🔴Death Toll reaches 285
🔴#MEK Announces names of 99 martyrs🌹
Rouhani’s Advisor threatens Protesters With Suppression Like #1988Massacre=Mass&Arbitrary Arrests, Firing into Crowd &Mass Public Executions
🌐GOV & @UN must INDICTMENT Khamenei 4 #CrimesAgainstHumanity


Actual number is much higher ®ime is doing its utmost 2 hide the scale of its savagery
Majority of those killed are youth/teenagers, mostly shot in head & chest.
#MEK identified 99 of the victims

The slaughter of protesters is undoubtedly a manifest case of crime against humanity & UN Security Council, Gov. & Intl community must bring immediate halt to killings, suppression & secure release of those detained.
#IranProtests #StopIranBloodshed

Silence &inaction vis-à-vis #CrimesAgainstHumanity are not only violation of intl conventions, laws & standards but also embolden Mullahs 2 continue these atrocities against Iranian people & expand it 2 rest of the region
#IranProtests #StopIranBloodshed