Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #GALILEO

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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Podcasting "Ideas Lying Around"; and more!

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1/ A workbench with a pegboard...
Podcasting "Ideas Lying Around": A theory of change based on shovel-ready ideas.

2/  Image: btwashburn (modifie...
Hey look at this

* #Toronto Tenants Are Uniting in a Mass #RentStrike…

* France legalizes remotely turning on the camera or microphone of smartphones in criminal investigations… (h/t Cooper)

3/ Image
Read 28 tweets
#GalileoGalilei గెలీలియో గెలీల ఇటలీకు చెందిన భౌతిక శాస్త్రవేత్త, గణితజ్ఞుడు, భౌగోళిక శాస్త్రజ్ఞుడు మరియు తత్వవేత్త. టెలీస్కోపు (దూరదర్శిని) ను వాడుకలోకి తెచ్చాడు.గెలీలియో ఇటలీలోని పీసా నగరంలో జన్మించాడు. చిన్న వయసులో తండ్రి వద్దనే విద్యాభ్యాసం చేశాడు.
#Galileo #Telescope
తరువాత పీసా విశ్వవిద్యాలయంలో వైద్య విద్యార్థిగా చేరాడు. అయితే అక్కడి గణితశాస్త్ర ఉపన్యాసాలకు ప్రభావితుడై వైద్యవిద్యను విడిచి, గణిత శాస్త్రాన్ని అధ్యయనం చేశాడు. ఆ తరువాత అక్కడే గణితశాస్త్రంలో ఉపన్యాసకులుగా చేరాడు.
#GalileoGalilie 🔭 #Telescope
#FatherofModernScience #FatherofModernPhysics

గెలీలియో కాలం అనగా 16 వ శతాబ్దం వరకు క్రీ..పూ. 4వ శతాబ్దంలో గ్రీకు తత్వవేత్త అరిస్టాటిల్ ప్రతిపాదించిన సిద్ధాంతాలే ప్ర్రాచుర్యంలో ఉండేవి. సృష్టిలోని సత్యాలనన్నిటినీ స్వచ్ఛమైన ఆలోచనల ద్వారా మాత్రమే వివరించవచ్చును.
Read 17 tweets
Seguimos con las aplicaciones de la #tecnología #nuclear más allá de las centrales. ¿Sabías que en la actualidad hay hasta 5 vehículos espaciales que funcionan gracias a baterías nucleares? Te contamos qué son y cómo han ayudado a la exploración espacial 🚀
¡Dentro hilo!
Estas baterías se llaman generadores termoeléctricos de radioisótopos (en inglés, Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator o RTG) y desde los años 60 se usan para suministrar electricidad a las sondas y vehículos que exploran los confines del sistema solar 🪐 Fuente: Robert D. Abelson. Thermoelectrics Handbook: Macro t
¿Y cómo funcionan? 🤔 Un RTG se basa en el fenómeno físico de la desintegración radiactiva, por el cual un núcleo atómico inestable libera parte de su energía mediante la emisión de partículas (electrones, fotones, neutrones, etc.) a las que llamamos #radiación
Read 14 tweets
Die strategische Bedeutung der Dimension #Weltraum wird noch immer ausgeblendet. Europa hat gerade temporär seinen souveränen Zugang ins All verloren und es scheint niemanden zu kümmern. Wenn morgen #Satelliten gestört oder abgeschossen werden, kann Europa nicht reagieren. 1/.
Die unausgesprochene Hoffnung, dass die USA erneut Europa mit Starts aushelfen, könnte sich schnell als Illusion erweisen, weil mehrere US-Raketen Triebwerke aus RUS/UKR nutzen und ebenfalls nicht starten können. Im Ergebnis haben die USA aktuell auch weniger Kapazitäten. 2/.
Ganz konkret stellt sich aktuell die Frage, wie die weiteren Galileo Satelliten gestartet werden können. Sie sollten ursprünglich mit Sojus-Raketen starten, was nicht mehr möglich ist. Die weiteren Satelliten sind für die langfristige Stabilität des Systems wichtig. 3/.
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.@ThierryBreton, European Commissioner for Internal Market (incl Space!), is promising to outline in the next few weeks the architecture details for the proposed EU satellite megaconstellation. Speaking at 14th #BBESpaceConf 1/n
He mentions five points of importance. (1) The constellation will use all orbits, not just LEO; (2) Its governance will avoid dependencies on third countries (eg, nations like the UK would not be involved)... 14th #BBESpaceConf 2/n
... (3) It should offer a governmental and commercial service; (4) It will integrate from the start military usage and needs; (5) It should draw on the expertise of large corporations and start-ups. #BBESpaceConf 3/n
Read 24 tweets
Il Venditore di Olio di Serpi o imbonitore da Fiera è una figura vecchia come la società moderna, e riconoscibile da una serie di tratti caratteristici che ora vi insegnerò. L'#imbonitore, generalmente, si nutre della #tecnobubbola. #Supercazzole, come quelle... (continua)
di Amici Miei, ma declinate in modo scientifico. Paroloni altisonanti che per chiunque abbia cognizioni di medicina e scienza hanno lo stesso significato di "Trinita pulitina, tapioca tarapia allaccia scarpa antani brematurata antipodi". Inframmezzati da... (continua)
un linguaggio che improvvisamente diventa semplice e confidenziale. L'Imbonitore si presenterà sorridente e rassicurante, o inutilmente aggressivo e violento per eccitare il suo uditorio contro un nemico di turno. Generalmente la "scienza ufficiale". Nei fatti rendendo (continua)
Read 9 tweets
Despite all the challenges we faced this year, 2021 has also been a year full of inspiring stories about solidarity, merit and hope.

