, one week of peace – as much peace as being seated next to Choi Yeonjun could allow him between every glance he'd catch from the other.
But somehow it had allowed Soobin to think his bullies were done with him. But now, with his ass in the grass and his back to the backwall of the gymnasium, he realizes they were just getting ready for something bigger.
Soobin curls up on himself, his arms up to protect his face. He'd call for help but from here no one would hear him, and his phone has been discarded somewhere far from his reach.
"You look even more miserable every time I see you," Jaehyuk spits.
Soobin wants to curse at him but he curses himself. He should've known it wasn't Daniel's writing on the note, but he saw a place and time, accompanied by the words "let's meet" and bolted. Even if Daniel had /told/ him he needed more time, Soobin's delusions still led him there.
"You really thought we were done just because we got interrupted last time?" The boy above him chuckles wryly.
Soobin lifts his head a little but just sends him a dark look. Which earns him another hit in the ribs.
Soobin winces and falls on his side.
Soobin is tall, and fast, but he has neither the nerves nor an opening to stand and run.
"Leave me alone," he says, but his voice is small, wavering.
Jaehyuk snorts, and puts his hands on his hips.
"What, now? No, no we're not gonna do that. What we're gonna do is give you a lesson, and a message." Jaehyuk kneels next to Soobin, making him flinch. "You can do that, can't you?"
Soobin doesn't answer, he knows that if he opens his mouth, he won't be able to stop his tears.
And either way, it's not like he has a choice. It's not a real question, he just does as he's told, and shuts his mouth.
Jaehyuk tilts his head to the side. "Let's cut a deal, alright? You take the hits without a sound, then you deliver my message, +
"and I won't make your little brother's life hell."
Soobin's head shoots up at the mention of his brother. "You—" he starts, but Jaehyuk grabs his face with one hand.
"Tsk tsk– I said without a sound. Or do you want little junior Kim Hueningkai's face to change color? Blue? Red?"
Soobin closes his mouth, swallowing down a cry. He can't let them do that. He can't let them get to Hueningkai, can't let him be hurt because of him too. He can take anything if it means his brother is alright.
"Deal?" Jaehyuk quips, hand still gripping Soobin's cheeks.
Jaehyuk smiles at that. It's not a beautiful smile, it's ugly and twisted like everything inside him, but it's nothing Soobin can't endure.
/Pain is only physical,/ he tells himself.
So he stays curled up and takes the first hit. Not a sound escapes his lips.
The three boys (or is it four? Soobin can't tell with his eyes closed) mostly hit with their feet, that's what's easier since Soobin is on the ground, but at one point one of them takes him by the collar and gets him up, pushing him back against the wall, and uses his fists.
It hurts, it hurts like a bitch, but Soobin blocks everything out. He keeps his mouth and eyes closed, and tries his best to ignore the wetness on his face. At this point he doesn't want to know if it's just tears or if blood has meddled with them.
"Time out!" Jaehyuk calls.
"I need him to be able to get my message through."
Soobin falls on his knees when he's let go of. He doesn't open his eyes.
"Good." Jaehyuk says, and by the way his voice moves, Soobin guesses he's kneeling in from of him again. "Now, next time you see Choi Yeonjun..."
Soobin feels his blood boil. Why does everything has to have something to do with /Choi Yeonjun/ nowadays.
"You tell Choi Yeonjun that if he doesn't want to be blamed for this, he can give up his spot as team captain, alright?"
Soobin wants to scream, he wants to cry and to laugh and just wants to let everything out. Why does /he/ have to do that, he wants /nothing/ to do with that Choi yeonjun everyone seems so obsessed with in this hellhole of a school. But he shuts his lips, thinks of his brother.
< 106 >

Unlike what Soobin had expected, the coice he hears next isn't Jaehyuk continuing his movie villain monologue. It's another voice Soobin thinks he remembers, vaguely.
"If you want to tell him that," the voice says, "you can just tell him yourself, you fucking coward."
Soobin hears shuffling, Jaehyuk standing up, and his subordinates whispering something like "this wasn't planned".
Soobin is curious, but he can't open his eyes. Now, with a clearer mind, he can definitely tell that it's blood that's dripping into his eye.
Everything hurts so Soobin doesn't move, he just listens.
Jaehyuk is the one talking next. "Well well well, do you volunteer to tell him then?"
"Please be assured he /knows/." the other barks, anger clear in his tone.
Soobin has no idea who this is, but somehow he knows +
they're – well, he's – on his side.
Jaehyuk lets out one of his stupid little laughs he does when he's about to say something he thinks is smart.
But he's cut of by the sound of a hit.
Soobin startles, but realizes it doesn't hurt – well, it doesn't hurt /more/.
Soobin didn't get hit. By the whine that follows the hit, he guesses Jaehyuk is the one that got hit.
