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#Deepstatemedia uses colour themes for comms. For example there's long been green and blue combo that is symbolic. Now, heaps of yellow. Likely sign of distress, or warning about health danger to globalists. Yellow Jack flag ("Q") seems relevant.…
Yellow often combined with black. I think it evokes #blacksun (eclipse). Just had one of those. Think of timing: Celestial corona featured in lead up to #coronation. Corona-virus, too. Along with Commonwealth itself, Commonwealth Bank comes to mind coz of colour combo.
Here are #comms related to this. From April 23's Failing Terrorgraph. #Bluedog and *Taylor* *Swift* feature. Headline evokes imprisonment. Big bucks mentioned. Note black, yellow, orange in photo taken by Wayne *Taylor*. Pooch snap is by David *Swift*. What are the odds? ImageImageImageImage
Read 135 tweets
Rare hybrid #solar #eclipse appears for first time in a decade, all you need to know | Apr 20
- The eclipse will start at 9:36 p.m. Eastern time.
- It will first be visible in the Indian Ocean and then move across to the Pacific Ocean,
“Journey to Totality: Live Updates of the 2023 #Solar #Eclipse” | Apr 19,
The hybrid solar eclipse of 2023. It can be seen from Exmouth in Western #Australia, where it looks the best. The eclipse will continue until 12:29 pm IST… Image
#IST – Indian Standard Time
India Standard Time (IST) is 5:30 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Image
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0/ the era of monolithic blockchains is ending and the future is modular 🧱

the @EclipseFND x @nautilus_chain zkEVM partnership is a great example of why YOU should be excited about the modular thesis 🚀

a 🧵 featuring @CelestiaOrg, @RiscZero and @NeonLabsOrg

(0/18) 👇 Image
1/ introducting @EclipseFND 🧪

@EclipseFND is a framework that lets you build customizable, modular rollups using the #Solana VM (Sealevel VM) on any chain. While that allows for running programs written for Solana on the VM, #Eclipse isn’t using @solana for security Image
2/ instead, settlement happens on the #Eclipse settlement rollup, while the DA solution can be customized and can e.g. be @CelestiaOrg, @AvailProject or @eigenlayer Image
Read 22 tweets
Halo #KawanBRIN, hari Selasa, 8 November 2022 mendatang akan ada fenomena Gerhana Bulan Total loh! Gerhana Bulan Total kali ini terjadi dengan durasi total selama 1 jam, 24 menit, 58 detik dan durasi umbral (sebagian + total) selama 3 jam, 39 menit, 50 detik.
Puncak Gerhana Bulan Total dapat disaksikan mulai pukul 18.00 WIB / 19.00 WITA / 20.00 WIT. Yuk simak tabel waktunya dalam salindia berikut.
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La mayoría de las personas piensan que el karma funciona como un sistema de castigos vs. premios, por ejemplo, situaciones como “si en una vida pasada fuiste un ladrón, entonces en esta vida te robarán muchas cosas”. En realidad, si fuiste un ladrón en una vida pasada, lo más-
probable es que lo seas en esta también. El karma, o los patrones de vidas pasadas, son condiciones previas que nunca fueron resueltas, lecciones que no fueron aprendidas, ciclos abiertos que aún siguen abiertos y que permanecerán de esa forma a menos que conscientemente busques-
expandirte más allá del piloto automático que te mantiene en la narrativa que subconscientemente conoces. Es el trabajo de una vida entera, sí, pero con el #eclipse de hoy tenemos la oportunidad energética de limpiar nuestros patrones y cerrar algunas cosas que aún reflejan el-
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🛡️#T3OccultAstrology WAR ON AMERICANS
The US #RomanCult declared war on Americans w/ the passage of #BuildBackBetter in the House 11/19/21 and Senate 8/7/22
#JoeBack will sign the #ActOfWar this week.
On 8/7 Mars🟥Saturn was exact @ 22d.
This is a conspiracy to destroy the USA
They tried to rebrand #BuildBackBetter by publicly calling it #InflationReductionAct But if you look at the title on, #HR5376 clearly reads #BBBAct
It started when the House passed BBB on the longest #Eclipse in a 1000 yrs - November 19 #FullMoon 2021 ImageImageImageImage
Now, the Senate passes sanctions during a very tumultuous time as #SaturnSquareUranus is waxing w/i 3d, Mars is🔴Uranus in exact🟥to Saturn @ 22d♉️♒️
Notice exact Moon🔺Sun.
The #PriestKings worship Moon/Sun. They use astrology to time their conspiracies against humanity. ImageImage
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🌕 En una hora se perfecciona el Eclipse lunar en el grado 25 del eje #Tauro #Escorpio en cuadratura a #Saturno ✨👇🏻
Los #eclipses son eventos importantes ya que están relacionados a los #nodos de la luna, puntos que tienen que ver con nuestro destino/propósito de vida
Son grandes oportunidades para alinearnos con nuestro ser ya que se evidencia lo que no va más. Nos invitan a registrar nuestro mundo interior y a entregarnos a lo que nos sucede.
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Estamos exactamente a 2 años del evento astronómico del siglo en #Mexico.

