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May 10th 2023
10 reasons to why everyone wants to study/ relocate in USA and why you should think twice before doing the same...

Ever heard of the "AMERICAN DREAM?" this is why you shouldn’t dream that dream

Thread, Please RT Image
1/🌎 The "American Dream": The USA's reputation as a land of opportunity has attracted countless people worldwide. But keep in mind, achieving success often requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Success isn't guaranteed! #AmericanDream
If we put "the American dream" aside @tassaa99 can still assist you to study in USA. DM us and one of our staff will get back to you with all details or click the link below…
Read 14 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
Wondering about latest news 📰 in the #realestate #housingmarket 🏡💵 with pricing, #interestrates, etc.? Here's an updated thread for January 23' that includes all the latest macro/market data... 🧵/👇🏼

📊h/t @RealEstateCafe
1/🧵 "44% year/year drop in ⁦@MBAMortgage
⁩ Purchase Index is largest decline on record." 🇺🇸📉

📊h/t @LizAnnSonders @bloomberg

#realestate #realestateinvesting #FederalReserve #interestrates #macro #realator #mortgagerates
2/🧵 Affordability "threshold" for housing, via the @AtlantaFed 🏡

📊h/t @NewsLambert

#realestate #realestateinvesting #FederalReserve #interestrates #macro #realator #mortgagerates
Read 26 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
#HousingMarket bust: here's the next step down the bargaining ladder. Last summer pundits said "home ownership is slipping out of reach but that's okay", now we hear "this is a housing recession (but it'll be fine)".

Next stage of grief will be depression, then acceptance. Image
Here's the updated chart from last year. When expressed in commodities, real estate is now trading 30% lower than 12 months ago. I don't expect this trend to stop any time soon. Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 10th 2022
A home isn't just a home anymore. Housing has become less about shelter and more about extracting 💰. In our new Under the Lens series—Homes or Cash Cows—we explore the 'financialization' of housing, its causes and effects, and what to do about it. Housing is being treated mo...
Miriam Axel-Lute (@miriam_mjoy), Shelterforce's editor-in-chief, talks more about this important issue and what you can expect from us over the next several weeks.
Let's lay the groundwork: We've been hearing a lot about 'the financialization of housing,' but what does it really mean? We've put together this video to help explain the wonky term:
Read 20 tweets
Apr 11th 2022
A quick thread on Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation is an essential component of anyone's investment journey!

Fancy translation; asset allocation is the breakdown of different investments in the categories known as asset classes. Stocks, bonds, cash are different asset classes.
Within each asset class, there are more breakdowns that categorize each investment like market capitalization, sectors, geographical locations etc. etc.

But in practicality, asset allocation is to diversify depending on an investor's risk tolerance.
Each asset class has anticipated risk and return based on historical averages.

Based on how much risk an investor is willing to take, a portfolio can be broken down within several categories to provide diversification and balance.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 10th 2022
What is Swix DAO? an introduction to crypto natives.
A 🧵

1/21 The #crypto markets are a great place for people and teams to innovate, to push the boundaries of previously accepted limits.
2/21 That is why I love this space and have committed my time and effort to learn more & more each day, both to find #money making opportunities, and to just see the satisfying growth of this community full of over achievers, idealists, geniuses, & curious people.
3/ That's why today I want to share with all of you the interesting project that we are building at Swix DAO, because I think that if you are anything like me, you would #love to find about this project.
Swix DAO is, as stated in its name, a Decentralized autonomous organization,
Read 25 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
Quick thread on Price-to-Rent Ratio?

The price-to-rent ratio can be helpful for gauging whether or not an area is “fairly” priced, or if it’s in bubble territory.

To determine the price-to-rent ratio in a given area, divide the median home price by the median annual rent.
Generally, a price-to-rent ratio higher than 21 means it’s cheaper to rent in that area.

As of 2019, the price-to-rent ratio in San Francisco is over 50, the highest in the US.
For every $1,000 you’d spend in rent, you’d have to pay $601,362 to buy something comparable.
e.g. a place that rents for $4,000/mo. would cost roughly $2.4M to buy.

At that rate, it’s cheaper to rent than to own, as the estimated monthly mortgage payment would be around $10,000.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 3rd 2021
And we're back for another #CourageousConversations! Today we're talking about #housingdiscrimination and #redlining with local experts. Follow along for highlights from the convo!
.@saphyr29 sets the stage for the discussion noting that "housing in the United States is a case study for structural inequity." #CourageousConversations #equity #housingdiscrimination #redlining
Terri Gentry, with the Black American West Museum, begins by explaining that redlining is an extension of many other oppressive practices that have existed within our systems for a long time. #CourageousConversations #housingdiscrimination #redlining #equitablehousing
Read 20 tweets
Jun 24th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 06/24/2021…
Changes in farming practices could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2036…

#FarmingPractices #greenhouse #GasEmissions #reduction
Mindat: The Wikipedia for Minerologists, Miners, and “Rock Hounds” (Except Not)…

#minerals #database
Read 10 tweets
Jun 12th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 06/12/2021…
Persecution & Toleration: The Long Road to Religious Freedom

#BookReviews #history #ReligiousFreedom
If You Sell a House These Days, the Buyer Might Be a Pension Fund…

#RealEstate #investment #HousingMarket #PensionFunds
Read 8 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
1/1 This article raises v.imp points. My bit under 3 questions
1) Should home prices in India's cities come down 2) Can they come down 3) Will they come down ? @CREDAINational @NaredcoNational @MoHUA_India @PMOIndia #housingmarket #homeprices…
2/1 Let's begin -Should home prices come down? Definitely Rental yields are 1-3% in residential. Decades of cash, graft & dirty money have inflated resi prices beyond economic logic. No reason why resi rental yield is not similar to commercial 7%. BUT
3/1 Can one pandemic fix decades of market inefficiencies ? Is entire onus of price reduction on one lot - Developer? House prices are a function of Land Price + Construction Cost + Finance Cost + Approval (delay) Costs+FSI Premiums + Taxes + Mortgage Rates + Stamp Duty.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
A lot of people are worried about their #mortgage in the wake of #COVID19 and rightfully so.

Optimists say that since rates are super low that we won't have any issues. I want to dispel that myth. Let's explore what's going on and what happens moving forward.

The major factor is unemployment. This excellent graph from @TheBlock__ shows the speed and magnitude of what #COVID19's slowdown is doing. 10 million unemployed in 2 weeks means a lot of folks will be stressed when it comes time to pay rent/mortgage.

It's unprecedented. Image
To understand what's going on now I need to take you back a little first. Let's explore the past year.

In short, lenders have been stressed due to high demand, and lag times are hurting those waiting for their refinancing loans to close.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 5th 2019
$XLRE Daily: New Chart!

#XLRE is the sector ETF for the real estate industry. Over the past few weeks it has been the strongest of all the sector ETFS (basically going vertical). However, the chart formation is looking like a major broadening topping wedge...

$XLRE Daily: #XLRE now facing resistance... topping wedge resistance TO could be in effect here... need to wait until Friday for confirmation

$XLRE Daily: #XLRE finally hit the orange resistance TL. Let’s see how this develops over the next few days. Any kind of shooting star or red candle in the next 2 days could trigger a sell signal. Patience for confirmation ...

Read 11 tweets

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