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I'm going to use this as a thread on "fun" stuff within the Omnibus appropriations bill. Where to begin?

First, this bill is 4,155 pages long & was released after #Midnight. It's disgusting how Swamp legislators will not even attempt to read the bill's details. 1/
Nancy Pelosi said it best: We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.

But before the bill passes, I'm going to highlight some things I think are of note or that I think are interesting.

Some GOP Senators are already touting how this bill spends less than @JoeBiden's request. That does not take into consideration the costs associated w/ supplemental appropriations & the PAYGO Waiver.

If & when @USCBO scores this bill, it will likely total $1.9 trillion. 3/
Read 30 tweets
.@ksbw reports just now that @AsmRobertRivas staffer called their office and (insert my editorializing) screamed and yelled and KSBW (end editorializing) that Rivas WILL BE THE NEXT SPEAKER.

My take away? Rivas weakened himself. While he works to shore up support our paid

journalists should take a deep dive into Rivas and his longer term relationship with a corrupt @CASenCaballero, who while Mayor of #Salinas committed various crimes that I can document - and wrote about to US Attorney Kevin Ryan at the time. (Nothing happened).

Caballero, often with the "brothers Rivas" by her side, abused her role as Mayor and was deeply involved in many criminal corruption acts.

The largest of those was the @CityofSalinas deferred compensation PONZI. No official was investigated or prosecuted for this scam.
Read 8 tweets
📣 Announcement 📣

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Read 15 tweets
UNHINGED OBSESSION - check out the number of times the #Squad tweets about Israel vs. the rest of the world COMBINED

AOC: 36 Israel
12 rest of world
approx. 75%

Ilhan Omar: 165 Israel
45 rest of world
approx. 79%

Rashida Tlaib: 200 Israel
23 rest of world
approx. 90%
Timeframe measured was April 1st - December 31st 2021.

@IlhanMN tweeted about Israel every 2.25 days

@Rashida tweeted about Israel ever 1.8 days

When looking at all of their tweet combined, this equals approx. 83% Israel vs. 17% rest of the world combined.

As a reminder:

There are 117 other land disputes happening in the world right now.

Approx. 22% of Arabs are citizens in Israel.

.0001% of Jews are citizens in Arab countries.
Read 4 tweets
1/ On this final day of #BlackHistoryMonth & on this #CiteBlackWomenSunday, I am overflowing with gratitude as I share my first @NEJM publication.

🧵to reflect and give thanks

Without Sanctuary | NEJM…
2/ I am indebted to so many for this piece--but most especially, my patients. They are so much more than my muses. They are the ones that force me to confront myself & strive for something better; my greatest teachers; & are my true north when the why gets hard to see or remember
3/ This piece started as a tweet--a reflection from our first @CPSolvers AntiRacism in medicine podcast. So very grateful to @RheaBoydMD & @RRHDr for their wisdom & generosity of spirit which served as the prompt for my reflection & the words that followed
Read 8 tweets
This is a copy of the bill that will be voted on tomorrow to give everyone 2k checks.

Written by @AOC and @RashidaTlaib. Cosponsored by @PramilaJayapal + @AyannaPressley + @IlhanMN.

This is a #squadbill.

Get ready to see a lot more in the future.…
For those who were asking what the progressives and #squad have been doing with their political capital, this is it. I’d say it’s a lot more important (and better strategy) than #forcethevote.

Shows they are going to be a force to be reckoned with for the long haul.
The entire Democratic Party is behind this bill. This is what political power looks like in action driven by progressive wing. Groundbreaking and I think this will be the first of many times in the next decade you see this. I’m pretty damn excited.
Read 3 tweets
.@AOC passes 300,000 live viewers
.@IlhanMN is LIVE and got killed in the wrong game
"You guys can call me AOC. Mike Pence can't call me AOC."
Read 24 tweets
Reuter’s in 2009: Soros has financial links to Adbusters (Major Force Behind Occupy Wall Street). Hard to imagine Reuter’s writing anything like this piece today. LOTS of gems 💎…
Adbusters’ major funder—Tides Foundation—partners with Soros and Gates foundations, among other major liberal slush funds. Crazy Reuter’s allowed such connections to be published just a few years ago. They insinuate Soros/Gates behind the group now trying to overthrow Trump #OWH Image
Their stated goal is to “topple existing power structures”... Sinister stuff. This is a FOREIGN ENTITY! WHO ELSE IS FUNDING THEM??? #CCP #Iran #Russia Image
Read 12 tweets
Story of a important man in history who got pretty much sadly forgoten😔. As one of the biggedt resistance of Hitler. So I write this also in his memorial


