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Jan 20th 2023
A thread 🧵 on P/E ratio Image
P/E ratio is a financial metric that compares a company's stock price to its earnings per share. It's used to evaluate the relative value of a stock and assess its potential for growth.
A P/E ratio of 15, for example, means that the stock's price is 15 times its earnings per share. A higher P/E ratio indicates that investors are paying more for each rupee of earnings.
Read 15 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
Hey everyone, let's talk about economic calendars! An #economiccalendar is a tool that helps traders and investors keep track of important financial events and data releases. 1/n Image
This includes things like central bank meetings, #GDP reports, and #employment figures. By knowing when these events are happening, you can make informed decisions about your investments.
Most economic calendars also provide information on the expected impact of each event. This can help you gauge how markets are likely to react to certain news. I loved the way @Investingcom explains the impact.

Read 10 tweets
Jul 19th 2022
If #retirement is on the list of #goals you’re investing for, should the current high #inflation lead to any change in your plans? Here’s our take: (1/5)
If annual inflation is at 7%, monthly #expenses of Rs 50,000 per month today, would become Rs 1.9 lakhs per month, in 20 years. At 5% inflation, it would become only Rs 1.3 lakhs per month. It’s best to overestimate, err on the side of caution and invest accordingly. (2/5)
At the same time, it doesn’t help to panic and look only at the short term. Just stick to your #assetallocation, and continue your SIPs. If you think your #SIP investments won’t take you closer to your retirement goal, consider increasing allocation to equity MFs. (3/5)
Read 6 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
Fully agree with @IslandGenomics and @tncvidya about the US-centric discussions on academic Twitter in general and EEB Twitter in particular, including (unfortunately) recent discussions about #diversify #EEB 1/
Many of us not living in the US or not being affiliated with US academic institutions have no clue about many of the specific issues being discussed and various acronyms such as "gre scores", "DEI initiatives" and so on 2/
It would be useful if our colleagues in the US and North America could look up a bit on the horizon and critically reflect upon the fact that what is being discussed by them on US academic Twitter and EEB Twitter is not always as of much general relevance as you seem to think 3/
Read 8 tweets
Nov 6th 2021
You're struggling to scale your e-commerce #operations to a new level? Here are 5 easy ways on how to #scale horizontally👇🏻

THREAD 🧵 (1/6)
1️⃣ Foreign markets.

Chances are, that you're running your operations mainly in the United States of America. Think outside of the box. The world is big enough for you to scale in #untappedmarkets such as DACH, NORDIC, BENELUX, etc.

2️⃣ Foreign languages.

Not only should you consider #scaling in untapped markets as previously mentioned but you should also adapt to the local language. Tested this several times and it will significantly boost your #CVR and just overall performance-driven #KPIs.

Read 6 tweets
May 26th 2021
In the context of #Africa Day 2021, what's #Pakistan's untapped #export potential with that region? #thread 👇👇👇
We have recently estimated #Pakistan's export potential at about US$88 billion. The untapped portion of that is close to US$61 billion.… 2/n
The largest untapped #export potentials for #Pakistan are with #China, and with its own region, #SouthAsia, for about 13 and 12.5 billion respectively, stressing the importance #regional #integration initiatives. 3/n
Read 5 tweets
Jan 30th 2021
Thread 🧵#StockMarket #Tips For Beginners 🇮🇳

In this thread find some stock market tips for beginners, especially those who have joined market recently during #COVID19 #lockdown and have only seen one-sided rally.

(If you like then please re-tweet to maximize reach)

1⃣ Save Regularly & Initially Invest Small Amounts 👇

#Investing in #StockMarket is comparatively risky as compared to investing in other avenues. Hence start with small amount and it should ideally be the amount which you can afford to loose.

2⃣ Initially invest via #MutualFunds 👇

It is the best thing to do initially, if you lack knowledge about #StockMarket #investing, start investing via mutual funds and only after learning the basics slowly jump to direct equity investing.

#MutualFundsSahiHai #MF
Read 12 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
Dear @WarrenBuffett - a very

HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY to you!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge, experience and for being such an inspiration to us as most successful investor, modest AND happy person in one!

Here's to many more years to come!

⬇️thread⬇️ Image
Warren Buffett on earning:

"Never depend on single income. Make investments to create a second source."

#multiplestreamsofincome Image
Warren Buffett on spending:

"If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need."

#minimalism Image
Read 8 tweets
Nov 2nd 2019
A running thread of things that @Twitter could do to unlock value for users. Will add to overtime. Please feel free to retweet and reply with your own, most of these below I have just taken and summarized from others. In no particular order. 1/♾ #JustKidding 🤔 or am I?
@Twitter I drafted a tweet on my phone but of course, can't access "draft's" on the desktop. So lets maybe start there. The desktop and @Tweetdeck version should be MORE robust than the mobile app not less. Tweetdeck, for example, has no bookmarks, emoji's, live video, polls, gif's, etc
@Twitter @TweetDeck There are SO MANY great meaningful quotes, threads, replies, and conversations that vanish into the Twitter ether, drowned out by hot takes, snark, and 280 character riffs on what some influencer or politician just did. Find a way to collect and resurface this treasure trove.
Read 80 tweets

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