El 8 de abril del 2024 los habitantes del norte México podrán disfrutar de un #Eclipse Total de Sol. #Hilo 🧵👇 Image
La duración de la totalidad será de hasta 4 minutos y 27 segundos, casi el doble que la Gran Eclipse Americano del 21 de agosto de 2017. ImageImage
Se espera que el máximo del eclipse ocurra en algún situó entre Torreón-Gómez Palacios y la Ciudad de Durango. Image
Read 14 tweets
DER SPIEGEL: Roman Abramoviç'in 'Solaris' isimli süper yat'ı 140 metre boyunda, 8 güvertede 48 kabini ve bir helikopter pisti var.
Anlaşılan #Rus milyarder mal varlığının bir kısmını #Türkiye'ye kaçırmaya çalışıyor.
Ancak sosyal medyada büyük ilgi gören bir olay yaşandı.
Solaris Salı günü bir Türk tatil beldesine yanaşırken, küçük bir teknede ellerinde #Ukrayna bayrağıyla yüksek sesle slogan atan bir grup insan yollarını kapattı ve üstünde '#SavaşaHayır' yazan #Ukrayna bayrakları salladılar.
Ayrıca Abramoviç'in '#Eclipse' isimli dünyanın en büyük yatlarından biri olan diğer süper yatıda da bu hafta #Türkiye'nin güneybatısında demirledi.
Gemide iki helikopter pisti, 9 güverte, bir yüzme havuzu ve bir füze #savunma sistemi olduğu söyleniyor.
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What's the deeper meaning behind it all?

Follow the white rabbit through this maze connecting art, Jeffrey Epstein, the illuminati, possible dimensional portals and... escape rooms?
This rabbit hole actually leads to more topics than just this thread, a part 2 will be needed

After reading this thread keep your eyes peeled for these symbols and feel free to send me any connections you make on your own
It started when I saw a commercial for the movie Escape Room 2: Tournament of Champions

I noticed the white and black checkerboard floor and the black cube

The characters are in a bank called "Illuminus Bank"

The black cube image is also placed over lower Manhattan ImageImageImageImage
Read 111 tweets
So beings the live review of #Twilight #Eclipse from the #TwilightSaga on #TwilightOnNetflix.

I have no idea what this is about or why I subject myself to this, but I do have to talk about something important.

