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Had a lot of people angry at me today around my tweet on the #londonprotest . I agree with many of them. Mandates suck, passports suck, and I worry about the government finding more reasons/ways of disempowering people. But my focus is the virus, and what it may do to people.
The virus is relatively equaliser, it doesn't care if you are labor or conservative, rich or poor. The inequalities bred out are societal, not of its making. The government have taken full advantage of the despair and chaos to profit, and certainly advance their agenda.
With legislation around protests, whilst having parties themselves, they have shown themselves to be the selfish malignancies they are. However, I do not align myself with them, but the effort to reduce infection and save lives is a common theme that we all share.
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I see the lockdown fan club is full of Christmas cheer.
#covidiots #londonprotest
Normal, decent folk.
Mayor of London has said the vast, vast majority of hospital cases are unvaccinated. I'm so done with these rabid, stupid, foul people. They're the reason for all this panic about strain on health services. They are literally what is causing the restrictions to which they object.
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I’m probably going to get pelters in some quarters for this but I feel it needs to be said.

I’ve often defended the protest organisers, however, I feel yesterday they got it badly wrong in London. Damagingly so.
I’m going to tell you why👇🏻
When I attended the march back in April, the beauty was the sheer diversity of people in attendance (as I wrote about at the time).

June and July was the same. You don’t attract a diverse crowd like that by focusing on niche topics — you do it by targeting key central themes.
Themes like lockdown, like vaccine passports, and like bodily autonomy/mandatory vaccinations. Issues that have a solid foundation from which to argue our point of view; issues which, with some gentle persuasion, members of the public at large could/should get energised about.
Read 18 tweets
#londonprotest The People go to Parliament today to deliver their message of #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere The People shout “arrest Boris Johnson”.
#londonprotest The People ask the Police to move back and the Police oblige. The Police move back. The Police need to stand down. The lives of the children and grandchildren are at stake. Choose Truth! Choose Freedom. #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere
Ex Police Officer Mark Sexton speaks at #londonprotest and explains PCR tests saying it is not fit for purpose. He says that Millions of people are suffering because of this testing system which is destroying lives.#NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere
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The anti-mask/lockdown/vaxxers gathering in London aren't satisfied with #FreedomDay and are now livid you need vaccine passports - despite this having been commonplace for entry to certain countries for decades #londonprotest Image
They aren't happy they've finally got what they wanted. They crave continuous attention so they can feign perpetual faux outrage, because everything they've devoted their lives to for 18 months is over. It's absolutely pathetic. #londonprotest
Like, are these people actually this thick or just desperate to hysterically scream about the exact same freedoms they've had all their lives? #londonprotest Image
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The (powerful) people who have convinced you that draconian restrictions on your civil liberties are necessary to protect you from a killer pandemic are the same people who seem unconcerned about the rules themselves. More👇🏻 Image
The controlled and morally bankrupt politicians mandate you to wear dehumanising face coverings, whilst refusing to do the same because the rules don’t apply to them. The deadly pandemic differentiates between classes of citizens, apparently. But at least they have warning tape.. Image
They invoke war rhetoric as they demand you don’t leave your local area, raising panic and fear. Then they leave their own local areas at will. Why? Because, of course, they are politicians and the rules of the pandemic don’t apply to them. Image
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The Government has published a 110-page report on the future of human augmentation (HA), dubbed the “binding agent between the unique skills of humans & machines.”

It covers genetic engineering, future warfare, & brain-computer interfaces etc.👇🏻
In an Exec Summary, the Ministry of Defence paper says “we cannot wait for the ethics of human augmentation to be decided for us, we must be part of the conversation now. The ethical implications are significant but not insurmountable; early & regular engagement is essential.”
In the same section, it goes on to state “ethical perspectives on human augmentation will change and this could happen quickly.

“There may be a moral obligation to augment people, particularly in cases where it promotes wellbeing or protects us from novel threats.”
Read 20 tweets
#londonprotest 🧵👇🏻

For those claiming Saturday was some kind of “hijacking” by “controlled opposition” I suggest you watch this 20 min on camera debrief by one of the main organisers.

I want to address some of the points I’ve read in the hours since.
Claim 1: “It was hijacked,” one v well known account said.

This is a demonstrable lie. An event poster before the march clearly states that: “from now on our marches will be taking things up a notch & sending a message. We will no longer be scenically walking through Ldn.” Image
“But instead going on slightly longer routes through community areas to spread the message of awareness.”

So this was very much planned, whether you agree with it or not. For anyone who walked the route, you will have seen dozens of people watching and filming from...
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#IchBinWütend Teilst du meine Wut?

