“America eats its babies”
back then I didn’t know about Adrenochrome but it was the missing piece.
look further into Harvey Weinstein & Jeffrey Epstein - that’s part of the Hollywood side of the fuckery
look up Hillary Clinton & Ruma Abedin and I guarantee you’ll find out more information about it.
don’t want to get into particulars cause it’s disgusting as fuck
if you look into what’s going on in the #qanon space there are countless people providing proof that children are being rescued right now.
look up DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases)
sex trafficking is going up in both actual & spiritual flames rn
it’s most potent in babies and children, and some children are BORN to be apart of the whole operation.
it gets satanic & luciferian as well - so just prepare yourself if you dig as deep as I did.
where covid-19 originated.

“Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.“
peep: centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/scena…
it’s all bullshit fr.
think control, think overt power
look into his funding efforts (and how bad he fucked up with) Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Migrant Caravan.
the powers that be “artificially induced” the coronavirus into wuhan, and MAYBE italy as well.
super deadly strain that was expected to wipe out most of the world.
I’m led to believe another strain of coronavirus was “artificially induced” here in the states, and also in the #adrenochrome supply from Wuhan.
Donald Trump also states that the virus was “artificially induced” in a recent press conference.
some world leaders have been acting erratic.
Bill Gates is currently funding (7) centers to come up with this vaccine - tryna play God.
look at the owl.
she’s asking for wisdom and guidance from a poplar tree. strange fruit? hanging people? hanging children?
use your intuition here.
remember Donald Trump’s direct attack on sex trafficking
remember the billionaires that are connected to the production of #Adrenochrome
and I’m not even covering everything. I don’t think I can.
without any legitimacies on his claims, he’s saying mass gatherings won’t come back until a mass vaccination.
classic elite special: one truth, one lie
for them:
Epstein wasn’t supposed to get imprisoned
Weinstein wasn’t supposed to get indicted
Hillary Clinton wasn’t supposed to lose
BOTH the disease, and the vaccine were already planned.
#adrenochrome production would’ve probably ramped up even more, who knows.
New World Order.
(yes it’s real and it was gonna fuckin happen)
the media has been trying hard to debunk the claims but just look into those hashtags and read what people are saying
how in the hell were celebrities testing positive for covid-19 if they (in most cases) didn’t interact with the public - nor traveled - or did anything?
& if they aren’t sick, why are we seeing stuff like this?
ok so how can #Hydroxychloroquine kill people who’ve participated in #adrenachrome consumption?
read this thoroughly:

but this all goes back to prophecy: just know that the apocalypse isn’t happening to us, it’s happening to them.
Bill Gates is trying to create this need for a vaccine, and with his efforts in #ID2020 it correlates directly to the mark of the beast
did an amazing job at making this clear. there’s a lot of #qanon code in this thread but I suggest everyone check this out.