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May 23rd 2023
Captain... it's only tuesday 😅

As always we are coming to your ears on Thursday to cover the major things that happened in AI for the past week.…

First hour: recap of AI insanity
Second hour: Talking #genAI inside @Photoshop with @jnack !

More in🧵 Image
GANs are back! DragGAN enables dragging control points to change the image in ways not possible before!
Deeper dive into MMS from @MetaAI , is it better than #whisper?

(watch my blind reaction here)
Read 8 tweets
May 23rd 2023
First tests Adobe @Photoshop (beta) + Generative fill magic ✨
She doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to take her to the beach now 🤭 This is the starting image. Image
1/13 Click select subject button + invert selection all in the same easy panel. Type your replacement background. ImageImageImage
2/13 Here she is at the beach. This looks great! You can click more until you have a good fit. This was the second background. Image
Read 19 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
On a testé #Firefly, le Midjourney d'Adobe Photoshop.

Grâce à une armada de réglages et une riche base de données, l’IA permet de créer des visuels très réussis en quelques clics
Dans un premier temps, Firefly est uniquement disponible en bêta par le biais d’un navigateur Web. Pour le moment, il n’est pas possible d’accéder à l’outil par le biais d’un logiciel Adobe… ImageImage
Les images générées par Firefly sont pour la plupart léchées, sophistiquées et bien structurées. Nous avons trouvé les productions bien plus réussies que celles réalisées par Bing ou Dall-E. ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
(1/14) El PROBLEMA lo tiene la IA y NO $ADBE.

¿Por qué?🤷‍♂️

Te lo cuento en este HILO🧵

Se agradece difusión.
(2/14) $ADBE quiere crear un ecosistema de IA que ayude a los creadores digitales a agilizar su trabajo.

➡️ A modo de resumen, crear un copiloto para el diseñador.

Se implementará en cada uno de los programas de $ADBE (Photoshop, InDesign, Express, etc.).
(3/14) Entre las novedades presentadas se incluye por ejemplo esta de imágenes descriptivas.

¿Lo más interesante?🤷‍♂️

No solo crea imágenes, sino que lo hace por capas para facilitar la edición.

✅ Se trata de empoderar al creador y no solo quedarte con el trabajo de la IA.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Pluralistic is three; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ William Blake's watercolor of Cerebrus, the three-headed hel
Pluralistic is three: Time flies when you're writing blogs.… 2/
Hey look at this

* 'Landlords Are a Scum Class': Everything I've Learnt About London Renting…

* The Lie That's Destroying the Economy

* What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?… (h/t Tom Jennings) 3/
Read 20 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
[1/🧵] A brief #thread on how to properly download and verify your newest #IOTA #Firefly Windows version. 😉 Source:
[2/10] You might be wondering why @iota doesn't allow you to download & upgrade the version via the client.

To be honest, this would definitely improve usability (#UX), but it would also need the user to trust the DL content.

That is precisely what we do not want with #crypto. Source:
[3/10] Who knows whether the network path from #github to your PC wasn't intercepted and a man in the middle (#MITM) replaced your downloaded program with a slightly different one.

To ensure that the program you are installing is the one meant for you, verify the #hashes. 👀 Source:
Read 11 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
United by three powerful networks

The Future of #Shimmer, Assembly, and #IOTA
The beta release of #IOTA Smart Contracts (ISC) in October 2021 marked the beginning of a boom in Web3 application development on IOTA.
Read 48 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
In this thread, I’m going to break down everything you need to know about the latest features on #Soonaverse
Staking on the Soonaverse

#SHIMMER #IOTA #FIREFLY @soon_labs #ASMB @iota Image
The first native token staking mechanism for Shimmer has been made available by The Soonaverse. The $SOON token will be the first to make use of this new feature.
Users will be able to stake $SOON in exchange for yield in the form of additional $SOON and access to specific Soonaverse features.

Users will initially be able to create #NFT collections, tokens, and upvote/downvote collections if they have a staking value of at least 10.
Read 21 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
NEW: This Post Was Written By #AI:…

From idea to content and published post in under 30mins, using free tools. This tech is developing *fast* and will have implications for teaching, learning and our graduates.

