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Feb 16th 2023
🇭🇺🇷🇺⚡️The Guardian reports that #Budapest has become the most Russia-friendly capital in the EU and cites the recent successful staging of Sergei Prokofiev’s opera "War and Peace" in Budapest as proof of Hungary's pro-Russian stance.
#prokofiev #ukrainewar #russia #hungary
The opera's grand music and patriotic Russian libretto were performed just three hours from the Ukrainian border.
The opera is based on the novel by Leo #Tolstoy about #Napoleon's invasion of Russia, and was adapted by Prokofiev in the 1940s, when memories of the Soviet Union's victory over the Nazis were still fresh.
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Dec 21st 2022
1/8~ “Sangre y Masacre, Marchen!”
John Slade.

Son las cargas de caballería exclusivas de la Edad Media? ⚔️ Ni mucho menos.

#taldiacomohoy bajo un manto nevado, una de las cargas de caballería más recordadas de la #guerrapeninsular tenía lugar.
2/8~ El 21 de diciembre de 1808 el ejército de John Moore avanza hacia #Sahagún, ocupada por los franceses. En la vanguardia la caballería, comandada por Lord #Paget.

A las 2 de la mañana la caballería británica, comienza una maniobra de rodeo sobre #Sahagún.
3/8~ Las fuerzas francesas de Debelle en #Sahagún, se componían del 1er regimiento de Chasseurs a Cheval y el 8 Regimiento de Dragones.

Fuerzas similares a la vanguardia británica. Sin embargo, el factor sorpresa decidirá la batalla.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
Nouveau thread sur la nouvelle lubie des pro-#Poutine : "le #général #hiver" ! Ca y est ! Il commence à faire froid, la neige tombe donc ça y est la #Russie va gagner... 😂😂😂
Il est temps de rétablir quelques vérités face à la tonne d'ignorance déversée par nos clowns adorés 🤡
La 1ere mention du "#général #hiver" remonte en 1812 dans un dessin satirique britannique consacré à la campagne catastrophique de Napoléon en Russie.
Excellent article à lire sur le sujet ->…
L'idée est simple : face au #froid de l'#hiver, aucune armée n'est préparé et malgré leur infériorité technologique, la grande armée russe finira par prendre l'avantage pendant que l'ennemi meurt de froid...
Read 21 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
Heute vor 112 Jahren, am 30. Oktober 1910, stirbt Henri #Dunant - ein legendärer Menschenfreund, der aber fast schon zu Lebzeiten in Vergessenheit geraten wäre.