A few more similar sounds follow, and to Soobin it's just very confusing. He's used to not hearing, not to hearing and not seeing anything. He stays silent, attentive.
It doesn't last very long – not as long as he'd been on the receiving end in his opinion, but he recognizes he may be biased on the matter – and amongst the curses, words stand out.
"You'll regret it." Jaehyuk says.
"We'll fucking see about that." the stranger almost growls.
Then it ends. People are running away, then nothing. Just the wind in Soobin's ears, and someone breathing loudly. They don't move for a moment, then seem to get closer.
Like a reflex, Soobin backs away, but the person speaks up and Soobin recognizes the stranger's voice.
"It's okay Soobin," he says. "I'm not going to hurt you. Jaehyuk and the others left, you- you're safe, I promise."
"D-do I know you?"
"I- I'm..."
"Daniel?" Soobin tries.
"It's you right?"
The other pauses, but he answers. "Yeah. Yeah it's me."
Soobin stays put for a second, then he slumps and lets himself breathe. And cry. Now that he lets them, the sobs come out of his mouth loudly, making his shoulders shake. It sends waves of pain in his ribs but he can't stop. He just cries and cries until he can't anymore.
While he cries, he feels a hand taking his, and it calms him a little. Because it's Daniel's hand, because Daniel is his friend and he saved him. Daniel /saved him/.
"I'm s-sorry." he breathes out when the cries die down.
"No, no don't be." Daniel pleads.
"I am-m!" Soobin says, but he holds Daniel's hand tighter. "Because of m-me you got hurt-t!"
"I'm fine, Soobin, however you- you need to go to the nurse's office." Daniel says, his voice calming and caring.
"No!" Soobin says.
"What? Why not? Soobin please you're really hurt!"
"I can't, they— they'll call my brother, I can't let him know this happened!"
"Then I'm taking you to the hospital."
"No. No Soobin you shut up and you let me take you there."
Soobin closes his mouth, not letting his protest come out.
Daniel seems to take the silence as an agreement. So he gives Soobin's hand a small squeeze and continues in a gentle tone.
"I'm going to carry you there, it's really close to here. I'm going to carry you on my back and you're going to try your best not to move or open your eyes"
Soobin presses his lips together and nods.
He gets on his feet, and let's the other take him on his back. He's lifted and they start walking instantly. Daniel doesn't let any indication of a struggle out.
"Thank you," Soobin whispers in his ear as his head rests on his shoulder.
< 107 >

By the time they reach the hospital, Soobin has fallen asleep on Yeonjun's shoulder, and the nurses take them in without too many questions. Yeonjun tells them they got jumped on the street and that he's fine but that Soobin needs urgent care.
He only has a few bruises so once given an ice pack Yeonjun plops down in the waiting room and does what one does in a waiting room: he waits. Waits with a bouncy knee, chewing at his lower lip and eyes constantly drifting towards the door where a passed out Soobin disappeared.
He doesn't really wait for long, and around twenty minutes after he'd came in, a nurse comes his way and smiles at him. Yeonjun stands up quickly and listens to what she tells him.
Give or take a few medical terms: Soobin is fine. He has a broken rib but the break is clean so it'll heal just fine, the rest of it is just bruises.
"But– His face was bleeding." Yeonjun stutters out.
"It's just the eyebrow, bleeds a lot but heals in no time."
Yeonjun breathes.
"You can go see him if you want." The nurse smiles. "But please be warned that we called the police, since I was told you'd been attacked. Also we're going to need your friend to fill in the papers, for administrative reasons. You too."
Yeonjun's guts turn in his stomach.
They need names. But if they get them, neither Yeonjun not Soobin will see the end of it.
Soobin because he doesn't want anyone knowing, Yeonjun because his name next to "aggression" would cause his mother too much trouble and she'd never forgive it.
Yeonjun nods, bows, and the nurse leaves. He's left alone with a decision to make. He can go in that room, where an awake Soobin waits for him, unknowing of the trouble that could await him. He can leave the hospital, and keep his name a secret from both the police and Soobin.
Or... Or he can do something crazy that could put every parameter of his life at risk if he fails. But somehow, that seems to be the best solution in his mind.
So Yeonjun walks up to Soobin's door, and knocks lightly.
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No one answers, so Yeonjun knocks again, a little bit harder. That seems to do the trick and Yeonjun hears Soobin's small voice calling "Yes?"
Yeonjun opens the door enough for the sound to go through without having to show Soobin his face.
"It's– Daniel."
Yeonjun hears a sigh of relief, and it makes something inside him flutter.
"Come in, Daniel."
Yeonjun bites his lower lip, hesitant. He can always back out now. He can close the door and run, never come back. But his feet stay in their spot, grounded.
"Soobin I know I've asked a lot of you already, but—"
He pauses, anxiousness biting at his neck.
