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Jan 3rd 2023
.@AuswaertigesAmt gestern auf #BPK ohne jede Schamesröte zu #Venezuela:
"Wir als Bundesregierung erkennen keine anderen Regierungen an, sondern andere Staaten."
Wieso hat man dann 4 Jahre lang den selbsternannten "Präsidenten" #Guaido + dessen Fanatasie-Regierung anerkannt?🤔
Witzig auch, dass nachdem die eigenen Leute am letzten Freitag #Guaido abgesetzt haben, dass @AuswaertigesAmt plötzlich wieder von "Präsident #Maduro" spricht. Zu meinen Zeiten in der BPK gab es als Sprechzettelvorlage immer nur "...das Maduro-Regime..."…
Ich gestehe ein, in solchen Momenten schmerzt es besonders, dass ich nicht mehr in die #BPK gelassen werde. A ver que dieses Jahr diesbezüglich noch bringt. Ich werde Euch auf dem Laufenden halten. #Venceremos(algún día) ✊😉
Read 3 tweets
Oct 23rd 2021
EL Socialismo del siglo XXI
Hay un auge de las ideas socialistas en Latam, por ello vamos a explicar de dónde salió el concepto de #SocialismoSigloXXI y quiénes son sus exponentes, ideólogos y defensores, de una ideología que solo ha traído hambre, dolor y muerte.💀
Abro Hilo
El #SocialismoSigloXXI es un concepto originalmente formulado en 1996 por el sociólogo alemán Heinz Dieterich #Steffan.…
El #SocialismoSigloXXI surgió como “producto de la reflexión sobre el socialismo soviético-oriental del siglo XX”
Read 51 tweets
Sep 23rd 2020
Weißruss. Oppositionelle #Tikhanovskaya wird von der EU fast wie eine Heilige behandelt.
Vom irischen EU-Parlamentarier Mick Wallace bekam sie aber gewaltige Dresche.
Im Detail zerlegt Wallace ihre Doppelmoral, Unkenntnis vom Völkerrecht und Heuchelei.
Unglaublich peinlich in diesem Zusammenhang übrigens, wie einige Parlamentarier durch Rufe, extra lautes Husten und Beleidigungen versuchen, die Rede von #Wallace zu stören.
Zeigt eindrucksvoll, dass im EU-Parlament nur eine Meinung geduldet wird, die als EU-Mainstream gilt
Wallace in kurz:
- #Tikhanovskaya habe keine Ahnung von Völkerrecht, Gebot der Nicht-Einmischung oder Wirkungsweise von Sanktionen,
- dass sie zum "#Guaido von Europa" wurde, mache ihr keine Ehre,
- ihre Haltung zu Protesten sei extreme Doppelmoral (Palästina, Katalonien etc)
3/3 Image
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Sep 3rd 2020
1/4 Che fatica la notiziabilità. Succedono cose in #Venezuela, ma non meritano neanche una breve e ti domandi perché. A ver (dovere). Nicolás Maduro ha indultato 110 persone, la maggior parte delle quali è incluso nella lista dei 300 di quelli che l'opposizione considera >>> Image
2/4 prigionieri politici. Ciò in sinergia con la Chiesa Cattolica, con l'approvazione della Unione Europea (Borrell) e con un dirigente pesante dell'opposizione, Enrique Capriles, che se ne prende addirittura il merito. Ciò avviene per raggiungere un accordo che porti alle >>>
3/4 elezioni parlamentari a fine anno, sbloccando la crisi.
Di più: Capriles potrebbe annunciare la partecipazione alle elezioni (legittimando così la "dittatura", secondo il linguaggio corrente) e sostanzialmente riprendersi la leadership per future presidenziali. Chi resta >>>
Read 4 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
1/3 Nicolás Maduro in #Venezuela indulta un centinaio di detenuti che l'opposizione considera politici (su 300 considerati tali, non voglio discuterne qui la natura) nel dialogo che dovrebbe portare entro l'anno a nuove elezioni parlamentari, d'accordo con la chiesa cattolica.>>>
2/3 Mentre il chavismo continua a gestire la crisi, #covid19 compreso, pagando anche colpe non tutte sue, l'opposizione continua a fare puro circo. A volere le elezioni, con la Chiesa cattolica, c'è infatti l'ex-candidato Capriles Radonski, contrapposto a #Guaidó e a Leopoldo >>>
3/3 (senza strategia alternativa che non sia dettata da Trump e USAID), e che con Capriles la risolverebbero a pistolettate. Intanto María Corina Machado, l'estrema destra, vuole sempre il sangue, l'invasione militare, il golpe, cancellare Chávez... e tant'è. Coraggio #Venezuela.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 23rd 2020
STARTING NOW: Join @ACLatAm, @JuntosEsMejorVE, @USAID & @the_IDB for a discussion of what more the global community can do to support #Venezuelans one year since @jguaido took the oath to become #Venezuela interim President. Watch the livestream here:… Image
@JuntosEsMejorVE @USAID @the_IDB @jguaido @AtlanticCouncil @jmarczak @AmbassadorGreen @JohnBarsa @iariashofman One year ago today, @jguaido took the presidential oath and today is recognized as the legitimate interim Pres. of #Venezuela by nearly 60 countries. Today is also important moment to show our support for the democratic will of the #Guaidó interim govt., @jmarczak. #TogetherVE
@JuntosEsMejorVE @USAID @the_IDB @jguaido @AtlanticCouncil @jmarczak @AmbassadorGreen @JohnBarsa @iariashofman The situation in #Venezuela is dire, and millions of people are suffering the adverse effects of the #Maduro regime. So much so that when @ACLatAm in a recent poll asked Venezuelans if they would leave their country if they could, about 1/3 said yes, notes @jmarczak #TogetherVE.
