Hope you'll read and share.

But that's false—it was last amended during the Clinton presidency.
(See Obamacare.)
And there are almost no situations in which it applies because there is *almost no one in America so stupid and corrupt* as to try to violate it.
The reason the Act survived repeal for 218 years? Simple: it prohibits something EVERYONE IN AMERICA thinks MUST be prohibited.

Well, now you see what they did—they've described the "actus reus," but they've *dumped* the "mens rea."
And that's not at all what the Republicans are saying The Logan Act says.
The Logan Act prohibits private citizens negotiating U.S. policy—measures and/or conduct—with foreign governments.
But there's *one* exception to that.
Any foreign government dealing with a private U.S. citizen who claimed to be acting "with authority" from the U.S. government would just call up the relevant U.S. official in that arena of negotiation and ask, "Is this person negotiating on your behalf?"
a) The private citizen is on a presidential transition team; and
b) the foreign government is a hostile power that seeks to undermine the U.S. government.
He deliberately—any prosecutor or defense lawyer will tell you—left out other offenses and other facts in order to use them against others later on.
So is Aiding and Abetting Computer Crimes.
Russian sanctions are THE foreign policy dispute and measure of the moment—and Israel policy THE international controversy of my lifetime.

They *well know* it is not.