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Feb 15th 2023
TURUT berduka, barusan mendapat kabar bahwa ada kawan kurir di Jakarta meninggal saat sedang bekerja mengantar paket. Menurut kawannya, almarhum meninggal karna kelelahan.

Kondisi kerja yg berat & minimnya perlindungan, membuat mereka bekerja dng penuh kerentanan.
3 bulan lalu, saya mewawancara driver Gocar & Grabcar yg menyebut dirinya "gembel elit". Mereka punya mobil, tapi tak ada tempat tinggal, sehingga tidurnya dalam mobil.

Ia bercerita bhwa ada kawannya yg jga "gembel elit" meninggal dalam mobil, persoalannya sama yaitu kelelahan.
Para kurir/driver, dalam sistem kerja gig, tak ada batasan waktu kerja. Mereka oleh aturan main yg dikembangkan oleh perusahaan, justru didorong untuk bekerja keras sekeras2nya.

Akibat bayaran yg murah, memaksa mereka bekerja lama, bhkan smpai kelelahan.…
Read 5 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
It is with profound sadness and shock that I share my thoughts and feelings about the recent passing of Irene Cara. Life is so fragile and it seems to move so quickly… Irene’s passing feels like a wake up call to “Do what you love!” And to “Do it now!”
2. The first time I saw Irene on screen was in the film Sparkle, in 1976. I was 12 years-old. I watched the film at the Edison movie theater on 103rd and Bdway in Manhattan. This was the type of movie theater where people talked to the screen, so it was loud, visceral and alive.
3. I was taken in by the film and the magic of Lonette McKee’s work, and then the incredible talent of Irene Cara. Her singing and honesty in her work as an actress was captivating and so fully present in the moment, she lit up the screen.
@lonettemckee @Irene_Cara #Sparkle
Read 12 tweets
Sep 4th 2022
Ich verstehe den Graben zwischen den sog. "TERFs und TRAs" manchmal nicht wirklich. In Grundlegendem ist man sich doch einig - toxische Männergewalt, Trans- und Lesbenfeindlichkeit -, trotzdem werden kleine Dinge zu ideellen Riesenproblemen aufgebauscht.

#Malte #RestInPeace
Soweit ich das überblicke, haben sich die TERFs bis auf wenige (zugegebenermaßen gravierende) Ausnahmen zusammengerissen und ihn respektvoll angesprochen. Das Claiming als Femizid ist durch seinen männlichen Personenstand wahrscheinlich höchst irrelevant.
Auf der anderen Seite gibt es viele sehr emotionale Reaktionen auf der Transseite. Verständlichermaßen - aber zu behaupten, Schwarzer hätte mitgeschlagen, wenn der Täter aus dem muslimischen Kulturkreis stammt, ist schon äußerst abwegig.
Read 4 tweets
May 29th 2022
Heute vor 29 Jahren stand ich als 12-jährige vor dem Fernseher und verstand die Welt nicht mehr. Ich kann mich noch gut erinnern an Verzweiflung, Trauer und Angst. In der Schule verlor keine einzige Lehrerkraft ein Wort darüber, was in Solingen am 29.05.1993 passiert war. 1/3
Keine Einordnung. Keine Reflexion. Keine #Empathie. Kein Hineinversetzen in Schüler:innen mit türkischen Wurzeln. Ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass ausgebildete Lehrkräfte auf unsere Gefühlswelt 2/3
eingehen. Warum? Um klar zu machen: ihr seid Teil von uns und werdet es immer sein. Ihr seid nicht allein. #RestInPeace

Gürsün Ince (26)
Hatice Genç (18)
Gülüstan Öztürk (12)
Hülya Genç (9)
Saime Genç (4)

#Solingen1993 #SayTheirNames #NieWieder
Read 3 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
Nobody loves this country 🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬 more than I do

For 12 good years this stadium was dilapidated, for 12 good years we have witnessed different Administrations

It costs $1 million to rehabilitate this stadium. NFF president is from the South South, Super Eagles coach is from
the South South but the blame goes to Buhari who didn't score goals.

In the coming days billions of naira will be allocated for the renovation and repairs of this stadium, this are public funds which will be meant for something else.

