1/8. Hi❗️
I'm #ActuallyAutistic.
I followed your latest video "The Odd One Out".
I have a reaction on that. It is in a Thread with some links.
I did related research in the why, how & what of it.
2/8. It appears it has to do with what is limiting and hindering the empowerment of adult "high functioning" autistics and with the investigations of what makes our brains different (not less or better), how that works and what our place in society could become>>
3/8. if we can make better use of it & hopefully society would take it into account and take advantage of our strengths and talents some more.
I already have a name for this contribution:
"Autism's Uncanny Valley".
Click on the safe following link for an English intro to read,>>
The essence of the article is that high functioning (masking) Autistics are experienced as Neurotypical People ("OKP" -Our Kind of People) and not as Autistics...>>
5/8. and then rejected, opposed or ignored because of #Unconscious#Emotional reactions to us because anyway we still are in an apparently important way (to them) "different" and even “a threat”.
I did go deeper into this in my research.
6/8. Incidentally, Autistics appear NOT to experience an Uncanny Valley effect and that is a VERY important discovery.
Here's a good article about it, which is NOT about Autism:
- "Uncanny Valley: What is it and why do we experience it ?" -
7/8. (I've researched that and don't really/completely agree with the conclusions in this piece, but it gives a good intro.)
When you're interested, let me know and i send you links to the (to me) shocking & revealing research results i found.
But maybe you already found that.>>
8/8. I am retired IT professional (Networks, System Integration) and worked my working life with a variety of specialists on their terrain and have learned to translate the tech languages they use.
I have formulated a falsifiable hypothesis on what causes & is "Neuro Diversity".
April 12, 05:30 CET, the "Day #Before",
Northrop Grumman RQ-4b #Global#Hawk,
"Forte 10", High Altitude Reconnaissance Drone
Cost: $ 222.7 #Million -2013
Was doing a full 👇👇 sweep over the #Black#Sea:
#Russian speakers, common workers, hiding in their cellars, watch their children, family & friends #Die.
On a #Daily base.
They want their #Voices to be #Heard.
Here they are.
What is Anti-Access/Area-Denial (#A2AD)❓
A2AD denies an adversary’s freedom of movement.
AA –inhibition of enemy military movement into an area of operations.
AD – denial of enemy freedom of action in areas.
First use: #USA in the #Vietnam#War, called "#Napalm".
The TOS-1 Buratino is a Russian self-propelled multiple rocket launcher (MRLS) that saw action in global hotspots like Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq & Syria: