Before you choose to launch with a closed beta, here are some considerations:
• Waitlists only work if there's scarcity and demand
• Demand = product innovation & reputation
• If the learning curve is low: self-serve > onboarding
Works well if you have a strong network 👍
Limits learning & development if you don't ❌
Without a detailed pipeline, it's impossible to spot bias in the model or identify new opportunities.
Job title
Company size
Team size
Tech stack: integrations & core tools
Willingness to pay
To successfully build a waitlist requires:
• Deep understanding of users: known problem!
• Positioning that resonates: we have the solution!
• Scarcity: limited access + proof of quality customers
In a world of "too many tools," an obvious product innovation is required to build demand.
If not, users will seek currently available tools.
Many of which are free.
Known founder👍
Proven team👍
Validation from customers/experts👍
Competing head-on w/ market leader👍
Broad experimentation and organic adoption = accelerated learning across a number of axes.
Especially true for
Developers: time poor, prefer self-serve
Customer support: measured on efficiency
Sales: seek fast ROI, easy to install tools