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New: Merrick Garland made an unannounced visit to Ukraine for a meeting with Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova to discuss efforts to identify and apprehend suspected war criminals, according to a Justice Department official.… via @USATODAY
This is very important because Putin commits war crimes every day. Genocide must be called out. But how will Garland watch today’s 1/6 public hearing in Ukraine? Hopefully the time difference and streaming ability aren’t obstacles. We need his focus on the war against democracy.
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"You've heard the old adage 'A picture is worth a thousands words,'" said @SenBlumenthal today as children stood behind him wearing BulletSafe vests at a rally for gun control outside the Capitol.

"You can't close your eyes or your ears to what's going on in America."
Senator @ChrisMurphyCT told students advocating for new gun control measures that "young people and students" have historically led successful movements.

"I am more confident than ever that we are going to change the gun laws of this country to make our schools a safer place."
"High capacity magazines is about high capacity killing. Nothing else," said @senatormenendez at the #DontLookAway rally.

"Those who seek to kill Americans with such weapons do not have greater rights than our nations children to whom we owe a precious obligation to project."
Read 5 tweets
*CW: graphic descriptions of violence & torture

Many people might not initially associate torture with the Malaysian state. Yet, scratch underneath the surface, and you’ll find that torture is widespread.
#EndTortureNow The graphic reads "Wha...
Former Internal Security Act (ISA) detainee Abdul Malek Hussin described his experience being tortured, including beating until he fell unconscious and sexual abuse. Malek’s testimony is consistent with the experience of many other former ISA detainees. The text reads: Former Inte...
Newer laws have replaced the ISA, but allegations of torture remain. Recently, a group of 21 men alleged they were beaten with pipes, sticks and chairs while handcuffed. Their genitals were sprayed with chilli oil.… The graphic reads: Newer la...
Read 6 tweets
🚨 While the election results have been a respite for many, in its final weeks the Trump Admin is still hell-bent on destroying the U.S. asylum system.

5 dangerous regulatory changes are set to go into effect on Jan 11, 2021.…
The changes would, among other things, do the following: 🔽

1⃣Require all asylum apps be filed within 15 days of an asylum seeker’s first court hearing.
2⃣Assess a filing fee for all asylum apps, for the 1st time in U.S. history with no opportunity for a waiver of the fee.
3⃣Place onerous burdens on asylum seekers to ensure their apps are accepted by the immigration court, including permitting outright rejection of applications that do not conform to specific form-filling instructions and providing limited opportunity to remedy errors.
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Trump’s DHS separated parents from their kids — and deported them. 545 parents STILL cannot be found.


“The kids would start crying and it wasn’t just tears, it was screams.”

BIDEN: “Children were ripped from parents’ arms and separated. And now they cannot find over 500 sets of those parents, and those kids are ALONE… It’s criminal!!”

TRUMP: “They are so well taken care of…”

“Donald Trump’s administration lost the parents of 545 children they abducted at the border and caged… Stephen Miller created the myth that these parents didn’t really lose their children.”

@donwinslow #PleaseSaveTheseChildren #DontLookAway
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Because of #FamilySeparaton my client lost her 2 young daughters (6 and 8) to ICE, after BP wrenched them from their screaming mother. It took a trip to federal court to reunite them. 1/
Because of #FamilySeparation my 8 yo client was stranded in the US, alone without family or friends, with no voice, in an internment camp, after his father was deported without him. It took a trip to federal court to have his father returned to the US & reunited with his son. 2/
Because of #FamilySeparation my client was deported without her 6 yo son. It took a trip to federal court, and a trip to Guatemala, before we could deliver the child to his mother. 3/
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🧵 #Thread: 6 mo. ago we launched a #COVID19 Hotline to document abuses in ICE prisons. Since then, we’ve received over 10k calls. We just published our latest report analyzing data from the Hotline, attorneys, advocates & media reports.

Here’s what we found 👇 #FreeThemAll
Since our last update, ICE officials announced three deaths in custody. Fernando Sabonger-Garcia; Cipriano Chavez-Alvarez; and Romien Jally.

21 people have lost their lives in ICE custody this fiscal year, the highest in 15 years.

#DetentionKills #FreeThemAll
At least 7 of the 17 people who have died in ICE custody since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in ICE detention via a transfer from state or federal jails or prisons after completing a criminal sentence or being paroled out.

Half of these deaths were people over 50
Read 19 tweets
We are extremely concerned about President Trump's nominee. Amy Coney Barrett is not good news for immigrants. She is publicly supported by the Center for Immigration Studies, a Southern Poverty Law Center designated anti-immigrant hate group.

