A church birthed fourth out of the wildfires of slavery and #whitesupremacy becomes one of the oldest institutions opposed to racism in the world: #TheBlackChurch

-- #DietrichBonhoeffer

W. E. B. DuBois, 1903, The Souls of Black Folk

#Oshun (known as Ochún or Oxúm in Latin America) also spelled Ọṣun, is an orisha, a spirit, a deity, or a goddess that reflects one of the manifestations of God in the Ifá and Yoruba religions.
“Traditional African religions are a set of highly diverse beliefs that include various ethnic religions. Generally, oral rather than scriptural, it includes the belief in a supreme creator.”
“Odinani comprises the traditional religious practices and cultural beliefs of the Igbo people of southern Nigeria. Odinani has monotheistic and panentheistic attributes, having a single God as the source of all things.”
The book answers this question by examining primarily indigenous religious traditions on the African continent,as well as exploring Christianity and Islam.



“Probably the most explicit reference to the African soul is to be found in #Santeria, which represents the synthesis of the cults of African slaves and the Catholic religion.”

“#Orunmila is the great benefactor, the Orisha of wisdom, knowledge and divination, worshiped mainly in Nigeria, Cuba, Brazil, and the United States. Son of Orokó & Alayerú.”
