Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #VERMEER

Most recents (24)

🎨🦇 You know their names - Sorolla, Van Gogh, Velazquez, Rembrandt, Klimt, and many others - but can you describe their unique artistic styles?

In this MEGA 🧵 let's use #BATMAN to learn what makes each renowned painter unique.

#midjourney #midjourneyAI #AIcommunity #AIart Image
All the #PROMPTS are as simple as this:
(i.e., Batman by Velazquez)

If the result wasn't good, a famous painting is added to the prompt:
(i.e., Batman by Velazquez in the style of Las Meninas)

That's it :)
1. #JoaquínSorolla

Known for his mastery of light and vibrant beach scenes, #Sorolla might depict Batman under the bright sun of Valencia, casting a dramatic shadow, with the cape mimicking the fluidity of the sea. Image
Read 25 tweets
What a fabulous review by Nina Siegal @nytimes of the major #Vermeer exhibit @Rijcksmuseum!
She shows how Vermeer—aptly called “the Sphinx of Delft,” as there is almost no documentation of his life—has so enthralled us that pop culture has stepped in to fill the breach: 1/ Image
from Tracy Chevalier’s Girl with a Pearl Earring, to emeritus urban studies professor Philip Steadman’s geometrical speculations, to the magicians Penn & Teller’s film about a proudly untrained painter named Tim Jenison trying (in vain) to recreate a Vermeer in a warehouse. 2/ Image
But this exhibition, curated by Gregor Weber, focusses on what we can know: how science & art came together to create the magic of Vermeer’s painting. As I argue in my book Eye of the Beholder, Vermeer & the other Dutch painters of his time were fascinated w/lenses & optical 3/
Read 15 tweets
Hoy termina el ciclo temático #LaFiebreDelOro, sobre los colores del #oro y dorados en el arte, para el #TwitterCultural.

A continuación hago un recopilatorio de todos los hilos publicados por si os habéis perdido alguno, agradeciendo vuestra compañía en este viaje.

Empezamos el ciclo con la obra "El hombre del casco de oro", atribuida al gran Maestro #Rembrandt, donde expliqué algunas técnicas para pintar dorados al óleo, antiguas y actuales.

Para dar una perspectiva histórica del uso del oro, del dorado y la importancia del arte del oro, os traje ejemplos del #ArteAntiguoEgipto, algunos muy conocidos como la máscara de #Tutankamon y otros tan diversos como curiosos.

Read 24 tweets
Última semana del ciclo temático #LaFiebreDelOro, sobre los colores del #oro y dorados en el arte, para el #TwitterCultural.

"El astrónomo" (1668) de #Vermeer lee un libro y observa un globo celeste, pero ¿Qué objeto dorado brilla sobre la mesa por efecto del sol?

Te cuento⬇️ J._VERMEER_-_El_astrónomo_(...
¿Nos acercamos más al cuadro de #Vermeer, expuesto en el @MuseeLouvre? Venga, un zoom y vemos mejor el objeto.
La pista está en el nombre del cuadro: "El astrónomo".

Sigue⬇️ Image
Es un #astrolabio: un instrumento astronómico histórico que permite el cálculo de la hora local dada la longitud y viceversa, usarse en topografía y hacer triangulaciones, usando las posiciones del sol, la luna, los planetas y las estrellas. Es una "computadora" antigua!

