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@AnnaFazack1 1️⃣/9️⃣▷ Meanwhile, in the real world, climate activists block the best young scientists from being hired or tenured, & even get top scientists like Prof. Peter Ridd fired, if they dare speak the inconvenient good news about climate.
@AnnaFazack1 2️⃣/9️⃣▷ The "climate crisis" is a marketing ploy. Thousands of high quality studies in rigorous sciences, like agronomy, give compelling evidence that human impact on Earth's climate is modest & benign, and CO2 emissions are beneficial rather than harmful.
@AnnaFazack1 3️⃣/9️⃣▷ On twitter, as on other social media platforms, the vicious abuse by climate activists, of scientists who are skeptical of the "climate emergency," continues unabated. It's a cynical climate industry strategy, to market their products by silencing their critics. Image
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@SunnovaEnergy 1️⃣/6️⃣▷ The best thing we can do for the Earth (and the people who live on her!) is to produce more CO2!

That's what the best scientific evidence shows. Are you surprised?

#EarthDay @CO2Coalition
@SunnovaEnergy @CO2Coalition 2️⃣/6️⃣▷ CO2 emissions are Greening the earth, and that's cause for celebration!…

@SunnovaEnergy @CO2Coalition 3️⃣/6️⃣▷ The "greening" of the Earth due to CO2 emissions is measurable from space. This is NASA's video about it:
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Happy #EarthDay! We compiled images of Earth from different perspectives . Take a moment to appreciate the fragility and beauty of our home. 🧵

See the full list of images ranging from 12,000 feet under the sea to 4 billion miles in space by @KashaPatel: Image
🛰️Bering Sea, from a satellite 440 miles above Earth

High vantage points often reveal large-scale marks on our planet. These colorful pockets are often blooms of microscopic marine algae called phytoplankton, from the Greek words phyto (plant) and plankton (wanderer). Image
👨‍🚀Auroral beads, as captured from the International Space Station 250 miles above Earth

The aurora can sometimes be obscured to sky watchers on the ground by clouds, but astronauts on the International Space Station can have a front-row seat to aurora activity from above. Image
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Twenty five years ago, on this #EarthDay, Apr 22 1998, the #HockeyStick reconstruction of temperatures was born ( Here's an interview I did on @CBSEveningNews with @johnrobertsFox (anchor @DanRather):
The Hockey Stick was extended to the past 1000 years in 1999 (…) and appeared in it's most recognizable form in the @IPCC_CH 3rd Assessment Report "Summary for Policymakers" (…) Image
Sorry #DenierBots, the original #HockeyStick was readily reproduced with publicly available data & methods description by other researchers:… Image
Read 14 tweets
Where I grew up in the Mon Valley, our air is so dirty we have some of the worst pollution in the country causing childhood asthma, emphysema & COPD

I know firsthand that health justice = climate justice

I'm fighting for a Green New Deal so kids in my community can *live*🌎🧵 ImageImage
Four years ago, the people came together to build a multi-racial, multi-generational movement to right the wrongs of environmental racism and demand clean air and water, worker power, union jobs, lower costs and a liveable future for everyone . 2/…
The people know damn well that for this country to be a place where everyone can thrive, we CANNOT let corporate polluters pump toxins into any more Black, brown and poor communities on the backs of taxpayers. 3/…
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Environmental protection & conservation is important in Islam. Muslims believe humans are stewards of the Earth, & it is a religious obligation to care for the environment & the planet in a proactive manner

To celebrate Earth Day, a thread on Islam & environmental action… Image
1/Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), stated,

“The world is green & beautiful, & Allah (God) has appointed you his stewards over it.”

It is the religious obligation of anyone who follows Islam to care for the Earth and its resources. Image
2/The Quran defined mankind as a Khālifah, or a representative or successor on the earth, rather than having dominion over or possession of it. The idea of khalifah (stewardship) is arguably the most important concept in Islamic environmentalism. Image
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1/ 📈 Simon Abundance Index 2023 📈

Our editor @Marian_L_Tupy and BYU's @gpooley just updated their resource abundance index with 2022 data.

The headline: Since 1980, resources have become 420% more abundant.

#SimonAbundanceIndex #EarthDay

📄:… ImageImage
2/👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Does population growth make resources scarcer?

Not according to the data.

Between 1980 and 2022, the world's population grew by 79.4%.

Over that same period, global resource abundance increased by 420%.

For the average person, it increased by 190%.

#SimonAbundanceIndex Image
3/🦠 Global resource abundance fell by 3.55% in 2022.

