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Jun 4th 2023
1/15 🧵💡 Decentralized storage & compute could truly supercharge the #InternetOfThings (#IoT). But how? Let's unpack this crucial evolution for our hyper-connected world. 🌐👇
2/15 📚 First, it's crucial to understand the concepts. #DecentralizedStorage refers to data storage spread across multiple devices or locations, rather than a central server. #DecentralizedCompute refers to computations performed on these distributed devices.💻🌍
3/15 📈 IoT devices generate an enormous amount of data daily. Centralized servers currently deal with this load, but as more and more devices connect, scalability becomes a challenge. Decentralization offers a solution. #EdgeComputing #Scalability
Read 15 tweets
May 18th 2023
#DePIN is about to disrupt a $13 TRILLION industry ...

... which no one is talking about 👀

Agriculture 🌾🌽🧄🍒🍋

Here's my three-minute-thake

1/9 Image
2/ When most people think of tech <> agriculture they think 'Smart Agriculture'.

A $20bn industry which brings the #InternetOfThings to farming, mainly leveraging sensors to make things more efficient.

All well and good, but in my view, enhancement not disruption.
3/ #Web3 is about to truly disrupt agriculture globally, changing the way it works from the bottom up 🌍

Farming is about to get more local, sustainable and circular. Food is about to get healthier and cheaper.

How? #DePIN.

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks.
Read 18 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
#UN #UnitedNations #NATO #Adenda2030 #NWO #NewWorld #internetofthings #OperationLockstep #WEF #SPARS #ClimateTrojanHorse
Read 4 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
The U.N. is a happy organization?

This happynwo site is now the forwarding address for: (which was a blank site in 2020 with only "Ⓒ Copyright New World Order Project 2020" at the bottom.)

Hmm.🤔 #NewWorldOrder Image
Ha! Found it. Image
Read 72 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
Multiplexed barcoding of cells:
Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy…
I fucking knew it. That's just wonderful. 😑
Read 64 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
Diese Woche gibts von mir Tweets aus #Estland u #Finnland, wo wir mit einer Delegation des Digitalausschusses im Bundestag lernen wollen, wie man ein Land besser digitalisiert. Mit dabei: @TabeaRoessner @NadineSchoen @mesarosch Hashtag: #btADiEstFinn
Nach dem Briefing durch stellv Botschafter Martin Langer ging es anschließend zum eEstonia Briefingzentrum. 1 Std Info-Lawine dazu, wie Estland so digital wurde u wie digital es inzwischen ist (😭).
Ja, @InesMergel, es ist schon mal "Shock and Awe" (wie erwartet)
eEstonia Briefingcenter:
- 99% der öff. Dienste sind elektr. verfügbar = alles außer Heirat u Scheidung
- elektr. Steuererklärung dauert < 3min
- seit 2001 haben alle Kinder "computer classes), die meisten lernen schon in Grundschulen Programmieren u Robotics
Read 64 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
Given the greater accessibility, availability, and promotion of gambling, more and more youth have become attracted to the perceived excitement, entertainment, and financial freedom associated with gambling. While Internet gambling is a recent phenomenon that #internetofthings… remains to be explored, the potential for future problems among youth is high, especially among a generation of young people who have grown up with videogames, computers, and the Internet.… Our current knowledge and understanding of the seriousness of gambling problems, its magnitude, and its impact on the health and well-being of children and youth compels us to respond to these new forms of gambling in a timely and effective manner.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
Internet of Things in relation to Retail Industry Thread:
Potential Use Cases are has follows:
Inventory or warehouse management, Facility management , Supply Chain management and Energy Management.
IOT for Inventory or Warehouse management:
eCommerce companies can use RFID tags to automatically and quickly scan all the items in their warehouse.
This decreases risk of human manual entry error and gives a transparent view of the inventory.
Facility management IOT Retail Use Case:
Retailers can monitor temperatures/light intensity in their stores using sensors and then use this data to automatically adjust lighting and temperature based on weather conditions and time of the day.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
Thread #Agenda2030

Connect the dots...

Watch the video as well, please:

#Agenda2030 #UnitedNations

Goal 1 + translation
#Agenda2030 #UnitedNations

Goals 2, 3, 4 + translation
Read 19 tweets
Jun 10th 2019
Arrancando el programa "Leading in the Exponential Age" de @singularityu en @IAE_Austral #SingularityIAE
Disrupción en espacios inusuales. Había escuchado sobre el impacto de los autos autónomos en la donación de organos, pero las bebidas energéticas? @singularityu @IAE_Austral #SingularityIAE
Read 7 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
The 8 Most Common Automated Testing Use Cases of 2019:
Chances that one or more of these use cases should be a part of your test automation project...
#PerformanceTesting #Testing #software
1️⃣ Acceptance Testing
2️⃣ Backend Testing
3️⃣ Tariff and Charging Verification
4️⃣ Core Network Testing
Read 6 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
@realDonaldTrump signed an executive order on 2/11/19 directing federal agencies to prioritize research & development in the field of AI

The American AI Initiative, is intended to enhance national & economic security & improve Americans' quality of life.…
President @realDonaldTrump laid out 6 objectives in the Executive Order on Maintaining American Leadership in AI for 6 Departments/Agencies

Secretaries of:
- Defense
- Commerce
- Health & Human Services
- Energy
- the Administrator of NASA
- the National Science Foundation
Executive Order on Maintaining American Leadership in AI
(d)The US must foster public trust & confidence in AI technologies & protect civil liberties, privacy & American values in their application in order to fully realize the potential of AI technologies for the American people
Read 44 tweets

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