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#OTD Heute vor 80 Jahren wurde der jüngste zum Tode verurteilte NS-#Widerstandskämpfer Helmuth Hübener aus #Hamburg in #Berlin-Plötzensee hingerichtet.

Er war erst 17 Jahre alt.

Die Nazis konnten nicht glauben, dass ein 17-Jähriger so anspruchsvolle Pamphlete verfassen konnte...
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#Malte war ein #Held, bitte macht kein #Opfer von #Transphobie aus ihm, das marginalisiert seinen #Mut und seine #Zivilcourage, wegen derer er auf dem #CSD in #Dortmund umgebracht wurde! Während Rechte den Ermordeten entweder verhöhnen, oder die #Herkunft des Täters ... (1/5)
... betonen, der offenbar ein #Asylbewerber (v.a. aber ein homophober #Mann) ist; schaffen es die Transideolog*innen das Narrativ um den Helden des Dortmunder #CSD ganz anders zu verdrehen: Statt eines solidarischen jungen Mannes, der anderen aus der Patsche helfen ...(2/5)
... wollte, konstruieren sie ein objektiv falsches Narrativ, in dem der mutige #Malte, nie einfach ein #Mann, sondern IMMER ein #Transmann war(!), und in dem diese EINE Eigenschaft irgendwie mit seinem Tod in Verbindung steht. #Transphobie hat aber nichts mit dem Fall zu ...(3/5)
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Today we will be introducing for the first time ever Andrew Coleman, a Tampa, FL based realtor who was a tiki torch carrying Nazi marcher at #UniteTheRight in Charlottesville five years ago this week.

Join us and other anti-fascist researchers as we #IgniteTheRight. 🔥🔥🔥 1/ Image
Andrew Coleman was ID’d via photos of him marching with the tiki torch Nazis who chanted “Jews will not replace us.”

Based on his shirt logo he marched as a member of neo-fascist group Identity Evropa, now rebranded as American Identity Movement. 2/… Top left and right: Andrew ...
Andrew Coleman works as a realtor for Agile Realty Group @AgileGroupRE in Tampa, FL + “Deal Originator” w Benchmark International Group @benchmarkgroup.

They should be notified their agent participated in a violent racist march as a member of a white supremacist hate group. 3/ Top left: Andrew Coleman re...
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Just now learning about the passing of Signe Waller Foxworth, a survivor of the Greensboro Massacre. Her son, Alex, said I could share the news on Twitter. She will be missed by many. #restinpower /1
Jim Waller, Signe's husband, was one of five people killed by the Klan and Nazis in 1979. Signe to continued to struggle for tikkun olam, racial justice and climate justice, alongside her new husband Bob Foxworth in Greensboro. /2
I am told that Signe was surrounded by Alex, Bob and other family members, along with friends Nelson & Joyce Johnson when she passed away around 4 p.m. on Dec. 3. /3
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I didn’t knw abt the case of Susan Struck. Now that I have, I’ve even more respect for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
To the anti-abortion (refuse to call them pro-lifers bc they aren’t) ppl who’re shit-talking RBG, celebrating her death, calling her a baby-killer, SUCK IT.
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In the 60s/70s bf Roe v. Wade, abortion was not only legal on US military bases, it was actively ENCOURAGED, basically mandated.

Capt Susan Struck was a combat nurse in Vietnam. When she got pregnant in 1970, the Air Force gave her a choice: Get an abortion or be discharged.
Struck wanted to keep her baby. So she “chose” to be kicked out of the service.
She decided to sue the US govt for putting women in a horrible position to choose btw getting an abortion they didn’t want or not being able to serve their country.…
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Yet again, Portland turns out a MASSIVE crowd to march for #BlackLivesMatter!

