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We are glad to publish the Annual #TheGlobalAntiHinduReport for the year 2022. The report is based on data flagged by our #AIModel as anti-Hindu. #AI #Analytics #hindumisia #hinduphobia #hindudvesha 1/15 Image
2/15 Please review the contents to know what's included in this annual report. Image
3/15 Image
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⭐️Times of India publishes a write-up today on "Zakat Center #India" and how it helped small businesses hit by Covid Pandemic!!!
Let us check what @TOI and some mainstream media channels published about #Hindu Temple charity work during #Covid Pandemic!!!
@toi 1. Who is the "Zakat India Center"?
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) President Mr. Syed Sadatullah Husaini launched a charitable body, Zakat Center #India (ZCI) on 26th March 2022.
#Hindutva #Islam #Zakat #TimesofIndia
@toi 2. What is Zakat?
a. The Qur’an describes Zakat as: The means by which to attain Allah’s mercy.
b. Every Muslim possessing the designated minimal amount of wealth (called Nisab) for the full cycle of a year must, as a matter of worship, give Zakat.
#Hindutva #Islam #Zakat
Read 39 tweets
#FridayFury When a cowardly govt cannot stand up to blood-thirsty barbarians within & outside..the innocent civilians will be compelled to pick up a gun. Maybe all Hindus (esp women) should procure gun licenses.. Your govt WILL NOT protect you #NupurSharma @NarendraModi @AmitShah
All the military might & crockery will be displayed again on R-Day by the GOI. Its been 52 years & such a large army hasnt been able to defeat terrorists in a final war.. Like Yul Brynner & his crooks (Magnificent 7) or Dharmendra & Bachchan in (Sholay).. they now arm villagers..
Now that helpless GOI is arming villagers in Jammu and Kashmir.. you might want to ask.. with what brains and logic did the SC outlaw and armed villagers called "Salwa Judum" who were created to fight Maoists in Chhatisgarh.. @AmitShah @NarendraModi..…
Read 4 tweets
You stick to point. Don't beat around the bush.

Of course Hindus are targetted by banning crackers because here we do "Ulka-Daan" to pitr through firebrands.

Why should you have an objection if it harms actually nothing? Minorities are ostracized? Oh so there you are!
Minorities are ostracized @radzzzzster, that's why #NupurSharma has to chose to live in complete anonymity. That's why Kamlesh Tiwari, Dr Umesh etc happened. That's why no one criticize Islam even a bit, but there you are calling integral Diwali tradition of firecracker useless.
What has happened with Nupur etc is for the dhimmis like you @radzzzzster , who wish to declare Hindu traditions useless but will see those as ostracized who en-mass came on streets asking for STJ of so many.
Read 7 tweets
After #NupurSharma #TigerRajaSingh is being targeted !!

Muxs।ims in Hyderabad: 'Saπ
tan se j*da slogans' raised against BJP MLA T Raja Singh after he 'allegedly' abused Prophet Muhammad in one of his recent videos against Hinduphobic Munawar Faruqui's recent
show in city. Police booked MLA for same.

(Retweet the tweets for better reach!!

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#Hyderabad #TigerRajaSingh
CC @onetiponehand_ bhaiya
Read 9 tweets
#SupremeCourt will today hear a plea by @TimesNow anchor Navika Kumar seeking direction to quash FIRs registered against her throughout India, in relation to TIMES NOW TV Debate telecasted on May 26, 2022, with #NupurSharma

Mukul Rohatgi, Sr. Adv, for Kumar: This is a petition by a tv anchor. This particular debate which happened. Anchor said nothing, it was about #Gyanvapi mosque. Someone started saying something. The anchor doused the fire. The lady who said something, she is also in trouble.
Rohatgi: I am now under threat. Delhi police has given security to me because of this. When there are many FIRs registered in the same subject matter , the first FIR should be investigated milord.
Read 8 tweets
Dear PM @narendramodi & HM @AmitShah,

I know my plea is gonna fall on deaf ears & blind eyes but are

many other innocent #Hindus mere statistic in your political power lust?
Am afraid this will stop only with beheading (Shiv-Krishna forbid) of #NaveenJindal &/or #NupurSharma or may be not. #SarTanSeJuda gang has tasted blood.

Naveen actually is in greater danger.

#Jehadis don't Forget or Forgive. They can bid their time.

Sadly #Hindus won’t know what to do?

Do Hindus know how to avenge such killings? Hindus are not conditioned that way.

Not that it can't be done but Hindus are stuck in a self-inflicted quagmire.

#Modi on one side, #LeLis on other & #TINA in middle.

Read 10 tweets
⚡️Supreme Court Grants interim bail to Mohammad Zubair in all FIRs which form subject matter of the present proceedings.

Lol, I told you yesterday when SC gave bail for #NupurSharma without any gyaan that it was ploy to give Zubair bail. So predictable the ecosystem.
As regards quashing of FIRs, it is important to note that the offences relate to one which is of cognate nature (before UP).

