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Welcome back to Kentucky Proud Park for Game 5 of the Lexington Regional. It’s elimination day for either UK or West Virginia. The winner advances to play later today vs Indiana…. Image
Good T1 for UK starter Austin Strickland. Works around a two-out single for scoreless frame.
Gray HBP and Felker doubles the other way into the LF corner to score him. Kentucky 1, WVU 0 - B1
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1/7 🧵: What is wRC+ in Baseball? ⚾️

Ever heard of the #baseball stat wRC+? It stands for Weighted Runs Created Plus, and it's a great way to evaluate a hitter's overall offensive performance. Let's break it down in this thread!👇 #MLB #Stats
2/7 🧵: wRC Basics

Before understanding wRC+, we need to grasp wRC (Weighted Runs Created). wRC estimates the number of runs a player contributes to their team. It does so by weighting each offensive action (like hits, walks, etc.) based on their run-scoring potential.
3/7 🧵: Why wRC+?

wRC is a useful stat, but it's not perfect. wRC+ takes it a step further by accounting for factors like ballpark dimensions and league-wide scoring. This makes wRC+ a more accurate representation of a hitter's performance. #AdvancedStats
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The U.S. Army has a long and close relationship with “America’s Pastime,” with many of baseball’s greatest players serving in the Army, either before entering the Major Leagues or during the midst of their careers.

Sporting legends like Joe DiMaggio, Jackie Robinson, Willie Mays, and Ty Cobb all served their country as soldiers in the U.S. Army. To celebrate baseball’s opening day, here are some facts about the Army’s relationship with America’s Pastime:
#TRADOC #OpeningDay #PlayBall #MLB
Although his name has been associated with the invention of baseball, Civil War Major General Abner Doubleday does not have any confirmable relationship to the sport. Baseball is instead probably descended the English game “rounders.”
#Baseball #MilitaryHistory #ArmyandBaseball
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#OnThisDay #OTD February 20, 1992, "Homer at the Bat" (S03E17) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: Jim Reardon. Wr: @JJSwartzwelder. Guest-starring EP: @AlJean & @MikeReissWriter. #TheSimpsons #Baseball #MLB
@JJSwartzwelder @AlJean @MikeReissWriter "Homer at the Bat" features @rogerclemens, Mike Scioscia, Don Mattingly, Steve Sax, @STLWizard, @ChickenMan3010, Darryl Strawberry, Ken Griffey Jr., @JoseCanseco and musician Terry Cashman. Image
@JJSwartzwelder @AlJean @MikeReissWriter @rogerclemens @STLWizard @ChickenMan3010 @JoseCanseco The episode was written by John Swartzwelder, who is a big baseball fan, but suggested by @simonsam, who wanted an episode filled with real @MLB players. Nolan Ryan, Rickey Henderson, Ryne Sandberg, and Carlton Fisk were among the players who turned down the show. ImageImageImageImage
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Con-call with 3 collegues. All #Banking #Security pros. They noted, via twitter, I had attended the @SCSpikes #NFTClassic. Asked me if I was into #NFTs, he is. No. I'm not. I'm like #baseball. Why? Three Reasons. I was asked by them to post my response.
1 - #Crypto/#Blockchain, like all complex mathematics fascinates me. I love it from a technical perspective, AND have worked on two functional commercial applications. But as an operational Day2Day transactional currency? It is loony-tunes impossible to make it pencil.
I was hired by a major credit card company to write a think piece on a 100% of the annual transaction and settlements. One major credit card company on blockchain by year 5 would consume 12% of the world's electrical generation. That nuts.
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All these other people claiming to be me, none of them can show what NEEDED to be shown for everyone to know the truth …
I literally risked my life daily NOT CARING showing WHY everything around me was built up the way it has been.. ALL BUILT UP by ones who KNEW 1 individual
Was going to be born, all of it SPECIFICALLY built up because it was known far in advance of how many would try to be me trying to mislead, very few would believe & spit on me ..

Every street name, every business, every street name correlates to what business is on the
Corner, it’s all A way of leaving truth hidden in plain sight & telling A story hidden in plain sight.

The symbol on the sign where I was born, is the same symbol on the neck of the JFK .50 cent pieces.
Every restaurant name, #GEORGE WEBBS, Final APPROACH (Has A plans on the
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1/ Beyond the perfect game: exploring #baseball rules through insnaely good #pitching.
2/ Perhaps the entry level of good #pitching in #baseball is the shut out - no batter rounds the bases and no points are scored.
3/ One level above is the no-hitter: the game is complete yet no batter gets a hit. Theoretically, and in practice, your team can still lose!…
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One of the new kids on the block, Andrew VonDice started his streaming career in January 2021 with the help of Roshtein as was already mentioned. VonDice is easy to recognize thanks to his unchanging combo of black sunglasses and a black #baseball hat.…

€126,500 on Rosh Immortality Cube Megaways (a creation of GameArt) is his largest win so far. However, this talented slot buff from Sweden is just at the very beginning of his path towards stardom. The fact Andrew plays online slots every day with rare… exceptions leaves no doubt in his bright future adorned with far more impressive wins. Cody Burnett, a warm-hearted Canadian, streamed his first slot play in 2015. Known in the gaming world as Xposed, he has never tried to hide behind enormous sunglasses
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65.01/ Week sixty-five, Oct. 9-15, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 64 below.
65.02/ My name was captured by a bot yesterday... so how was your Shabbos?

