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Most recents (11)

Apr 30th 2023
📝💡 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬💡📝
Here's is your roundup of top #CarbonDioxideRemoval News Articles / Scientific Papers from the past week: 🌱🪨🎛️🌊

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1️⃣ #CarbonRemoval Policy Tracker launched by @CarbonGap to explore Europe’s #CDR #DAC #BECCS policy landscape & pilots.🌱🎛️

2️⃣ ✍️ @fionaharvey's recent blog post explored the contentious issue related to #CarbonDioxideRemoval technologies.📰

Read 14 tweets
Apr 26th 2023

"In order to assess carbon-biodiversity trade-off, the new paper examines the spatial relationships between biophysical & social values for #CarbonSequestration potential (measured as CO2 flux) & #biodiversity in Finland, using integrated valuation."

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The approach used by authors "combines methods from #CarbonSequestration modelling, expert scoring approaches to biodiversity assessment and public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS)."
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Results indicate "strong spatial associations between biophysical assessment of #CO2 #flux and biodiversity priorities, and weaker associations between biophysical and social values."
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Read 6 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
🚀 Transformez les #performances de votre équipe avec le #MindMapping ! Cet outil peut vous aider à débloquer la créativité, améliorer la communication et la productivité. On parie qu'il peut booster le succès vos projets ? 🌟 #ProductivityHacks #Teamwork
💡 Vous vous êtes déjà sentis dépassés par des projets complexes ? Le #MindMapping vous aide à visualiser et simplifier l'information. Un bon début pour la rendre plus facile à comprendre. Le #flux pour mieux agir et sortir du #flou ! 🧠 #Innovation #ProblemSolving
🌐 La collaboration est essentielle... Ok ! Le #MindMapping pousse votre équipe à partager ses idées et ses points de vue. Un 1er pas vers une #intelligence #collective en actes. Libérez le potentiel de votre équipe. Pensez et réalisez ensemble ! 🤝 #Collaboration #TeamSuccess
Read 5 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
#JieData #FOMO #Crypto #cryptocurrency #NFA #FLUX #OGN
Alpha addresses: We will show you some typical addresses labelled by JieData.
1) Below are the addresses we found by using JieData. Usually, those addresses have a big transaction in half or a year. Typically, after those addresses move, there is an immediate and noticeable change in the price of the associated coins.
2) #FLUX addresses: 0xf9bd1905f306f5f44783b588ddbc19c83f34606e, we can check who had transactions with that address.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
📅Sự Kiện Tuần Này (02 - 08.01.2023)

Bao gồm 3 mục:

+ Event các dự án Crypto (chỉ ở Binance)
+ Event Vĩ Mô
+ Event Unlock Token

Thread bên dưới 🧵 Image
A) Event Crypto
1. #Flux ra mắt Version FlusOs V3 -

2. #RLC - Worker Pass Utility NFT 2 -

3. #ILV - Trải nghiệm bản thử -
Read 7 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
QUELQUES #Cryptos que j'accumule en cette PÉRIODE de législation/regulation, et de #bearmarket

$BTC #Bitcoin
$ETH #Ethereum

Privacy Coins
$XMR #Monero
$ZEC #Zcash
$SCRT #SecretNetwork

Cosmos Ecosystem
$ATOM #Cosmos
$TORI #Teritori
$EVMOS #Evmos
$JUNO #JunoNetwork

$FLUX #Flux
$QNT #Quant
$HFT #hashflow
$VRSC #VerusCoin
$KAI #KardiaChain 

DEX Tokens
$UNI #Uniswap
$LRC #Loopring
$CRV #CurveDAO

Yield Farming
$AAVE #Aave
$SNX #Syntetix
$BAL #Balancer 
$BIFI #BeefyFinance

$GRT #TheGraph
$LINK #Chainlink
$THETA #ThetaNetwork
$ENS #EthereumNameService

Médias, Gaming, Sports, Vidéos
$CHZ #Chilliz
$VRA #Verasity
$ENJ #EnjinCoin
$TFUEL #ThetaFuel
$THETA #ThetaNetwork
$UFC #UltimateFCFanToken
$VIT #TeamVitalityFanToken

Read 5 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
Gelelim 2019-2020'de yatırım yapanları 2021 1.çeyrekte zengin eden projeye #Holo #Holochain #hot

Bilgi paylaşıldıkça bereketlenir.
RT+FAV yapmayı unutmayınız.

Bu projeyi beğeniyorum, güzel bir teknoloji ürettiklerini düşünüyorum.

Ancak bazı insanlarımız canı gönülden bu projeden nefret ediyor

Bazıları ise tam tersi fanatiği

Kim haklı?
#Holo bu günlerde yeni yeni insanların adını duymaya başladığı #Web3 konusunda öncüdür. Teknolojisi diğer blok zincirler gibi bir ağa bağlanıp oradan kullanıcıya bağlanmak yerine kullanıcıların hepsinin birer node olmasını,
Read 14 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
Flux MEGA Thread.

We will discuss Web3, Tokenomics, Technology and Development in order to help you understand Flux and its' role in the future better.


I am of the belief that:

Web 3.0 realizes all our dreams in a new and immersive world built on the internet.

It is a web transformed by advances in AI, VR, IoT, and blockchain technology to such a level that we all will be living on this Web in a short time.


Amazon Web Services dominates the internet at the moment.


Blockchain has more to offer.

A secure, distributed, and decentralized infrastructure is critical to establishing freedom in a Web 3.0 dominated world.

Read 36 tweets
Dec 24th 2021
What is Web 3.0?

What is Decentralisation?

Will Web 3.0 be fully decentralised?

We will be examining a potential winner of Web 3.0.


The question that must be asked firstly:

Who controls the internet?

The answer is very simple.

Amazon Web Services (34%)
Microsoft (18%)
Google (9%)

One third of the internet runs on a centralised entity...

Are there problems of current #Web2


Recently, there has been outages from these centralised servers.

Affecting the revenues of businesses all sizes.

Especially as we move more online under this Digital Age.

Let's talk about the evolution of #WEB3

Read 15 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
My top #Web3 picks

💎 $FLUX the future #AWS of Web3 provides the leading #decentralized #cloud
💎 $KDA the most secure and scalable #PoW #Layer1 to power Web3
💎 $PRQ connects Web3 to Web 2.0 systems, making them aware of on-chain events
💎 $PRE the #Web3 search engine

$FLUX have built out a #web3 #cloud that is capable of hosting websites, apps and #blockchain nodes.

There are dozens of websites and apps running on the platform as well as nodes for $KDA $PRE & $FIRO.

The #Flux platform is powered by over 2,300 community operated #nodes. /2
$KDA is the only #Layer1 #PoW #blockchain capable of running at a scale big enough to power the worlds financial markets.

#Kadena braid together multiple chains to create a scalable & power efficient braided chain with very low gas fees.

Near infinite scalability is possible /3
Read 5 tweets
Nov 18th 2020
Début de l'intervention de Nathalie Fau @Univ_Paris - "#Dynamiques territoriales, coopérations et tensions dans la #mondialisation : Le détroit de #Malacca : une approche multiscalaire"
Qu'est-ce qu'un détroit ? analyse des détroits le + souvent uniquement comme resserrement du milieu maritime où conditions de navigation deviennent délicates
Mais détroits rarement appréhendés comme #territoire à part entière structuré par des #flux longitudinaux essentiellement transocéanique et méridiens ou transversaux entre les deux rives.
A la fois séparation et mise en contact dans les 2 directions tout en étant mer intérieure.
Read 26 tweets

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