(There's so many tracers popping up now, it's getting like the rash of #COVID19 #SymptomSurveys that broke out last week...)
Ah! Here we are, "a brief description of our #privacy enforcing flow":
This really is a no-brainer; anyone proposing to use persistent #deviceIDs at this point is plainly a clueless numpty. Or actively seeking to #surveille.

One query though: if the phone...

#GDPR #DataMinimisation brownie points for #deleting unnecessary data... but how will I know?

Which is (more than) a bit of a problem if #tests are in short supply!


It *might* be fine. But we have no way to know - which is the very opposite of #trust.

The interesting bit is in "Mode 2" - WHAT "information associated"?! (I thought we weren't doing that) & what use can the authorities in the other countries make of it, if it's truly #anonymous?

The question is, how well different countries' "Health Authorities" are going to be able to adapt their own emergency processes to issuing #decryption keys as part of their testing efforts (assuming those are working, ofc!).

Hmm. They're "financed through donations" - from who, exactly? List?
And, of course, though a contact tracing app really doesn't need it, they claim expertise in (amongst many other things) #AI...
Plus, talk of "#OpenSource" seems a bit premature, given you can only get sight of the #code if you "join the team".
I wish 'em luck. MUCH more detail required.