We bring you 7⃣ inspiring stories of 2021!
1⃣ The power of science

In 2021, Dr Özlem Türeci and Dr Uğur Şahin, co-founders of @BioNTech_Group, received the Order of Merit – an award for their scientific persistence to develop a COVID-19 vaccine saving lives of millions of people worldwide. 🏅

An inspiration to all.
2⃣ The power of solidarity

In 2021, #TeamEurope shared over 350 million doses to low and middle-income countries - mostly via #COVAX. And our efforts will continue next year with more donations.

Because no one is safe until everyone is safe.
Read 8 tweets
#Espace - Les bonnes raisons d'y aller
🌿À l'heure de la #COP26, pourquoi dépenser de l'énergie et des finances pour aller dans l'espace. #Thread de quelques éléments de réponses du côté optimiste de la force 🤞
#espace #écologie #spacegeek Space final frontier - illustration Elite Dangerous
1. Pour trouver notre place dans l'#univers, #explorer, #rêver.
Historiquement, l'observation des étoiles a interrogé, fait rêver. Domaine des dieux, sphère céleste, on étudie le ciel nocturne et l'évolution de soleil en journée qui rythme les vies.
#astronomie #histoire #Science
🔭Les #philosophes déblayant les principes de la mécanique céleste posent les bases de l'#astronomie moderne, s'égarant parfois dans des interprétations erronées. Les briques sont posées et ainsi naîtra les #science, #physique, #astrologie, ...
Read 29 tweets

Uno de los lugares más especiales de la #geología peninsular, la zona #volcánica de #Olot (#Garrotxa, #Girona), recibió en el verano de 1830 la visita de uno de los grandes referentes de la #geología moderna (va #hilo👇).

#geosites #geology
1- Pues sí, quizá no se trate de los más espectaculares del mundo, pero ¿cuántas ciudades conocéis cuyo casco urbano se extiendan a los pies de tres #volcanes? #Lyell debió considerarlo también notorio y llegado el momento quiso comprobarlo en persona.
2- #CharlesLyell (1797-1875) nació precisamente en #Escocia el mismo año en que moría otro gran geólogo de la época, el escocés #JamesHutton. Una curiosa coincidencia, como la existente entre #Galileo (1564-1642) y #Newton (1642-1727). Casualidades…!
Read 11 tweets
If you are into reverse engineering, the EU Galileo navigation satellites are currently transmitting a new signal that enables centimeter level accurate positioning. But! They haven't yet released a description of this format, but the data is there & unencrypted. 1/2
Let me know if you want a dump of many hours of data. The data likely includes a distance vector that describes a correction to a satellite's position, plus a velocity vector, plus a time offset correcting the atomic clock, plus administrative details ('issue of data number') 2/2
Ok, the data is here:…
C/NAV for 2,25,8 means this is a signal from Galileo (2) satellite E25 over E6 (8). Slide 16 and onwards of… may be helpful.
Read 10 tweets
आजच्या थ्रेडमध्ये #Airtel ने #oneweb सोबत केलेल्या ऐतिहासिक डीलबद्दल जाणुन घेऊया..ज्यामध्ये ही डील नक्की काय आहे, #Satellite_internet,one web बद्दल सविस्तर माहिती,Airtel च भविष्य,#jio,#brexit,satellite internetमध्ये गुंतलेली नावे,#sharemarket..हे जाणुया..#म #धागा @dreamzunite
#bhartiairtel ने ३० जुलै २०२० रोजी #One_web या UK-based company ची‌ ऐतिहासिक ४५%‌‌ भागीदारी जिंकली..यामुळे येणार्या काळात जगभरामध्ये डिजीटल उत्क्रांती येणार अशी‌ चर्चा आहे.One web ही Satellite मार्फत दुर्गम व अतिदुर्गम भागात इंटरनेट पुरवण्याचे काम करते.२०१०-२०११ मध्ये स्थापना
झालेली ही कंपनी असुन यांचे लक्ष आहे जगात प्रत्येक ठिकाणी (डोंगर,जंगले,बेट सुद्धा!!) कमी किंमतीत उच्चप्रतीचे इंटरनेट पुरवणे.
त्यासाठी ही कंपनी जवळपास २५०० satellite सोडणार असुन त्यामुळे Mega-constellation पद्धतीचा वापर होणार आहे..प्रथम आपण Mega-constellation बद्दल जाणुन घेऊ..
Read 14 tweets
The Lord hath reigned, he is clothed with beauty: the Lord is clothed with strength..

