102 - number of students I’ve taught in these 3.5 years
5- number of epileptic seizures that have happened in my class
27 - number times a diabetic student has had their numbers drop below 4.0
0 - number of students with complex medical needs who had EA support in my class
0 - number of EAs that have ever been assigned to my class
4 - number of times I’ve been physically injured by a student (that number is low - I have been lucky)
16 - number of students I’ve regularly brought lunches for
65 - number of students being raised in single-parent homes, due to divorce, death, addiction or mental health
8 - number of students with parent(s) incarcerated during the time I taught them
48 - number of times my class has had to lock our door and stay inside our room, sometimes missing recess, due to a violent situation in the hallway
50+ - number of fights I’ve broken up on recess duty
9 - number of students I’ve taught who’ve been in foster care
2 - number of times my students have been caught drinking alcohol at school
3 - number of students caught with weapons at school
2 - number of students caught with drugs at school
16 - number of students who have self-harmed
19 - number of students who have confided to me about domestic violence they have witnessed or experienced
1 - number of social workers assigned to a district with a population of 1100 students
64 - number of times I’ve called CAS about something a student has reported to me
8 and 9 - the age of the students I teach.
Yes, that’s right - I teach Grade 3/4. Now go back and read the above numbers again and tell me if it doesn’t break your heart. Our students are dealing with a lot.