“We are all science communicators now: #COVID19 has conscripted us.” My piece today @TheAtlIdeas
There are few easy answers and no magic bullets. But here’s what helps me:
When the stakes are so high, we often aren’t arguing about science at all. There are urgent political fights to have. Do not conflate issues.
Effective #scicomm understands cognitive biases & motivated reasoning - in others and ourselves.
It feels righteous and fun to dunk and shred and ridicule. Unfortunately, you are contaminating an even larger audience.
Don’t allow science claims to go unchallenged, but counter effectively.
Solution is repeated, simple rebuttals that emphasize the correct information, framed to affirm worldview/identity.

No one is - or can ever be - an expert on every facet of #COVID19 or anything else.
Our humility makes us more trustworthy while improving the quality of the information we share.
I think of it as carrying a light inside me so I can explore the dark. I do it to protect the people & the planet I love. My fear gives me clarity. My clarity quiets the noise. That is how I find & keep hold of hope.