#PortlandProtests #PDXprotests
The march in Portland tonight includes a sizable "Socialists of Color Red Bloc," organized by @PortlandDSA & the Socialists of Color Caucus. #BlackLivesMatter #PDXprotests #DefundPPB
Festive atmosphere right now in front of the Federal Courthouse in Portland #BlackLivesMatter #PDXprotests #PortlandProtesters
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Lausuimme koskien transnaisen henkirikoksesta tiedottamista poliisin ja median toimesta. SV: kuolema, väkivalta. Kiitos yhteistyöstä @Protukipiste @trasek_ry @transfeminiinit #Regnbågsankan #transmisogynia #RestInPower…
Järjestöt vaativat oikaisua transnaisen henkirikoksesta tiedottamiseen ja uutisointiin. Kesäkuun 12. ja 13. välisenä yönä 26-v transtaustainen nainen menetti Vantaalla henkensä puukotuksen seurauksena. Uhrin muistoa loukkasivat sekä poliisi että media väärinsukupuolittamalla.
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6 months ago, we were in #Montgomery, #Alabama, & when we stopped by Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, our tour guide, Wanda (standing in 3rd pic), mentioned about Rep. #JohnLewis’ diagnosis of pancreatic cancer so we mentally wished him a speedy recovery. ImageImageImageImage
A few days ago, Rep. #JohnLewis passed away. He was the youngest & last survivor of the #BigSix civil rights activists - one of them being #MLK. #RestInPower

#civilrightsmovement #FreedomRider #martinlutherking #themarchcontinues @eji_org @splcenter #BlackLivesMatter #BLM
“Freedom is not a state; it is an act... Freedom is the continuous action we all must take, & each generation must do its part to create an even more fair, more just society.” - #JohnLewis, 2017
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#RestInPower: At the 1963 March on Washington, civil rights leaders asked John Lewis to tone his speech down. Some of the edits requested are noted here:…
Others are found in this thread, like this bit which was slashed from the speech:
A news report how the civil rights bill was explained to the American public in 1964 at the moment they were three civil rights workers had gone missing in Mississipi:
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As part of our #ScientistSolidarity drive, we've been posting threads on the intersections of science with anti-Blackness, abolition, racial justice, and solidarity over the past few weeks. Here's a handy compilation of all those threads… as another THREAD! 🎉😂
We hope this compilation can be a helpful primer for anyone hoping to learn about/ get involved in efforts to create a more just, equitable, and accountable science that works toward Black liberation & the dismantling of oppressive systems. #BlackLivesMatter #ScienceIsPolitical
To launch the drive, we stated our goals & named some who’ve lost their lives to police violence. We also named our commitment to fighting systemic anti-Blackness as it intersects with transphobia & gender-based violence. #SayTheirNames #RestInPower
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One year on from the death of Marco Leung Ling-kit at this exact spot, this is how #HK looks: nothing but a sea of green. #HKPoliceState Image
In spite of the repression, still quite a few brave citizens are gathered at Pacific Place, Admiralty, to remember Marco Leung's fall on June 15 last year. It was for many a moment of reckoning, of realizing how serious the #HK freedom struggle had become & the sacrifice required Image
Across #HK people are marking the 1st anniversary of the death of Marco Leung Ling-kit today, the 1st associated with the struggle against the extradition bill. Pro-democracy leaders on trial for unlawful assembly held 3min of silence before entering court
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Two Black trans women have been reported dead this week. Dominique “Rem’mie” Fells of Philadelphia, PA and Riah Milton of Liberty Township, Ohio. #RestInPower #BlackLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter ImageImage
#DominiqueFells was found in a river with trauma to her head and face and severed legs.

#RiahMilton has already been misgendered and deadnamed on initial reports.
Cis folks of the Movement 4 Black Lives, the larger queer movement, and feminist movement have long failed Black trans people. It's time for a reckoning on your collective silence and inaction.
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Today, we mourn the passing of civil rights leader Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a man who committed himself to a lifetime of sacrifice for the fulfillment of our constitutional promises.

Rev. Lowery withheld nothing in his pursuit of civil rights.

Today & every day, we honor him. ImageImageImage
“A towering figure and icon has left us. Rest in Power.”
-Sherrilyn Ifill (@Sifill_LDF)…
LDF stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Rev. Lowery.

This find from the #LDFArchives shows Rev. Lowery, then @NAACP_LDF President & Director-Counsel Elaine Jones, and Bill Coleman in April 2003 right after she received the Rev. Joseph Lowery Lamplighter's Award.

#RestinPower Image
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A theatrical genius. The first time I saw Zoe Caldwell -- and @AudraEqualityMc - on stage was in Master Class. Never saw anyone like her or Ms. McDonald on stage before on since. #RestInPower #ZoeCaldwell
@AudraEqualityMc She so embodied the role that I left the theater in awe. Later I read a @NewYorker profile in which I remember her saying of the Callas role "this one has been a little difficult to get back on the leash."I loved the revelation that a role like this can threaten to take you over.
@AudraEqualityMc @NewYorker So sorry for your and your family's loss @AudraEqualityMc. #ZoeCaldwell
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Take a trip with me with gratitude and these are just some of the members of Congress I met with to #ProtectOurCare in 2019.

