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Da auch grosse Accounts hier Kritik geübt haben wiederhole ich nochmals die Intention meines Tweets über das unsägliche @Tagesspiegel Interview mit @c_drosten :
1. Es geht nicht um die Definition der Begriffe Pandemie.
2. Ich weiss dass gern aus dem Kontext gerissen wird.
3.Ich rede mitnichten #RSVirus oder #Influenza klein
Mir ging es explizit um das (falsche) Zeichen das dieses Interview für viele ungenügend Informierte setzt.
Und die Reaktionen geben mir Recht
Das Thema war Top Nr1 Aufmacher in der @tagesschau heute am 2.Weihnachtsfeiertag
Was passiert wenn solche Verharmlosungs-Parolen von Top Virologen (auch von @UlrikeProtzer) ausgerufen werden?
Das ist Gift für unsere eh Kathastrophalen 2.Booster Impfquoten! (In der relevantesten Altersgruppe ü-60 nur 38%)
Warum soll man sich auch impfen lassen wenn
Read 6 tweets
🧵*NEW* AHS ICU Numbers Updated! Currently 186 (-19) admitted into AHS ICU Beds. With 225 "OPEN" Beds - 39 Remaining Available - Capacity: **83%**. Let's get this 'Really Bad News Thread' going /1
EPSB reported an absence rate of 6.3% or 6,910 (+552) students away yesterday. CBE Reported an absence rate of 7.1% or 9.175 students away. CCSD Reported 32 (+1) Schools have an absence rate of 10% or Higher. #MaskUp #RSVirus #RSV #COVID19 #Influenza /2
As I broke the news on Monday night, the Stollery Hospital has declared a Local state of Emergency.. But the Unelected Premier still thinks everything's fine! Redeployment.. Vacations Cancelled 🤷‍♂️.. /3
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🧵*NEW* AHS ICU Numbers Updated! Currently 205 (+9) admitted into AHS ICU Beds. With 225 "OPEN" Beds - 20 Remaining Available - Capacity: **92%**. Let's get this 'Really Bad News Thread' going /1
EPSB released it's Absence reports for Dec 16 & 19th today. On Dec 16th EPSB reported an absence rate of 5.1% or 5,579 students away. For December 19th EPSB Reported an absence rate of 5.8% or 6,358 (+779) students away. #MaskUp #RSV #RSVirus #COVID19 #Influenza /2
CBE Updated its dashboard for December 19th, reporting an absence rate of 7.2% (+1.2%) or 9,223 (+1,605) students away. As no report for Friday was posted, I can only show the difference between Thursday & Dec 19th. #MaskUp #RSVirus #RSV #Influenza #COVID19 /3
Read 12 tweets
Mir fehlen sie Superlativen für diese derzeitige Katastrophe.…
Wir sind kurz vor Weihnachten und die Art und Weise, wie unser Land mit Kindern umgeht ist einfach Menschenverachtend. Kitas und Schulen sind Orte an denen Kinder erkranken.
In Bayern wird ein Skandal aufgedeckt, dass KitaKinder misshandelt werden. Der Aufschrei ist so minimal, dass mir die Galle hoch kommt.
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In molti mi chiedono come comportarsi per le feste di natale vista la circolazione contemporanea di #SARSCoV2, #influenza e #RSVirus in quanto vittime della confusione creata dai fans di "pandemic is over" Vs "moriremo tutti".
Questo è quello che consiglio di fare
MASCHERINA: Indossarla sempre se in luoghi chiusi pubblici affollati anche se si ha avuto covid o si è fatto vaccino di recente. Questo gesto aiuta a ridurre trasmissione di tutti e 3 i virus dato che sono virus a trasmissione respiratoria
VACCINI: fate vaccino contro influenza e seconda dose booster contro il covid (a patto che non vi siete ammalati nel frattempo) soprattutto se siete over 50. Consiglio vaccini anti influenza e covid anche agli under 5.
Read 7 tweets
⚠️MASK WEARING ADVISORY— New York City health department issues rec to #WearAMask “at all times when in an indoor public settings” including stores, schools, childcare facilities, elevators, public transit, public shared spaces, & even *crowded outdoor settings*! #BringBackMasks Image
2) Furthermore, the NYC health dept mask advisory includes people who have been **previously COVID infected and previously vaccinated.**

A recommendation for all people ages 2+.