But Yeonjun hears a light chuckle, followed by a voice so soft it makes the boy giddy, a voice that says "Anything for you."
Yeonjun smiles at that, and takes in a breath.
"Can you close your eyes once again? Just once. And trust me."
There's a pregnant pause, and Yeonjun fears that he''s gone too far. After all Soobin has been given no reason whatsoever to trust him, he even on the contrary has every reason not to: he's never seen his face, +
doesn't know his real name, probably hates him without even knowing it, and more Yeonjun doesn't really want to think about.
/That's it,/ he thinks, /I fucked up./
But Soobin cuts his thought. "Okay, they're closed. I'm waiting."
Yeonjun hums and pushes the door open. Now he can see Soobin.
The boy is half sitting on the hospital bed, wearing his own clothes, a simple pair of jeans and a stripped short-sleaved t-shirt. The shirt has a couple spots of blood on it.
Soobin's face, like his arms and probably more extents of his skin Yeonjun cant see, has a couple bruises on it. His once open brow has been covered with a big band aid. Yeonjun notices that his lip is cut again, in the same spot it had been a week prior. His heart aches at that.
"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to tell me what you're planning?" Soobin chuckles, tearing Yeonjun out of his contemplation. His eyes are still closed, and there's a playful smile tugging at his lips.
"Oh, right, um." Yeonjun scratches the back of his head.
"Basically I told the nurses that we got jumped on the street so they called the police but I'm guessing that you have no intention in talking to them, like I do."
Soobin tenses a little at that, but he nods in agreement.
"So I was thinking that maybe we could just... leave."
"Leave??" Soobin's voice goes up, and Yeonjun almost thinks he's going to open his eyes, but Soobin is careful, he even placed a hand in front of them, just in case.
"Yeah, that's kind of stupid, I know, but... We can just, walk out without anyone seeing us."
"Daniel how am I supposed to do that if I can't open my eyes?"
"Uh, I—"
Soobin snorts. "Is this why you said 'trust me'? You're going to guide me out?"
Yeonjun hasn't thought the plan out that far, he reckons. He starts stuttering, but nothing comes up.
"I mean I could go first, and you go after, or somthing, I- I—"
Soobin laughs again – a sound Yeonjun doesn't think he can ever get tired of, it rings happily at his ears and makes him swoon – it makes Yeonjun quiet down.
"It's okay," Soobin says. "I trust you."
< 109 >

Soobin feels like he's been running for hours when Daniel suddenly stops in front of him, and their bodies collapse. They almost fall to the ground, but Daniel catches him by the arms before that could happen. They take a moment to catch their breaths.
When Soobin's lungs start to cooperate again, he has to remind himself to keep his eyes closed not to check to see if Daniel is alright. Instead, he asks.
"You good?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, you?"
Soobin chuckles. "For someone that ran with his eyes closed I'm glad to still be in one piece!"
Daniel laughs along with him. It's nice to hear, Soobin thinks. It's light and it feels oddly familiar.
"I'm sorry," the older boy replies, "I didn't know the nurse would start chasing after us..."
Soobin smiles, and even if he can't see it, he's sure he's smiling too. However he does feel a light squeeze around his arm where Daniel is still holding him.
Soobin doesn't mind the cold wind that rose while the sun went down, because something feels warm inside of him. He feels warm all over, and it's so comfortable.
Chasing after the feeling, he slides him arm up in Daniel's loose hold, to catch the other's hand.
Soobin sighs with relief when Daniel links their fingers. They stay like this for a moment, just holding hands. Soobin wonders what kind of expression Daniel's face holds. He really wants to know, but he promised not to look. /Just a week, he said. In a week I'll know./
Time seems to stop, as Soobin just stands there – he doesn't even know /where/ – and listens. He listens to the wind, to the distant roaring of cars, to his heart beating in his chest and resonating in his ears.
There's a want.
There's a want in his mind and he doesn't know if he can hold it back – or if he evens wants to.
"Daniel?" he quips up quietly, and another squeeze prompts him to continue. "Can you... Would you..."
"Anything for you," Daniel mimics his words and Soobin's heart swells.
"Kiss me?"
Soobin's voice is but a whisper, it's worded like a question. He's not asking for feelings, he doesn't even feel like he's confessing. It's just /there/. A simple request. Simple and innocent.
Silence follows suite, but it's not heavy. It dances in the wind.
"Kiss me better?" Soobin adds, a little louder, suddenly wondering if Daniel even heard him. "Pretty please?"
"Anything," he hears back, no louder than his own voice.
He feels the other come closer, his body heat soaking through Soobin's light clothing.
Daniel's free hand comes up to his neck, thumb pressing just next to his ear, so close Soobin hears the sound of it caressing his skin softly. Daniel stands on his tip toes, and Soobin feels their chests flush before lips press against his cheek.