Note: I have not given an interview about the Mets nor should that be of interest to anybody.
65.03/ Today is the first FootballMas since 2019! The happiest day of the year!

[FootballMas is when there are NFL games on at 9:30 EST, 1:00, 4:00 and 8:00. All day football is fun.]
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[Thread] - 1) Good evening sports fans! Ready for the ultimate hacked verified Twitter accounts thread? Over the past two years, I have kept tabs on around 70 verified accounts that were hacked by Arabic language operators for various reasons. The victims #disinformation
2 / range from 30 international athletes, to other public figures such as deceased US Senator Debbie Smith. The accounts have been used for various purposes, from scams to state propaganda. Some of the accounts are still active, while many have been suspended - read on for more!
3/ First up, Senator Debbie Smith. Smith, who served as a member of the Nevada Senate, sadly passed away in 2016 after battling with a brain tumour. Her Twitter account was hacked by an Arabic-speaking account, which changed it's handle to
@0YY0k - and was eventually suspended
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#Bihac, #Bosnia migrant camp
#Baseball,Ty Cobb and chemical weapons
Jackie #Kennedy and the horse from Pakistan
#Belarus waits for Biden
#NewYear’s resolution: support your local birds
A Cold Warrior’s advice on dealing with #Russia…
1. If you look at Banksy’s art with the same set of eyes that you would use on a Monet garden scene or an Edward Hopper painting, you won’t get it. ImageImage
2. If you see Banksy’s work as social commentary, however, then it makes perfect sense. Art is simply the medium Banksy uses to have a word with the world, as he did in the “crude oil” style painting he entitled Monkey Poison. Image
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#東京新聞#新型コロナウイルス 報道:
一度きりの夢舞台 甲子園交流試合が開幕。
東京六大学野球 春季L 4ヵ月遅れ開幕。
#高校野球 #六大学野球 #baseball
#covid19 #Japan
#2020年のToday ImageImageImageImage
#東京新聞#新型コロナウイルス 報道:
#自民党 #公明党 #安倍首相 の無能無策愚策放置の記録:

#covid19 #Japan
安倍の愚策 #アベノマスク #GoToキャンペーン
#PCR検査 増やせ
#2020年のToday ImageImageImageImage
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A 60-game @MLB season is unusual, of course, but not unprecedented -- and Indianapolis was part of the last one. A #BaseBall geek #thread:
The National League was formed in 1876. The NL played a 70-game schedule in its inaugural season, but, perhaps finding that too much of a stretch for a fledgling league, cut back to 60 in 1877 and 1878. 2/
The early days of #BaseBall were volatile, with teams coming and going. After the 1877 season, half the 6-team league ceased play, with three new cities taking their place: the Providence Grays, Milwaukee Grays, and Indianapolis Blues. Huzzah! Major league ball in Indy! 3/
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When the @CityofEdmonton & @EdmProspects couldn't hammer out a long-term lease, I think the writing was on the wall that the Gregg team was the preferred option. The question becomes: can he get the support & partnerships the Prospects had been manufacturing in #YEG?
Or will they follow the Prospects to Spruce Grove or Stony Plain? Will fans be willing to jump to the new team or will they feel slighted? I have so many questions about what is playing out. Would be interesting to be a fly on the wall though. #yeg #yegcc #baseball
One other quick question as I think this through: doesn't the Gregg group have to approach the @wcbleague with a request for expansion or proposal to move an existing franchise? Curiouser and curiouser... #yegcc #yeg #WCBL
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Hilos de Hilos Temáticos
⚾ ✈️ 📷 🎧 ⚕️ ♻️ 🔥
🇹🇼 #CPBL
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The years 2015-2020 have revealed an insidious disregard for the #female category by #OlympicGames @olympics executives and their corporate sponsors.
Male (XY) 🧬athletes now allowed into XX events.
Time to take stock re #women’s #sports.
Where did we begin?
Where are we going?
Our story begins in the Egyptian Middle Kingdom (2000 B.C.)
Forms of women’s competition were somewhat different than we experience in 2020 A.D.
Contests revolved around two key aspects of #Egyptian life:
1. Food acquisition- #hunting & #fishing
2. Entertaining - #acrobatics
True #sports for women really began in Ancient Greece during the Classical period (400 B.C.). Unmarried girls had their own private competitions - also at Olympia every 4years.
These were separate from the men’s games.
The festivals were held in honour of Hera, wife of Zeus.
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🌶️WELCOME to #CalSciCommLive Virtual Trivia Night hosted by @TriviaWithBens for @CapSciComm! Follow the game here on Twitter or find dial-in instructions here:… In honor of what would've been Opening Day, tonight's special theme is #baseball! ⚾️⚾️⚾️ [1/n]
🌶️#CapSciCommLive @TriviaWithBens Rules: No limit on how many people to a team—solo, with family/roommates, or virtually with friends! Come up with your team name and have a great time. Tweet selfies with your team and team name all night long with hashtag #CapSciCommLive!
🌶️#CapSciCommLive @TriviaWithBens Rules: We will score answers after each round. Y'all are on your honor to score your own sheets. No checking your phone/internet or your home bookshelf for answers while playing! This isn't a Google-contest 😂🧐
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We've had some really interesting conversations in the @770CHQR newsroom about #sports & what all these cancellations mean for our sports show or even for the sports networks. "What are they going to talk about when they don't have the results?" I have a solution... #coronavirus
And it is more in-depth conversations with the athletes, builders, organizers, parents & many others involved in their respective #sports. Give us some insight into the human beings rather than the typical "give it 110%" we are inundated with on a day-to-day basis. #coronavirus
It's one of the things that I've been proud of with @ABDugoutStories. We've rarely focused on the "results" aspect of #baseball & told stories about their respective paths in the sport, what drives them & what they hope to accomplish. #coronavirus
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2020 coming at me like it’s personal.
I’m a huge Red Sox fan and I am so excited about their sub-luxury-tax payroll moves and cost-conscious roster construction! That’s why we’re in this, fans! Amazing job by them. Gonna buy a jersey that says “LuxTaxReset” on the back.
Fenway Sports is only worth seven billion dollars so you can understand them not wanting to pay an extra twelve million to have the best all-around player and most enjoyable personality they’ve ever had on the team for another year.
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Good baseball nerd text/precedent thread by @marty_lederman on the controversial call against Trea Turner.

