Now pour yourself your favorite beverage, rally your team, and shout out real loud: LET'S. PLAY. TRIVIA! 🎉🎉🎉
WEATHER: In the colder seasons, a very dense, low-lying fog pervades the Central Valley, which has caused massive pile-ups on Interstate 5. What is the name given to this fog?
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TELEVISION: This prolific book author is also the person behind the NBC series ER and the HBO series Westworld. Name this author.
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WOMEN IN STEM: Mae Jemison, Ellen Ochoa, and Christina Koch are all members of what elite profession?
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CHEMISTRY - PLA is a biodegradable alternative to polystyrene. You’ve probably seen the PLA label on the bottom of biodegradable cups, near the warning “No Hot Liquids.” What does PLA stand for?
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BASEBALL: In 2002, the Oakland Athletics exceeded expectations by acquiring players who had poor traditional statistics, but new analyses showed they were effective players. A book about this season became a movie in 2011. Name the movie.
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SAFETY - Latex gloves have all sorts of drawbacks: some people have allergies, they’re easily punctured, and they’re not resistant to oils and acids. In laboratories, what type of glove is commonly used as a replacement?
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MARINE BIOLOGY - The shell logo of the company Royal Dutch Shell is called the “Pecten,” from the species Pecten maximus. What is the common name of shellfish from the order Pectinida?
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AGRICULTURE - Does more methane gas come out of a cow as burps or as farts?
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R1 Q1 Answer
This is our famous tule fog, named after the native tule grass wetlands. There are some fantastic satellite photos showing tule fog spanning the entirety of the California Central Valley.…
R1 Q2 Answer
That would be the late Michael Crichton MD, who created ER and wrote and directed the original 1973 movie Westworld. You might also know him for an old novel of his: Jurassic Park.…
These amazing women are all astronauts. @maejemison first Black woman in space. @Astro_Ellen first Hispanic woman in space. @Astro_Christina recently broke the record for longest time in space by a woman (328 Days).
R1 Q4 Answer
PolyLactic Acid. PLA has the second high consumption volume of bioplastic in the world. Not only is it biodegradable, it is also biocompatible, and is used in many types of medical implants.
R1 Q5 Answer
The movie is Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt as Oakland Manager Billy Beane. The Oakland @Athletics finished the season with a record of 103-59, including 21 consecutive wins, which was an American League record.
R1 Q6 Answer
Nitrile. Nitrile gloves are less flexible and cost more than latex gloves do, but they’re better in pretty much every other way.
R1 Q7 Answer
Scallop. Pecten maximus is the Giant Scallop. While the @shell logo is yellow with red trim, real giant scallops are pink to reddish-brown. Shell’s original shell logo was a mussel.
R1 Q8 Answer
Cows burp more methane than they fart. The process that creates most of the methane, enteric fermentation, occurs in the cow’s multi-chambered stomach. Scientists are researching changing the cow’s feed to reduce CH4 emissions.
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FLUID MECHANICS - There is a phenomenon where two moving objects in air or water are close enough to share the same slipstream and reduce overall energy expenditure compared to moving separately. What is the term or this phenomenon?
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SPACE - A new rover will be heading to Mars this year. NASA held a writing competition to name it, and the prize went to seventh-grader Alex Mather from Springfield, Virginia. What did he name the rover?
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AGRICULTURE - Today is Cesar Chavez Day, honoring the labor leader who co-founded the NFWA. One of his most prominent actions was to help organize a strike in 1965 in Delano. Which agricultural product was the strike about?
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WOMEN IN STEM : Whitney Wolfe Herd is the founder and CEO of what popular mobile app?
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GEOGRAPHY: In a April 1999 segment of the Daily Show, correspondent Stephen Colbert visited Davis to profile a particular landmark. Name this landmark.
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BASEBALL: What was the original team name of Tampa Bay’s Major League Baseball team?
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MEDICINE: In the year 2000, TV journalist Katie Couric underwent a medical procedure that was filmed and aired on The Today Show. What was this procedure?
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ZOOLOGY: Which of these animals is NOT a rodent? Is it:
A. Capybaras
B. Nutrias
C. Jerboas
D. Pikas
E. Porcupines
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R2 Q1 Answer
Two objects sharing the same slipstream is known as drafting. Examples of drafting include migrating birds, lobster “trains,” and cycling and automotive racing.
R2 Q2 Answer
Perseverance. The rover will seek signs of ancient life and collect rock and soil samples for possible return to Earth. The rover will also carry a helicopter to demonstrate that powered flight is achievable in the Martian atmosphere
R2 Q3 Answer
The strike, initiated by Filipino-American farm workers, was over grapes. #CesarChavez and the NFWA joined and expanded the strike, which received national attention when the powerful United Auto Workers union announced their support
R2 Q4 Answer
Whitney Wolfe Herd is the founder and CEO of @Bumble, the dating app. She was 25 at the time of the app’s launch.
R2 Q5 Answer
In this segment, a very young @StephenAtHome got some good laughs out of the famous toad tunnel of Davis. It’s a classic.
R2 Q6 Answer
This was really a zoology question. The original name of @RaysBaseball was the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. “Devil Rays” or “Devil Fish” are an old name for manta rays.
R2 Q7 Answer
This would be @KatieCouric’s famous colonoscopy. Her husband had died of colorectal cancer two years prior, and her @TODAYshow segment would inspire many Americans to also get their exam.
R2 Q8 Answer
The answer is D. Pikas. Pikas look like hamsters with big round ears, but they are actually Lagomorphs — in the same group as rabbits. You can find pikas right here in the Sierra Nevada.
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ALCOHOL - In 2015, Belgian telescopes identified a star system with several planets in the “Goldilocks Zone.” The name of the telescopes is an acronym that is also a Belgian religious order famous for brewing beer. What is the name?