It's soft, the contact made on his cheekbone, above where his left dimple appears when he smiles. Soobin knows he has a bruise there, but the touch is so light is doesn't even hurt.
Daniel pulls back, but only a little, and Soobin takes a small breath.
He's afraid that if he breathes too loud he'll break the moment, or that it'll fly away like a feather.
Daniel kisses him again, just at the right corner of his jaw, another bruising spot. It's the same, but it also feels so different, and another wave of warmth floods Soobin.
Daniel pulls back once again, and his hand slides from Soobin's neck to his shoulder. He uses it to lift himself up, allowing him to kiss Soobin's eyebrow. He kisses on the bandaid, but even if he doesn't feel him directly, it's all the same, soft and comforting.
Daniel pulls back. /This is it,/ Soobin thinks.
That's it but that's all but small. It makes Soobin feel so much lighter, and he's pretty sure that if he wasn't still holding onto Daniel's hand, he'd be floating away in the clouds. No amount of pain would weight him down.
"Thank you," Soobin breathes out, his words probably fanning against Daniel's face.
But the shorter boy doesn't step away.
"I'm not done," he says, "there's one more, I've been owing it to you for a while, actually."
Soobin doesn't understand, but he doesn't say anything.
Daniel's hand slides back up, securing itself at the back of Soobin's neck, fingers digging into his hair.
Daniel approaches again, slower than the other times. Excruciatingly slowly, almost hesitant.
Then his lips meet Soobin's.
They don't land right in the middle. The kiss is off-center, concentrated on Soobin's lower lip, just where... Where his lip is cut. Soobin had forgotten about it. But when Daniel is /there/, /kissing/ it, Soobin forgets about everything else.
Soobin's left arm that had until now been idle twitches. He wants to reach up, after all Daniel's waist should be just there, at hand's reach.
But they part away before that happens. Daniel steps back and only are left their intertwined hands.
Soobin aches to open his eyes. But he can't, he promised. He promised to wait for Daniel, because this is not his decision.
"Thank you," Soobin says softly, "for everything."
Daniel hums, and gives their fingers a squeeze, which Soobin knows to mean he has to let go.
Their hands detach themselves from one another of a common agreement.
"We're right behind the park next to our high school." Daniel says when it seems that the air has finally started moving again. "Count to thirty slowly then open your eyes, I called a taxi."
Soobin nods, silent, his lips still slightly parted.
They don't add anything, and Soobin starts counting in his head.
One, two, three... Ten, thirteen, fifteen.... Twenty and Soobin can't keep his eyes closed anymore.
They open and he catches a flash of red disappearing inside a school building. Soobin wants to chase after it so badly, it pulls at his heart, but his legs stay put. He wants to call out, but his throat tightens suddenly, and nothing comes out.
Suddenly it's like Soobin can't hold it in anymore, he lets the tears roll down his cheeks and fall in the grass. His whole chest quakes with the sobs have leave his mouth. Soobin wasn't usually a loud crier, but right there and then, all he can do is cry and cry until +
he chokes on his own tears, mixed feelings shaking him at his core.
Soobin cries until the sun has completely set, and he's left in the park under a dark blue sky, under stars that seem to cry with him. Or maybe that's just the tears blurring his vision.
< 110 >

Only when the taxi drives away with Soobin inside does Yeonjun allow himself to drop on the floor. His cheeks are wet but he stubbornly ignores them.
"Fuck," he says quietly, then repeats it louder. "FUCK! You're so stupid, Choi Yeonjun!"
He pulls his legs close to his chest, and lets his head fall on his knees.
"Fuck," he says again, voice cracking.
No matter how far he was, Yeonjun saw Soobin cry. And it fucking hurt. The worst part is that he has no idea why.
The image of Soobin standing in front of him, eyes close and expression so calm contrasting with what he'd asked of him. Yeonjun had taken in a sharp breath. But he obliged, how could he not. But he fucked up. The last one was too much.
It exposes him, he's sure of it. He shouldn't have, but at the same time it felt just so /right/ to him. Soobin's plush lip under his, the warmth coming out of his ajar mouth. The way he unconsciously dipped his head lower, almost trying to correct their position.
Yeonjun stays balled up for a moment, but then he remembers that Soobin's things are still in the grass behind the gymnasium. Yeonjun gets up, sniffling loudly and rubbing his face with his hoodie's sleeve. He gets his phone out and calls his mom, starting to walk.
When he gets to the spot and sees Soobin's things, a violent reaction almost makes him want to puke – or punch the wall. There's blood on the glass, and even if he knows morning dew will clean it and it'll look like nothing happened, he knows the sight of Soobin on the ground +
will forever be engraved in his memory, as will the sudden fear and anger he'd felt when he saw it.
But Yeonjun does as he always does: he bottles it up. He ignores his previous pulsion and picks up Soobin's bag. He looks for the phone and finds it a few steps further.