Qui huc intrasti omissa spe
Okay. Before we begin, I need to apologize to Kirsten Stewart. And this isn’t because I was threatened by a grove of sequoias who asked me if I wanted to know what a tree branch tasted going up the ole poop chute.
No, see. I was inform by an organization called People Against Wood Acting Insults. They told me that plank is considered one of the greatest actors to ever come out of the forest. Dare they say one of the best to ever perform in a Birchway Play.
Read 187 tweets
Incredible #sunrise #eclipse #wow #israeljoffe #northbethesda #Maryland #PacMan
Cool article featuring me from #newsweek about the #pacman #Eclipse this morning, thanks :) #israel #joffe #thursdaymorning #fda #sunrise #thursdayvibes…
Another cool article featuring me and my eclipse pics and videos... #FoxNews about the #pacman #Eclipse this morning.. It was an awesome thing to witness at sunrise, thanks :) #israel #joffe #thursdaymorning #fda #sunrise #thursdayvibes…
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#JPM2021 $GH #GuardantHealth my highlights:… #LiquidBiopsy they are at the forefront of #Epigenomic profiling (Methylation+Fragmentomics) Image
#LUNAR1 #CRC bringing #Epigenomic profiling to recurrence testing with #Methylation profiling (no fragmentomics?) Image
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Hoy en #Argentina y #Chile se podrá observar uno de los fenómenos astronómicos más fascinantes: un #EclipseTotalDeSol. ¿Qué opina el judaísmo al respecto? Sale #hilo. #Eclipse #EclipseSolar2020 #Eclipse2020 #EclipseSolar
El término eclipse viene del griego y significa desaparición. Es el fenómeno que se da por la alineación de tres cuerpos celestes donde la luz que uno emite, no logra llegar a destino por la interposición de un tercero.
En el caso del #EclipseTotal , la luz es bloqueada por completo. Cuando se trata del sol y la tierra, es la luna la que se interpone entre ambos. Si bien hay excepciones, generalmente hay que esperar décadas y hasta siglos para que se repita en un mismo lugar.
Read 11 tweets
Si está nublado no se podrá apreciar la #Corona en la etapa“total”del #Eclipse😕pero aún así se debería poder disfrutar de la etapa”parcial”del #Eclipse🙂👇a menos q las nubes sean muy-muy gruesas y bloqueen totalmente la luz; eso sí sería muy mala suerte😡
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Para mirar un #Eclipse hay q usar #Lentes q cumplan la Norma ISO12312-2. Estos Lentes atenúan ~1000veces la intensidad de la luz y evitan exposición a AltasDosis de #RadiacionSolar… Sólo en la etapa de OscuridadTotal te los puedes sacar para ver la Corona👇
⚠️ Los Lentes adecuados y seguros son aquellos q indican cumplir la norma ISO12312-2. Este número debe aparecer impresa en el reverso del lente. No importa el color del marco del lente! #Eclipse
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En un #Eclipse Lunar la sombra de la Tierra🌍 sobre la Luna🌙 aparece algo “difusa“ debido a q la #Atmósfera terrestre dispersa la #RadiaciónSolar. En un #EclipseSolar la silueta de la Luna🌑 sobre el Sol☀️ aparece perfectamente definida debido a q la Luna no tiene #Atmósfera. ImageImage
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THREAD - Upcoming solar eclipse in Mrigashira Nakshatra and American protests.

Mrigashira nakshatra is all about searching and finding the truth. The symbolisation of nakshatra is related with Deer’s head and the major symbol is deer. The deer is always on search but fails 1/7 Image
to see that the things which he is searching around are already within itself. Moreover, deer is a gentle animal and therefore this nakshatra is a soft one. Though it is a soft nakshatra, but still the ruler ship of mars leads to aggressive patterns. Deer is always roaming 2/8
around in a forest and this causes restlessness. Therefore this nakshatra can make you feel uneasy and suffocated. So,it is important to channelize your mind on right path.Mrigashira nakshatra rules over roads and pathways. Thus, people can utilize the roads and pathways to 3/8
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Triple #Eclipse – An Ominous Sign

Lunar eclipses occur only on Full Moon & Solar eclipses occur only on New Moon. Eclipses by nature, do not occur on every Full Moon or New Moon. Generally in a year, there occur around 5 to 6 eclipses & not all r usually visible from same place.
3 eclipses occurring back to back, in 2 successive fortnights, in a 30 day span, is a bit rare indeed.
Krishna Dwaipayana observes such a celestial event & records this with amazement.
A Paksha, fortnight is the duration between a New Moon to Full Moon or a Full Moon to New Moon
This duration is normally 14 to 15 days depending on lunation.

