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@RpsAgainstTrump Why should America increase legal immigration?

How is it America’s responsibility to welcome everyone in the entire world who wants to live here?

At minimum, there’s already a profound shortage of affordable housing in areas with available jobs.

@RpsAgainstTrump Furthermore, why should anyone care about vacant non-union jobs that don’t pay a living wage?

There is no reason to import poor people who will never be able to make enough money to support their American families.

Set #H1B minimum salary at $400,000. @Ilhan

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Wait list for employment-based green cards is so lopsidedly Indian that per-country caps, designed to prevent a single country from taking over the whole immigration flow, mean USCIS can't give out all the extra slots freed up by drop in family immigration…
"The agency estimated that 95,000 Indian citizens received an employment-based green card this year, which is more than four times the typical number before the pandemic."
There is no "backlog" in job-based green cards -- but there is a *wait list*, because the category is numerically limited, for good reason, but tech firms importing cheap labor thru the F1 --> #OPT --> #H1B pipeline use green cards as bait, knowing that there's a long line.
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HAHAHA. Hyderabad IT mafia front @ITServeorg takes a loss in court. Score a point for American workers...…
@ITServeorg The judge in this case Trevor McFadden is a Trump appointed federal judge. We sincerely hope this judge stays in the DC district court for a long time and issues more rulings like that that benefit Americans, NOT Hyderabad gangsters... Image
@ITServeorg The @USChamber is also affected by this ruling, as they are squarely in the corner of #h1b dependent BODYSHOPS. Somewhere @SuzanneUSCC is crying in whatever mansion she can afford on her $250k salary to beg for DOUBLING guestworkers visas.

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👀 MUST READ article from @NeilMunroDC.

Biden hasn't just opened the floodgates, he's detonated the entire dam. 👇… via @BreitbartNews
@NeilMunroDC @BreitbartNews "White-Collar American graduates are going to be filing bankruptcy on their student loans." -@jackjaypalmer

Thanks for nothing @POTUS. Don't do our kids any favors. They are the FUTURE of America and you would rather gift it to foreign scabs to please your corporate donors.
Indian workers are occupying FOUR JOBS EACH. One for themselves and three for other scabs illegally working on tourist visas. Image
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This is why the H-1B visa is not popular for hiring lawyers. If you treat them as indentured servants (i.e. using the visa as it was designed), they can turn around and sue you.…
Sound familiar? Thanks to dual intent, employers can get away with abuses because employees are holding out hope for a green card and will put up with a lot. The #h1b visa is EVIL in so many ways. Reform it or end it @SenatorDurbin @ChuckGrassley @RepJimBanks.
@SenatorDurbin @ChuckGrassley @RepJimBanks This is how #h1b is used to undercut wages. Prevailing wage for lawyer in Chicago is $71k. They paid this woman $55k. This is a perfect case study why we need to issue the H-1B wage rule @SecMartyWalsh @USDOL @POTUS to protect workers and prevent wage abuses.
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After 4 years of constant struggle, last week, my wife and I became US permanent residents. The #immigration process emotionally exhausted us. We both came to the US 9 years back, are @MIT graduates and economically privileged. Still, the process made us feel small and desperate.
Overall, the lawyer fees and applications costed us ~$15,000. The documents submitted to USCIS amounted to more than 1,000 pages. My total exchanges with attorneys over the 4 years amount to more than 103,000 words (yes, it is a 6-figure number, I checked it).
I personally spent probably ~400 hours to complete the paperwork over the years. Spread over 4 years, this may not sound like a lot, but this does not include the time spent worrying about the results, worrying about changes to USCIS rules, checking case updates.
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Report breaks new ground in uncovering H-1B fraud and offers realistic ways for @USDOL & @TheJusticeDept to stop it…
- insiders playbook for cheating #H1B
- uncovers systematic violations of _Actual Wage_ law
- @USDOL doesn't enforce Actual Wage
- workers treated differently based on immigration status (hello @TheJusticeDept)
- @USDOL & @TheJusticeDept can clean up system by enforcing law
@USDOL’s mismanagement:
- allows firms to steal $billions H-1B wages
- undercuts wages, working conditions and bargaining power for all IT workers
- promotes IT labor market fissuring
- removes incentives to invest in workforce development
- cuts key pathway to middle class
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The recent attention in the media to the pressing issue of #DocumentedDreamers gives us an opportunity to take a bigger view of immigration issues. The issue of kids aging-out is an unintended though not unforeseeable consequence of massive #GCBacklogs.🧵 👇 1/9
Fundamentally, this is a demand-supply and allocation issue. The number of #GC annually given out has not changed meaningfully since 1990. Meanwhile the US economy and labor market today are completely different from back then. 2/9
On top of this supply issue of #GC is the fact that their allocation is not equitable. How long you wait in line, usually boils down to the country you were born in. Not on skills, education, work experience, duration of stay in the US or contribution to the economy. 3/9
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Arguments linking per-country caps to maintaining diversity in America are used repeatedly. They came up yet again during the house judiciary committee hearing on 04/28, so we wanted to take some time to address it. 1/12
The thing being considered right now, is the removal of per-country caps in EB immigration. The caps apply to immigrants in this category who are ALREADY in the US and have been awaiting their turn for a green card for years! 2/12
Eliminating these per-country caps wouldn't let in any more EB immigrants into the US annually than right now. It would just make it make everyone stand in the SAME LINE for them, irrespective of their country of birth. 3/12
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In 5 minutes of testimony, @David_J_Bier has managed to not just illustrate the serious gaps in legal immigration policy, but also address why things stand the way they do.