He doesn't mean to look, but the phone screen lights up by itself, and Yeonjun's heart twists at the sight of it. Missed calls, texts, and Yeonjun even recognizes dms from Soobin's friend, Jongho. There's nothing he can do about it, so he locks it, pockets it. He walks away.
< 111 >
< 112 >

Yeonjun doesn't allow himself to be jealous when he checks his own phone, and soon he doesn't allow himself to show anything once his mother pulls up with her spotless white car in the school parking lot. He climbs in and greets her politely, greeting that she returns.
After a couple minutes, Yeonjun's mother finally speaks up.
"What happened to your face?" she asks. Her voice is unwavering, and she doesn't look away from the road even for one second.
"Oh nothing I fell in a hole" Yeonjun snarks. "It got hit, what do you think!"
"I can see that," she responds, ignoring his tone. "Was a stupid teenager fight worth missing dinner with me?"
Yeonjun can't believe what he hears, and gives his mother an incredulous look. "Are you fucking serious? Is that the only thing that troubles you? Dinner?"
Yeonjun hits his head on his seat's head support. "Your son got beat up and the only concern you have is that he wasn't there for dinner and the way he talks? Do you even care?"
"Of course I care!" Her voice breaks.
"I don't have a lot of time to spend with my son, my only family, and I'm concerned that he prefers to spend this precious time with delinquents!"
Yeonjun scoffs. "Oh really? And why is that you think? Why do think there's so little of that time? Am I to blame for this too?"
"I work a lot, and you know it." Her eyes are fixed on the road, but Yeonjun's are fixed on her, on her mouth pressed tight, and her face not as controlled as it usually is.
Yeonjun had once given up on this debate, but something about this night makes him feel vulnerable.
"I know."
"I work a lot because I'm the only one taking care of you, and all you find to do to thank me is /this/."
"There's a difference between working to 'take care' of me, and working every single day of the week just so you won't have to look at me."
"Don't say that."
"I'll say what I want!" Yeonjun breaks. "I'll say what I want and for once you'll fucking /listen/ to me. I know my dad left you because you were too young, and I /know/ I look like him. But I also know that you're being just as selfish as him by avoiding +
me like this. I'm your /son/ for fuck's sake! Yet I feel like the driver knows me better than you do! All I ask of you is to be my mother, not be some high grade commercial of whatever it is you do!"
When Yeonjun is done he feels out of breath.
His mother's jaw is clenched.
Yeonjun wants her to finally give in. He wants her to break like him, to scream and say all she burried in her heart, but it seems like he didn't succeed in doing that.
"You're too young to understand." She says as she pulls up at their house. "One day you'll thank me."
She parks and gets out of the car, leaving a speechless Yeonjun. He gets out too, and resigns himself to follow her inside, and heads to his bedroom without a second glance.
< 113 >
< 114 >
< 115 >
< 116 >
< 117 >

The plan was simple in Hueningkai's mind. He'd go eat with Soobin – even if that meant skipping one class – and stay with him until the cops arrived.
He realizes it was maybe too simple when he sees his brother's expression drop before he can even get to him.
< 118 >

It was an automatic response for Soobin. If he saw police officers, he'd bolt the other way, an uneasiness creeping up on him and trying his best to drown memories attempting to resurface against his will.
It was still too fresh, too recent in his mind.
So when he catches a glimpse of the blue uniforms, his face turns livid and he turns on his heels, walking as fast as he can. He hadn't accounted on the presence of Hueningkai, that he sees running towards him, calling his name.
Soobin wants to walk faster but he knows he can't outrun the boy, who's grown so much in the past year he's almost the same height as him.
"Soobin hyung!" He calls out, "Hyung please just talk to them!"
Soobin shakes his head, but Hueningkai grabs his arm, stopping him.
Soobin looks at him, eyes pleading. "Hyuka, I– I can't, you know I—"
"You can, hyung! You can if you just /try/, and I promise I'll be with you!"
Soobin shakes his head again, but Hueningkai doesn't let go of him.
"You can't just let them walk away, hyung."
"I can and I will!" Soobin shouts, tearing his arm away from Hueningkai. Guilt grows on the oldest when he sees his brother's pained face.
"Hyung, I'm begging you... I don't want to force you but I can't keep watching this happening and do nothing! Do it, hyung, for me?"
/I am doing this for you,/ he thinks.
Soobin presses his lips. He can see the tears pooling in Hueningkai's eyes, and behind the boy he can see the school's students chatting excitedly about the presence of the force.
The officers themselves are talking to two boys. Soobin recognizes one to be that new friend his brother made, Taehyun. He guesses the blond one next to him to be Beomgyu. The two of them turn around and Taehyun points at Soobin.
Hueningkai grabs Soobin's arm again, and even if he doesn't say a word, Soobin can read his pleads in his eyes.