Sigue⬇️ Gran astrolabio de latón, M...
Read 25 tweets
Isn’t it great that humanity never came to rely on fossil fuels for our energy needs?
Once wind turbines and photovoltaic cells were invented in the 1600s, they became such a feature of our landscapes that it’s hard to imagine masterpieces without them #vangogh #dalle2 A yellow-and-blue Van Gogh-style painting of wind turbinesA yellow-and-blue Van Gogh-style painting of solar panels
Two centuries before Van Gogh, Vermeer took inspiration from the new technologies appearing around him in the Dutch Golden Age #vermeer #dalle2 Solar panels in a field with a building behind, in the styleWindmills or wind turbines, with trees, in the style of Verm
All over the world, energy from the elements has enabled diverse civilisations to flourish, and captured the imaginations of artists like Hokusai in Japan, Frida Kahlo in Mexico, JMW Turner in England, and, more contemporarily, Etel Adnan in Lebanon #dalle2 Wind turbines in the sea behind a Hokusai-style 'Great Wave'Silhouettes of wind turbines on a beach, in the style of FriWind turbines in a pastel seascape, in the style of TurnerWhite outlines of wind turbines against a blue sky with a ye
Read 7 tweets
Ongoing thread on #HansVermeer's 1984 (Skopos Theory explained), on #Translation. Let me start with some of my favourite quotes:
"Language is a system" (p. 19)—>Hence, discussing about how to translate a single word is a misunderstanding of the way language works. 1/
In HV's words: "Simple signs can be combined to form complex signs, e.g. words form sentences, and sentences form texts. A sequence of simple signs is not just a collection of signs but a new sign of higher rank […] The formation of super-signs is language-specific. 2/
A word in one language can correspond to a phrase in another" (p.19).
"Signs delimit, determine, condition and define each other's meanings. Signs form language- and culture-specific fields"(p. 20) 3/
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#Vermeer #Arte #PinturaHolandesa #Barroco

1. “La joven de la perla”, obra maestra de Johannes Vermeer, pintada alrededor de 1665. Hoy podemos deleitarnos viéndola en el museo Mauritshuis de La Haya, en los Países Bajos.
Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675) nació en la ciudad de ⤵️
2. Delft, pintor poco prolífico, apenas pueden atribuírsele unos 40 cuadros. Llevó la pintura de género holandesa a su máximo apogeo.
Vermeer se caracteriza por cuidar cada detalle del proceso artístico, desde la preparación del lienzo, hasta las pinceladas con las que ⤵️
3. reproduce texturas que parece podamos tocar, juegos de luces y sombras…
La joven de la perla no es un retrato propiamente dicho, sino que es lo que se denomina, un “tronie”, un género pictórico típico de la holanda del s. XVII que significa “rostro” o “expresión”. De ⤵️
Read 11 tweets
Se acerca el final del ciclo artístico dedicado a los #ColoresConNombrePropio para el #TwitterCultural.

Todos aplaudimos la idea del pendiente luminoso en "La joven de la perla". Pero no hay luz sin oscuridad: #Vermeer lo sabía y usó el #NegroMarfil para crearla.

Desde el #impresionismo, hay un cierto tabú sobre el negro. #Monet decía: "el negro es la muerte de las sombras".
Pero esto es incompleto.

Los grandes maestros de otras épocas usaron pigmentos para conseguir diferentes negros y uno de los mejores fue el #NegroMarfil.

Lo que quería decir #Monet es que las sombras no son negras: tienen color. Y usaba mezclas para conseguirlas: los "negros cromáticos". Además estos negros no "ensucian" ni la paleta ni el resto de colores. Conseguía grises sumando colores complementarios. Pero otros no!

Read 15 tweets
Avanzamos en el ciclo artístico dedicado a los #ColoresConNombrePropio para el #TwitterCultural.

Algunos serán raros y otros parte de la historia del arte. ¿Qué amarillo "especial" usó el genial Vincent #VanGogh al pintar "La noche estrellada" en 1889? ¿Y por qué?

#VanGogh configuraba su paleta con: ocre amarillo, amarillo de cromo y amarillo de cadmio, naranja de cromo, bermellón, azul de Prusia, azul ultramar sintético, blanco de plomo, blanco de zinc, verde esmeralda, rojo madder, rojo ocre, sienna crudo y negro de hueso.

No es raro usar 3 amarillos: le gustaban y entre pintores es algo bastante habitual. #Cézanne usaba 4 habitualmente, algo ya más raro: Amarillo titanato de nickel, Amarillo Nápoles, Cromo amarillo y Amarillo ocre.

Fijaos en estas obras, versiones de "El sembrador".