While regrettable, that decline was much smaller than the 22% drop in 2021 caused by COVID-19 and its related policies.

Note that the index increased by an average of 4.46% per year between 1980 and 2022. Image
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Executive order: “the President is working to ensure that all people – regardless of race, background, income, ability, Tribal affiliation, or zip code – can benefit from the vital safeguards enshrined in our nation’s foundational environmental + civil rights laws” #EarthWeek
“That means cleaner air and water, reduced risk for asthma, cancer, and other health burdens, and better access to green space, safe and affordable housing, and clean transportation.”
The new Executive Order, Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, will: ImageImageImage
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This #EarthDay show of solidarity should motivate everyone to engage in the campaign to protect us from the devastating impact of climate change

@amnesty salutes everyone who is helping to promote the protection of our planet & human rights” @MartaSchaaf…
“Caring is not enough. Now is the time for all of us to take action”

@ChrisGPackham urges us all to step onto the next wrung of the activism ladder at #TheBigOne in London

With @XRebellionUK @JustStop_Oil @AnimalRising @GreenpeaceUK @Greenpeace @XRLondon #EarthDay #EarthDay2023
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#PB planetary_boundaries
5_pollution: Plastic, Microplastics, Glyphosate, 350 000 Chemicals
6_water 26.04.2022
0_human_population Image
#PB planetary_boundaries
1_climate_change #PB1
#PB planetary_boundaries
2_biodiversity_loss_&_extinction #PB2
Read 141 tweets
Great to see this news coverage about @TransitionPtbo, Canada's first ever Transition group. After a decade of producing GreenZine they re-launched it as an online magazine on #EarthDay.…
You can read @TransitionPtbo's GreenZine here -
And delve deeper into @TransitionPtbo's long history and learnings in Fred Irwin's latest book -
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It's #EarthDay so today seems like a good day to share a quick overview of my book, Brave Green World, which I coauthored with Dr Chris Forman (1/17)
With an almost constant stream of scary environmental news, it can be easy to feel disheartened. There are solutions to the environmental crisis - but it requires a rethink of our relationship with matter and energy.
In #BraveGreenWorld, Chris and I set out to understand how we can combine old wisdom with new technology to make our economy more like a natural ecosystem - recycling everything locally and producing next to no waste.
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On #EarthDay I’m thrilled to announce, Shuggie’s, a restaurant I invested in located in SF, is open for business! Shuggie’s is dedicated to fighting climate change by serving upcycled food waste. Food waste is a major cause of greenhouse gas emissions.…
SO nearly all the food served is upcycled food waste IE “trash” 😆But I promise it’s good! So fight climate change & eat some tasty pizza and drink organic low intervention natural wine along the way. All the restaurant’s wares, decor and furnishing is thrifted or repurposed too.
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Why would Big Tobacco secretly fight to protect another poison? Why was DDT—the pesticide that devastated ecosystems, & banned partly thanks to Rachel Carson’s SILENT SPRING—beloved by cigarette manufacturers? The answer is not what you’d think: #EarthDay 🧵
Growing up on Long Island in the 80s, I learned that the pesticide DDT was why our part of New York had lost the osprey, a bird of prey with a wingspan as wide as my father was tall.
Familiar with robins and sparrows, I couldn’t believe something as powerful as an osprey had ever soared through our skies.
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Zur Lage der #Umwelt in #Leipzig ein Thread zum #earthday:

Die Stadt räumt ein, dass wir in den letzten Jahren einen Verlust an Grünflächen haben.

Passend dazu spricht der @NABU_Leipzig auch von der schrumpfenden Stadt.

Ebenfalls schätzt der NaBu einen Verlust von bis zu 10.000 Bäumen pro Jahr, wohlgemerkt ersatzlos.

Auch nach den Zahlen der Stadt nur im Bereich der Parkbäume und Straßenbäume, gibt es einen Verlust.
Dazu ist der Waldanteil in Leipzig unterdurchschnittlich niedrig. #Leipzig gehört zu den waldärmsten Regionen im Freistaat #Sachsen.
Auch nach Aussagen der Stadt sind Flächen für Waldmehrung nicht vorhanden.
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1/. #THREAD (read until the end)

As people around the world mark #EarthDay a QUESTION...

Would you buy grapes that were individually wrapped in plastic?
#ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #plasticpollution #ClimateJustice #EarthDay2022 #ClimateActionNow
2/. “Every single grape wrapped in plastic! What the actual *#@*!”