Fairness to petitioner would require that all FIRs be clubbed together and be inquired by same investigating authority #MohammadZubair
We are of the view that alternate prayer (of clubbing FIRs) of petitioner should be transferred to special cell of Delhi Police. As a consequence, the SIT by Uttar Pradesh shall be rendered REDUNDANT & DISBANDED.

Why is the ecosystem so afraid of @Uppolice?
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Pakistani terrorist, who crossed over to India to kill Nupur Sharma, held in Rajasthan. He was on his way to Ajmer Dargah.

Rizwan Ashraf, had in his possession 11-inch long knife, religious books, clothes, food and sand in the bag.

He was caught by BSF on July 16 at around
11 pm from near Hindumalkot border outpost. He was found in suspicious condition by patrolling team.

During interrogation Rizwan mentioned he crossed over to killed #NupurSharma

Rizwan was supposed to visit #AjmerDargah first before executing his plan.

killers were also on the way to Ajmer Dargah after killing him.

Several Mullahs of Sufi Dargahs have issued Sar Tan Se Juda threats and also offer of houses to Crore to terrorists to kill #NupurSharma and anyone supporting her.

Several videos have gone viral.
Read 4 tweets
🚨Supreme Court bench of Justices Surya Kant & Pardiwala will hear former BJP leader Nupur Sharma’s plea seeking protection from arrest in as many as nine FIRs filed against her in several parts of India for her comments on a religious figure in Islam - Prophet Mohammad.
The last time that Nupur Sharma had approached Supreme Court, the bench of Justices Kant & Pardiwala had refused the prayer to club FIRs and had orally observed that Nupur Sharma “should apologise to the whole country for her comments”.
Court to commence the hearing shortly. #NupurSharma #NupurSharmaControversy
Read 21 tweets
[Nupur Sharma's Case in #SupremeCourt]

Bench of Justices Surya Kant and JB Pardiwala will hear an application by former @BJP4India spokesperson Nupur Sharma seeking to club all 9 FIRs against her in several states and have one proceeding in Delhi

.@NupurSharmaBJP through Senior Advocate Maninder Singh to argue that after she was rapped by the top court, death threats had increased against her

Read more about what happened in the last hearing:…
The case will be taken up today after Justice Surya Kant and Pardiwala wrap up the proceedings in their respective courts.

@NupurSharmaBJP #SupremeCourt #NupruSharma
Read 26 tweets
Mumbai Court has begun hearing remand of 7 accused persons arrested by NIA for allegedly murdering a pharmacist who posted content supportint suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma’s Prophet remark.

@NupurSharmaBJP @NIA_India
Media is not allowed in the hearing, after the counsel appaaring for NIA, Adv Sandeep Sadavrate requested for the same.

Sadavarte also gave a short synopsis to the court listing out the investigation carried out by NIA and sought for 15 day custody.

#NIA #Amravati #NupurSharma
The submissions were being made when the accused were not produced in court and their lawyers were also waiting outside.

The 7 accused have now been produced in court and the defence lawyers are also allowed in.
Reporters are waiting by the door.

#NIA #NupurSharma #Amravati
Read 10 tweets
A brief on Secularism in India by Sita Ram Goel. A Thread...

The concept of Secularism is western and denounced by Ilam and Christian. They prescribe theocracy (ruling in the name of God by priests or mullahs) where in state acts as secular arm of Church or Islam.

Christianity has reconciled itself of theocracy whereas Isalm has not. Trend in Islam has been to return to theocracy.

Word #Secularism is nowhere to be find in writings of Jawaharlal Nehru before Independence. Even in constitution of India enacted in January 1950, the...2/n
word does not find place in preamble or anywhere else. It was inserted by #IndiraGandhi in emergency she imposed in 1975-76.

Word became frequent in writing of Jawaharlal Nehru after death of Sardar Patel. The word has gained parlance in parties that have nothing in common...3/n
Read 24 tweets
You created the monster by bending over backwards to Islamists.

You were silent when #NupurSharma was hounded and threatened for speaking the truth in response to a provocation. You forgot to say “lighten up”?

As #JihadCoolies you’ve lost all FOE moral ground @ShashiTharoor
Oh, I forget. You weren’t silent. You were egging on the lynch mob against #NupurSharma for speaking the truth.

Now you want to lighten up?
The only one beyond redemption is Mr. Tharoor. And his party.

Where a fact from Hadiths becomes an "Insult" and a distortion of Hindu iconography is"devotion."

All this twisting to be more Islamist than Saudis. This is his "liberalism"?


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BREAKING: Judges, army officers and bureaucrats release a statement against the observations made by #SupremeCourtOfIndia in #NupurSharma’s case. It notes "Such an approach of the Supreme Court deserves no applause and impacts the very sanctity and honour of the Highest Court.”
The statement, having over 100 signatories, notes that “Recent comments by the two judges of the #SupremeCourtOfIndia have surpassed the Laxman Rekha and compelled us to issue an open statement.”