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AERONAUTICS -The SR-71 Blackbird is the most well known example of a plane that uses this propulsion system, which uses the airplane’s forward motion to compress incoming air without mechanical assistance. What is the name of this system?
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WARFARE - First used by the besieged City of Constantinople in the 670s, this combustible compound, probably a mix of naphtha and quicklime, ignites on contact with water and is used to set fire to enemy ships. What is this compound?
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NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - The Centennial Light, the world's longest-lasting electric light bulb, has been burning since 1901, and almost never switched off. It is located in a firehouse in which Northern California city?
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BASEBALL: The AAA minor league baseball team in Las Vegas is now called “The Aviators”. What was their team name between 2001 to 2018?
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MOVIES: In the James Bond film Quantum of Solace, Agent 007 was trying to stop an evil organization from hoarding a type of natural resource. Name this natural resource.
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MEDICINE: Ringworm is a skin ailment common around the world caused by an organism. What kind of organism is ringworm?
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HISTORY: Dr. Charles Drew was a pioneering African American physician whose research came in high demand during World War II. What medical procedure, now ubiquitous, did Charles Drew refine and popularize?
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R3 Q1 Answer
TRAPPIST (Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope) The star system, TRAPPIST-1, is 39.6 light-years from here in the constellation Aquarius. As many as six of the planets could exist in this zone habitable by humans.
R3 Q2 Answer
Ramjet. The cones at the front of the Blackbird’s two engines are shaped to compress the air. Any plane that uses ramjets must also have a second propulsion system to get the plane up to speed before the ramjet can be used.
R3 Q3 Answer
Greek Fire. During the First Arab Siege of Constantinople, the Greeks under Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV successfully repelled the forces under Caliph Mu'awiya I using this new invention.
R3 Q4 Answer
Livermore. The lightbulb has been off for only two notable lengths of time: for 22 minutes when it was moved to a new firehouse building, and for 9 hours and 45 minutes when a fault in its dedicated power supply occurred.
R3 Q5 Answer
The team name that preceded the @AviatorsLV was the “Las Vegas 51’s”—referring to Area 51, the nearby U.S. military facility where spy planes were long tested. Or alien spacecraft, if you want to believe.…
R3 Q6 Answer
Ringworm is not a worm or anything worm-like at all. It is a fungus or rather about 40 different types of fungus that cause the same ailment.
R3 Q7 Answer
In that movie, @007 had to stop the evil organization Quantum, and the natural resource that Quantum was trying to control was water or water supply.
R3 Q8 Answer
Charles Drew is credited for his research in blood transfusions (blood banks, blood storage, or blood donations). He died this week 70 years ago, on April 1st, 1950 in a car accident, at the age of 45.…
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POLITICS: Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, holds a doctoral degree in what technical field?
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FOOD: The name of the popular snack cracker Triscuits is a portmanteau of two words. What are the two words “Triscuit” stands for? You must name these two words exactly.
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AWARDS: There is an award, originally inspired by Congressman Jim Cooper of Tennessee, that’s been given out since 2012 to seemingly obscure, federally funded research that turns out to have tremendous societal impact. Name this award.
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GEOGRAPHY: In the Downtown Sacramento Grid, alleyways between lettered streets all received real names in 2011 corresponding to its initial street letter. What is the name of the alley that corresponds to the letter “R”?
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BASEBALL - Between a beetle infestation and Barry Bonds using a different type of bat during his home run chase, baseball bats made from Ash have fallen out of favor. What are most MLB baseball bats now made from?
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SPACE - This crewed spaceflight program that aims to put "the first woman and the next man" on the Moon, specifically at the lunar south pole region by 2024? What is the program’s name?
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HIGHER EDUCATION - Dr. Amar Ghopal Bose was a professor for 45 years, and is known for his advancements in acoustics. The university where he taught is now the majority shareholder of the Bose Corporation. Which university is this?
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INDUSTRY - Chloroflorocarbons (CFCs) were banned by the Montreal Protocol for delpleting the ozone layer. However, one CFC is still in use as a fire suppressant because it has no adequate replacement. What is the common name of this CFC?
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R4 Q1 Answer
Although her early studies were in physics, Chancellor Merkel’s doctoral thesis in 1986 was in the field of chemistry, Specifically, it was on quantum chemistry.
The answer is “Electricity Biscuits”. Comedy writer @SageBoggs had pondered this mystery recently, then dug up an ad from the early 1900’s touting @TheRealTriscuit as being baked by electricity—an exciting new process.
R4 Q3 Answer
This would be the @GoldenGooseAward, now managed by @AAAS. The name is a play on the “Golden Fleece Awards” that another U.S. Congress Member once created to *ridicule* serious research.
R4 Q4 Answer
The name of this alley is “Rice Alley”—an homage to our region’s history of rice agriculture.
R4 Q5 Answer
About three-quarters of @MLB players now use a Maple bat. While the traditional Ash bat is more elastic, Maple bats are harder, denser and can hit the ball farther. However, it does shatter more often.
R4 Q6 Answer
The first lunar missions were named after Apollo; the new lunar missions are named after his twin sister, the huntress #Artemis. The first Orion capsule was delivered for testing last week.
R4 Q7 Answer
Bose donated the majority of the @Bose Company’s non-voting shares to @MIT two years before his death, on the condition they would never be sold.
R4 Q8 Answer
Halon (Bromotrifluoromethane) is a required fire suppressant on some airplanes because it quickly puts out fires without damaging or freezing equipment, and is relatively safe for humans.
Stay healthy, stay informed, and take care of each other.
Until next time: #KEEPSCIENCESPICY! 🌶️😎❤️🥰🌶️