And the mask should be a KN95 or KF94 or N95 or better. #BringBackMasks… Image
3) why did NYC suddenly recommend masks indoors for almost everyone? It’s because NYC has been rated high risk on CDC Community levels —which is CDC’s hospitalization-weighted metric, not just transmission. This is honestly too late — waiting for hospitals to be full is stupid!
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Jammertweet! Nicht lesen, wenn man die nicht abkann (ich kann die auch nicht ab, und diesen auch nicht, brauche nur Jammerventil)

6.15 Kinder wecken und später zur Schule fahren ausnahmsweise. Mann krank, hat die Hälfte seiner Sprechstunde abgesagt. Macht Kardiologie, genau,
das Fach, wo man immer 10 Monate auf einen Termin wartet. Von der Schule in meine eigene Praxis, wo sich akut auch die letzte MFA krankgemeldet hat mit Fieber und Schüttelfrost. Was macht eigentlich eine MFA? In unserem Gebiet die Anmeldung, die Beantwortung von Telefon und Mail,
die Terminvergabe, die unangenehmen Diskussionen mit PatientInnen, Hörprüfungen, Allergietestungen, Gleichgewichtsprüfungen, die Aufbereitung der Instrumente, einen Riesenberg an Dokumentation, die Verteilung von Spielzeug an die kleinen PatientInnen, die Ausgabe von Rezepten
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So, with RSV, influenza and COVID-19 making hell for health care workers, we can do our part. Stop transmission of respiratory viruses. First, get vaccinated for flu and COVID and be up-to-date with boosters. 1/
If you're sick stay home (yes, I want universal sick pay and realized it's not possible to do stay home for many, but if you can do it, do it). 2/
Try to avoid crowded public spaces where you can transmit or catch any of these viruses. 3/
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🧵*NEW* AHS ICU Numbers Updated! Currently 200 (+13) admitted into AHS ICU Beds. With 223 "OPEN" Beds - 23 Remaining Available - Capacity: **90%**. Let's get 'Today's very bad thread' going! 1/
EPSB Reported a student absence rate of 5.91% for Friday December 2nd. This means around 6,466 students were not in class. CBE Reported an absence rate of 7.7% or 9,884 students out sick. CCSD reports 36 Schools, with absence rates OVER 10%. No exact numbers provided. 2/
In an email sent out by CCSD and posted on their website, they are now "Strongly Encouraging the use of masks in large group gatherings. This includes Christmas concerts, athletic events, etc., at schools that are not above 10% absenteeism." 3/
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In d. 1. Klasse meines Sohnes waren heute 3 von 23 Kindern anwesend - Rest krank. In der Kita meiner Tochter sind von gut 90 Kindern 25 am heutigen Tage in der Einrichtung.
Im Umkreis von 20 km ist kein Ibuprofensaft/Lutschtabletten vorrätig. Bei PCM sieht es genauso düster aus.
Krankschreibung für Kinderkrankentage ist aus Kapazitätsgründen beim Pädiater nicht möglich (absolut Verständlich!)
Wie kann es sein, das KV-Sitze von Pädiatern so krass beschränkt sind? Schon in normalen Zeiten ist es schwer, ein akut krankes Kind zeitnah vorzustellen.
Großen Respekt an die pädiatrischen Kollegen in der Niederlassung und Klinik. Es scheint eine Flut an ernsthaft kranken Kindern zu geben und ihr leistet Großartiges. Kinderkliniken sind bis unters Dach voll und wissen nicht wie sie weiter versorgen sollen!
Read 5 tweets
#COVID19, #Influenza, #RSVirus, ospedali pediatrici al collasso e milioni di italiani a casa con la febbre.

Cosa sta succedendo?

A thread
Disclaimer: la situazione attuale è parecchio complessa, DIFFIDATE da chiunque vi proponga una soluzione semplice per spiegarla. Quando una singola teoria spiega eventi molto complessi dovete sempre dubitare.

Che succede?

Risposta secca: torna l'inverno e tornano i virus stagionali, tutto nella norma!

Prima della Covid (e che molti di noi diventassero virologi =) ogni inverno venivamo presi d'assalto da centinaia di virus e batteri detti "stagionali".

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‼️Neue Studie:
RSV Impfstoff/ Geimpfte Mütter schützen ihre Säuglinge zu 82%.