Über sein grandioses Lebenswerk erzähle ich euch im folgenden 🧵. Viel Spaß! 1/15

#OnThisDay #History #Geschichte Fotografie von Henri Dunant in seinen späteren Lebensjahren
Schon in jungen Jahren widmet der 1828 geborene Dunant sich karitativen Aufgaben. Nachdem er wegen schlechter Noten vom Gymnasium fliegt, beginnt er mit 24 eine Banklehre. Im gleichen Jahr 1852 gründet er den "Christlichen Verein Junger Männer" (#CVJM). 2/15
Dunant will als Geschäftsmann in #Algerien durchstarten. Doch es gibt Probleme mit den französischen Kolonialbehörden. Pragmatisch wie er ist, will er 1859 den französischen Kaiser #Napoleon III. um Hilfe bitten.3/15
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Oct 19th 2022
#battleofthenations #napoleon #leipzig 1813. The gates are still manned. The coalition forces did not await such a fast retreat of the French lines. No axe or gun is with the first units, who reach the wall. They shall take the gates, but can only press themselves 1/6 Image
against the city walls. Rifle and musket fire from all directions. Many detachments cannot move. The defenders beat holes in the wall and use them as loop holes. At the Grimma’s gate the Königsberg Landwehr battalion from Bülows Corps breaks the thin wall and storms the 2/6 Image
barricades behind the gate. The French units retreat, draw back and go in fire formation. They fire on the gap. The Prussians step over comrades’ dead bodies. The French cannot hold and flee through the small lanes. Before the Landwehr advances, the order comes: 3/6 Image
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Oct 18th 2022
#battleofthenations #OTD #napoleon #leipzig 1813. The Germans in French uniforms from the Rhine and Mayence (Mainz) are in the heavy fights to hold Göhren in the south. Murat arrives. “Mes enfant, il ne faut pas quitter ce village là, autrement nous sommes perdu.” They 1/4 Image
have to hold to secure the retreat. Despite the brave defence they are overrun. All the blood from the days before was for nothing. From Liebertklolkwitz and from the 17th the wounded were placed in nearly all houses there. When they leave the town, the homes are all in 2/4 Image
flames. The comrades are left behind and die in the fire. MacDonald’s headquarter falls. J.J. Röhrig from the Rhine comes across a house. It is full of cuirassiers. The limbs are shot off or cut off by sword strikes. “They took off the leg of an officer. He sat on a bench, 3/4 Image
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Oct 18th 2022
#battleofthenations #OTD #napoleon #leipzig 1813. The army of the north is here. They increase the push. Napoleon resits at the tobacco mill. On all fronts the carnage goes on. 1 000 men die per hour. The northern flank withers. In south Probstheida is in flames.
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Landwehr is pushing in and are thrown out again. The guns which were conquered minutes before are lost again. Without shelter, the returned French artillery squads fire one canister shot after another and rip the bodies of the Landwehr. They are wiped out. The church 2/5 Image
and the big farmhouse, in which the French wounded found a cosy an safe place, are ablaze. In some quiet seconds the soldiers hear the dying cries. The noise of the battle is merciful for the fighters. The wounded cannot get out. They escaped the guns but died in the flames.3/5 Image
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Oct 18th 2022
#TalDíaComoHoy en 1813 en el horizonte de Leipzig de nuevo tronaron los cañones. Soldados y caballos reanudaron las acometidas y el campo de batalla volvió a inundarse de sangre y cadáveres. No solo se jugaba el destino de las #GuerrasNapoleónicas, sino también el de Napoleón.🧵 Image
Aquella mañana del 18 de octubre estaba ahora claramente desequilibrada en contra de los franceses. Los casi 300 000 soldados aliados rodeaban a los 160 000 hombres de #Napoleón. Aún así el emperador contaba con opciones de salvarse.
Los aliados pronto cometerían errores. En lugar de concentrar su fuerzas, muy superiores en número, Schwarzenberg atacó por diferentes puntos, lo que facilitó la defensa francesa. Y a ello también contribuyó la negligencia de Bernadotte, que vaciló en el momento de avanzar.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 17th 2022
#OTD #warsofliberation #napoleon #leipzig #marshalblucher #thebattleofthenations  1813 All reserves are exhausted. Blücher throws one reserve after another in the fire. They cannot pass!! The grapeshots of the French artillery tear down the young men. But General Yorck, 1/7 Image
sees only one way. One unit ist still in reserve. The reserve Cavalry. Hussars and Colonel Jurgas with the Westprussian Dragoons and Graf Henckel von Donnersmark with the Lituanian. General Yorck let them line up. His staff also joins the line. Either victory or they will 2/7 Image
die with their men. The General rides along the line of his men. Looks in the eyes of those, who rode for a long time with him. He draws his sabre. „Now the time for Prussia has come!“ He draws the sword and rises it high. Hundreds of swords ar drawn and shine like stars.3/7 Image
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Oct 17th 2022
# OTD #warsofliberation #napoleon #leipzig #marshalblucher #thebattleofthenations 1813. The emperor is surprised. The Silesian army is there. Napoleon had hoped to crush the coalition forces in the south before other detachments arrive. But now he is getting aware, that ImageImage
the circle closes and from hour to hour he realises, that the Coalition’s generals had coordinated their forces brilliantly. Even beyond the Elster, Austrian forces threaten the French retreat line. The Sileasian army had already shown its determination. And from Blücher, Image
he awaits a thunderstorm, which will push forward. But there is still Marshal Marmont and his VIth Corps, which is prepared to fight to the last. News arrive Blücher. Bernadotte and the Army of the North won’t be there in time. Yorck’s Corps stands on the right, Langeron Image
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Oct 14th 2022
⚔️ #TalDiaComoHoy en 1813, se libraba al sureste de Leipzig la mayor batalla de caballería de las Guerras Napoleónicas, el épico prólogo de la Batalla de las Naciones: #Liebertwolkwitz. Nos lo narra Javier Gómez Valero, coeditor de Desperta Ferro en este pedazo hilo⬇️

#Napoleón Image
Murat, rey de Nápoles y cuñado de Napoleón, tenía órdenes de mantener a raya al Ejército de Bohemia. Para ello se replegó hacia una favorable posición que permitía a la artillería francesa dominar el campo de batalla y además ocultar al enemigo el grueso de sus tropas. Image
Esto y lo embarrado del terreno debido a las recientes lluvias debería haber bastado para frenar el avance del precavido comandante aliado, el austriaco príncipe Schwarzenberg, pero el general Wittgenstein, se precipitó en persecución esperando encontrar una simple retaguardia.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
Sigue el ciclo temático #LaFiebreDelOro, sobre los colores del #oro y dorados en el arte, para el #TwitterCultural.

El #PanDeOro fue recuperado y renovado para el arte moderno en los s. XIX-XX por gentes como el genial Gustav #Klimt, su principal valedor.

