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Mar 14th 2023
For the last week, I’ve had my twitter locked while I made sure I was safe and cared for myself. But now, I want to tell you what it’s like to have the entire force of the anti-trans ecosystem pointed directly at you.

TW: transphobia, transmisogyny and hate & threats
Since early March, I’ve been bombarded with thousands of hateful tweets, DMs & emails

I've been called a tr*nny, groomer, pedophile & f*g. Encouraged to suicide & more

All for being a trans woman in a Canadian ad campaign to uplift women & girls for
#InternationalWomensDay2023 ImageImageImageImage
My inclusion in this ad, as just 1 of 5 young female change makers featured to celebrate women and give young girls positive possibility models, spurred an international campaign to boycott Hersheys.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
Good friend is late 30's. In shape, makes over $300k/year, has a condo overlooking a great downtown.

He gets consistently ghosted, ignored for days, or is told after a date or two that "this isn't working."

Modern women are broken.
Since this is going to the 🌝, time to shamelessly plug my Substack:
Maybe he’s a public masturbator and that’s his issue?…
Read 7 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
Most people have very little idea of the huge and dangerous impacts that #ADHD can have on women and girls.
A thread 1/9
#ADHDWomen #IWD2023 #InternationalWomensDay2023 #InternationalWomensDay #WomensDay #WomensDay2023 Image
It is now clear from diagnoses in later life that #ADHD occurs just as often in women and girls as it does in men and boys.
But women and girls are diagnosed FAR less often, and frequently misdiagnosed 2/9 Image
Women with ADHD are more likely to present outwardly with inattentive traits, because hyperactive/impulsive traits are more likely to be masked and 'internalised'. 3/9 Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
On #InternationalWomensDay2023, special shout out to Reem Alsalem UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and Girls. @UNSRVAW, is a very challenging UN role right now, in a world that seems to be waging a new #waronwomen the #femalesex, and especially on our #oneday

Reem, we saw and heard your @UNSRVAW words in your report to #CEDAW committee on Feb. 24.

We hope you don't mind us boosting what your important platform and the type of work you're trying to have heard.

“I would encourage the CEDAW Committee to spell out how to take into consideration the characteristics of sex and sex-based rights in the design and implementation of inclusive measures...

Read 4 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
Did you know Canada is the ONLY country in the world that has universal health care, but🚫access to covered contraception⁉️
Contraception is a gender health equity issue & 1:5 have insufficient drug coverage.
#InternationalWomensDay @Ptbohealth…
BC recently announced that contraception would be free for everyone, and all provinces in 🇨🇦, including @ONThealth should follow suit.…
Unfair access to menstrual products means an inability to afford tampons, pads & liners fuels stigma & shame while creating health risks for people who struggle to afford them.
@ONThealth has recently made important progress but gaps remain.…
Read 6 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
1/4 "Leadership is not defined by the exercise of power but by the capacity to increase the sense of power among those led. The most essential work of the leader is to create more leaders." Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933) #leadership #work #power #internationalwomensday2023
2/4 Mary P. Follett started influencing management and management thinking over a century ago. Her ideas remain deeply relevant to our time – and will continue to be relevant for decades into the future. #internationalwomensday2023
3/4 I'm thankful to have stumbled across an article about Mary P. Follett in my PhD program and then I committed to finding and reading everything, articles and books, that she'd ever written. #internationalwomensday2023
Read 4 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
1/ CLB investigated three cases of #women workers in #China facing #discrimination and rights violations related to #maternityleave. We found these incidents through local governments' online message boards and referred the cases to the union. Read more:…
2/ Regarding family leave policies, the ACFTU has the opportunity to ensure both that workers' rights are protected and that state policy goals are upheld, contributing to the union’s political and practical missions. However, in these three cases, the union was not eager to act.
3/ The ACFTU’s Charter requires all levels of the union to est women workers’ committees, which should conduct research, draft policies, and advise on legislation concerning the rights of women workers. In CLB's investigations, however, these committees were not easily reachable.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
On this day in 1917, working-class women in Petrograd launched a riot that began the Russian Revolution. The day has been celebrated as #InternationalWomensDay ever since. Wishing all of our comrades a joyful and successful #IWD2023! ✊🚩🌹 Image
1/7 On this day on 8 March 1917, soldiers’ wives and other working-class women in Petrograd, Russia launched militant protests against their country's participation in World War I and the devastating effects it had on living conditions.
2/7 The riots kicked off what would go down in history as the February Revolution, the first phase of the revolutionary process that led to the establishment of the Soviet Union. It would also firmly establish 8 March as #IWD, an international feminist holiday.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
🔊Today, for the first time, on #InternationalWomensDay2023, we're sharing more about the 7 incredible Composeher works that will be premiered on 27th May at City Halls, Glasgow.


#IWD #EmbraceEquity
The @GSAChoir commissioned 7 female composers to create new works of around 10 minutes in length to seek to address, in our own way, the huge gender inequalities in the granting of music commissions.

