From the temples of Amun Ra, to the non-Christian Queen NGudi of Axum, straight to the Colonial age, Africans have been making the case for those things worthy of conservation.……

-- Ivo Jackson
Move over Odin, Ra, and Zeus, there's a new really old pantheon in town. Using photo-manipulation, James C. Lewis makes us wonder why the Orishas don't have their own comic book series.…

#Blackconservatism refuses to ignore the context of injustice in socioeconomic inequity and rejects any tradition that enables racism or bigotry ...

― Edmund Burke, father of European conservatism
— Edmund Burke #tcot

Augustus (Gus) Casely-Hayford is the director of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art.
Augustus (Gus) Casely-Hayford

Dr. Laurie Johnson, Professor on conservatism
— Professor Laurie Johnson
— Dr. Laurie Johnson
“At sixteen the boy pharaoh was called by the Hebrews for help, he led his armies against the Assyrians defeating them.”…

Biblical references: (2 Kings 19:9; Isaiah 37:9).……
Nubia was a civilization long before Egypt, and Punt (today, Somalia) was Egypt's Grandfather.
"This story is a well known story in Benin and has been retold to generations of kids by parents for ages. Benin Kingdom is located in Nigeria, West Africa and is said to be the second largest kingdom after the British kingdom."
Dom Nicolau, prince of Kongo is perhaps the earliest African leader who wrote publicly to protest colonial influences.

How #whitesupremacy in #SouthAfrica harmed archeological understanding of an ancient kingdom, The Kingdom of Mapungubwe (1075–1220).
Amanirenas was the queen of the Kingdom of Kush. Her full name and title was #Amnirense qore li kdwe li ("Ameniras, Qore and Kandake").
She reigned from about 40 BCE to 10 BCE.…

George B N Ayittey, PhD
“One must always make a distinction between African leaders and the African people. The two are not synonymous.” @ayittey…
.FACT: Property rights were recognized in traditional Africa and traditional courts existed to enforce them.…

Collectivist conservatism is not a new construct. African cultures have been practicing it for generations.…

Therefore, #colonialism was "good" for them as it "civilized" & freed them from their "terrible and despotic" traditional rulers.”
— @ayittey

— Dr. @ayittey
See chapter 4 of this book.

By Professor @ayittey
“It is true there was slavery in Africa but not the inhumane chattel variety. Slaves in Africa enjoyed certain rights and privileges”.…

— Professor @ayittey

-- @ayittey
"The #Igbo, for example, considered this freedom to be the birthright of every adult. Any member of the community could take part in public discussions of community affairs as was also the case in many other ethnic societies.

Her name was Queen Pokou, and she was a Queen and founder of the #Baoule tribe in West Africa, now Ivory Coast.
She ruled over a branch of the powerful Ashanti Empire as it expanded westward.…

Disagreements resulted in war. Pokou led her group westward,to the Komoé River. Legend has it that she had to sacrifice her only son for her people to cross the river.

Slave Trade Debates of England in the early 19th century.…
The values of liberty, tolerance and rational inquiry are not the birthright of a single culture. In fact, the very notion of something called ‘western culture’ is a modern invention
by Kwame Anthony Appiah…
The story of the formation of African roots syncretic cults that worship spirits of two faces: black continent mystical entities hidden behind Catholic imagery.