Notwithstanding FIFA sanctions to
Nigeria for turning match violent, this sanctions will cost money Nigeria might also face Ban from featuring in an international matches for some years if not appealed

And if appealed it will still cost more money, very soon Buhari will vacate his office and we have a Nigeria
Read 4 tweets
Mar 30th 2022

Many who don't know especially some self acclaimed men of God who want to be blessed in 'cursed' land who have forgotten their duty to constantly pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Nigeria) have gotten a topic to wail about.
So called men of God who never hear from God but only from their worldly feelings. Hear me, Nigeria is blessed for ever.

China had an air mishap some days back hundreds regrettably lost their lives. Which Chinese have you seen coming to talk nonsense about China.
Even you a slxave as you are will believe China is blessed but to you, Nigeria is 'cursed'just because you don't like the president. The president who removed the corrupt feeding bottle from your mouth.

You are wailing about the doctor who was killxrd in Kaduna what have
Read 8 tweets
Mar 30th 2022

23rd November 2021.

Abuja - Kaduna Highway:

Ban+dits Will Continue to Atta+ck Travellers on this Highway and it Will Continue to be a Traveller’s Nightmare as long as 4 Towns on this Highway are Standing:

Because these 4 Towns Have Allegedly Been Hotbeds Where Most of the Residents are Kidnappe+rs and Ban+dits.

For Peace to Reign on the Abuja- Kaduna Highway that Connects Northern Nigeria to Abuja, these 4 Towns Especially RIJANA and KATARI must be LEVELLED TO THE GROUND.
Build Military Barracks on These Sites To Replace Rijana, Katari, Kasarami and Jere.
Innocent Civilians in These 4 Towns Should be Identified and Spared to Minimise Collateral Damage as Much as Possible and relocate them to another places

Build Military Barracks on
Read 5 tweets
Apr 25th 2021
Tabah sampai akhir🥺🥺🥺
Wira Ananta Rudira
Rest in Deep 🥺 Tuhan menyayangi kalian

Animasi Kronologis Tenggelamnya(Subsunk) KRI Nanggala 402|On Eternal Patrol lewat @YouTube

#PrayForKRINanggala402 #Prayfornanggala402

On Eternal Patrol
Rest In Deep🥺

"Status KRI Nanggala 402 untuk saat ini dan seterusnya adalah On Eternal Patrol"
mereka tidak hilang, tidak tenggelam, hanya berpatroli untuk selamanya✨

KRI Nanggala 402 On Eternal Patrol Subsunk🥺🥺🥺
Hanya ini yang bisa kami buatkan sebagai penghormatan kami untuk para crew.
Semoga seluruh keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan, selamat bertugas selamanya pahlawanku.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
Trend; Malming Aura Laurier Softex ASEAN SPBU Persamaan Aura Tiara Andini Arsy Widianto asnawi Myanmar Asri Welas #RestInPeace KRI402 Innalillahi dan Al Fatihah semoga keluarga tabah. Prajurit tangguh.
Travel Jember Malang PP
Trend; Malming Aura Laurier Softex ASEAN SPBU Persamaan Aura Tiara Andini Arsy Widianto asnawi Myanmar Asri Welas #RestInPeace KRI402 Innalillahi dan Al Fatihah semoga keluarga tabah. Prajurit tangguh.
Start Malang Surabaya 1299K periode Juni-Agustus 2021
Trend; Malming Aura Laurier Softex ASEAN SPBU Persamaan Aura Tiara Andini Myanmar Asri Welas ada apa trend Goblok Mika Merinding Malam Minggu #opentrip terhemat sepanjang masa. Periode Juni Agustus 2021
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Jan 2nd 2021
#ForeverInOurHearts. In 2020 we said #farewell to some dear friends, Lucho, Junior, Tilin, and Ricardo, we will never forget how they touched our lives and remember them here. #restinpeace #rescuedanimals ImageImageImageImage
LUCHO was saved from a small concrete pen during a dawn raid by #ADI on an #illegalzoo in Peru, in 2015. The friendly #spectacledbear enjoyed five precious years in the forest habitat we provided at @TaricayaE, where he loved to float on his back in his pool.
JUNIOR was #rescued by #ADI in 2014 from a #circus in Colombia, & was one of the 33 #lions we airlifted home to Africa. He was taken from us by cancer at about 9 years old, but got to roam his piece of Africa with brothers Bumba & Zeus at the #ADIWildliifeSanctuary.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 18th 2020

