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I am going to write part of my (unfinished) story about the K to R transition as a woman in medicine and physician scientist in a multi-disciplinary research space in a tumultuous time. I am oversharing to encourage others in a similar 🚤#medtwitter #IDTwitter #AIMedEd. /1 of 20
I study #drug #allergy. It was the inferior antibiotic choices we made for people with vague antibiotic allergies during my residency @MGHMedicine @mghmedres that initially gave me the idea. Too often the allergy lists were impeding clinical care. /2 of 20
I hypothesized that drug allergies were a problem -- that penicillin allergies alone were linked to important antibiotic stewardship and public health outcomes. I set off to prove this, and address the burden of unclear drug allergies across populations. /3 of 20
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#womenshealth is #disparate because medicine evolved in a patriarchal society. Male presentations of disease are “typical”, female ones are “atypical”. Society becoming more #gender #equal, doesn’t undo the historical bias of medicine we still rely our practice on - as a result,……
While #postpartum care is an obvious example. @American_Heart published that women don’t classically present with chest pain like men in heart attacks, but instead may have fatigue or insomnia. This can be easily written off by doctors as “stress”…
“Stress” is a generous explanation I hear of writing off symptoms. More commonly, I hear “dramatic” or “being extra” as explanations. Those aren’t ICD codes, but implicit biases disproportionately assigned to female patients.
Read 7 tweets
Having trouble saying no & creating boundaries?

Excellent webinar w/ @LRWeingart co-author of @thenoclub

🚺more likely to be asked to do Non-Promotable Tasks
➡️Every YES is a no to something else
➡️Be strategic when deciding

#WomenInMedicine #MedTwitter #MedEd
What to take into consideration when deciding:

➡️What is the ask?
➡️Who is asking you?
➡️Can you drop something else to make room for this?
➡️Are there adequate resources to succeed?
➡️Does this align w/your goals?

Why does this matter?
➡️Women do more non-promotable tasks than men
➡️Women can be penalized for declining compared to men bc it goes against societal expectations
➡️Can lead to ⬆️stress/burnout, unappreciated, withdrawn
Read 4 tweets
🇬🇧I Want For Christmas Is No Health Emergencie…
Face masks may return amid holiday ‘tripledemic’ of covid, flu and RSV
Health experts say a quality medical mask remains a highly effective line of defense against respiratory viruses… #health #publichealth #patientcare #meded #news #WomenInMedicine
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Just had a male physician colleague refer to me as a "girl."

As in, "I love working with you girls." 😑🤬

I have a PhD. Teach at Stanford & UCSF. Wrote 2 books. On the board of international pain orgs. What will it take to be considered an equal in medicine??? 👎🏼
We are doctors, not "girls." We are women, not schoolchildren 👧🏻🍭

If confused, call us by our TITLES.💥

Men don't have to ask. Why do we??

Advocate. 🌟

thank you for coming to my @TEDTalks 😑

#WomenInMedicine #WomeninScience #MedTwitter #psychtwitter
Pretty good reach for a Girl 💅🏻🎉🖕🏼

To be clear, I have no issue with the term "girl" in certain contexts - pop songs, Girls Night Out, ballfields.

But when a male colleague refers to the men in the room as "Dr." and you as a "girl," there's a clear problem. 🙄
#WomenInMedicine Image
Read 4 tweets
When I was a first year medical resident, I became a mother.

Right before I delivered, I was the star intern.

But when I came back 4 weeks after giving birth, the Attendings were asking:

"What happened to Jia?"
• I disappeared in the middle of rounds.
• I didn't know my patients well.
• I completed my notes late.
What was I doing instead?