Keep reading 👇🏾
Judge Barrett was the only member of a 3 judge panel who voted to uphold the harmful “public charge rule” that prohibits many immigrants from accessing the benefits for which they are income eligible — even during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This nomination sends a clear message that our government doesn’t care. It is up to us to continue RBG’s fight and protect her legacy and the future of this country.
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URGENT: More family separation happening at the border. This time our client, a vulnerable 15 yr old girl how came to the US as an infant, was taken by @CBP after arresting her aunt at a hospital. She was taken after surgery & tested positive for COVID-19.…
The minor was taken to Edinburg hospital because of pain caused by a gallbladder stone. She was accompanied by her aunt. Someone notified CBP about them. They showed up at the hospital and took her aunt. The minor was then left alone.
Shortly after, she was transported in an ambulance to the San Antonio hospital with agents following them while the parents were not present. The hospital called the parents to say she was going to be transferred to San Antonio to have surgery.
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🚨 #DontLookAway: A 3rd ICE detainee at the Stewart Detention Center in Georgia has died from #COVID19

This (preventable) death comes only a week after a whistleblower reported inadequate protections for the virus at another GA immigrant detention center.…
If you missed the news here's a recap:
Dawn Wooten, a former nurse at ICE’s Irwin County Detention Center (also in GA), revealed that ICE:

➡️ Performed hysterectomies on women against their will
➡️ Refused to test people in detention for #COVID19
➡️ Shredded medical records
While these events have both taken place in Georgia (be that at 2 different detention centers), do NOT think for one minute that this isn't going on elsewhere across the country.

We've seen medical neglect of ICE detainees in GA, TX, CA, FL...the list goes on.
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There's a lot of talk around the forced hysterectomies at Irwin County ICE Detention Center.

This is what we know:
➡️ There are 13 confirmed cases (# may grow)
➡️ We need to #ShutDownIrwin AND #EndDetention
➡️ To get to the root of the problem = #AbolishICE

But there's more 👇🏾
This isn't a one-time thing. The conditions for something like this to occur have been brewing in ICE detention centers for years.

Black immigrant women have been protesting this all along.…
The whistleblower? Also a Black woman.

Dawn Wooten was a nurse at the facility in Ocilla, Georgia where the hysterectomies took place.

Her bravery to speak up should be uplifted & now that her name is public, she should be protected. #ProtectBlackWomen
Read 13 tweets
The USA has officially reached the forced sterilization stage of genocide.

Know who else did this? That’s right—Hitler.

Trump is Hitler reincarnate.

We warned you. For 4 f*cking years.

The US is obliterating the last stage of genocide & has banned the UN from entering the US.
There’s more verified in the article: They are intentionally not testing migrants in #TrumpConcentrationCamps for #COVID19 & sexual assault is rampant.
The Trump REGIME literally banned UN human rights inspectors from entering our country to inspect the atrocities occurring at the south border.

Trump and his GOP enablers & accomplices need to be tried under int’l law in violation of our UN treaties in The Hague.

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📣 Update on our call for Migrant Justice:
170 volunteers + ~2 weeks = 70,000 Latinx voters in Texas reached through our voter engagement efforts!

This is a tremendous success in such short turn around BUT we continue to need help! Image
The climate of fear & uncertainty due to #COVID19 has the potential to impede voting rights & impact turnout. That's why we're reminding Latinx voters & BIPOC that our voices & votes matter.

We can no longer afford to look away.…
Learn what it take to become a #MigrantJusticeWarrior & join the crew of texters in our effort to #GOTV.

Sign up below 👇🏾 & we'll reach out with more info! #DontLookAway
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The @CBP is using your taxpayer dollars to create propaganda videos. They goal? Make you think that they are the "good guys" and that those Spanish speaking men in the video represent the immigrant community. The reality is far from this. Keep reading.
@CBP Border patrol is one of the biggest law enforcement agencies in the U.S. They are also one of the most corrupt and rogue. They are the people who have literally caged children in places that migrants call “perreras” (dog kennels) and have openly laughed about migrant deaths.
@CBP Do you remember this article?…. We do.

This is the same agency that was sent to Portland to pick up American citizens and put them in unmarked vans. Good guys? Come on.
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🧵👇🏾 Immigrants have organized before to stop deportations, reunite families & fight for the DREAM Act.

Now, we're at it again - bc we know the U.S. can be a better place for all if we fight for migrant justice together. #DontLookAway Image
We've seen first hand how immigrant communities ravaged by #COVID19, have suffered both emotional & economic losses as the disease has disproportionately impacted POC.

And we're here to tell you we 👏🏾 can 👏🏾 no 👏🏾 longer 👏🏾look 👏🏾 away. 👏🏾
.@CBP separated 6,000+ “family units” between April 19, 2018 & Aug 15, 2018, according to a report published by @amnestyusa.

And right now, entire families are STILL detained in @ICEgov custody as the agency refuses to #FreeThemAll amidst the pandemic.
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First they came for my neighbor, the immigrant, & deported him, breaking up his family, but I didn't say anything because he was just a neighbor.
Then they came for the refugees, separated their children and jailed them, but I didn't say anything because they were not my children.
Then they took my friend's land to build an ugly, destructive and useless racist wall, but I didn't say anything because it wasn't my land.
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The banning of WeChat, the latest victim of the Trump administration, can only be seen as an attack on the Chinese community.…

Read 🧵👇🏽
This Anti-Chinese sentiment in the U.S. is nothing new to its history. Immigration from China is such a vast part of U.S. history and subsequently its immigration laws, yet the Chinese diaspora hardly gets spoken about.