In the particular eclipse sequence that occurred then, Krishna Dwaipayana observes that not only is it a triple eclipse, but one of the eclipses in the series, was occurring within a gap of just 13 days.
Read 15 tweets
On May 22-23, 15:45-07:00 UTC respectively North America will witness a total lunar solar eclipse of its geostationary satellites. Most of the eclipse will occur in daylight so best to observe by radio effects on the TT&C beacons. Anyone else up to the challenge? #Eclipse Image
Is this rare. Yes! But not as rare as a solar lunar eclipse sweeping across your home town...
Lots of targets to study. Those on L-band, S-band, X-band, Ku-band and Ka-band. LES-5 will not be in the eclipse unfortunately. But if observers with gear want to study the effects on their band of choice we could learn a lot about various satellite bus systems.
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🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 142.81m (~470') yacht (Sailing Yacht) "A" (IMO:1012141|MMSI:310763000|CS:ZCEU9) owned by Andrey Melnichenko (🇷🇺) in Simpson Bay, Sint-Maarten.

Guess who else? It's a who's who of your favourite #Russia|n billionaires... and... wait for it!

🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 163m (~530') yacht Eclipse (IMO:1009613|MMSI:310593000|CS:ZCDX4) owned by Roman Abramovich (🇮🇱/🇷🇺)

#RomanAbramovich #Eclipse…
🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 113m (~370') yacht Le Grand Bleu (IMO:1006829|MMSI:310380000|CS:ZCDF7) owned by Eugene Shvidler (🇺🇸/🇷🇺)

#EugeneShvidler #LeGrandBleu…
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To mark the centenary of the 1919 solar eclipse that confirmed Einstein's theory of relativity, we'll take you along on the Joint Permanent Eclipse Committee's expeditions to Sobral, Brazil and Principe. Follow along in No Shadow of a Doubt, out 4/30.…
100 years ago today, Arthur Eddington and the rest of the team traveling to Sobral and Principe met at Burlington House in Piccadilly, London to finish planning for the expedition. The eclipse was just 3 months away.…
Before setting off on this journey, meet the scientists leading the Principe and Sobral teams: Arthur Eddington and Frank Dyson.
Read 46 tweets
The #solareclipse in #Capricorn tonight happens to coincide with #twelfthnight, the eve of #epiphany—and indeed it'll already be Epiphany for many in the eastern hemisphere by the time the eclipse perfects. I have some Thoughts™, so buckle in! #astrology
It's enough to reflect on the fact that the Epiphany story, as it's told in the Xian tradition, involves astrologers being given the gift of seeing things as they really are.
In the story, God is revealed to them, not in the halls of power and privilege but rather among the destitute and the working poor in a town that we would describe today as "flyover country."
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The Caribbean is where all the beautiful people go in the winter, and their yachts predictably show up near their business associates and friends (other Billionaires).

You'll notice they don't hide, they have their transponders on 24x7, AIS-T and AIS-S.

The start of a recap:
🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 113m (~370') yacht Le Grand Bleu (IMO:1006829|MMSI:310380000|CS:ZCDF7) owned by Eugene Shvidler

#EugeneShvidler #LeGrandBleu #AIS…
🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 163m (~530') yacht Eclipse (IMO:1009613|MMSI:310593000|CS:ZCDX4) owned by Roman Abramovich

#RomanAbramovich #Eclipse #AIS…
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