Read 18 tweets
Met het spelen van de CL-finale kwam het (Europese) voetbalseizoen 2020/2021 gisteren officieel tot het einde. Dat leek ons een mooi moment een overzicht te maken van al onze oud-spelers die afgelopen seizoen in het buitenland actief zijn geweest. #BakensSeizoensoverzicht (1/61)
Kevin #Diks werd andermaal verhuurd door Fiorentina aan het Deense Aarhus. De rechtsback maakte indruk. Hij speelde 30 wedstrijden, en scoorde daarin 8 keer. Hij hielp zijn club om zich te plaatsen voor de play-offs van de Conference League (2/61)
Kelvin #Leerdam haalde voor het tweede jaar op rij de finale van de MLS. Dit keer verloren zijn Seattle Sounders de finale. Na het seizoen verkaste de verdediger naar Inter Miami, waar hij vooralsnog geen basisplaats heeft Hij maakte wel zijn debuut voor Suriname. (3/62)
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En el hilo de hoy hablaremos sobre uno de los más importantes e interesantes falsificadores en la historia del arte que logro engañar a todos, incluso a los nazis:
Jan van Meegeren, que seguramente a @fernandoplazap le va a interesar. #TwitterCultural.
[Abro hilo]
Antes de ser conocido como el mayor falsificador del sigloXX Meegeren era un profesor y pintor de cierto exito recidiendo en Scheveningen, Países Bajos, dónde pintó "El cervatillo" en 1921 y "Strangenrers" en 1928 que se hicieron muy populares.
Realizó numerosos viajes a Francia, Italia e Inglaterra, y adquirió un nombre por sí mismo como talentoso retratista. Sus clientes quedaban impresionados por su comprensión de las técnicas de los maestros holandeses del siglo XVII a quienes admiraba.
Read 21 tweets
An index to various #threads from my TL — recommended light reading material for those enduring the varying side effects of #lockdown & #quarantine 😀
Stay Safe ! #COVID19
Secrets from The Vitruvian Man - Da Vinci Study

Began as an experiment one day AND days turned into weeks, months — to conclude that none can come close to portraying Indian women like #RajaRaviVarma

ALERT : A monster thread (150+ tweets)
Take with a dollop of salt.,not a PhD thesis. #ART #THREAD
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Un diálogo. Un mensaje. Y el cuadro más grande del genio de #Vermeer.

Veníos a Betania en este #HilodeArte: “Cristo en casa de Marta y María” (1654-55) Image
Si algo destaca en la obra de Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675) son sus cuadros de género, costumbristas y alegóricos. No es #pintor de temas históricos ni religiosos.
Pero al comenzar su carrera, tenía que demostrar su habilidad, y el tema bíblico era lo más 🔝 de la época.
Este es un #cuadro de grandes dimensiones (160 × 142 cm) narra un episodio recogido en el evangelio de san Lucas: estando en #Betania, Cristo es invitado a comer en casa de tres hermanos amigos suyos: Lázaro, Marta y María. Image
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Trump poses such a flagrant threat to American governance & democracy so much so there is no time to waste.

"This has absolutely nothing to do with politics... This is about the Constitution of the US... protecting against all enemies, foreign & domestic."

"We see our mission as defending the people, defending democracy."

"UKR was the vehicle of the president's actions."

"This isn't about UKR. This is about RUs. Who benefited? Who benefited from that holding that military assistance?"

"All roads lead to Putin.

"I resent your use of the word 'hate’”

"I pray for the president all the time, so don't mess w/ me when it comes to words like that."

Trump’s actions are a “profound violation of the public trust”

Pelosi👉🏼Nadler to proceed w/ drafting articles of impeachment
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Trump signals bad news coming out of New York in extended rant against state investigations re Trump Foundation

NYAG: Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ‘Shocking Pattern of Illegality’

Or did he confuse Trump Foundation with Trump Org?


New study shows RU propaganda may really have helped Trump

The study does not prove RU interference swung the election to Trump. But it did find Trump's poll #s improved when RU trolls were active.

Ivanka Tests Her Diplomatic Chops and Riles a Legion of Critics

Trump’s Making the World Safer for Autocrats (TOC), Western Liberal Democracy, not so much.

Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan & Saudi’s MbS, basked in Trump's attention, humor and respect


Ex-Judge Hit With $2.85M Suit Over Probation Power Grab
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📌Trump Org May Have Financial Link to Iranian Military Group Designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization

Trump Designates Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a Foreign Terrorist Group

Difi:”The purge of senior leadership at the DHS is unprecedented & a threat to our NatSec.”