Excerpt about employer-based Green Card path from his testimony on “Why Don’t They Just Get in Line?” 🧵👇
Employers may sponsor their employees, but their employees have a hard annual numerical limit of 130,000 green cards—half of which go to the spouses and minor children of the workers. This limit was last updated in 1990.
Immigrants from a single birthplace can obtain no more than 7 percent of the green cards in a single year unless they would otherwise not be used.
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New! @CatoInstitute published today 30 short essays by 15 authors including some of America's leading immigration law experts urging Biden to go beyond reversing Trump's cuts & act to streamline & expand legal #immigration w/ agency action #BuildBackBetter…
My coauthors & I sped after Nov 7 to compile the most rigorous but brief & readable cases for specific exec actions. Thanks @IraKurzban @CyrusMehta @WStock215 @AllyBolour @DavidKubat @AngeloPaparelli @SYaleLoehr @ASGvisalaw @GSiskind @MLaCorte_ @AILANational (& Amy/Scott/Lindsay)
Our list (1) is solely #legalimmigration & (2) goes past all Trump actions. We feel reversing them is not enough. Obviously, we didn’t touch on every issue, but went for novel or high impact ideas. This list sets the bar high but much more needs to be done by the admin & Congress
Read 34 tweets
THREAD: In the absence of Congressional action on immigration reform, administrations have taken charge. The result? Unpredictable policies that disrupt businesses and families.

It’s time for Congress to step in. Here are 15 reforms to prioritize.…
This is not a comprehensive plan for immigration reform; it’s a shortlist of the ideas that will most obviously benefit Americans.

Nativist sentiment permeates American politics right now. It's important to demonstrate how immigration reform can serve the national interest.
We’ve carefully selected a range of academics, scholars, entrepreneurs, lawmakers, lawyers, advocates, and immigrant contributors from a broad range of ideological spectrums to weigh in.

Without further ado, here are the reforms they believe could best serve our citizens.
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#Work #Visa/#EAD (F1 #OPT/CPT, #H1B, #H4EAD, #J1, #L1B, etc) & declining #American #LaborParticipationRate (LBR; peaked 1999) thread @SenSanders.

Seems obvious there is #NoLaborShortage @SenToomey @SenBobCasey @RepMeuser. Image
1. #H1B enacted 1990, slight dip in #LaborParticipationRate; 1998's ACIWA raises #H1Bvisas to 115,000 - LBR dips again;
2001 AC21 Act raises #H1Bvisa limit to 195,000 - LBR continues dropping @USCongress @BizRoundtable @USDOL. Image
2. 2001 AC21 Act also adds #H1B Cap Exempt Category for non-profit #Education/#Research organizations, further fueling #LaborParticipationRate drop (& growing #GreenCardBacklog) @HouseDemocrats @HouseGOP @SenateDems @SenateGOP.… Image
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#AmericanWorkers & #UnMatchedMD #MedicalGrads displaced by F1 #OPT/CPT #H1B, #H4EAD, #J1, #L1B, et al need #BernieSandersForLabor.

Bernie Sanders confirms interest in becoming Biden's Labor secretary…
1. #BernieSandersForLabor:
Would @SenSanders continue his #H1B opposition as Secretary Of Labor? Or will he conform to @JoeBiden/@KamalaHarris' anti-#AmericanWorkers/pro-#H1Bvisa platform?…
2. #BernieSandersForLabor:
2015: @SenSanders 'wants to reform the #H1B program, in part, by "substantially" raising prevailing wages.'

Does @BernieSanders now support current @USDOL/@DHSgov #H1Bvisa #wages Interim Final Rule?…
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bear with me for a few tweets while i share my labour of love. i've spent three years closely tracking #h1b issues and this feels like some kind of a culmination (for now). sharing this brand new @qz field guide by yours truly 🛂…
the state of play looks at how the visa has become such a painful touchpoint in the debate over US immigration reform, and it weighs the promises both presidential candidates #DonaldTrump and #JoeBiden have made in the run up to #USElections2020 🇺🇸
then there are the numbers that paint a picture of who gets an #h1b, who employs these workers, where they live, where they work, and more 📊
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New #H1BVisaRules make it more expensive and harder to hire workers from India — but they may not hold ground - by @pabsgill…
What are the new changes to #H1B visa rules?