• Sneaking out 4 times a day to pump.
• Calling my mom to see how my baby was doing.
• Feeling guilty because I chose to go back to work so soon.
• Feeling worried that others will notice that I was no longer putting 100% into work.
Read 12 tweets
1) #womeninmedicine A Thread: Yesterday I wore this green suit to open up the #BE22 Women Physicians CME Conference. I felt powerful in it, I felt confident in it, & I paired it with some new @kikipriceshoes alternative energy heels. I LOVE a brightly colored suit😍 👇
2) A women not attending the #BE22 conf stopped me on my way back to my room She told me she ❤️the suit; but she could never pull it off. She asked me where I wore it, & I told her I wore it to open up the conference this morning. She said "oh my gosh, I could NEVER do that!"👇🏻
3) Here is my response: "I organize this conf. #BE22 is full of amazing 👩🏻‍⚕️, all here bc they are exhausted & work in systems that in general do not support women. They are here bc they do not hear messages that say they can be exactly who they are, & can show up as women."👇🏻
Read 5 tweets
Every year at the #BE22 Women’s Physicians CME conference I say I’m going to post a 🧵 where I try and explain the magic of how it’s SO special & changes #WomenInMedicine lives, & every year I’m having too much fun to ✋🏼 so I don’t BUT HERE I TRY:

These 👩🏻‍⚕️stopped me last pm & told me they went 🛍 & bought that bag they’ve always wanted, those shoes they’ve always wanted bc “Sasha would say, YOU HAVE WORKED SO HARD for this, don’t wait, treat yourself & then don’t keep it in your closet, USE IT!” #BE22 empowers.
Women physicians who have never met one another until the #BE22 conference stop to tell me how they find their people here. They move from isolation in medicine to deep connections, accountability, kindness & normalizing experiences that we go through as women👩🏽‍⚕️👩🏼‍⚕️
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Assistant Vice Chancellor for Inclusion @SAStrongMD opens the @unmc @NebraskaMed session to #InvestinHer as we celebrate #WomeninMedicine Month! "It's a call to action to recruit, retain, promote & resource women in healthcare to succeed. And support re-entry for women as well."
"It has never been more important to dialogue on #WomeninMedicine. As I chair the @theNAMedicine section on wellness, women physicians are critical. Whether it is childcare, promotion, pay, etc. there are countless ways to do better."

- Chancellor & Provost @jeffreypgold
"We respect all women in healthcare from patients to healthcare professionals. When we have any session on diversity, equity and inclusion, we must lean into our discomfort for growth to occur. We can have different viewpoints and both can be true."

- @SAStrongMD #InvestInHer
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I presented at @AdvocateKids @advocatehealth #WIMmonth event this past weekend on Inclusive Leadership: Leave no (wo)man behind.

🔑Some about me & my key points to support #WomenInMedicine as a leader: 🧵1/
2/ I am first gen #LatinasInMedicine from a humble background on the Texas-Mexico border. I was a great student growing up. I pleased my family. As a resident, I made more money than my family. I had no idea I was underpaid as a junior attending. I pleased my chair as RVU queen.
3/ I missed the memo on how to be promoted (as happens to BIPOC women). Delayed the process because no guidance.
When I finally took the risk (late), I became the 8th Latina associate professor of PM&R in the country.

✍🏻Teach #WomenInMedicine what it takes for promotion.
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1/ TW: Suicide

September is #WomeninMedicine and #SuicidePreventionAwarenessMonth. Female physicians continue to have a significantly higher suicide completion rate than the general population.

@AMWADoctors @WIMSummit @500WIM @AMWAStudents @AmerAcadPeds @acgme @APPDconnect
2/ One of the first steps toward ⬇️this is eliminating the #shame culture in medicine that keeps so many people suffering in silence when they experience #depression.
3/ Last month, I shared my story of #depression and passive thoughts of suicide during my Grand Rounds. I expected people to relate, but I didn't expect a trainee to share that their #WomeninMedicine trainee friend had died by suicide two days earlier.
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1) I was reading a bit of neurology today, for exams and general knowledge.

I have always maintained a lively interest in medical history and the development of this great profession of ours.
2) I was also influenced by the fact that we have a patient admitted at present, with generalized chorea under evaluation.

Common differentials have been ruled out but we haven't made the elusive diagnosis yet.

So a bit of reading was in order.
3) Neurogenetics is one such topic which has grown by leaps and bounds within the last few decades.