The banning of WeChat is bigger than just banning an app.
It's depriving the ability for Chinese immigrants to feel connected with their family and friends back home.

As if we needed another example of the Trump admin's commitment to driving wedges between people and their families/communities. #DontLookAway…
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8 y/o Juana, a victim of our family separation policy, ripped from her father's arms, was held in a Trump internment camp for 11 mos with her father deported to Guatemala. Our legal team rescued & returned her home. We won't forget the harm she suffered.…
Juana's family has been broken by Stephen Miller, in making her a poster child for Trump's policy of child terror designed to dissuade persecuted migrants, "the poor & huddled masses", from seeking shelter in America. We will continue to #NotLookAway. Help us make Juana whole. Image
We will show that we are not Stephen Miller. That Americans are generous, kind, & accountable. Juan deserves our help - American reparations for the cruelty, the pain, the suffering inflicted on a mere child by our government as a matter of policy. Image
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🚨 BREAKING: @DHSgov has said it'll reject initial, 1st time #DACA applications & will limit renewals for current recipients to 1 year extensions instead of the 2 year protections in place since '12.

Amazingly the Trump admin thinks it can reject a #SCOTUS ruling. #DontLookAway Image
The cherry on top?

The #DACA rescission is signed by "Acting" Secretary of DHS, child separating @DHS_Wolf who is most certainly NOT not the valid lawful Secretary. 👇🏾
What we know (for now):

➡️ DHS will reject all initial requests for #DACA & associated apps for Employment Authorization Documents
➡️ Reject new & pending requests for advanced parole absent exceptional circumstances
➡️ Limit the period of renewed deferred action to 1 year.
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Some details on the @ICEgov hotel detention in McAllen, El Paso, and Arizona. @TXCivilRights discovered children held at Hampton Inn in McAllen. Quoted from Flores report: ICE utilizes contracts with MVM, Inc. (MVM) through Juvenile & Family Residential Management Unit... 1/10
... (JFRMU) to transport & temporarily house unaccompanied minors & family units pending removal under Title 42. This program is an extension of regular transportation services for aliens between custodial settings instituted in 2014.2/10
Initially, the program required only brief stays in hotels prior to deportation flights & prolonged stays in temporary housing were rare occurrences before the implementation of the Title 42 expulsion protocols. However, since implementation of the @CBP-issued expulsion...3/10
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One year ago today, @RepBrianFitz of PA01 voted NO on a bill that would have provided safe and humane conditions for detainees, including children.

Brian Fitzpatrick voted to keep #KidsInCages.

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#PA01’s @RepBrianFitz voted NO to making sure people in US custody have “soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste, adult diapers, and feminine hygiene products.”

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#PA01’s @RepBrianFitz voted NO to making sure that babies and mother had access to "a clean diaper changing facility, which includes proper waste disposal, a hand washing station, and unrestricted access to diapers."

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🚨URGENT: Help us stop Nelly's deportation. Nelly is in detention in TX and can be deported on Tuesday. She qualifies for an initial #DACA application, but because @USCIS refuses to open up the process, regardless of the SCOTUS decision, @ICEgov is refusing to allow her to stay.
Nelly came to the US from El Salvador at age 8 in 1993 and has lived here ever since. She was accused of theft, but her charges were dismissed. Regardless, ICE refuses to release her and now are planning to deport her.
Nelly's health in detention is deteriorating. In her late teens through early 20s, Nelly underwent chemotherapy to treat tumors near her heart. She's in remission now but was having regular six-month checkups all the way until she was taken into ICE custody.
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1/9 I got a small chortle out of this headline, but there's a darker story behind it:

China announces retaliatory sanctions against Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz

#GeeksResist #OneVoice1 #DemCast…
2/9 You may recall that in June, John Bolton's book was leaked and it was revealed that Donald Trump not only didn't care about human rights in China, but actually SUPPORTED Chinese concentration camps for millions of Uighur Muslims.

Four articles:…
3/9 Trump Says He Avoided Punishing China Over Uighur Camps to Protect Trade Talks

“Well, we were in the middle of a major trade deal,” the president said, supporting an account by his former national security adviser John R. Bolton.

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Since Trump's family separation policies began, I've been to ICE detention centers, CBP processing centers & the encampment at Matamoros. Prior to my first visit I had never witnessed a humanitarian crisis. I had never been to a war zone, or witnessed genocide.
I can not say the same today. I have seen the intentional infliction of trauma on innocent children on American soil by a government acting in all of our names. And that government has lied to you. These aren't drug dealers or rapists coming for you.
These are families fleeing unspeakable violence. Children traveling alone thousands of miles with no money, no resources, who are beaten, raped, kidnapped and forced into manual labor along the way.
Read 11 tweets

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