I've held this view for a long time. What triggered it was noticing that there were research 'schools' which were closed to anyone of a 'wrong' persuasion.
You cannot get in if you are not ideologically aligned to the school.
"Very interesting research" just turns out to reflect the values of this class.
@Martin_Durkin has observed the dynamics of the New Class.
And Nassim Nicholas Taleb has identified the Intellectual Yet Idiot. But he's a massive jerk.
The notion that academia is where such ideas should be challenged/contested has evaporated.
If you have a different idea, never mind a different motivation, you face obstacles from the outset, not least socially.
Lastly, an anecdote...
"Don't revise in the pub", she said. "Don't eat lots of chips the day before an exam".
My heart sank.
She was a f***ing idiot. Lots of academics are.
There are many brilliant academics.
The point is, I think we need to start discriminating.