Clinical diagnoses of yesteryears can now be confirmed by genetic tests --> thanks to the work of certain stalwarts like Prof. Anita Harding.
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A privilege to write this article in @Clin_Trials with @CRWUSOM Dean Emerita Dr. Pamela Davis…

A 🧵 on why gender equity in clinical research matters #WomenInMedicine 1/n
@Clin_Trials The #COVID19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on women physicians and researchers, exacerbating long-standing issues of gender inequality in medicine… 2/n
@Clin_Trials Among physician researchers, women spend 8.5 hours more per week on domestic activities. Not surprisingly women were more impacted by the abrupt closure of schools and child care facilities brought on by the pandemic… 3/n Image
Read 18 tweets
Are you interested in #GIFellowship?

Hear from PDs & #GIFellows

✅ Application pearls
✅ LORs
✅ Tips forPersonal Statement
✅ Interviews

Who should attend?
🎯 Prospective applicants
🎯 Anyone who mentors residents


To warm up before this-a 🧵below: Image
1/16)To start, learn perspective of #GIFellows of what makes one a competitive applicant. Part I of this series covers:

✳️ Deciding on a career in #GI
✳️ Self assessment
✳️ Finding mentors
✳️ Scholarly work

All authors were fellows at time of this 📜

👉… Image
2/16) In part II of this series from above, it covers:

👉 Building your resume
👉 Building your brand
👉 Issues pertaining to minorities / #WomenInMedicine
👉 LORs
👉 Personal Statement
👉 Where to apply
👉 Interviews
👉 What happens if you dont match

📎… Image
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🧵VERY IMPORTANT NEW STUDY pub in @bmj_latest focused on 140 US med schools & 30K med students looking at #burnout in people with intersectional identities.👩🏿‍⚕️🧑🏾‍⚕️🏳️‍🌈 Bottom line: We are likely underestimating harm.

#MedTwitter #MedEd #WomenInMedicine #LGBTQ Image
"Study’s major finding is that a higher proportion of students with multiple marginalized identities report mistreatment and discrimination. Students with all three marginalized identities (female, non-white, LGB) had the largest proportion."
#MedTwitter Image
"Additional pressure marginalized groups face to represent their communities or contribute to diversity efforts at their institutions and experiences of bias and discrimination likely contributes to the effect observed with this dimension of burnout."👩🏿‍⚕️🏳️‍🌈 Image
Read 11 tweets
Many times when susceptibility testing is done for P. aeroginosa, a scenario similar to shown in the picture is encountered.
We see that TZP has produced a D shape on the IPM side. This might look very similar to the phenomenon seen in gram positive ICR strains. So what is it?
Published data says that this result is most likely due to
inducible expression of the P. aeruginosa AmpC beta-lactamase.
Certain enteric
(Serratia, Providencia, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Morganella) and non-enteric organisms (P. aeruginosa, Aeromonas) can up-regulate expression of
their chromosomally-encoded ampC genes in response to sub-inhbitory concentrations of certain
b-lactam antibiotics
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Let’s talk #GenderEquity to start. We all know #WomenInMedicine are getting burned out and leaving the workforce. And it’s not because they aren’t “resilient” or “ambitious” but bc there are barriers in place that result in women working twice as hard and not getting recognition
That happens across the board but we see it in #WomenInOncology as well. A pub just out in @ASCOPost w @DrSGraff @NarjustDumaMD @drdonsdizon and colleagues describes some of the challenges and solutions…
The onus of addressing these inequities should not fall on the shoulders of those who are most impacted by these inequities. Unfortunately as @bridgetMDPhD @LekshmiMD and I described in our paper on the #ThirdShift that is exactly what happens.
Read 14 tweets
Hello everyone! My name is Dr. @ShikhaJainMD and I will be taking over the #WomenInOncology account today! Follow along! A little about me to start. I am a GI medical oncologist @UICancerCenter where I specialize in #Neuroendocrine tumors
I am also the founder and president of the nonprofit #WomenInMedicine @WIMSummit, an organization dedicated to finding innovative strategies to closing the gender gap in healthcare
I am also a cofounder and CEO of @IMPACT4HC, a nonprofit dedicated to amplifying HCW voices and disseminating evidence based information in public health messaging and advocating for science based policies.
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The perception that male surgeons are more “competent” than female surgeons is so common that even I have wondered in the past if there was any truth to it.

