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@pawn_whale is a "pawn" shop for the @MultiversX #NFTs space, providing instant loans for pre-approved #NFT collections.

It enables #NFTs Enthusiasts to use their #NFTs as a collateral to borrow $EGLD and adds value to #NFT projects.

Let's see how it works!

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Using data from @omniscient_tool , @pawn_whale pre-approves and ranks top #NFT collections.

Then, via their #dApp, the NFT can be pawned for a 3, 7 or 11 days loan. Once the terms are agreed, the NFT is send to the #smartcontract, which pays the entire loan amount.

The loan and its fees needs to be re-paid before the loan period expires. Once the loan and fees have been fully re-paid, the #smartcontract returns the #NFT.

The #dApp and approved #NFTs collections are at:

Read 5 tweets
The Aerovek Community @AeroFoundation has open sourced their staking #smartcontract and Chartr app for #iOS and @Android

They have also released a fresh UI w/ enhanced performance and more features for their AeroHub at:

Let’s review them all. 🧵👇 Image
Aerokek added their Builder profile on at:…

The staking #smartcontract they have open sourced is available at:…

Adding @Rene_rxd as contributor 👆

Their Chartr mobile app aims to change the way you think when it comes to booking your next flight, available for @Android and #iOS.

The code for Android is available at:…

The code for iOS:…

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@staking_agency is a #Staking provider & #Builder on @MultiversX #blockchain, w/ a great portfolio of projects and tools built for the #community, presented in this 🧵👇

They are Rank 4; 183 Nodes; 770K $EGLD in Delegation Cap & 16870+ Delegators…

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Led by @flr_811 & @_DrDelphi_ , the @staking_agency team released the following projects.

#SALSA, their liquid staking #smartcontract , which we spotlighted at:

On, this project is available at:…

#eGLDscan, a highly scalable, fast and secure @MultiversX #explorer, added by the @staking_agency team on platform at:…

Both #SALSA & #eGLDscan have a great story presented at:

Read 9 tweets
🧵1/5 Account abstraction allows users to employ #SmartContract wallets instead of externally owned accounts (EOAs).

This enables intelligent logic in the code, delivering a smoother & more secure user onboarding experience. 🛡️
🧵2/5 Intelligence built into Smart contract wallets offers users the ability to:

•Create personalized & adaptable security
•Share account security among trusted individuals or devices for asset recovery in case of key loss. 🔑
🧵3/5 More benefits of Smart contract wallets include:
•Initiate gas payments for others or receive them from others ⛽ 🚫
•Combine multiple transactions into a single batch (e.g., approving & executing a swap simultaneously) 🔄
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#SALSA - @staking_agency 's Liquid Staking Algoritm, is a #smartcontract on @MultiversX , used to delegate $EGLD and receive equivalent quantity of $LEGLD (Liquid EGLD).

It adds great flexibility to Delegators, an auto-compounding feature and more.🔥

Let’s discover SALSA🧵👇 Image
Liquid #staking is a protocols that supports the security of a #blockchain, and also allows the Delegator to use the amount of staked token using a derivative token.

In case of SALSA, one delegates $EGLD to @staking_agency and receives $LEGLD


The main advantages of using $LEGLD vs $EGLD are:
- Instant un-delegate (a fee will be charged, based on the $EGLD reserve att)
- Daily auto-compounding
- Trade on @Elrond_One , add liquidity & farm
- Upcoming lending and borrowing services
& more…

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@staking_agency has released a @MultiversX #golang SDK, which optimises the time and efforts of the #MultiversXBuilders

It contains a set of free tools and .go packages for an easier interaction with #MultiversX #blockchain and its #smartcontracts

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The #SDK can get data and callback from various areas of the #blockchain, such as:
- Accounts & @xPortalApp Wallets TXs for $EGLD & #ESDT
- Exchanges: @xExchangeApp & @Elrond_One
- #staking, ESDTs, #telegramBot and examples for each of the modules.…

A tool that generates #golang language bindings to a @MultiversX #smartcontract, called ABI2GO - is also available in the same #SDK package as beta version.