☝️Using tools from @playground_ai @peppertype_ai @AiWritesonic @copy_ai and inspired by @Suhail @kaifulee @FryRsquared @DeepMind @daniel_eckler and more. Follow them all for super-interesting news. #AI
Read 305 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
17 Mini TV series to watch which are not available in Netflix - Ranked

(A Thread) Personal Opinion
#TopTen2blue Image
17. #TheCapture (8epi)
CCTV footage from a night out in London comes to light, Shaun's life takes a shocking turn
Crazy ending... Image
16. #11.22.63 (8epi)
Travel against time to prevent death of John F kennedy Image
Read 20 tweets
Jun 14th 2022

Each year Shimogamo-jinja (下鴨神社) holds a special tea gathering called 'Hotarubi-no-Chakai' (蛍火の茶会). Over 600 fireflies are released beside the Mitarashi-gawa (御手洗川) as evening falls, bringing an otherworldly feel to the tea ceremony.
What better way to celebrate firefly season than with Kameya Yoshinaga's (亀屋良長) cooling 'hotaru-no-yoru' (蛍の夜 'evening fireflies').
The sweet is a type of 'kingyoku' (錦玉), a jelly made from boiling agar and sugar...particularly popular in summer.

In the traditional calendar June 11th-15th is known as 'kusaretaru kusa hotaru to naru' (腐草為螢), 'rotten grass becomes fireflies'. There was a belief, imported from the mainland, that fireflies were born from grass decaying in the humid early summer heat.
#Japan #fireflies
Read 13 tweets
May 12th 2022
oder leben wir in einem schwarzem Loch ?…
Wie in Teil 1 beschrieben verwenden unsere Physiker bereits seit Jahrzehnten die 6 Dimensionale Masseformel des Burkhard Heim am Teilchenbeschleuniger Desy in Hamburg, welche nur gefunden werden kann, wenn man bei seinen Berechnungen berücksichtigt, (2/n)
dass der Raum nicht unendlich teilbar ist und somit im Subatomaren Bereich die Infinitesimalrechnung versagt. Albert Einstein stand daher mit seinen Berechnungen vor der letzten Tür der Offenbarung, als er die schwarzen Löcher vorhersagte, (3/n)
Read 34 tweets
Apr 11th 2022
Been rewatching Korra (or, trying to) while working on my own writing and have been reminded of my 10 Things I'd Fix exercise. Figure now's a good a time as any to share it.
*Obligatory: The Network did not support the show and many problems are linked to this. 1/
10. Focus on the Sports or Cut the Sports. Pick One.
TLoK was Fantastic Beasts before Fantastic Beasts. Both struggle with tone and a kind of self-consciousness at its own tone. Korra aimed to be a darker, more violent series, but also wanted to keep light and fun. Probending 2/
was something the team was passionate, as it showcased interesting bending without relying on battles for the fate of the world. As the show progressed, Probending faded into the background, but I always found it a good character device for Korra, as she's a competitive sort 3/
Read 52 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
I think we all agree that #IOTA / IF is doing great stuff but let's not underestimate the role of #Firefly on this journey. They've got so many great things in the pipeline🤯
Just listened to the 7th episode of @MoonacoPodcast with @c_varley . I'll try my best to summarize...
@MoonacoPodcast @c_varley 2/n
* Voting mechanism out of Firefly:
this mechanism will be used further than deceiding what to do with the unclaimed tokens from the beginnings of IOTA. But in a way where u can't simply buy bags of MIOTA, vote for ur option and than sell & leave. The longer u stay at your...
@MoonacoPodcast @c_varley 3/n
... choice, the more weight does ur vote gain whereas switching ur opionion will continously decrease ur votes weight.
* Different coins in Firefly:
Firefly will (almost obviously) support #ASMB and #SMR and there will be additional "staking" opportunities shortly after...
Read 13 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
Let's take a trip through the major releases on the @iota network since #chrysalis this April. 🧵(1/13)
Their brand new wallet, #Firefly, was released on April 21 in preparation for the token migration to the new #chrysalis network (#IOTA 1.0 -> #IOTA 1.5). (2/13)
Then the #chrysalis network (1.5) went live on April 28. The coordinator is still active, but this sets the stage for #coordicide (#IOTA 2.0) in the future. (3/13)…
Read 13 tweets
Aug 16th 2021
(1/15) The #Coordicide project at #IOTA is naturally an important milestone that will need to be delivered. But too often other progress on IOTA is overlooked. There are soo many pieces that together form the vision of IOTA. Let's have a look what my colleagues are working on!
(2/15) The #IOTA Engineering department has 9 different projects: #Bee, #Hornet, #Chronicle, #Firefly, #Client Libraries, #SmartContracts, #Identity, #Streams and #Stronghold. It also maintains our websites, the coordinator and nodes.
(3/15) In those projects, #Bee, #Hornet and #Chronicle directly build out the first layer of #IOTA. Implementing new features to the first layer for updates like #Chrysalis and #Coordicide.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 9th 2021
On #InternationalWomensDay we'd like to pause and celebrate just a small slice of the enormous contributions to science women have made here at SFI.