It takes a moment for Soobin to decide whether to walk away again, or to actually cooperate. The first option puts Hueningkai to safety if Jaehyuk keeps his word.
But the latter could solve this problem, right? That's what everyone seems to think. But Soobin has doubts. Either they'll let Jaehyuk with a warning, or they'll go through some sort of trial and Seokjin hyung will lose time. And money. Because of Soobin. He doesn't want that.
He can't allow that. But at the same time, when he looks at Hueningkai, he knows he has to choose the latter, no matter how hard it is.
He nods, and Hueningkai seems relieved. The police officers had already started walking towards the brothers and they're close now.
"Choi Soobin?" one asks.
Soobin nods.
"Can you follow us to the principal's office please? I believe you have a few things you need to tell us about."
Soobin gulps, but he follows them, heart heavy and head down to avoid the other students' curious looks.
When the door closes behind Soobin, he still hasn't let go of his brother's hand. The officer that had talked to him – Jung Hoseok, his tag reads – gestures to the chairs and the brothers sit down. The other officer who had until now been silent sits in the principal's chair.
He's not like other police officers Soobin has seen. He's not all buff and mean faced – nor is his partner, but he's even /less/ like that than him. He's probably shorter than Soobin himself and wears a kind smile, that untangle Soobin's nerves a little.
"My name is Officer Park," he says, "now, Soobin... Oh, can I call you Soobin?"
Soobin nods.
"Thank you. Do you know why my partner and I are here, Soobin?"
Soobin nods again, and Officer Park smiles.
"So as you know, it is a student of this school that called out to us."
(cont.) "I won't say their name even if I suspect you know who it is. Anyway, he called us and said that you, Choi Soobin, senior year student, got these bruises I can see right now because of other students of this school. Is that correct?"
Soobin dips his head, hiding his face.
Officer Park's voice is gentle, but still holds a certain authority when he speaks. "If you tell me it's incorrect, my partner and I will have to leave. But I want you to know that if you say it /is/ correct, I assure you we will do everything in our power to help you. Okay?"
Soobin nods.
"Take your time, if you need it."
Soobin bites his lip, and his eyes meet Hueningkai's for an instant. They're still a little pleading, but he can also see encouragements. Soobin wonders what he did in his previous life to have deserved such a kind soul as brother.
Soobin takes a breath and raises his head, meeting the police officer's eyes.
"Y-yes, it's correct." Soobin stutters. It's quiet but the room is quieter.
Hueningkai gives his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Thank you for your confirmation."
(cont.) "Now I will proceed with a few questions, please answer with the most honesty and details as you possibly can, alright?"
Soobin nods for the nth time and braces himself for what's next. He hates everything that's happening, and he can't shake the discomfort, but he tries.
< 119 >

"Can you tell me what exactly happened this monday? Start where things seemed abnormal for you."
"I-I'd finished class and went to get my books and stuff in my locker and um— Well last week I had troubles taking notes so someone, h-his name is Daniel, +
he's a bit.. shy? I guess? He, um, last week he collected my classes' notes and every day he would put them in my locker with a little note or something and um..."
Soobin feels his face heating up, because he thinks what he's saying sounds stupid.
He keeps glancing between Hueningkai, their linked hands, and the officer, but no one seems to judge him. Hueningkai gives him reassuring looks, and the officer scribbles in a small notebook, nodding along to show he's listening.
"We actually started texting too but yeah, +
sometimes he'd put a post it for me. So monday after class I opened my locker and there was a post it note."
"Can you tell me what it said? Or do you have it with you?"
Soobin shakes his head. "No, I... I lost it."
(cont.) "But it said something like 'meet me behind the gymnasium at 6' and it was signed Daniel... I-I didn't really realize it at the time because I was, um, I was really excited he'd want to meet when he'd seemed so shy, but it wasn't actually his handwriting."
"How do you know?" The cop asks.
"I know because once I got there, it wasn't Daniel that was waiting for me. It was, um, three other guys from my year."
"Can you give me names, Soobin?"
"I- I only know Jaehyuk's, uh i-it's Lee Jaehyuk, he's a senior too. The other I don't—"
"It's okay, do you think you'd be able to point them out if they were in front of you?"
"Y-yes, definitely."
"Good. Please continue."
So Soobin does, he unrolls the whole story. It's still fresh in his mind and it hurts to say it.
At some point his voice got smaller and his eyes started to fill with tears. But he pulls through.
He tells them about how Daniel had interrupted them, and taken him to the hospital. He keeps quiet the fact that he'd kept his eyes closed.
He does tell them about how they'd ran away from the hospital, and the officer says he's heard about that. He has a small smile, trying to lighten up the mood without mocking or blaming Soobin. Soobin doesn't tell them about the kisses.
When Soobin is done, the only thing he wants is for this to end.