Today, on #IWD, we have released programme notes to accompany the new works.
'Angel of the Battlefield', composed by Cecilia McDowall, lyrics by Clara Barton and Seán Street, is inspired by the outstanding work of the pioneering American nurse and founder of the American Red Cross, Clara Barton.

Read more:
Read 10 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
INA’s first Woman Spy who let her “Breast” cutoff but not spoken a single word to protect Subhash Chandra Bose!

An unsung freedom warrior Late Neera Arya (05-03-1902 / 26-07-1998).

On 5 March 1902 in Khekra Nagar in Baghpat district, Neera Arya was born into an influential family. Her father Seth Chhajjumal, a famous businessman, saw to it that his children Neera and Basant got an education in Kolkata.
From a young age, Neera was extremely interested in the nation’s welfare and, following school, joined the Rani Jhansi Regiment in the Azad Hind Fauj as a soldier.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
Today, the #MumbaiPolice have a healthy number of #women officers & constables. But do you know that they were drafted into the force due to the prohibition policy? Read this thread on #InternationalWomensDay2023

#WomensDay #InternationalWomensDay #police #Mumbai #Maharashtra ImageImageImage
In 1937, the Bombay Province elected a Congress government under Premier B.G. Kher. In 1939, the government introduced a system of prohibition in Bombay city, with plans to cover the rest of the province later.
#WomensDay #women #InternationalWomensDay2023 #Maharashtra #history Image
A prohibition branch, or ‘X branch’ as it was known, was carved out in the Bombay police. But, despite this, the police discovered that illicit liquor was still available in #Mumbai.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
As the US tries to erase trans people, remember trans, non-binary & gender-fluid people are accepted in Hawaiian culture (i.e. mahu), & play vital roles in our resistance against colonization & US genocide of Hawaiians. Binary gender is a Western, imperial concept, forced on us. ImageImageImageImage
I often alter my own presentation. I'm in support of LGBTQ+ rights generally, but this is also about self-decolonization & reclamation of gender-fluid Hawaiian culture that was stolen from me. Hawaiian language was banned by the US, when I was born. Image
It's also important to remember the control of bodies & gender expression is integral to interlocking systems of white supremacy, patriarchy, & capitalism. Devaluation of certain genders & races over others allows devaluation of their labor - i.e. care work, 'unskilled jobs' etc. ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
We recommend reading @CCriadoPerez's Invisible Women, about the ways policy development & impact assessments fail to assess the impact on women.

Equality Impact Assessments matter.

We have asked @TeamQEH to correct their EIAs to include the 4 missing protected characteristics. Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust Equality Impact Assessmen
Despite now having the correct list of protected characteristics in V3 of the @TeamQEH Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, the policy & EIAs do not cover those with the protected characteristic of sex as it uses the word “gender” instead of sex. >

#IWD2023 #SexMatters
. @TeamQEH was informed of these errors first in 2020 and has failed to correct the omissions and use of gender and transgender in the #Equality, #Diversity and #Inclusion policy and equality impact assessments ( EIAs). >
Read 8 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
Since January 2023, I have launched a weekly series on @mumbaitak (thanks to @sahiljoshii) where I speak in #Marathi on little-known yet significant episodes from #IndianHistory. This is a thread with the playlists.
Do watch and comment.
#history #trivia #Mumbai #Maharashtra
The first episode with over 2.6 lakh views was on the sensational #TheBawlaMurderCase (1925) which led to the abdication of an Indian king. You can buy my book on this crime here:

#truecrime #crime #Mumbai #Maharashtra #Books
Did you know that the police stations in #Mumbai, the #MumbaiPolice special branch & crime branch owe their genesis to #LokmanyaBalGangadharTilak? Watch this episode to know more about the bitter-sweet (!)relation between #Tilak and the #MumbaiPolice.

Read 9 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
1./ #Transwashing.
Why did Hershey feel the need to use a transwoman to promote its "chocolate" for #InternationalWomensDay2023? Could it be that they failed to act on a 2001 commitment to guarantee they'd eradicated child labour from their supply chain?…
2./ In 2021 they were named in a class action by 8 former child slaves from Mali. The case was dismissed because the plaintiffs couldn't provide documentary proof of every stage of the supply chain (something Hershey had committed to doing but hasn't).…
3./ Or perhaps Hershey's wokery is supposed to distract attention from being sued for having illegal levels of cadmium and lead in some of its products? If so it's proof of a growing trend: huge unaccountable firms love transwashing their troubled brands.…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
A week to go til we hit the annual corporate calamity that is also known as #InternationalWomensDay2023 - if you are planning to participate in this branding bunfight here are some handy tips to survive until you have to do another 24 hours of performative feminism next year: ->
1. Pay your women speakers. Benchmark their rate around the last invoice you got from a top male consultant. If you're asking women who already work for you to organise this event, pay them overtime. Benchmark their rate at the last expenses bill you paid your top salesman.
2. Don't make anything pink.
Read 13 tweets

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