@staking_agency has added this tool on at:…

Let’s build!🔥🛠️

Read 3 tweets
@CryptoPittz is an Ecosystem of #NFTs, #ESDT Token ($BONEZ), #WEB3 Incubator and Launchpad on @MultiversX #Blockchain

It started as an #NFT Art project and it evolved into an ecosystem containing staking platform for #NFTs, Projects Launchpad and upcoming PittzVerse🐶

🧵👇 Image
@CryptoPittz consist of 8 #NFT Collections, 5310 Genesis Pittz, 1395 "Re-Rolled" Pittz, 3D Meta-keyz, 3D Meta-collars and more #NFTs

The BONEYARD is a #smartcontract for staking Pittz #NFTs to earn the CryptoPittz Ecosystem ESDT Token called $BONEZ
$BONEZ can be used in their "Lost Pittz" #smartcontract to get other #NFTs and extra perks.

$BONEZ was included in the @SuperRare_Bears Rewards program via @QuantumXnetwork ⬇️

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Si buscas orden en mis 🧵 no lo vas a encontrar. Me gusta improvisar con la temática que trato. Por ejemplo hoy!

Se me ocurrió armar uno sobre el Explorador de bloques de #Rootstock. Asique si no sabes como utilizar uno para espiar las transacciones ajenas🥷. Este es tú 🧵⬇️ Image
Si bien el propósito del hilo no es ese, esta posibilidad es muy real. Como sabemos en blockchain los registros son transparentes y accesibles a todo público.

Acá vas a encontrar información de las partes de un explorador, el uso que le des ya corre por tu cuenta jajaja⬇️
Un explorador de bloques es una herramienta que puedes emplear para consultar tus operaciones, eventos o buscar un token en la blockchain.

Las transacciones que suceden se registran en tiempo real, de manera, rápida y segura; y esta 🔧 te permite identificar cada transacción⬇️ Image
Read 23 tweets
Hoy vamos a revisar un artículo creado por @david_seroy fundador y presidente de Old North Capital Fund y colaborador del protocolo @SovrynBTC .

El artículo se titula “Las monedas estables respaldadas por BTC serán una parte integral de la economía de #Bitcoin "
Este🧵te 🤯⬇️ Image
Comenta que “Bitcoin como cobertura contra la degradación monetaria es solo la mitad de la batalla.”, más allá de que se utilice a #Bitcoin como reserva de valor o un refugio contra la inflación, no estamos cerca de cesar la lucha. ⬇️
A medida que la deuda pública se vuelve parabólica y una nueva subida de las tasas de interés se vuelve inviable sin quebrar la economía, David, ve probable que los gobiernos utilicen los impuestos para hacer frente a la inflación.⬇️
Read 38 tweets
@ElvenTools by @JulianCwirko can now deploy an SFT #smartcontract @MultiversX 🔥

The #SFT minter is a complementary tool of the #NFT minter or can be used as an independent tool as well. It works with the #dApp template and CLI available at:

Currently, it has the following functionalities: to issue an SFT collection, configure and manage it, limit per one address, mint, buy and send SFTs (payment with $EGLD atm) and claim funds from #smartcontract.

A walkthrough video is available at:

@ElvenTools SFT Minter #smartcontract code is open sourced and available at:…

@JulianCwirko added this Tool to at:…

Ready to deploy your next #SFT collection?
Let's build!🔥🛠️

@MultiversX $EGLD
Read 3 tweets
.@autoscale_ is a yield optimizer on @MultiversX, aiming to maximize yields and facilitate access to high returns through a suite of #DeFi products.

Via an intuitive platform, it allows managing #crypto assets efficiently, keeping track of investments & more.

The team behind the project is well known by the @MultiversX #community for creating high-quality products: @gfusee33 @Skyzox @7sofaws @Ke_Ouf @DM7Uhits

A private beta @autoscale_ has already been released and a public one will be available soon:

.@autoscale_ uses vaults and strategies for every asset and the first auto-compounding strategy is for @ash_swap

Deposit your money in the Yield Optimiser vault and the strategy - a complex #smartcontract - will do the rest to grow the amount.

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1/ To be honest, I'm having a hard time comprehending this one, but I came up with a simple example that could help. 🧵

@woj4ke Please correct me if I am incorrect.

I'll probably delete this later if it doesn't make sense.
2/ Assume I develop a #decentralized gaming app (L2-Smart Contract) with 10 nodes hosted all over the world to be redundant and reliable while processing #smartcontract data in the #network.

