Thanks to #Canada 2 condemn & recognize #1988Massacre in #Iran as Crime Against Humanity.
The motion adopted unanimously by @OurCommons on June 5, 2013.
Now, it’s time 4 @CanadaFP & @UNGeneva #UPR34 #Iran to form investigative Committee to hold Perpetrators accountable

In 2013, Foreign Minister John Baird:
We wish 2 extend Canada’s deepest sympathies &condolences 2 families of 1K innocents fallen victim 2 #Iran regime
Canada grieves alongside all those whose loved ones suffered on orders of Iran’s past &present rulers…

@Baird: The persecution of dissident voices & systematic stifling of democratic freedoms stem from the highest levels of this regressive clerical-military dictatorship in #Iran & its terrorist operatives in #IRGC & Hezbollah.…
@mbachelet @JavaidRehman
@Baird: The ghastly & innumerable crimes of regime’s rulers will not be forgotten. We will not forget the terrible summer of 1988, when #Iran regime liquidated thousands of its political opponents.…
@antonioguterres @CanadaUN

@Baird, in #FreeIran conference 2019: #Iran regime will be held to account for their crimes such as #1988massacre of political prisoners & bombing the Jewish center in Argentina
Canada's @stephenharper tells #FreeIran event: "Our Gov took a strong stand against the regime. We sponsored annual resolutions at the UN against #Iran's human rights abuses… We closed the Canadian embassy in Tehran & told the mullahs to get out of Canada!"
David Kilgour, Candian Lawyer & fmr secretary of state: Worst kind of crime is case of #CrimesAgainstHumanity regarding prisoners after WW2, took place in #Iran #1988massacre
@IrwinCotler, Intl #HumanRights lawyer, Former MP & Minister of Justice:
Delighted to join Iranian-Canadian Cmnty+grassroots activists from across Canada to mark #Iran Political Prisoner Day & the 1988 massacre
Ahmad Hassani, Iranian-Canadian whose brother was among victims of #1988massacre in #Iran explained how his family was informed of the slaughter of his brother.
About #1988massacre we want #NoDeathPenalty & #NoImpunity4Mullahs