▶️The new rules significantly raise the existing wage levels of H-1B employees. There are four wage levels, and the minimum amount for each has been bumped up — in certain cases, to more than double than what it used to be.
▶️The definition of ‘speciality occupation’ has also been narrowed down. Only certain types of degrees will now qualify a candidate for a visa.

▶️Select contract workers will also have a shorter time limit on their visas.
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ICYMI: FWD blog via @a_moriarty, @FWDus Deputy Director of Federal Policy

The strength of the U.S. higher education system is imperiled now, as the broken immigration system is turning talented international students and graduates away.…
To address recruiting and retention challenges, Congress must:

➡️ increase the annual #H1B cap
➡️ establish dedicated green card and post-graduate work programs for international students & graduates
If you are an international student who wants to get involved in advocating for immigration reform on your campus, check out the @FWDus University Program.
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NEW FWD blog via @a_moriarty, @FWDus Deputy Director of Federal Policy: Immigrants create jobs and raise wages for U.S. workers, but reforms are needed to protect America's competitive advantage.

Immigrants are an essential part of the United States’ workforce, filling critical labor gaps and contributing specialized skills.

Immigrants are also job-creators, starting businesses at nearly twice the rate of native-born Americans and employing nearly 9 million Americans.
The limited availability of #H1B visas is not enough to meet the needs of U.S. employers, leaving critical roles unfilled.

In recent years, demand for #H1Bvisas has consistently exhausted the number available as set by Congress within just one week.
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#S386 my understanding 1. @SenatorDurbin want no harm clause, but do not want transition period extended to 9 from 3 years, which is the practical way of ensuring #noharmclause, it will ensure #row with #ApprovedGreencardPetition will get #greencard without impact for 9 years
2. 50/50 rule for companies employing #h1b :- @SenatorDurbin wants it effective immediately, @SenMikeLee wants to provide 3 years to make this transition, immediately applying 50/50 rule will cause to job loss & deportation of #indiaborn #skilledimmigrants
Cause they r one who r forced to stay on #H1B for decades despite of having #ApprovedGreencardPetition for decade. 3 years will help most of them to get out of #h1b & rest will get AOS in meantime.
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Up until 9 months ago (green card 🙏), I was on an F1 visa for 13 years. This last measure is unbelievably cruel but perhaps you don't realize how many other hurdles international students face. This is what it was like for me 👇 #StudentBan #InternationalStudents 1/n
Step 1: Apply to college, get accepted. That's where it ends for US citizens & permanent residents. For undergrads and MS students, you first have to show the school that you already have the $$ to pay for tuition AND everything else for yr 1 - they issue an I-20 #StudentBan 2/n
You then take that I-20 to apply for a #F1visa and it's up to the consul to decide whether your family has enough $$ to pay for your education. The consul that reviewed my visa app for undergrad almost denied me mine. I was almost in tears during that entire appt #StudentBan 3/n
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A scary paper for our scary times … Kato and Sparber (…) study the reduction in the number of #H1B visas in 2004 on NEW student enrollment into US schools
Before 2004, all foreign students could bank on getting an #H1B visa at graduation ... these guarantees evaporated, however, when the cap reverted 65,000 due to sunset clauses … except that specific agreements exempted students from five countries
What happened? Undergrad enrollments from affected countries dropped by 14% ...

Worse, the very *best* students were esp. apt to go elsewhere: SAT scores of applicants from affected countries declined by 20 pts, on average, or ~1.5%

Declines also for grad students.
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High skill migrants (e.g #H1B visa holders) are an engine of economic growth & innovation. Don't believe me? Here is a thread with some stats...
1. High skilled people are more prone to migrate, so they are hard to get an easy to lose... Image
2. About 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies in America were founded by immigrants or their children.
3. Immigrants account for half of the founders of America’s unicorns.
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My family and I moved to the US almost 14 years ago. My mom had gotten approval for an H1B visa (work visa) to work as a pharmacist in the U.S. This was our moment as a family to work on achieving that “American Dream”. #H1B
It’s been 14 years now. 14 years of her life, her marriage, and her hard earned money that she’s given to the U.S all in hopes for creating a better life for her kids & she has gotten nothing in return.
Instead, 14 years into it and she does not yet have her green card (due to the incredibly fucked up immigration system). Because she’s not a citizen, she does not get a say in the policies & who the people that make the policies that directly affect her life.
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