"The erosion of meaningful culture, the domination of corporate & state media [] the loss of a knowledgable audience. And as one sees w/ the Russophobic response to Ukraine, the entire pandemic only served as a precursor to some complete mental collapse."
"And perhaps the best place (or one of them) to start is with ideas of #autonomy, #AI, and #tech (#media). For #automation and the internet have both, in their own ways, contributed hugely to the layers of mystification surrounding everything in the #capitalist west today."
"#AI seeks to achieve the same control over mental processes that #scientific management sought to achieve over physical #labour [in 2nd industrial revolution] through a process of rationalization, fragmentation, mechanization and routinization."
"There is an occult aspect to #AI & its clergymen. And in some sense this was the pessimism that #Horkheimer & #Adorno both felt — that that legacy of the Enlightenment was going to eventually become the [] Brave New World (by way of Frankenstein & #Nosferatu)."
"#socialmedia is a giant mirror of distortion. That may be its essential role, in fact. It is a constantly shifting fun house mirror that makes any attempt to grasp a fixed perspective on society nearly impossible. It has had a direct effect on society, on its shape and form..."
"...the real changes were in the human #unconscious, and in the more extensive indoctrination of the subject. Not the creation of ‘new’ subjectivities, but the repurposing of old ones. Reification remains a cornerstone or bedrock of what #capitalism does."
"The subsumption of society to #capital is well past complete... the effects psychologically, are becoming glaringly obvious. The so called immateriality of #labour has really been more about the hyper reification of labour, & more, the #infantilization of the subject."
"The #Covid narrative included a conditioning for [] a new form of learned helplessness... But here I wanted to point out another aspect of this subsumption, or absorbing of society into, essentially, the mechanics of #capitalism is that #dissent has been subsumed."
"#ecological movements all seem to suffer from a lack of imagination. I can think of no area in which statistical models are so intwined w/ the ethics & goals of the movement. The euro Green Parties are uniform in their near fascistic imposition on personal/individual restraint."
"Like #Puritans the Greens believe Earth will punish those outside the covenant. Transgressors are anyone not acting in accordance with the Book of #Ecology. And of course it doesn’t matter who wrote the book, really. For this, at a certain point, is about #race and #class."
"The #environmental movement is enclosed (subsumed) by technological rationality. Whatever the actual #revolutionary imagination of Paris 68, or the Vietnam anti war movement, the underground press from the sixties, et al — none of it remains. Or, very little, let's say."
"the [] greens are more concerned w/ repackaging tobacco than they are w/ the now permanent state of #emergency or the mass #surveillance that cuts across every country in the EU. There has been a new cyber technology developed by men & women who deeply believe in capitalism..."
"The #imagination of the average westerner is now one that has been exposed to post internet #indoctrination, for almost 3 generations... #screen technologies have brought forth a highly regimented & restrictive moral world view...one that is undeniably amendable to fascism."
"The creators of media today have sampled heavily, aesthetically, from 50s sitcoms... #Apple, #Google, #Microsoft, & all the celebrity billionaires [] are white and uniformly cheering the #fascists in #Ukraine just as they cheer-led the bombing of Belgrade twenty some years ago."
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Pan Africanist/socialist Omali Yeshitela gives profound analysis of world economy in terms of #colonialism as means of production - a dialectic that connects entire world.
"Liberals & leftists are fighting to protect the #UnitedNations & [] #NATO as if they were [] legitimate ... the UN was founded for the purpose of peaceful collaboration among the colonizers to maintain domination of the world..."
The Russia-Ukraine conflict "clearly represents a fracture in U.S. #hegemony. It's a threat to U.S. hegemony and it destabilizes the exact/existing kind of of political and economic arrangements that that have dominated the world up to now."
Feb 23 2022: "#WHO facilitates 194 member states to introduce digital #vaccination certificates... WHO will make it easier for its member states to introduce digital vaccination certificates in the future... It is intended to serve as a standard procedure..." #DigitalID
"#WHO is therefore supporting member states in building national & regional trust networks & verification technology. The WHO's gateway service also serves as a bridge between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future #vaccination campaigns..."
"Digitization keeps the world running. Digital #vaccination certificates like the EU's are key to this...The gateway will interact w/ other parts of the system already developed by WHO...This will also give hints for regional & national setups to be followed by the implementers."
"As anger & resentment grow in the face of social inequalities, many citizens-led #protests are being repressed w/ an ever-increasing violence. Monopoly of Violence gathers [] citizens to confront their views on the social order & the legitimacy of the use of force by the State."
"#Democracy isn't consensus but dissensus! If there is no dissensus, there is no democracy. If we all agree, something's wrong. Our #freedoms have somehow been infringed. We can't all agree. It's a very old idea in political #philosophy."
Feb 17, 2022, #Mohawk Women, Grand River: "We send love & gratitude to all of the brave men & women who are holding the line uniting together w/ kindness & compassion in their hearts, for freedom, so that #truth & #justice may prevail." #Ottawa
"#Canada is still a crime scene & all will be held on genocide. Grand River Mohawks are alive & well. Mohawks still hold the original 6 int. treaties & we are in the center of the covenant chain. As women we must remind the Cnd Govt of their pledge to the Grand River Mohawks..."
"The announcement today by [] #Trudeau is a breach of this trust. Women are the allodial title holders. Even if the courts wanted to, they cannot provide the Cnd Govt w/ a casa somasos. Univ. laws are supreme law of the land & no legislative acts will ever supersede them."
Ange pulled from car by #cops. Assaulted & arrested. Had bare feet in freezing temps/snow for over an hr. After arrest & they smashed car windows out. He now has nothing but clothes he is wearing. Car impounded. A #local663's $50 donation went to Ange for medication. #labour
"We actually have the ability to confiscate those vehicles and sell them. And I want to see them sold. I don't want the return to these people..." -- #Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson
And working women. If you doubt how critical the working class is, consider the Sheraton Hotel had no idea if they would rooms available on Sat. because it was not known if 5 cleaning staff would be allowed through #checkpoints. The entire hotel wholly dependent on 5 people.
Imperative to shift focus. Missing from #FreedomConvoy dissent is rule of British Crown/British Empire - head of #GreatReset convened via #WEF platform.
#Trudeau: "in all things I shall do as a faithful & true servant ought to do, for Her Majesty, so help me God."
Vanity Fair, May 22, 2020: "Now he [Charles] has shifted his attention to the world stage, announcing a project he’s calling "#GreatReset," [] Along w/ the #WEF, [] Charles will kick off the project at a virtual event on June 3."
"The Royal Family" 👇
In Jan 2020 at Davos, Charles started announced his Sustainable Markets Initiative in partnership w/ #WEF. He spoke "about how he thought #capitalism needed to "reset" in order to prevent the worst effects of climate []. Now he’s applying that [] to [] #conavirus." [Vanity Fair]