According to the statement, the observations of #SupremeCourt in #NupurSharma ’s case have “have sent shockwaves in the country and outside. The observations, simultaneously relayed by all news channels in high decibel, are not in sync with judicial ethos.”
Read 13 tweets
BREAKING: Advocate Jaya Sukin writes to AG KK Venugopal for consent to initiate criminal contempt proceedings against Justice (retd) SN Dhingra, Senior Advocates Aman Lekhi and Rama Kumar for the statements on #SupremeCourt’s oral observations in #NupurSharma’s case.
The letter refers to Justice Dhingra’s statement on the observations of #SupremeCourt in #NupurSharma’s in an interview to India TV on July 2, 2022 and Senior Advocates Aman Lekhi and Rama Kumar statements in a legal news portal called Verdictum on July 1, 2022
According to the letter, the statements, has caused irreparable injuries to Indian Judiciary and the Nation by un parliament statements and derogatory remarks and hence falls within the scope of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971.

#SupremeCourt #NupurSharma
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On July 1, @TIME reporter Sanya Mansoor used the gruesome murder of #KanhaiyaLal to peddle the narrative of ‘Muslim victimhood’ and trivialise the security and safety concerns of the Hindu community in India.

At the very onset, Mansoor shifted the discourse from the beheading of Kanhaiya Lal to supposed ‘chilling calls for revenge’ against the ‘marginalised’ Muslim population.
While trying to contextualise the murder, she suggested that the poor Hindu tailor had drawn the wrath of the extremists upon himself by supporting the ‘derogatory comments’ of ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma.
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1. Indian Judiciary, Islamic Law and Hindu Society – A History of Victim-Shaming

#NupurSharma quoted from Islamic scriptures. Indian courts blamed her instead of scriptures or those who issued her death threats. This was essentially victim-shaming & it has a history. Read on.
2. Nupur was quoting verbatim from the Islamic scriptures; that too in response of constantly horrible insults of Hindu gods by Mullahs. Islamic world erupted after dog-whistling by Zuber and Rana. She started receiving death threats/ rape threats.

3. Muslims started rioting all over India, threatening Hindu society and Indian state. Then several Islamic terrorists beheaded various innocent Hindus all across India, including Udaipur where they made boastful videos singing ‘Sar Tan se Juda…’
Read 23 tweets
From Munawar Faruqui to Nupur Sharma, a dangerous, troubling pattern is beginning to emerge. It threatens our democracy and secular nature. #SupremeCourtOfIndia
A Supreme Court bench asking Nupur Sharma to apologise is problematic for multiple reasons. By so definitively condemning her at this preliminary stage, the bench has likely prejudiced the minds of those who will deal with her at lower rungs of the judiciary.
This is not the first time a judge dealing with incidental proceedings in a Section 295A case has jumped the gun and made conclusory remarks. The same happened in the case of Munawar Faruqui. #SupremeCourtOfIndia
Read 6 tweets
BREAKING: A letter has been addressed to the Chief Justice of India to ISSUE appropriate orders or directions to the bench Justice Surya Kant to WITHDRAW their OBSERVATION in #NupurSharma case, so that she can get chance of fair trial.

#NupurSharmaControversy #SupremeCourt
The letter also seeks declaration that the observation made by the bench of Justice Surya Kant in the matter of #NupurSharma is uncalled for.

#NupurSharmaControversy #SupremeCourt
The letter petition, filed by Ajay Gautam, also asks the court to Su Moto transfer the all cases of #NupurSharma in Delhi only U/A 20(2) of the Constitution.

#NupurSharmaControversy #SupremeCourtOfIndia
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#NupurSharma is responsible for Udaipur beheadings - Justice JB pardiwala.
Congress vidhanshaba speaker 1989-90.
Let's see some of his cases. (1)
This guy is set to be our new Chief justice of India after the terms of current CJI ends.
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Nupur Sharma single-handedly responsible for what is happening in the country: Supreme Court

#SupremeCourt #NupurSharma
Nupur Sharma should apologise to the whole country: Supreme Court

#SupremeCourt #NupurSharma
Nupur Sharma remarks: Supreme Court comes down on Delhi Police and news channel which held the debate

#SupremeCourt #DelhiPolice #NupurSharmaControversy
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#SupremeCourt Supreme Court hears the plea by suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma seeking transfer of FIRs against her after the remarks on #Prophet Muhammad
Sr Adv Maninder Singh: Milords

Justice Surya Kant: Why is she here under a deceptive name

Singh: she has threat..
Justice Surya Kant: She has threat or she has become security threat? The way she has ignited emotions across the country. This lady is single handedly responsible for what is happening in the country.
Read 21 tweets

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