You’d probably be outraged like my friend Diane was! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #plasticfree #EarthDay #EarthDay2022
#ClimateMarch #ClimateJustice

The individually wrapped grapes iaren’t real

The plastic wrapped passion fruit are

Britain is the world’s 2nd biggest producer of plastic per person

Plastic waste kills millions of birds, sea mammals & fish each year
(Clip @GreenpeaceUK)
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Two years ago today, a quorum of community members stood up the Celo network. Happy celo-versary everyone! What an incredible milestone! 🎈🥳🍾
When the network first launched, I would compulsively check its health to make sure that blocks were still being produced. Two years later with no downtime, that compulsion has faded thanks to the incredible work of the validator and core dev community. Here's to all of you!
Since then, the network has produced 12.6M blocks, processed 114M transactions, serviced 4M wallet addresses, self-governed with 52 on-chain governance proposals and two hardforks, helped offset 85M tons of CO2, and we're just getting started!
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🌧️At 11am PST we'll be looking at the ramifications for California of what is the worst #drought to hit the western US in over a millennium. Follow via FB Live and @EthnicMediaSvc
Learn more 👉 Image
Welcome to today's briefing, "Not a Drop to Drink: California Faces Worst #Drought in 1,200 Years." You can follow the conversation via FB Live #EarthDay
Our first speaker today is @rajendrashende, Chairman, @terreindia and former director of the United Nations Environment Program, who will be speaking about the global impacts of the #drought
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We only have one planet.

From day one, my office has taken action to fight climate change and protect our communities from its impacts. #EarthDay
🌎We successfully fought several of the former federal administration's harmful environmental policies.

🌊Held bad actors accountable for polluting our air and water.

⚡️Ensured proper cleanup of a nuclear facility in New York.
🏘️Stopped landlords from exposing children in our most vulnerable communities to dangerous lead paint.

🚨Demanded the removal of language barriers for severe weather alerts.

☀️Urged the government to protect our workers from extreme heat.
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The path ahead will be full of outrage and optimism.

We need to channel both towards responding to the complexity of the climate crisis and its solutions – and that involves every one of us 🌍

🎧 #EarthDay
In case you missed it in this week's @Guardian, @CFigueres wrote about why the complexity of the climate crisis and its solutions means we need to get used to holding complex emotional reactions 👇 #EarthDay…
⬆️ Ft. some of the inspiring individuals who have joined us in conversation on Outrage + Optimism, including @GretaThunberg, @LizWathuti, @MichaelEMann, @NicolaSturgeon, @Harari_Yuval, @JRockstrom, @Vanessa_Vash. We are deeply grateful to every guest and every listener. #EarthDay
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THREAD: While Israel greenwashes its image and portrays itself as environmentally-aware, the truth is that it is actively harming the Palestinian landscape and environment, affecting every aspect of Palestinian life. #EarthDay #EarthDay22
Israel’s land theft in the occupied West Bank is a prime example of climate injustice. Israel destroys the natural landscape, building illegal settlements on Palestinian farmland. Water springs on the land are dried up, harming life and agricultural production.
Israel relies on unsustainable agricultural and water use practices that depend upon the exploitation of Palestinians’ land and water. These practices directly contribute to climate change in the region.…
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#EarthDay is a great opportunity to reflect on Elinor #Ostrom’s legacy. She showed that people can collaborate to sustain shared resources. Individual action is important, but collective action can achieve much more. Here are some essays I wrote about Ostrom and our environment.
Crises of the Commons: Elinor Ostrom’s legacy of self-governance
The lessons from her research – local institutions for governing commons and polycentric governance across scales – led Ostrom to tackle the most vexing challenge: climate change (@csgskcl)…
Congested, Contested, and Competitive: Are we running out or room in outer space?
Space is critical to modern life on Earth. Policy makers are finding ways to sustain and manage our shared space resources. And they are drawing on Ostrom's ideas. @IP_URP…
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Everywhere you look across the internet today:
It's Earth Day! Here are a bunch of virtue-signaling articles you can read to both give and assuage crippling guilt over which nothing you have much control!

Then there's me, celebrating Earth Day KMC1230-style: with a meme thread!
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Most of the Lake District:
Geology: 9/10
Ecology: 2/10
It's overgrazed to smithereens by sheep.
#EarthDay Image of lake District moun...Another image of lake Distr...
Look at this view of Great and Green Gable. You cannot see a single tree or shrub. The sheep have eaten everything.
We hiked for 8h on a sunny April day - I don't think I saw a single flower or insect on the peaks.
/2 View of Great Gable in fore...
Aha! Found some trees!
They're growing on small ledges on cliffs near the stream with little grazing pressure.
Well done little guys.
/3 Image of river in the Lakes...
Read 10 tweets

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