Best book for understanding Trump-Russia, and how we got here: @timothydsnyder, Road to Unfreedom.
Snyder is fluent in multiple language (I think 11) and uses primary sources in original languages.
How Democracies Die, @dziblatt and Levitsky.
As a followup, watch this interview with Levitsky:

See also @karen_stenner
Best book for understanding the Trump-Fox-Russia propaganda techniques, How Fascism Works, @jasonintrator

Best book for understanding what happened to the Republican Party, and our current slide into oligarchy, To Make Men Free, @HC_Richardson

Fiction: I enjoyed the Neapolitan Novels: Life in Mafia-run Naples from the viewpoint of the women. (Elena Ferrante)
If you want to understand race in America, this is a great book. It purports to be a history of Brown v. Board of Education (the case that ended segregation in America) . . .
I came away from the book understanding that we began fighting the Civil War before 1789, and we're still fighting it.