➡️ The purpose of this #game is to walk from the starting point to the finish line.
3/ On the players route to the finish line, there are rocks to leap over.

After successfully leaping over a rock, a #transaction on the #dApp gets crafted, granting the player 1 issued #Token labeled "JUMP".
Read 13 tweets
🔥Former Symphony COO joins #Cardano builder IOG as CEO of new Midnight blockchain project

✅Eran Barak has been appointed as the CEO of Midnight, a new data-protection-focused blockchain protocol developed by @InputOutputHK (IOG). Image
✅Midnight is a platform for global scale applications that uses zero-knowledge cryptography (ZK Proofs) & a combination of private and public computation to create a trustless ecosystem that safeguards sensitive personal and commercial data while meeting compliance needs.#ADA
✅Midnight will operate as a sidechain of the popular Cardano blockchain, inheriting its security and decentralized qualities while significantly extending #Cardano’s utility. #ADA #SmartContract
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@PulsarMoney is a #Web3 Protocol offering instant on-chain finance automated tools via #smartcontracts powered by @MultiversX #blockchain

First module, currently available on #Devnet, consists of liquidity/treasury vaults, assets streaming and vesting #smartcontract 🪙

Liquidity Vaults are meant to ensure the stability of a project and build trust with investors by locking the LP tokens for a set period of time, protecting against rug pulls and other quick drain of tokens.

Liquidity Vaults or Lockers details:…

Treasury Vaults uses the same mechanism as the Lockers but are dedicated to projects using ESDT tokens allocations, looking to prove to their communities that their tokens are locked for a period of time into @PulsarMoney #smartcontract 👀⬇️…

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The weekend is for relaxing and recharging, but there’s also an opportunity for Builders to learn more, share, and enhance their skills.🛠️

Today we share a resource from @JankMichael about testing @MultiversX #SmartContracts using the GWT style.

The article about "Testing @MultiversX #SmartContracts using the Given-When-Then (GWT) style" is available at:…

The source code of the #smartcontract they referenced in the article is at:…

The Smart Contract used in this repository was created based on the default ping-pong example contract provided by the @MultiversX team at:…

It is the same contract, supplemented by examples of tests written in the Given-When-Then (GWT) style.

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🚨𝘼 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙🚨

What has been going on in March in the @Aleph__Zero $AZERO Ecosystem and other news in the #crypto space!
- Banking crisis
- SEC / Coinbase
- EU MiCA regulations
- Nasdaq
- #AlephZero new projects
- #SmartContracts launching
- The flippening

and more... 🤓🧵
To those of you living in a cave for the last few weeks here's a recap of what has been going on;
Due to the Banking crisis and the bankrupcy of several big Banks like Crédit Suisse, Silicon Valley Bank and now Dutsche Bank coming next, markets have seen increased volatility...
As a matter of fact as the news hit the markets we saw panic selling and the mother of all bear traps where #bitcoin fell to the 19k's and was followed by a rapid recovery and pump to the 28k's as smart money moves from Banks to #Crypto
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@nftrmarket is an #NFT marketplace and projects launchpad on @MultiversX 🪐

What differentiate it from its major counterparts @xoxnoNFTs @FrameItNFT & others is that it uses dynamic royalties and share 1% of the profit with the NFT Holders of its own #NFT collection.

Dynamic royalties means that if an NFT Project sets its royalties to 10%, on @nftrmarket these royalties can have a different value or even 0% and the NFT Seller gets the difference.

Regardless of what feeling it produces, this novelty is an innovation in the #NFT space.

The Profit share part is a reward system for the Holders of their own NFT collection - (Regalia NFT) by sharing 50% of their marketplace fees, meaning 1% of all traded volume. Monthly & automated via #smartcontract🔥

Discover more about Regalia at:…

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@0LNetwork's strategy is to stay as close as possible to the #Libra/#Diem code base, rather than fragmenting #technology products. This approach is more efficient on resources and best for the wider open-source #ecosystem these #tools extend and depend upon
#0LNetwork #Move Image
The #forking strategy is simple in concept: take the unmodified #Diem code, import it into the 0L, and add layers of features. But it's not that simple in execution
They has to insert many changes in main places of the diem-core code for the #0L layers and side-cars to work
What they inherited from #Libra/#Diem is a spaceship on all accounts. There are #engineering breakthroughs #throughout the project, and the #architecture is sensibly designed and expertly assembled
#0L #0LNetwork #move #code #coding #crypto
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Comienza en 5 minutos la presentación del libro "Legal Tech. La transformación digital de la abogacía" (2ª ed.), de Moisés Barrio @moisesbarrioa

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La decana María Emilia Adán @MariaEmiliaAdan inaugura la jornada y presenta a los ponentes que intervendrán esta tarde.