So I resarched a bit about

Carl Albert Fritz Michael Gerlich
Carl Albert Fritz Michael Gerlich. Born February 15, 1883 in Szczecin in a Calvinist family with four brothers; Died July 1, 1934 in the #Dachau #concentrationcamp. He studied mathematics and physics in 1902. History and anthropology in 1903.
In 1907 he received his doctorate in philosophy (Dr.Phil). In addition to his work as a historian in the Bavarian State Archives Service, he published numerous articles on anti-socialist and ethnic-#German-conservative topics in the southern German monthly magazines.
Read 19 tweets
Senators will soon cross over to the House chamber where I will be seated in the press gallery for Trump's third #StateOfTheUnion. After weeks of no devices in the Senate press gallery, I will be happily bringing you live updates for @CourthouseNews
@CourthouseNews I will actually be standing, but after weeks of sitting perched over the Senate impeachment trial it will be a welcome mini leg day.
@CourthouseNews House hallways are packed as attendees file into their seats. Just spotted Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, Senator James Lankford and other members, as well as lots of guests including children.
Read 43 tweets
Capitol statuary hall just fell quiet as guests filter in for Rep. Elijah Cummings’ lie in state ceremony.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to speak. @CourthouseNews Image
Spotted— Rev. Al Sharpton and Morning Joe host, fmr House Rep, seated side by side along with Mika Brzezinski.
Who’s who of DC politics here.

Jerry Nadler, Paul Ryan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mark Meadows, Adam Schiff, Ted Cruz, Amy Klobuchar and dozens more waiting on the body of Elijah Cummings to arrive.
Read 12 tweets
My heart is so full following an impactful and empowering 49th Annual @CBCFInc Annual Legislative Conference!

This year’s theme, “400 Years, Our Legacy Our Possibilities” celebrated Black history, resilience, joy, and success.
During the action-packed #cbcweek we partnered with local experts and community advocates to host a conversation on the plight of Black Immigrants and how we can continue to center the voice of the marginalized while we’re working toward comprehensive reform.
I also joined @angela_rye and my #squad-mates @AOC @AyannaPressley @RashidaTlaib for a talk about what’s more is needed to continually build sustainable progressive movements
Read 7 tweets
.@BrownPhDGirl, Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, @frasureyokley, @Prof_Masuoka, @realMABarreto, @USCDornsife, Todd Shaw, @CEBejarano, Ricardo Ramirez, Bradford Jones, Michael C. Dawson, @ProfCandis, & Gabriel Sanchez are here together at #APSA2019! What a lineup... #PGILinkedFate25
@BrownPhDGirl @frasureyokley @Prof_Masuoka @realMABarreto @USCDornsife @CEBejarano @ProfCandis These scholars (and @PGI_WPSA editors/guest editors/contributors) have gathered to mark the 25th anniversary of Prof. Dawson's groundbreaking book Behind the Mule. Todd Shaw kicks off the discussion with a look at place identity and neighborhood effects on political behavior.
@BrownPhDGirl @frasureyokley @Prof_Masuoka @realMABarreto @USCDornsife @CEBejarano @ProfCandis @PGI_WPSA Prof. Shaw describes his co-authored PGI article, which draws on the 2016 CMPS to analyze political participation in Black and Latinx neighborhoods. Findings conclude that face-to-face neighborhood interactions positively promote political participation in these groups.
Read 21 tweets
Before I begin, first things first…
S/O to the #ancestors whose sacrifice is not lost on me. Blood. Sweat. Tears. Prayers. We do this work to honor them because we know it’s upon their shoulders that we stand…
One in particular is Dr. Bill Jenkins who transitioned in February. His work exposing the atrocities of the U.S. Public Health Service’s Tuskegee Syphilis Study is an example of how we should all speak truth to power.
Read 7 tweets
1) Time to teach y'all a little something about strategery.

The art of winning by destroying your opponent's ability to win.
2) Let's start with something simple.

The AOC #Squad vs Pelosi.

Pretty clear fight. Ideological split, Dem civil war, all that fun shit.…
3) But... the election is over a year away. What happens if either side wins the Dem civil war? They'll be united under that common banner by the time the election rolls around.
Read 14 tweets

Judge in Stone’s case was given the full unredacted MR.

Gates "continues to cooperate with the gov’t" #Stone #Craig

The MR could end the Trump presidency w/out impeachment #ShockandAwe

EG:”Last week SDNY filed 50 Sealed vs. Sealed cases.” #1MDB #TrumpFam etc

The Covode report ruined a presidency in 1860, the MR might do the same in 2020 & lead to a Dem victory.

Barr Made $1.73M From AT&T-Time Warner Deal

Dow tanks over 600 pts

The cost of Trump's tariffs has fallen 'entirely' on US biz’ & consumers: $800 per fam.

