And learn the coded language used by conservatives.
Apply this knowledge to provincial conservative governments across the nation.
Once elected, conservatives ignore the majority.
Populism is employed to shape public opinion, then misused as “mob rule” to implement policies that harm the very people they claim to represent.
Kenney uses coded language and parlour tricks to win approval from the electorate. But only those who understand the coded language knew his plans.
If you were fooled by the coded language, that WAS the intent.
This is the dark art of persuasion.
Tell supporters what they want to hear without offending those you despise, but require their vote to win.…

He currently is director of the International Democratic Union. The organization assisting far right despots installation in govts globally.
He’s a hardline paleo-libertarian.
MacKay betrayed a written promise he made to not merge with the Canadian Reform Alliance Party.
The result is CPC.
MacKay would continue to implement policy counterintuitive to the vast majority of Canadians. But he is working extra hard to convince you he is a moderate fiscal conservative and socially progressive.
This is what people with hidden agendas do. They lie and reassure you they won’t slice your throat with that knife they have hidden behind their back.
Then wait for you to fall asleep.