📌Trump Purge Set to Force Out More Top Homeland Security Officials

📌Trump is removing US Secret Service director

📌There is a near-systematic purge happening at the nation's second-largest national security agency," one senior administration official says

Sam Patten "Was willing and able to testify about Paul Manafort’s work in Ukraine for the Opposition Bloc & related matters." & “has been a valuable asset to the [Special Counsel] & the US Attorney’s office in relation to several ongoing investigations"
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📌Rep. Himes: “There are at least 4 or 5 areas where there is very credible evidence that Trump committed very serious crimes."

📌Roger Stone’s criminal trial would likely last 5 to 8 days

📌Kushner’s overseas contacts raise concerns as foreign officials seek leverage

When NSC EEs use words like “crazy,” “nausea” & “fear.”

Some liken the experience to surviving a traumatic event.

“It was so shocking to see TeamTrump come in a blur of chaos, disregarding legality & ethics & showing a deep hostility to the career professionals,”

📌Wikileaks Veteran: I ‘Cooperated’ With Feds ‘in Exchange for Immunity’

📌Disclosing Subpoena for GJ Testimony, Chelsea Manning files motion to quash.

📌Ocasio-Cortez campaign may have funneled money to her boyfriend: complaint
Read 72 tweets
Tweeps, have you been to the landmark @LouvreAbuDhabi #Louvre #AbuDhabi? No worries. Got @twitter. Had the chance to visit while in the #UAE for the @MilkenInstitute #MIGlobal #MENASummit. Follow this thread for a #TwitterTour of highlights.… #art #museum
Hello #LouvreAbuDhabi! @LouvreAbuDhabi ~ in all directions, the #magic of art & creativity on display. Crossing borders. Crossing cultures. #artmatters #museumlove
#Stunning. This two-headed figure is one of the oldest monumental statues in the history of humanity. It is some 8500 years old. On display at the @LouvreAbuDhabi. 👥

@VisitAbuDhabi #AbuDhabi #LouvreAbuDhabi
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NYS Tax Dept reviewing fraud allegations involving Trump

The Trumps’ tax maneuvers show a pattern of deception.

Trump by age 3, earned $200k a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. In his 40s & 50s, he rec’d +$5M a year.

That ‘small loan’ of $1 million was actually at least $60.7 million — much of it never repaid

Fred Trump wove a safety net that rescued his son from one bad bet after another

The Trumps turned an $11 million loan debt into a legally questionable tax write-off

Father and son set out to create the myth of a self-made billionaire

Trump tried to change his ailing father’s will, setting off a family reckoning

The Trump parents dodged hundreds of millions in gift taxes by grossly undervaluing the assets they would pass on
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Diebenkorn was an American painter and printmaker. He was born in 1922 in Portland, Oregon and died 1993 in Berkeley, CA.



#PAM #PAMFAM #Diebenkorn

Diebenkorn served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1943 until 1945.

Richard Diebenkorn, Untitled (Albuquerque), 1952.


#PAM #PAMFAM #Diebenkorn

He was stationed at Quantico, Virginia. While there, he sought out the Henri Matisse paintings in various Museums in NY.

Richard Diebenkorn, Untitled (Horse and Rider), 1954.


#PAM #PAMFAM #Diebenkorn
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RU Peter Levashov the Operator of the Kelihos Botnet Pleads Guilty to Fraud, Conspiracy, Computer Crime & Identity Theft Offenses

📌EricTrump allegedly ran the Kelihos botnet out of Trump Tower. #ItsMuellerTime!

Suspicious 💰Transactions Followed The TT Meeting

Investigators are focused on two bursts of banking activity one shortly after the June 2016 meeting, the other immediately after the presidential election.

Billionaire health-care investor Phillip Frost charged by SEC with pump-and-dump schemes

Journalist Craig Unger talks RU, Trump, & “one of the greatest intel ops in history.”

Trump’s ties to the RU mafia go back 3 decades

Mifsud the academic in Trump probe hit with $56K fine, but where is he?

Super Typhoon Mangkhut Heads Toward Philippines and China
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Romain de Tirtoff known in the art world as Erté, was born in 1892 in St.. Petersburg, Russia and died in 1990, in Paris, France.

Erte - Symphony in Black



“Erté’s byname was derived from the French pronunciation of his initials, R.T.”




Erté is said to be the father of Art Deco.



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