China is raising tariffs on $60B of US goods starting June 1

The day Trump imposed his 1st tariffs was 1/22/18. The Dow closed at 26,071.22.

Since then the Dow has had a -2.86% return in 16 mos.

Tax cuts & tariffs have cost America billions. GOP says suck it up
Read 59 tweets

‘Case Closed’: McConnell urges Congress 2 move on from Mueller Report

Mueller report: Democrats slam Republicans 4 'stunning act of cynicism'

‘There is a dark connection in Washington between McConnell, Barr + tRUmp’

Contempt Hearing – “All systems go!”

Durbin: McConnell ignored election security because GOP benefited from Russians

FBI Director Wray distances himself from Barr's use of 'spying' on Trump campaign

C.I.A. Had Evidence of Russian Effort to Help Trump Earlier Than Believed

WH invokes executive privilege to bar former counsel from turning over documents to Congress

🔥Robert Mueller is leaving the Justice Department 'within coming days.’

W Mueller on Justice staff, Barr has sway over testimony👆

House's Barr Contempt Docs
Read 83 tweets

Russian hackers were 'in a position' 2 alter FL voter rolls: Spearphishing.

Former Sen. Bill Nelson says FL hacking claims vindicated by Mueller Report

OCR’d Searchable Mueller Report provided by Internet Archive

Audio Version of Mueller Report

Mueller Prosecutors: tRUmp DID obstruct justice.

FBI Warns of Russian Interference in 2020 Race + boosts counterintelligence operations.

Psychiatrists say Mueller Report offers more proof of tRUmp's 'unfitness'.

No collusion? - Read between lines.

NRA President 2 step down as NY's AG investigates.

NRA leadership fight spills N2 public.

NRA suspends top lawyer as infighting roils group.

Shooting at CA synagogue leaves 1 dead, 3 injured in what mayor calls 'hate crime' that 'will not stand.'
Read 60 tweets
Mother of god what did he do what did he do
While you're all here I have a piece just up at @HuffPost on CNN's Sarah Isgur disaster:…
Read 10 tweets

LB: Alt-Right = Active Measures (AM) + RU 💰& amplified by RU trolls + coordinated RW media machine + guided by Conservative PR firms & think tanks + Bannon/Trump operatives + key @GOP Senate/Congressional staff = sources for MSM = control the news cycles/narratives

In June 2016, Rob Goldstone emailed DonJr. promising incriminating information about HRC as part of a RU gov’t effort to help the Trump campaign.

Did the White House via @RajShah45 leak identity of Dr. Ford to @GOP operatives hours before the WaPo story broke?

‼️Nationwide Women’s Walk out Mon 1 pm EDT to 10 pm PDT

👉🏼@GOP are actively dehumanizing woman via normalizing rape, sexual assault, limit access to birth control, sexual abuse of children & likely next decriminalize domestic violence, like Putin did in RU.
Read 71 tweets

The inhumane Tump policy of separating families is an intentional distraction from the Mueller probe.

Clapper: 'We had a suspect' in Kremlin-WikiLeaks transfer

Stone’s & Caputo’s damningly false denials of contact with RU defies credulity.

Stay focused folks! GOP are poised to eviscerate the ACA.😱

KAI a Korean firm tied to Cohen got U.S. contract despite corruption probe

@GOP are the Pro-Death party in terms of their 😱 policies affecting American families and Children.🤮

‼️Don’t forget: Private Prison Company Bankrolled Pro-Trump Super-PAC

The Trump Administration likely will be charged with ‘crimes against humanity’ by the ICC

‼️Did you know the Feds increased key rate by .25 bps last week?
Read 50 tweets
🍿Buckle Up🍿

Mueller adds obstruction charge on Manafort and Indicts his right-hand man Konstantin Kilimnik:

Conspiracy against USA
Conspiracy to Launder Money
False Statements
FARA (unregistered, false misleading stmts)
Obstruction of Justice
Conspiracy to OJ
🍿Buckle Up2🍿

Konstantin Kilimnik indicted & superseding indictment for Manafort.

Petten likely next indicted.

Under Trump, “America First” = America Alone👿

Even citizens of G-7 countries have soured on America

Trump ask to invite RU back into the G7 is flatly rejected.
🍿Buckle Up3🍿

Macron & Trudeau hurt Trump’s fee fees, so 45 ducks out climate portion of G7- G6 says good riddance.

NYTs & other RU etc. compro’d media outlets are likely under CI inv’n.

#TeamDeza Journos 💰 for doing the bidding of foreign nations, FARA Regis’s are advised.
Read 65 tweets

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