So here is a thread comparing physicians of the two genders. 1/5
This sizable & well conducted retrospective study found slightly better surgical outcomes (4%) when the surgeon was female.

At the very least, this should clarify that women surgeons are no less competent than their male counterparts. 2/5…
This study found fewer deaths (NNT 230) & readmissions in elderly hospitalized patients treated by female internists (compared with males).

At the very least, this should clarify that care by a female internist is no less than that by a male. 3/5…
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1/ In the twilight of my pregnancy, I've been thinking about a pregnant resident I worked with in the ICU as a third-year medical student. A thread about pregnancy/childbearing in medical training.
2/ She had apparently started having contractions earlier that evening. We were on 30-hour call and it was a busy night. We admitted something like 8 patients, many of them critically ill. She expertly managed each of them despite her contractions as I watched in awe.
3/ The next morning, she signed off the admitting pager and checked herself directly into the L&D ward. Her baby was born later that day. I can still hear the chatter of her attendings, fellows, and co-residents in my head, referring to her as a "beast," a "boss, a "badass."
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I give many talks on #GenderEquity and #WomenInMedicine. Two slides I have started sharing are examples of all the incredible work #WomenInMedicine continue to do, and emphasize the fact that this work is largely UNPAID and does not help in the promotions process in academia. 🧵
A survey from @McKinsey @LeanInOrg showed the IMMENSE amt of invisible work taken on during the pandemic by women across >400 companies. This work is necessary for companies and organizations to thrive and function. But the women often see no ROI.
Our healthcare systems, patients, and teams thrive because of the incredible amount of extra work #WomenInMedicine put in, often nights, wknds, "free time." The work is necessary, but does not provide currency, whether financial, or otherwise, needed for career advancement.
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Sharing a thread 🧵 of some amazing #WomenInMedicine who are making a difference and using their voices to change the narrative. Sharing a few pieces here that came out today with different reflections on this years #WIMSummit @doximity
First up @RakheeBhayaniMD kicks off her powerful piece (her first OpEd!) “Empower. Educate. Elevate. Those are the words that come to mind as I reflect on my experience at the recent virtual #WIMSummit.”

Next @CShoush shares how this years #WIMSummit helped her find her voice. “ I now counteract “What makes you special-why you?” With a newly energized, inspired and courageous rebuttal. Now I respond with “Why not me?” And then I take the step forward into the unknown.”
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You may be wondering, why attend THIS years #WIMStrongerTogether #WIMSummit. Virtual conferences are SO 2020! Well, you do NOT want to miss this year. We may be virtual, but the speakers are 🔥.There will be unique networking, sponsorship mentorship opps.
First up, Dr @gradydoctor doesn't need an intro to #medtwitter. Featured everywhere from @ACP to @BET, her power of narrative story telling is legendary. She is a force on EVERY level. A mentor, sponsor, advocate, physician, colleague, rockstar. Her lecture is NOT one to miss
Dr. @MVGutierrezMD transitioned into a new leadership position and has thrived. She is an inclusive, inspiring, and powerful leader as the Chair of the Dept of Rehab Medicine at @UTHealthSA. Her talk will provide skills and tools for anyone undergoing a transition at work.
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I want to share a brief reflection on perspective. A🧵 Many times in my life I have been told that I am too bubbly, too verbose, too excitable, too loud... too much. I have been told to speak softer, speak less, not show my enthusiasm, not show my excitement...its unprofessional.
I once attended a talk by the brilliant @LaurieBaedke who said (and I paraphrase here) "There are people who want you to put @SPANX your personality...those are not your people." We all nodded & applauded, but recently I had a moment that opened my eyes to what she really meant.
I was with some colleagues the other day, and we started talking about some of the initiatives I was working on @UICancerCenter @IMPACT4HC @WIMSummit and one of the women said "Do you see how excited she gets talking about this?! This is why we love working together!"
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