@pfizer hat einen Durchbruch mit dem neuen RSV Impfstoff #RSVpreF geschafft.
Die Studie an 7.400 Schwangeren Frauen zeigte dass die Impfung schwere #RSVirus Infektionen der unteren Atemwege in den
Ersten 90 Lebenstagen um fast 82% verhindern konnte.
Im Alter von 6 Monaten waren es noch 69%.
Geimpft wurde im 2./3. Trimester.
Es gab kein Sicherheitssignal!
Die Studie wurde aufgrund des Erreichens best. Kriterien vorzeitig abgebrochen.
Nun will die @US_FDA die Zulassung prüfen.
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Das seltsame 'Gedankenkonstrukt' von Querdenkern;

#Masken schützen NICHT vor einer Infektion mit #Corona #SARSCoV2 , aber Masken sind JETZT Schuld das Säuglinge & Kleinstkinder ( = keine #Maskenpflicht ) keinen Kontakt zu #RSVirus hatten!

Malste dir nicht aus! Wirklich nicht!
Anmerkung; Dann schauts euch bitte mal die Länder an, die 'keine' Maßnahmen hatten. Oh wait. Beispiel Schweden! Keine präventiven Maßnahmen und dennoch hohe/starke #RSVirus Welle ...

Ja da bin ich ja mal auf die Argumente gespannt!

Die kommen aus ihren Lügenkonstrukten nicht
mehr raus und demontieren sich selbst.

Das aber keiner laut ausspricht, dass die sich sich selbst ins Aus katapultieren, dass wundert mich doch sehr!
Read 3 tweets
🧵*NEW* AHS ICU Numbers Updated! Currently 187(-7) admitted into AHS ICU Beds. With 223 "OPEN" Beds - 36 Remaining Available - Capacity: 84%. Let's get 'Today's very bad thread' going! 1/
EPSB Reported a absence rate of 5.31% for Yesterday (Dec 1) which is around 5,827 students out of class.

CBE Reported for December 1st, an absence rate of 7.17% or 9,196 students out of class. 2 CBE Schools had absence rates of over 17%. #MaskUp #RSVirus #influenza #COVID19 2/
*NEW* Sylvan Lake Advanced Ambulatory care center, will close TONIGHT at 8pm due to staffing challenges. Anyone needing Medical Services can attend Rocky Mountain House, Red Deer or Innisfail ER's. Center is scheduled to re-open regular hours (730am to 10pm) Tomorrow. 3/
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🧵*NEW* AHS ICU Numbers Updated! Currently 194 (+6) admitted into AHS ICU Beds. With 223 "OPEN" Beds - 29 Remaining Available - Capacity: 87%. Let's get this thread going! 1/
*NEW* Tofield Hospital's ER Department will close nightly, starting tonight from 8pm to 8am. The ER Department will remain open, from 8am to 8pm. Closest ER/EMS Diversion during closure is Camrose (54KM), Grey Nuns (59KM) or Strathcona (64KM). No End date provided. 2/
*EXTENDED* Boyle Hospital's ER Closure has been further extended, along with the full closure of the Acute Care department. The ER Remains closed nightly from 8pm to 9am. Closest Emergency/EMS Diversion during this time is Athabasca (46KM) 3/
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🧵*NEW* AHS ICU Numbers Updated! Currently 188 (+3) admitted into AHS ICU Beds. With 223 "OPEN" Beds - 38 Remaining Available - Capacity: 85%. Let's get this thread going! 1/
Alberta Released COVID-19 numbers today, which sadly reported another 39 deaths in the last week. Admissions are down 30 to 1,077, but ICU Admitting is up 6 to 46 over the last week. #CovidIsntOver #COVIDisAirborne #MaskUp 2/
EPSB saw a slight drop in absence numbers, compared to the last few days. They reported an Absentee rate of 4.96% or 5,443 students. CBE reported an Absentee rate of 7.11% or 9.125 students. 1 CBE School had an absence rate of 18.6%. #MaskUp #RSV #influenza /3
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🧵*NEW* AHS ICU Numbers Updated Finally! Currently 185 (-10) admitted into AHS ICU Beds. With 223 "OPEN" Beds - 38 Remaining Available - Capacity: 83%. Let's get this shit show started! 1/
Well.. Thing's have taken a turn with EPSB Absences this week! After a downturn of numbers, things have climbed back up significantly. On Friday 4.9% of Students (5,358) were out of class and on Monday 5.06% were absent for 5,546 total students. #MaskUp #RSVirus #RSV 2/
CBE Had no school on Friday, so there was no numbers released. CBE for Monday reported an absence rate of 8.0% for 10,259 students out of school. 2 Schools both had absence rates of 18%, while the others varied between 5 and 17%. #MaskUp #RSVirus #RSV #influenza 3/
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