⭕ 2019 is the 2nd biggest year of cases in the past 19 years
⭕most recent cases have been in Queensland (QLD; today), New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (VIC)
Source: NNDSS www9.health.gov.au/cda/source/cda…

⭕ mostly more males among cases
⭕ We do know outbreaks in Australia start because of travel & spread because of unvaccinated/insufficiently, vaccinated people. NB: Text on graph pertains to Australian vaccination history.

⭕These are *cumulative* data
⭕Data start from when I began capturing these volatile NNDSS numbers; only online for a 24-hour period then replaced the next day

⭕NZ data source: surv.esr.cri.nz/surveillance/W…
⭕ 28 new cases for Week47 (-11 compared to previous week's total), 16-22NOV2019

⭕ "just measles?" - take a good look at the rates of hospitalizations (yellow highlights); 35% overall
⭕ Pacific peoples have contributed most confirmed cases then European/Other then Maori (pink)

⭕ 4.4% partially vaccinated
⭕ 8.6% fully vaccinated

⭕14 confirmed (+1 since 22NOV) & 2 suspected cases
⭕well vaccinated population, good lab testing, zero deaths
Source: health.gov.fj/?cat=12

⭕ 394 (+143 since 20NOV) confirmed or suspected cases
⭕ zero deaths
Source: reliefweb.int/report/tonga/t…

⭕42 deaths (+3)
⭕32,743 vaccinated before 20NOV2019
⭕50,068 vaccinated since 20NOV2019 (low turnout 6mth-4yo age band)
⭕197 inpatients
From facebook.com/samoagovt/ & @samoagovt