Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #UnemploymentBenefits

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May 31st 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/31/2021…
Declining biodiversity in wild Amazon fisheries threatens human diet…

#biodiversity #amazon #fisheries #diet #consequences
The Covid-19 Lab Leak Theory Is a Tale of Weaponized Uncertainty…

#COVID19 #origin #wuhan #LabLeak #weaponization #uncertainty
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Jan 16th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/16/2021…
21 Global Developments to Watch Over the Next Five Years…

#developments #watch #predicted
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Aug 19th 2020
Crappy hour has begun! Time for your Beshear Fear Beer. Cheers! And we begin...
@GovAndyBeshear begins with this quote, which reminds us how he shut the economy down for a few dozen cases, reopened us with thousands, recommended schools stay closed to in-person on the same day he announced 23,000 can attend the derby. He’s a walking parody. Image
@GovAndyBeshear reminding us how much more debt the federal government has put us in to bail out governors like him who have destroyed economies. Using it as a campaign style announcement. He literally done nothing, but okay. #CARESAct
Read 31 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
The federal government *CAN* help the economy recover and ensure that recovery is broad-based and equitable. @equitablegrowth's @dsmitch28 lists 21 actionable policy recommendations to combat the #coronavirus #recession 👇… (1/x)
1. We need #UnemploymentBenefits! UI helps workers weather an economic crisis while keeping demand for goods and services from plummeting. The emphasis on work disincentives reflects racist biases against low-income workers of color.… (2/x)
2. We need to make #UnemploymentBenefits better, by addressing structural flaws in the system, as @alixgouldwerth writes:… (3/x)
Read 23 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
110+ HOT stories, articles & videos covered by #independent outlets #corporatemedia #MSM ignores in the Friday, 7/24 edition of @ProgNewsDaily...

Top stories & videos linked below.
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...because it #exposes the wrongdoing of their advertisers (can’t have that now!), or are counter to #corporateprofits. Keep scrolling...

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Stories about #GhisilaneMaxwell, the grift from the #meatindustry, #Russia recommending #banningwifi & #banningcellphones in schools & TONS more!

Please ❤️, RT Follow @ProgNewsDaily & subscribe via email!…
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May 22nd 2020
IDHS: only four businesses required "additional education" about capacity limits under coronavirus order. Most complaints were unfounded, and no cases have progressed to fines or enforcement actions.
20,000 bundles of #PPE from state marketplace shipped to Indiana businesses so far; 70,000 more planned over next month.
30,000 new #unemployment claims, continuing to taper off from March explosion.
Read 15 tweets
May 5th 2020
If you're #SelfEmployed, #freelance or #SmallBusiness, applying for #unemploymentbenefits for the first time, here's what I learned when applying for #PUA from the California #EDD. First of all, you start here and create a new account:
Once you register for a new account with Benefit Programs Online, you will be able to proceed to "UI Online," then "File a New Claim." Like many self-employed professionals, my income has fallen off a cliff, but not dried up completely. That's OK; you can still file.
Assuming you worked full-time in your business before, enter your previous hours per week as 40 & your annual income as the net income claimed on your Schedule C last year. That's at the very bottom, Line 31. As long as your net income is over $17,368, you qualify.
Read 25 tweets

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