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Mar 28th 2023
"No Hindi, no Hindu, no Hindustan" | This is the Khalistani gurudwara in Sacramento where two people were shot

This is what Khalistani militants are preaching inside the Sacramento gurdwara where two Sikhs fired bullets on each other on Sunday.
#Khalistan ideology only bring #violence, #crime and #hate into the society | They are teaching young #Sikh #children to eliminate #Hindi, #Hindu and #Hindustan (#India).

Dangerous indoctrination of impressionable minds.

Proof that extremist #Khalistani ideology has infiltrared #Gurdwara #Sacramento #Sikh Society, where at least two people were shot

Khalistani flags everywhere & imagery of radical Amritpal Singh is hung on the walls of the Gurdwara

#Terrorist #Extremist
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Jan 10th 2023
Do You Know ?

The #Sikhs raided #Delhi 14 times

between 1766 and 1788.

#SikhHistory #History #khalsa Image
After defeating Mughals in the Battle of #Sirhind (1764) Sikhs plundered Jagir of Najib-ud-daula. Najib appointed Afzal Khan to take care of Delhi. Sikhs raided the #Paharganj region of the city. Image
Sikhs raided Delhi in 1770. They sacked Panipat and entered the territories of #NajibUdDaula and attacked Delhi. #ZabitaKhan was sent to stop Sikhs.The Sikhs demanded a large amount of money for friendship but declined by Zabita. ImageImage
Read 28 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
Today is #GuruNanakJayanti550 . He taught us to #love #respect all ๐Ÿ™๐ŸฝThese #photographs are from the #BanglaSahib #Gurudwara (place of worship of the #Sikhs)It is said that its built on the bungalow (hence #colloquial term โ€˜Banglaโ€™)of Maharaja Jai Singh, ruler of #Amber #Jaipur Image
8th Sikh #Guru, Har Kishen, helped #smallpox #cholera #epidemic patients in 1664 from here.The #freshwater from the well here quenched many thirsts. He himself succumbed.Later, the #Maharaja built a #reservoir, still revered as it #symbolically links to the water from its #well
The main shrine hall is painted with #gold, motifs here and the inlay work heavily influenced by the reigning #Mughal This Gurudwara is now #plasticfree from #October #gurunanak550 #sikhism #architecture #delhi #pakistan #religion #secularism #heritage #historic #handmade #India Image
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Sep 13th 2018
Historical Buddhist statue at the Mes Aynak site in #Kabul, #Afghanistan, #Buddhism
Centuries old "Ekamukhalinga " ( Lord Shiva) in #Afghanistan , now in #Kabul Museum !
Read 79 tweets

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