Ready? Let's take a trip around the country and give thanks for the Reps fighting for our #PreExistingConditions protections.(Thread)

Before we begin this journey, I want to remember the late great Congressman Cummings.

He thanked me in July for taking my pain, turning it into a passion, to do my purpose. I will never forget those words, nor will I forget the Congressman. #RestInPower

Meeting Speaker Pelosi was truly a surreal experience.

One of the most compassionate people I've met on the Hill.

She has plenty of gratitude, grace, & is humble. She is also a fierce fighter.

Which goes to show, that you can multi-task in the fight to #ProtectOurCare

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Tears again watching outtakes from #ElijahCummings' homegoing. What an extraordinary series of speeches, what a panoply of remarkable women and men. What a gift he was to all who knew him. And of course, to all of us.
I keep coming back to #ElijahCummings service today because the humility of the more famous speakers really struck me--they were in awe of having known him. And the joy with which his wife and daughters spoke about him. So much there.
But #ElijahCummings' wife Maya singling out the Clintons and Obama--the way she detailed what they each meant in her spouse's life--that was so deeply personal. That was about telling people how bridges are built. Even from the other side, he is telling us what needs to be done.
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I am stunned and saddened by the sudden death of #ElijahCummings. What a powerhou5se, what a leader. He never stopped fighting for the most vulnerable, the most marginalized, the most needy.
In the 17yrs I wrote for the Baltimore Sun, #ElijahCummings was a headline-maker. I shall never forget him at #FreddieGray's funeral excoriating the press: "Did you see him?" Cummings thundered over and over, asking why no one noticed Gray in life, but flocked to his funeral.
#ElijahCummings led everywhere. He fought every day of his life for someone. We were fortunate beyond measure that he chose to fight for us as a nation, particularly these last few years, demanding we be empathetic. #RestInPower. We will not forget: #TheGentlemanWillNotYield
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This is a thread, and Public Service Announcement- It might help you save a life (even your own).

Exactly a year ago, my cousins Rediet and Bereket were driving our uncle Seife to the airport. My uncle Seife spent his vacation in Ethiopia with his wife and kids. (1/12)
They were headed to the airport to return to Germany. His wife and kids were in another car.
At the airport, all arrived except for Seife, Rediet and Bereket. No one picked up the phone despite many calls. (2/12)
All suspicious of the worst-case scenario, they roamed through the streets of Addis Ababa in all different routes, trying to find them. As one family described it, they came across people gathered in the backdrop of loud sirens, bright blue/red lights, and ambulances. (3/12)
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Celebrating the life of Emmett "Bobo" Till, on what would have been his 78th birthday. We chose to highlight the vibrancy of the life he lived before his death and have some facts about his childhood, hobbies, and interests in the thread below. #RestInPower Image
He grew up in a thriving, middle-class black neighborhood on Chicago's South Side. The neighborhood was a haven for black-owned businesses, and the streets he roamed as a child were lined with black-owned insurance companies, pharmacies, and beauty salons.
Emmett enjoyed being the center of attention and making jokes that lifted the spirits of his family and friends.
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#ArtKunkin founder of the #LAFreePress, was the most visionary, most influential journalist in the history of SoCal since Lincoln Steffens.… #RestInPowers #Freep #Journalism #Media #LosAngeles #InMemoriam
In 1965, #ArtKunkin founded the #LAFreePress as an antidote to the Enslaved Press. In the midst of the #VietnamWar and the #CivilRights Movement, only #TheFreep gave us raw news and photos banished from the LA Times and TV network boob tube news.…
Memorial for #ArtKunkin of #LAFreePress

Saturday, July 6 – 2pm (open to public)

Echo Park United Methodist Church,
1226 N Alvarado St, Los Angeles

Read more:…

#RestInPower #Freep #Journalism #Media #LosAngeles #InMemoriam
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On the second anniversary of his death, our thoughts are with #PhilandoCastile's family and all those who’ve lost loved ones to police violence. Castile’s girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter were with him when he was killed. He was only 32. #BlackLivesMatter
The officer responsible for Mr. Castile’s death was acquitted of all charges last year, and removed from the police force.…
At LDF, we will never forget #PhilandoCastile’s name, and we will never stop working to end racially-biased police practices. May he #RestInPower
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