Ich bin so wütend! Eine solche Wut kenne ich gar nicht in mir. Entsetzlich wütend auf meine ehemaligen Kollegen im öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk! Es kann doch nicht sein... (weiterlesen 👇🏼)

Es kann doch nicht sein, dass ihr durch euer Handeln all denen Recht gebt, die Euch Lügen vorwerfen. Weglassen ist auch Lügen! Nicht berichten ist auch #FakeNews! Bewusstes Weglassen ist Lügen, ist #Propaganda! Per Definition. Es kann doch nicht sein ... (weiterlesen 👇🏼)
Es kann doch nicht sein, dass ihr bei @tagesschau und @ZDFheute einfach ignoriert, wenn zehntausende Menschen in London demonstrieren. Nachrichtenkriterien gelten doch noch, oder? Wieso entzieht ihr euch selbst die Legitimation?

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There’s such an incredible atmosphere already here. Families from across UK here singing Freedom

We need to be fully #openforall now with #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #londonprotest
Make sure you get the numbers right this time @BBCNews @itvnews @SkyNews @Channel4News @LBC #londonprotest
Some more from #londonprotest We don’t want any Vaccine Passports no Test to Enter National Gov Scheme. It time to be totally #openforall #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere We need our Normal back now
Read 22 tweets
Support for Gaza 🇵🇸
from Jordan 🇯🇴

Shua'fat 🇵🇸 ✌🏽

Jabal Al Mukaber 🇵🇸 ✌🏽

#PalestinianResistance #FreePalestine 🇵🇸
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More pictures from #London today at Elbit Systems Ltd HQ, an Israeli-owned weapons manufacturer
#Palestinian #ShutElbitDown #SaveSheikhJarrah #FreePalestine

AND AGAIN TRAFALGAR SQUARE 6PM TONITE. Will post more pictures shortly ImageImage
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THREAD: I'm sure you’re all aware of these & a few other pictures circling around of Jewish people at Israeli #AntiLockdownProtests wearing the yellow #StarOfDavid.

For some who don’t know the full story of how valid this is, I’ve put together this. 1/
As this picture shows, the Nuremberg Code was created after the Nazis had been forcing people to have experimental medical procedures.

It was now a crime to force or coerce people to be experimented on w/ medical procedures they don't want. 2/
Vaccine passports aren't the only way the govt coerce us

Separation was enforced on people who were told they were a biohazard. The elderly were a group the govt murdered in care homes.

Their health was sacrificed & they were separated from family. 3/
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Many accounts excited about the #LondonProtest are sharing links & memes that make unusual claims about COVID & vaccines, from something called the "Daily Expose".

@FullFact adresses their claim that just 3,000 people have died from #COVID19 in Britain.…
Here's anothe 'Daily Expose' claim - that the number of pregnant women who have miscarried increased by “366% in just six weeks” as a result of their receiving a #COVID19 vaccine.

@PolitiFact rate this claim 'false'.…
The 'Media Bias Fact Check' rates the 'Daily Expose' as "a Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery level Pseudoscience website based on promoting false and misleading information regarding #Covid19."…
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The level of privilege and ignorance you must have to protest the things that are keeping us safe. You wanna talk about freedom? Where were was your outrage when disabled people were having DNRs forced on us? #londonprotest #COVIDIOTS #gohome
Funny how the people screaming about the loss of freedom and being locked up were silent when disabled people were basically just told to sit in our houses for a year with no help. How uncaring they were when 6 in 10 covid deaths were disabled people
Loss of freedom is still being afraid to leave the house because you know how many people have stopped taking this seriously, if they were at all. So stfu whinging because you have to wear a mask and stop being so selfish
Read 3 tweets
[THREAD] About six weeks ago I stumbled across a whole load of COVID denialist and anti-vans accounts pumping out gross antisemitism. I reported all the tweets captured here to @Twitter. I’m pleased to see today this account’s been suspended...
However, this one, whose pinned tweet is obviously antisemitic, is still going...
So is this one, which has 2.6K followers...
Read 11 tweets
Ciao Bernie...l'unica differenza con MarioD... è che lui poteva creare liquidità dal nulla e tu no...👽

Colui che è responsabile primo della morte di migliaia di persone...con la sua gestione criminale a base di "tachipirina e vigile attesa"...non solo deve essere rimosso ma deve finire la sua vita al gabbio

Read 490 tweets
Lawrence Fox is taking part on the Anti Lockdown protest in central London.

He said the 1st thing he'd do as Mayor is: "Make protests legal."

Mr Fox clearly doesn't understand what the London Mayor's powers are. 🤦‍♂️

Also, #WearAMask
2/ @MetPoliceEvents are currently escorting anti lockdown protesters through central London.

Suddenly they're not very keen on wrestling people to the ground....
3/ The protest in central London appears to have a very big contingent of COVID deniers and anti maskers.

Piers Corbyn started it claiming it's all a hoax & that the vaccine id going to kill hundreds of thousands. @MetPoliceEvents did NOTHING bar arrest someone filming Corbyn.
Read 30 tweets

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