_A Thread_

Sumber (kamaytea)

#threadhoror #horror #ceritahorror #hororstory
@ceritaht @bacahorror
#RestInPeace #malamminggu #LoveStory
Cerita ini terjadi di tempat tinggal ane di kota cil*c*p, tahun 1991
pada saat itu ane masih duduk di bangku SD,
cerita ini ane dapatkan dari seorang saksi yang mengalami langsung, karena pada saat itu memang cukup heboh berita kejadian ini dilingkungan tempat tinggal ane,
Read 37 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
In 2017 we looked at #racial resentments and #racist sentiments among white #PoliceOfficers. "We know that officers are much more likely to search and arrest black citizens for drugs... and murder black citizens."… #police #RacismInAmerica #protest
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Jun 9th 2020
For all those who said it's just okay to dig for oil in National Park areas - FIRST the oil spilled and the company can't clean it up (it's been over ten days). Countless animals have died in an endemic area
SECOND the oil has now caught fire.
Baghjan, Dibru-Saikhowa landscape.
To jog our memory, the Environment Ministry has just given permission for oil exploration inside Dibru-Saikhowa national Park. This riverine area is an enclyclopedia of restricted range, endemic species: Bengal Florican, White winged duck, possibly even the White-bellied heron.
From the grant of environmental clearance for oil exploration inside dibru-saikhowa national park: "oil spillage prevention plan be prepared. In case of oil spill, action plan be made to clean site." They can't even clean at older sites, so we reward them with newer sites.
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May 30th 2020
So @AbaenowaChibuzo made an extensive WhatsApp status about history of #Biafra and books to be read.

Question of the day;
Describe what each symbol in the Biafra Coat of arms represent and its significance in igbo land and tradition?
Basic Facts about the Republic of Biafra:
Head of State- General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu
Chief of General State- Major General Philip Effiong
Capital- Enugu (later moved to Umuahia by October 1967)
Independence Day- 30th May 1969

The first military coup was planned by 3 main persons; Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu, Major Ifeajuna and Major Ademoyega.
There were alot of other outsider who play different roles but these were the main men.
Read 17 tweets
May 9th 2020
Just make sure y’all watch @TeddyRiley1 and Puffy’s IG stories next couple days cuz they probably have maaaaad dope stories about the force that #AndreHarrell was...
Just a bit about him if y’all don’t know, Andre was the guy you’d ALWAYS see artist after artist thanking him in their awards speeches and stuff cuz of starting so many ppl’s careers. You couldn’t help but know he was cuz they always said his name
But he also produced TV shows and movies and ting too eh?

Who remembers New York Undercover LOL

Well Andre CREATED and produced that show that pretty much made Malik Yoba famous
Read 19 tweets
Mar 13th 2020
Ein Jahr nach dem Terror von #Christchurch haben sich große Teile der neuseeländischen Politik und Gesellschaft verändert, anscheinend zum Guten. In #Deutschland beobachte ich ein solches Umdenken nicht.…
“A year on, I believe New Zealand and its people have fundamentally changed. I can’t see how you could have an event like this and not,” Ardern said.
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Oct 25th 2019
Tears again watching outtakes from #ElijahCummings' homegoing. What an extraordinary series of speeches, what a panoply of remarkable women and men. What a gift he was to all who knew him. And of course, to all of us.
I keep coming back to #ElijahCummings service today because the humility of the more famous speakers really struck me--they were in awe of having known him. And the joy with which his wife and daughters spoke about him. So much there.
But #ElijahCummings' wife Maya singling out the Clintons and Obama--the way she detailed what they each meant in her spouse's life--that was so deeply personal. That was about telling people how bridges are built. Even from the other side, he is telling us what needs to be done.
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