Ven y te cuento⬇️
¿Os suena, verdad? Es el "Retrato de Adele Bloch-Bauer I" (ponemos I porque hay un II) más conocida como "La dama de oro", obra cumbre de la "época dorada" pintada por Gustav #Klimt entre 1903 y 1907, puro #Modernismo y #ArtNouveau, y cargada de #Simbolismo.

El señor de la foto es el genio del arte Gustav #Klimt, y su padre era orfebre y joyero, detalle fundamental, junto con otros que os contaré a continuación, de cómo y porqué desarrolla el oro como pigmento y material artístico y lo convierte en parte de su estilo.

Read 32 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
🧵 Tonight's SFI Community Lecture by 2x Miller Scholar @Andrea_Wulf begins in just a few minutes!

Follow this thread for the streaming link and highlights from the talk. (Sorry, but this recording will not be available to view afterward...)
Talk starts now with an intro by SFI Prof @C4_Computation:

Q - Flack: "Some of you might wonder how a talk on Humboldt connects to #ComplexityScience."

A - Humboldt: "Knowledge of the chain of connection....the perception of these relations."
Who was #AlexanderVonHumboldt?

"A man who was so restless he said he was chased by 10,000 pigs... He spent his entire inheritance on a five-year voyage of South America. They called him 'The Shakespeare of the Sciences.'"
- @andrea_wulf
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Jun 28th 2022
Zapowiedziana krótka 🧶 o tym, dlaczego szeroko pojęty Zachód rozmawia i moim zdaniem nadal będzie rozmawiać z 🇷🇺 mimo RU inwazji na #Ukraina #WarInUkraine. W dużym skrócie: nikt nie zdecyduje się na dobicie RU, bo nikogo na to nie stać. Powiedzmy jednak ciut więcej. 1/X
Od początku: RU napadli na UA w lutym br. Od tamtej pory zajęli spory % 🇺🇦 teryt., odpowiadają za śmierć tys. (dziesiątek tys.?) Ukraińców (w tym za jednoznaczne zbrodnie wojenne #Bucza), rany wielu innych, utratę majątku i exodus milionów UA. Odpowiadają też pośrednio za 2/X
kryzys żywieniowy #Afryka wskutek rabunki/blokady/utrudnienia zbiorów milionów t #kukurydza #soja #pszenica (…). RU wraz z prezydentem #Putin ponoszą też winę za szereg innych mniejszych czy większych komplikacji związanych z wojną na Ukrainie. 3/X
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Jun 27th 2022
When will #Ukraine fall and what will trigger it?
Some thoughts about strategy:
Many people often discussing why Ukraine is holding on some undefendable places in #Donbass and by doing this, sacrificing a huge quantity of people and material.
The best current example is
the battle for #Severodonestk and #Lyssytschansk.
Well, of course I do not have inside information, but here are my assumptions.
The #Donbass (and some neighboring oblasts as well) is the industrial center of #Ukraine. From my point of view all Western, and Ukrainian
intelligence and government institutions know very well, that #Ukraine will fall to #Russia. Therefore the question arose how to make it sustainably as painful as possible for the Russians, and thereby for Ukrainians, which will fall back into the Russian sphere.
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May 29th 2022
#TheCannons at #TopsyFarms
"The Royal George! There, Captain, at the horizon, I see her!"
Autumn 1812
7 gunships of the #USNavy lay in ambush for the biggest kid on the playground.
96 feet long.
22 cannons, firing 32 pound shot.
In June 1812, President...1/10
Madison declares war.
It's not going well.
The Americans desperately need a win.
Manifest destiny; the vision of a North America united under the 15 stars & stripes is delayed.
The audacious British General Brock has gone against Royal order & attacked first.
friendship with Shawnee leader Tecumseh is already kicking the hell out of America's war plan.
The loss of strategically important #FortDetroit in August is a terrible embarrassment.
Surrendered without firing a single musket.
Brock calculates that strengthening the...3/10
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Apr 6th 2022
The emperor is dead *and* immortal! And a blonde. My newest digital restoration is Augustus as Jupiter, the king of the gods. A melding of Roman realism with Greek Classicism. A lot to unpack here … #polychromy #archaeology #art 1/ ImageImage
The statue was unearthed in Cumae, a wealthy Roman city near Naples, once a Greek colony and home to the prophesying sybil. The restorers were able to use ancient coins and cameos depicting the Olympian #Zeus and Augustus as Jupiter to guide their reconstruction work ... 2/ ImageImage
Coins like the one below, depicting Augustus as Jupiter Terminus, holding a winged thunderbolt and Victoria. The goddess is also shows up on the reverse of the coin that Augustus minted after the battle of Actium: Victoria on a globe, holding a wreath. 3/ ImageImage
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Oct 31st 2021
#battleofhanau #Hanau #Napoleon #coalitionwars In the night from the 30th to the 31th at 3 o’clock guns fired into the city. Shot after shot. Fires started. The fire continued until dawn. Then silence. Wrede drew the mass of the troops out of the city. In his report he