I'm a @Nationals fan. I still thought at the time the umps clearly were right.
I made a purposivist argument last night, but the text also backs up the umps... 1/
@marty_lederman @Nationals 2/ @marty_lederman gives the rule:
“[r]unner is permitted to exit the three-foot lane by means of a step, stride, reach or slide in the immediate vicinity of 1st base for the sole purpose of touching first base.”
The key word: "exit." And "sole."
@marty_lederman @Nationals 3/
Rule 5.09(a)(11):
In running the last half of the distance from home to 1st... he runs inside (to the left of ) the foul line, and in the umpire's judgment in so doing interferes with the fielder taking the throw at first base... [then] the ball is dead [and runner is out]...
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#OTD 1933, the Christie Pits Riot took place in Toronto, which I love to talk abt b/c it brings together my love of #TOHist #Baseball ⚾️ and #antifascista...a thread.
In the summer of 1933, Torontonians flocked to the city's beaches to cool down. At Balmy Beach local WASP youth didnt want to share the amenities w/ "foreign" visitors particularly Jews, so they organized the Swastika Club to intimidate the visitors. #TOHist #ChristiePitsRiot
Where would Toronto youths have got the idea of forming gangs and wearing swastika armbands to intimidate Jews? From reading newspaper reporting abt the rise of Adolf H!tler and the Nazi party earlier in 1933, and their anti-semitic rhetoric. (Not knowing where that would lead)
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#BaseballInBritain #StarSpangledBanner at Wembley reminds me of thesis of @UMassAmherst PoliSci T.A., a Korean national & #Communist who argued wherever #Baseball was played American Imperialism followed. Brexit? Maybe the kids are home to take over the folks house payments? 😎
@KensingtonRoyal @MLBONFOX @MLB And the Shakespeare bit hit home. Turned down a paying gig Williamstown Theatre @WTFest because the @Yankees and @RedSox were in a pennant race. 😬
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It’s #Monday, I’m boozing it up at a 4 seat bar, the #barkeep is a long pourer, and I’m all fucking set if I get something stuck between my teeth.👇🙃 #RandomThoughts #drinking #OutAndAbout
Shooting the shit with a friend, she’s proud to be doing well with her plants - unusual for her.

The key was a #video explaining the benefits of pruning.

She needs REASONS. She got them.

Apparently, pruning in a particular manner stimulates growth hormones.
Of course, this led to me initiating a discussion about the #movie I just watched on Hulu, called “The German Doctor.”

The main character was Josef Mengele. #ThisHappened

People, this is why I’m known in my circles as “The Black Hole Of Conversation.” SMTH
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Dear Bookworm,

To get a CIA Library card, you’ll need a security clearance.

It might look like a modern public #library, but among the books you’ll find volumes most Americans will never see. The literature of secrets

#NationalLibraryWeek Image
Our collection is mostly unclassified, with 100,000+ print materials & access to 200+ online databases.

We also have maps, language resources, & movies. (Yep, we even have a DVD collection that includes spy movies & documentaries).

#LibraryWeek Image
The stuff you likely won't find in your local library:

Denial & Deception Collection: materials on magic, lying & even methods used by catchers & pitchers to communicate during #baseball games

Historical Intel Collection: 25K+ materials on intel profession

#NationalLibraryWeek Image
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