"Soobin, this isn't the first time these students bothered you, correct?"
Soobin presses his lips together, but at this point he has no reason not to tell them. "No, it's not."
"Tell me about other instances?"
"It, um- it started a week or two after the start of school, they noticed I-I have hearing aids and made fun of me. At first it was just words, you know. Nothing I couldn't handle. I'd just ignore them but it actually made them laugh? Because I 'couldn't hear them' or whatever."
(cont.) "But I told them to shut up once and Jaehyuk didn't like that. He started pushing me in the hallways, bothering me every chance he got and- and- one day, it was, um? The Monday before this one? He was mad I-I made his team lose during PE and he- +
he corned me in the bathroom with two others, and they- he slapped me. I fell against a sink."
"Did you get any injuries from it?"
"Not really just-" he gestures to his lip. "My lip broke that day actually, it opened last time again but yeah."
Officer Park nods.
"That time too they got interrupted. But by, um- this guy named Choi Yeonjun? At the time I thought he- I thought he was with them at the time but- I think he was trying to help me and that's why Jaehyuk wanted me to give him that message I told you about."
(cont.) "But I couldn't hear him because he-"
Soobin starts tearing up again. He realizes that maybe he was wrong about Yeonjun, just maybe. He's still confused.
"Jaehyuk had taken my hearing aids out and put them in the toilet so I didn't- I didn't know..."
"It's alright, I'm sure he understands, hyung. I know he does." Hueningkai says.
Soobin nods, sniffling.
"Soobin, how many of these hearing aids pairs have been damaged because of these students' actions?" Officer Park continues.
"Um- Two? No, um, three. The first pair was still usable but we used the guarantee to change it. We couldn't do that with the next ones, though."
Officer Park nods, writing down what Soobin says, then he looks up.
"Now Soobin there is something I need to know..."
Soobin frowns. He's told them everything, he thinks.
"Why didn't tell your parents that this was happening? I'm sure they had noticed all these devices didn't malfunction. Why didn't you tell them about- Soobin? Is everything alright?"
Soobin's face has drained of all color.
Everything around Soobin starts spinning, and he can faintly hear Hueningkai's voice next to him saying "Our parents are–" before he cuts everything out of his head and stands up.
"I'm sorry I need to go." He says in a wavering voice before he's out the door, and runs.
The other people in the room are too stunned to think about following him, and Soobin is far gone before anyone can come after him.
Soobin heads towards the park almost by instinct, his mind too fast and too wild for him to actually be able to /think/ about where he's going.
Behind the small hill, Soobin tumbles, falling to his knees. He can't breathe, he can't think, he's pretty sure his vision is blurring, fading, darkness invades it and replaces the grass. He does spot a tree to go and curl up against.
He knew this would happen.
In the back of his head, he knew. It started when he saw the police, the memories started acting up again, throwing themselves at the walls he'd been continuously building in the span of the last year.
But they were too weak, like him. Too weak to hold up at even the simple mention of /them/.
Soobin's breathing is short, and some unknown ache takes up all his body. He's been through this before, it's just another anxiety attack, he can do this. Except he can't.
He's too tired, too broken down already, it's just too much. He can't take more, doesn't want to. Not alone.
But he can't put his brothers through this. They have their own pains, their own grief and their own demons to deal with. Jongho is too far away. There's only... Daniel.
< 120 >
< 121 >

Yeonjun has never ran faster in his life. He was in class, but as soon as he got the texts he got up and left, leaving the whole class confused behind him. He ran through the hallways, colliding with a few people on his way, ran past his friends, past police officers.
He ran until he could see Soobin under a tree, and ran until he was right in front of the boy.
"Soobin?" he asks, kneeling.
"I- I can't see anything," the other wheezes between two breaths, "Daniel I can't see, I–"
"Soobin it's alright, I'm here, breathe, just breathe."
"I can't—"
Soobin is in panic, his whole body shaking with it. He reaches out blindly and Yeonjun takes it as a sign Soobin needs him to show he's here even if he can't really see him. He takes the younger boy in his arms, making Soobin lean his back against his chest.
Yeonjun wraps his arms loosely around Soobin's shoulders, resting his cheek on the side of his head so his mouth is right next to Soobin's ear. He pets his head lightly, carding his fingers through the dark locks.
"It's alright, you're alright, breathe."
Soobin holds onto Yeonjun's arm like an anchor, his cheeks strained with tears.
"Breathe with me, yeah?" Yeonjun continues, his words almost a whisper now. "In through your nose and out through your mouth, just like me, okay? Focus on me Soobin."
He breathes in, breathes out.
His breathe fans against Soobin's ear lightly, and he starts again. Inhale, exhale, Soobin is actually trying to follow. His breaths are still short, and they shake when they come out, but he tries and that's all that matters.
Yeonjun keeps going, whispering encouragements.