justified it, that he tried to save the people. It is more realistic, that he didn‘t want to be closed in. The French entered the city in double quick. The civilians, who tried to save their houses and efface the fires tried to escape. So the houses burned down.
The allied forces stood now in formation in the south of Hanau. An infantery battle started, in which the french left wing pushed forward, while the right wing and the centre stood still.
Meanwhile the battle,Hanau’s mayor had to meet the emeperor in his camp in the forest.
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Oct 30th 2021
#OTD #battleofhanau #Hanau #Napoleon In the morning of the 30th Napolen stayed in Langenselbold until 8. MacDonald hindered the french troops to commit crimes and to maraud the civilian houses. After the french general-staff had left Langenselbold, it was pillaged
totally also the castle. The bavarian and austrian divisions went in formation north of the river Kinzig. On the far left wing the cavalry was postioned in „en echelon“ formation.
The last days a mix of Kosacks, Prussian Hussars and Autrian light cavalry had hunted all French, who removed oneself off their units. They saved with that hundreds of lifes. The Kosacks now took position to support the Austro-Bavarian forces.
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Oct 29th 2021
#OTD #battleofhanau #Hanau #Napoleon #bavaria #austria #oesterreich #befreiungskriege #coalitionwars In the night of the 29th Octobre Bonaparte rested in the castle of Langenselbold. It had been ten days since Leipzig and 310 km of march. 30 km the day meant Image
sometimes a rest but marching all the day. For some soldiers like Marshal MacDonald it had been a wet start since Leipzig, where many soldiers had to swim through the river since the bridge was blewn up too early. Only a small part of those, who swam, still had their arms.
If the soldiers could not sleep inside of occupied houses, or in tents, it was a cold night in the meadows. Especially the meadows of the Kinzig have high ground water and are wet and cold at night. Bavaria had already changed the sides and joined the coalition already at
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Oct 28th 2021
#Napoleon #Hanau 1813. After his defeat in Leipzig, the rest of Napoleon‘s troops tried to reach Frankfurt am Main. For those who escaped the murderous onslaught and reached the fields behind the river Elster, it wasn’t the end. The retreating French forces were under Image
attack and involved in smaller skirmishes. Behind the Saale the skirmishes became harmless for bigger detachments. The allied forces didn‘ t follow Napoleon in a speed to become a threat for the Emperor. The grand armee was able to resupply on its way to Hanau in towns like Image
Erfurt, Gotha and Fulda. From there Napoleon’s army retreated through the valley of the Kinzig, a small river flowing into the river Main. The French pillaged their way through the dell. From Schlüchtern, where they took a rest, to Hanau is a range of 56km. The valley is formed Image
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Oct 3rd 2021
La hausse du prix du pain en 1775 et les évènements qui en résultèrent sont considérés par les histoiriens comme les prémices de la #Révolution Française.
Adepte du libéralisme économique, Turgot est devenu l'ennemi numéro un du peuple. Une sorte de #Macron avant l'heure.
Cette époque pré-révolutionnaire ressemble à s'y méprendre à celle d'aujourd'hui.
Une époque de violence économique, où les théories économiques libérales des physiocrates s'imposent au plus haut niveau du Royaume.
#Turgot fut aussi un fervent défenseur de l'#usure. Il proposa de faire traiter cette question devant le Conseil d’État, et fournit un mémoire pour soutenir sa position. Selon lui, il convient de laisser le taux d’intérêt se fixer librement par la loi de l’offre et de la demande.
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Jul 22nd 2021
A thread about the many leaders of #Haiti 🇭🇹 and their often unfortunate ends.

“For God’s sake, let us sit upon the ground
And tell sad stories of the death of kings;
How some have been deposed; some slain in war,
Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed…”
1. Toussaint Louverture, “the only negro of unmixed blood ever to exhibit the qualities of a statesman”, “small, ugly, smart, and strong”, was a coachman who came to lead the Haitian revolution. He was abducted by Brunet in 1802 and taken to Fort de Joux, where he died in 1803. ImageImage
2. He was succeeded by Jean-Jacques #Dessalines, who proclaimed the independence of the country and named it #Haiti on Jan 1, 1804. He followed #Napoleon by declaring himself emperor in September and was assassinated two years later in October 1806. ImageImage
Read 38 tweets

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