Read 40 tweets
Jan 21st 2020
THREAD: As @RepRooney recently told @ACLatAm, the promise & potential of #Venezuela is at risk of being entirely lost to Nicolás #Maduro's dictatorial regime. Under his watch, millions of citizens have fled the country in search of better lives elsewhere.… Image
The standard of living in #Venezuela has deteriorated rapidly since the downturn in oil prices in 2013/14. The ensuing economic collapse has evolved to become what's widely seen as the Western Hemisphere's largest humanitarian crisis in modern history.…
Economic depression, #hyperinflation, ballooning unemployment, shortages, hunger, crime, violence, corruption, insecurity, pollution, ecocide, confusion, disorder,
chaos, fear and despair. These and other words and phrases
have come to define #Venezuela under Nicolás #Maduro. Image
Read 25 tweets
Jan 18th 2020
1/3 IMPORTANTE L'ex-vicepresidente della #Colombia Francisco Santos (con Álvaro Uribe), si è dimesso da Ambasciatore a Washington dopo avere ammesso in un'intercettazione del mese di novembre di "inventare cose" sul #Venezuela. L'incredibile è la facilità con la quale la SEGUE
2/3 ministra degli esteri di Bogotá Claudia Blum, ammette:
a) il fallimento di #Guaidó;
b) che l'unica possibilità sia il DIALOGO con #Maduro;
c) che Trump interverrebbe in #Venezuela qualora vedesse a rischio la sua rielezione.

3/3 nel link sopra c'è l'intercettazione, per la quale Santos si è dimesso. Ora guardate la notizia su CNN che sostiene che non si sappia il motivo delle dimissioni. Così pretendono di informare:…
Read 3 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
STARTING NOW: @ACLatAm's latest event, "Stemming Maduro's Illicit Activities: What's Next After the Jan. 5 Elections?" Click the link and tune into the livestream or use #ACVenezuela to follow along on Twitter:… Image
@AtlanticCouncil @AmericoDeGrazia @Miguel_Pizarro @DWStweets @RepRooney @NTN24 @EmilianaMolinaF @jmarczak @DiegoArea Venezuelans are undeterred In the aftermath of Nicolás Maduro's most recent abuse of power. They, and many of their representatives in the National Assembly, have united behind interim President #JuanGuaidó, reports @Miguel_Pizarro. #ACVenezuela.
@AtlanticCouncil @AmericoDeGrazia @Miguel_Pizarro @DWStweets @RepRooney @NTN24 @EmilianaMolinaF @jmarczak @DiegoArea The regime is doing what it can to confuse, to mislead, to frustrate the efforts of the international community to stay abreast of developments in #Venezuela. The only solution is to stand firm in the face of this adversity, urges @Miguel_Pizarro. #ACVenezuela.
Read 27 tweets
Jan 6th 2020
ICYMI: The #Maduro regime on Sunday prevented opposition leader and widely-recognized interim President Juan #Guaidó, and several other lawmakers from entering #Venezuela's National Assembly to participate in a vote for the body's next President. [1/ 3]…
As a result, the ruling Socialist Party succeeded in handing the post to #LuisParra, a Venezuelan legislator currently facing allegations of corruption. Nevertheless, in a 100-to-0 tally, #Guaidó was successfully reelected by... [2/3]
...opposition lawmakers gathered later Sunday for an informal vote held at the Caracas headquarters of @ElNacionalWeb, marking a significant escalation of #Venezuela's ongoing political crisis, report @rachellekrygier & @Anthony_Faiola for @washingtonpost. [3/3]
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Jan 5th 2020
Self-proclaimed 'president' of #Venezuela Juan Guaido is rejected by his own supporters. Parra is new head of the National Assembly. Time for some embarassing reversals from the Washington toadies who 'recognised' #Guaido…
BBC. Luis Parra takes over the AN presidency from #Guaido. 'What divisions?' cry the worms!…
Times up #Guaido - the vote that really counts for the fascist opposition in #Venezuela Image
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Dec 5th 2019
1 to 40 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
41 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
Read 7 tweets
Nov 22nd 2019
10.🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
#regimechange #ProtectBolivia #ProtectDemocracy
1. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
2. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
Read 154 tweets
Oct 7th 2019
1 to 40 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
Maduro Confirms Troops Will Remain on High Alert on Border with #Colombia After Drills
#Geopolitics #Military #USA #Venezuela
Read 11 tweets
Sep 15th 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 83 tweets
Sep 1st 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 89 tweets
Jul 16th 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 179 tweets
Jul 1st 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 143 tweets
Jun 21st 2019
Le #breaking de la nuit US signé @nytimes: #Trump aurait approuvé des frappes de représailles sur l'#Iran, les avions étaient déjà en l'air… puis ont été rappelés. Les revirements de cette administration et de ce président posent question.…
2) Personne n'obligeait hier #Trump à faire son tweet de Tartarin sur la très grosse erreur de l'#Iran quant à la destruction du drone US. Cela suit d'ailleurs des mois de menaces peu usuelles pour 1 président US: il a promis aux Iraniens leur "fin" (sic) le 19 mai…
3)...sur le plus long terme, c'est aussi #Trump qui a "fabriqué" l'#Iran comme ennemi de nouveau à abattre au plus vite, en se retirant d'1 accord nucléaire qui fonctionnait, en déclarant les Gardiens de la Révolution organisation terroriste, en universalisant les sanctions...
Read 18 tweets
Jun 20th 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 90 tweets
May 30th 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
Read 90 tweets
May 23rd 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
Read 63 tweets
May 17th 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
Read 95 tweets

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