They breathe, they just breathe together for a few minutes. Soobin stops crying after three minutes, and stops panicking after five. Yeonjun can see five silhouettes on top of the hill, but the one Yeonjun thinks to be Hueningkai stops them from coming closer.
Yeonjun mentally thanks him. He gives them time. He gives Yeonjun his trust, and that's all Yeonjun could ask for right now. Time and trust.
Soobin seems calmer. He's still shaking a little, but he breathes normally for now.
He stirs a bit, turning in Yeonjun's hold. Yeonjun's heart clenches. Soobin turns so he's facing Yeonjun, his eyes still closed in concentration but he rests his forehead on Yeonjun's shoulder. He grabs one of the older's hands as the other naturally comes to rest on his thigh.
"Soobin, I–" he starts, quietly, but Soobin shakes his head, making him shut his mouth again.
So Yeonjun swallows his words back and waits. He ends up resting his head on Soobin's, his thumb caressing the top of Soobin's thigh in soothing circles.
He could stay like this forever.
After a while, Soobin is the one to speak up as Yeonjun doesn't dare do so.
"Do you still want to wait for Friday?" he asks. He sounds so innocent, his voice still a little broken from the sobs he let out.
"No, I don't." Yeonjun responds, voice hushed. "I just... I'm scared."
< 122 >

"What of?" Soobin asks.
He genuinely doesn't know why Daniel doesn't want him to see his face. At first he thought he was shy, but getting to know him he'd realized he wasn't. Then maybe he was ugly? But he seemed to strongly deny that fact. It's confusing.
"I'm scared that if you open your eyes, you won't like what you see. I'm scared you'll be angry and walk away. I—"
"I won't."
"You don't know that."
Soobin grabs a fist full of Daniel's hoodie where his hand had been resting on the other's chest.
"I won't! I promise. I promise not to get angry, and I promise not to leave you."
Daniel goes quiet. Soobin doesn't know if it's with annoyance at Soobin's insistence, or if he's still thinking it over. It's with fondness though and Daniel lets out a mix of a chuckle and a sigh.
For the first time in Daniel's presence, Soobin opens his eyes. He recognizes the red hoodie the other had been wearing the other day too. The one he'd caugh a glimpse of from far away. It smells good, Soobin thinks, his head still down.
It smells like a warm bed and fresh mint, like new books and like dried flowers. It makes no sense but yet it makes perfect sense. Soobin's heart starts beating faster again. But not with panic, it beats with anticipation. He lifts his head off Daniel's shoulder, and sits up.
Soobin looks up and his eyes settle on Daniel's. They're nice eyes, he thinks. They're thin and charming, full of malice and right now full of a lot of other feelings too.
Daniel has a nice face overall, Soobin thinks. It holds something familiar through Soobin's fuzzy brain.
It takes a moment to hit him. It's familiar because Soobin actually /knows/ this face. This face had been next to him in classes, staring down at him in a bathroom, turning to him every so often, confused when he'd stayed back in class.
He knows this face and thought he hated this face. Because this face is Choi Yeonjun's face. He should have told this face to give up it's spot as team captain, he had sent dark looks at this face. But now, it's also Daniel's face. A face that had taken notes for him.
A face that had laughed at his jokes until one in the morning, a face that gave him bread, a face that saw him getting attacked and had ran to his rescue. A face that got him out of the hospital. A face that he had accepted not to see. A face he'd asked to kiss him.
Soobin realizes he's been silent for a long time when he sees, actually /sees/ Daniel blush a little.
"I'm sorry, I– I should've told you, but—"
God, this is a face Soobin still desperately wants to kiss.
"No," Soobin whispers. "No, I'm sorry."
He doesn't let him finish. Soobin launches forward, pulling the other by the grip he has on his hoodie. He kisses him. This time for real, and their lips slot right in the middle, not off-center. Soobin kisses Daniel with feelings he didn't know he had.
It feels like the firework in the pit of Soobin's stomach burns for a long time, but he knows as he pulls back that it didn't actually last very long.
In front of him, Daniel – or should he say, Yeonjun – is stunned. His eyes are blown wide and his mouth hangs a little.
His cheeks have taken a deep shade of red, and so have his ears.
"I'm sorry," Soobin repeats again. "I'm sorry I assumed and I'm sorry I made it difficult for you. I-I'm sorry for bringing you trouble."
Yeonjun's mouth closes and opens a few times.
"A-and for kissing you." Soobin's voice dies with last words, his skin burning.
"No.. No you don't get to be sorry," Yeonjun says, almost laughing. "Don't be sorry. Especially not for kissing me."
Soobin's eyes get rounder.
"Don't be sorry and do it again."
< 123 >
< 124 >
[ *that's how my Wednesday WENT — sorry i tend to forget words 😭 ]
< 125 >
< 126 >
< 127 >
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