For he hath established the world which shall not be moved.

Thy testimonies are become exceedingly credible: holiness becometh thy house, O Lord, unto length of days. (Ps92:1,5) ~ DR #Bible
(#HolyMass #July11 #ResponsorialPsalm) ~ Douay Rheims Bible
"He hath established the world which shall not be moved" (Ps92[93]:1b, DR #Bible) - and Copernicus who wrote about the heliocentric universe way before #Galileo was even born, and the #CatholicChurch 's insistence on accurate #science at the time:…
Read 3 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 5/19/2020-2

Podcast: Galileo and the science deniers, and physicists probe the mysterious pion…
#Science #Galileo
Meet the ‘psychobiome’: the gut bacteria that may alter how you think, feel, and act…
#action #gut #bacteria #feel #think
How do children spread the coronavirus? The science still isn’t clear…
#Children #spread #coronavirus
Read 8 tweets
De repente, estaba encerrado entre paredes de hormigón. Había cientos de presos escribiendo números, uno detrás de otro. Pronto descubrí que perseguían al INFINITO.


[[A las ilustraciones... la gran @GabiMartinArte]]


Dentro HILO ⬇️
Serían las 18:00 horas de la tarde. Tras la última clase, fui a mi despacho y escuché a alguien en el pasillo. La puerta se abrió. Sólo vi humo.

Lo siguiente que recuerdo: el techo gris y las grises paredes de una habitación sin ventanas.
Me vistieron con una túnica blanca y me entregaron un lápiz. No se te ocurra romperlo; el lápiz, y tú, pertenecéis al Último Número, eso me dijeron. Me agarraron del brazo y me llevaron a la enorme sala contigua donde presos de todas las edades escribían encadenados a las mesas.
Read 51 tweets
“All the reasons I am now getting involved in campaigning for a vote on the #Brexit deal with the hope to stop Brexit.” @fiocca1983 in @PMPmagToday. @RemainerNow #PeoplesVote @PeoplesVote_UK…
“Growing up, my family were always going on about how #immigrants are to blame for many things wrong in this country. I took on those views, I was conditioned to think them” @fiocca1983 says in @PMPmagToday @RemainerNow #Brexit #PeoplesVote @PeoplesVote_UK…
In 2016 @fiocca1983 thought “We don’t need #EU to trade, we can do deals with the rest of the world instead. 2 weeks to get #Doctor’s appointment! Less #immigrants would make that faster for sure!” He tells @PMPmagToday @RemainerNow #Brexit @PeoplesVote_UK…
Read 11 tweets
We now have four more #Galileo satellites in orbit, covering the whole world on a permanent basis!
Good news for transport, energy, agriculture and many other economic sectors.
What benefits will it bring to Europeans?
Thread on #EUSpace 🛰️
#Galileo is now integrated in every new car model sold in Europe, supporting the eCall emergency response system.
From 2019, it will be integrated in digital tachographs of lorries to ensure the respect of driving time rules and improve #RoadSafety.
80% of farmers use satellite navigation for precision farming.
The EU's satellite navigation programme will help farmers in many ways, such as monitoring what is happening on the ground, measuring their field or making the most of virtual fencing for livestock. #EUspace
Read 6 tweets
Just published from the Commission: Preparing for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 30 March 2019 | European Commission!Vu87RB via @EU_Commission
These two headlines tell the story well.....
'there MIGHT be a transition period'
For those of us looking at #borders
Read 12 tweets
The British government has published the slides on the post-Brexit security partnership, which it presented to the EU last week.
Slides are split into 'internal security' and 'external security', with cross cutting issues data/information exchange; governance; UK<->Eu secondees.

I'll refer you to my colleagues @CaminoMortera @CER_IanBond for JHA &foreign policy questions; a few points on defence from me: Image
Spoiler: none of this should be particularly surprising, especially if - shameless self-promotion - you've read my recent policy brief on the topic:….
Read 15 tweets
Downing Street has put out a #Galileo note this evening saying the "Prime Minister will task engineering and aerospace experts in the UK to develop options for a British Global Navigation Satellite System". I'm told it "formalises" what we learnt last week 1/n
And on first reading, the statement doesn't take us much further forward than the @FT @peggyhollinger scoop. The statement says the UK still "seeks full participation in the EU’s #Galileo programme as part of its future security partnership." However... 2/n
"A taskforce of Government specialists and domestic industry will [now] develop options that will provide both civilian and encrypted signals, so a British system would have a similar range of commercial and security applications as the US GPS system." 3/n
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