Read the thread below for links to some of their own favorite research papers, and a few nominated by other SFI faculty members:
First off, these papers on #FoodWebs led by our VP for #Science, Jennifer Dunne:

[@royalsociety Proceedings B]…


...and this interview she did for @QuantaMagazine:…

#Ecology #Ecologist
Next, two papers on how humans navigate and process #information co-authored by SFI External Prof @DaniSBassett (@Penn):

+ summary:…

+ summary:…
Read 21 tweets
Jan 29th 2021
Pre-print alert! ״Self-organization in natural #swarms of Photinus carolinus #synchronous #fireflies

How many fireflies does it take to synchronize a swarm in its natural habitat? And how fast does the burst propagate throughout the swarm?

🧵1/7 Fireflies at the Great Smoky Mountains
2/7 Fireflies flashing in unison is not just a mesmerizing manifestation of animal collective behavior… but also a landmark example of biological synchrony.

We recently developed a method to record the 3D spatiotemporal pattern of their flashes

3/7 To understand the synchronization mechanisms and inform theoretical models, we apply our method on the collective display of thousands of Photinus carolinus fireflies, this time, in their natural habitat!
Read 7 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
It starts!
Get ready for #twittervotes2020
Live from Canada, your votes will decide what hat Bunsen will wear or what Bandana Beaker wears. Here we go!
It’s a tough one:
1920s gangsta Bunsen or
Taco Bunsen.
Yous a wise guy eh??
1920s Gangsta Bunsen hat wins!
#Vote2020 #dogs
Read 17 tweets
Jun 15th 2020
#Firefly has a special place in my heart—my favourite SF thing in the last 20 years, and I’m incredibly grateful that @boomstudios let me work on these books. @danmcdaid & the other amazing artists have breathed life into @gregpak’s brilliant scripts, and I’m having SO much fun.
I mean, SERIOUSLY, I’m a fan who got to work on these books. So many of these spin-off/licenses titles just don’t *feel* right, but @boomstudios’s Firefly stuff really does. Buy these books or by my pretty not-floral bonnet, I *will* end yiu.
Trust me — no one who looks like this would steer you wrong on the subject of SF westerns…
Read 3 tweets
Jun 21st 2018
So... been thinking a lot about all the beautiful scripts out there that will never seen the light of day. The stillborn and the misbegotten. They'll never be filmed. They're just paper now. How would you like to read one?
Tell you what... I'm going to post my failed Syfy pilot Defender here, one page at a time, for the next 95 days. It's got starships and sword fights, space battles and ballroom dancing. And yes, some kissing.
NOTE: 1. I changed the title (& ship name) back to MORNINGSTAR. I only renamed it DEFENDER because of a network note & I like MORNINGSTAR better. 2. This script was work for hire & is (I think) property of UCP. But per WGA rules, I retain publishing rights. So there's that.
Read 38 tweets

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