"(...) este libro, que va ya por su segunda edición, recoge las aportaciones de un grupo de expertos en la aplicación práctica del Derecho". Image
Ignacio González, director OOLL e innovación, moderará la tarde y es el encargado de dar paso a los participantes.

"(...) este concepto de trabajo en equipo y lealtad es el camino adecuado por el que tenemos que seguir".

Juan Bravo Baena @juanBravoBaena
Senador @AndaluciaJunta Image
Read 11 tweets
I'll show you how a friend foolishly lost several $BNB by getting scammed


How it could have been easily avoided !

Let's call this victim Paul!

Paul came across this Youtube video and followed the recommendations of this video.

It's just to show how you can avoid it
This video provides a so-called Arbitrage contract that it is possible to relaunch on Solidity to earn several $BNB per day from a single investment BNB.

Yes of course … we believe in it 🤬
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🚀 Exciting news for developers!
PhalaNetwork is offering
up to $50,000 USD 🤑
in PHA tokens, technical assistance, marketing support, and more through their Builders Program.

Here's how to apply⬇️

#developers #Etherium #smartcontract #PhalaNetwork
1️⃣ Fill out and submit an application form.…
2️⃣ Successful applicants will schedule an introductory call with the team.
3️⃣ Present the technical side of your project to the Phat Contract development team.

#phatcontract #web3 #phamily #crypto
4️⃣ Successful applicants will receive a funding amount, milestone structure, and overall expectations.
5️⃣ Start working towards milestones with support from the Phala dev team.

#devs #funding
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@SmartBazaar_ is a coding free tool for launching ESDT tokens and #SFTs on @MultiversX

A user-friendly launchpad for projects looking to easily create, manage, and sell their token w/o any coding skills required, with #smartcontracts ready to deploy from UI dashboard.

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Currently, contracts available to deploy are for ESDT and #SFT creation, but others will follow, such as staking, auction, airdrop or NFT creation.

There are also options to send ESDT/NFT/EGLD, purchase ESDT/SFT, vesting and claiming ESDT tokens.

The ESDT #smartcontract allows you to create, import, send and create a sale for your ESDT token.

Vesting and Sale is customizable and the #smartcontract can be updated, if needed.

Same for #SFT, plus support for multi-collections, sales & simplified built-in functions.

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🇵🇱 Airdrop $ARB

czyli jak pobrać należne tokeny przed wszystkimi omijając interfejs użytkownika i zrobić to bezpośrednio z #smartcontract Image
Na początek trochę wprowadzenia teoretycznego...

Do tej pory podobne aktywności dla $UNI, $1INCH, $OP, ... powodowały tak duże zainteresowanie, że strony internetowe będące interfejsem dla użytkownika do interakcji z kontraktem nie radziły sobie z tak generowanym obciążeniem
Całe szczęście, że działamy w świecie #blockchain i możemy pobrać należne tokeny poza interfejsem udostępnionym przez @arbitrum i wykorzystać do tego arbiscan.
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🔥 The newest hype in the #crypto space: #ordinal #NFTs

#Minted directly on the #Bitcoin #blockchain! 🎨

💰 Learn how this multi-billion dollar #token is offering greater security, transparency, and use cases🧵👇

Also, it's best to sub to our TG…
1/10 🚀 #OrdinalNFTs are the latest hype in the #crypto space! Unlike classic #NFTs which rely on #token standards like #ERC721, ordinal NFTs are #minted directly on the #Bitcoin #blockchain. This offers greater permanence and immutability on the distributed #ledger.
2/10 🎨 With #ordinalNFTs, users can inscribe digital art, profile pictures, videos, audios, and images directly onto #satoshis (the smallest unit of #Bitcoin). This means no need for additional #sidechains, L2 solutions, or #tokens! #cryptoart
Read 12 tweets

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