It's been a bruising 5 years down in the sewer of the Left, working to prevent a racist party coming to power.
I've learned that with some limited & notable exceptions, broadly speaking the Left doesn't care about British Jews.
We are utterly disposable.
And then Thursday night:
As the years & months ticked by the discussion became ever more urgent & laced with anxiety
So - what now?
Well, we are interested.
We want Labour to die
It needs to be made to suffer humiliation & public disgust & mockery.
And individuals need to be made to suffer: professionally..
The racists & those who enabled them to endanger my family & those who stood back & let it happen all need to suffer the cost of racism.
So that others learn that playing with racism is simply not worth the risk.
Luckily for us, this is coming.
Me - i'll be howling with derision as this plays out.
You’re on your own.
You debate if you want to. This Jew is not for debating.
Nope, you don’t need me now. I’m out. For now.
And I’ll do what I can do ensure they fall.
See you on the other side of the EHRC if or when I’m needed.
For now - laters.
It is a thankless task putting Jews to rights, isn’t it?
I should be more grateful.
Blocked by @francesweetman