Jan 22, 2019
U.S. VP #MikePence released a video message in support of the Venezuelan protesters & underline US backing for unelected right-wing opposition leader #JuanGuaido.
Jan 22, 2019
Venezuela's Security Forces have detained 27 members of the National Guard caught stealing arms, accusing them of trying to stage a violent #uprising against the #Maduro's govt.
#RegimeChange #BigOil
"Unrest is direct result of #US meddling" ~ Radio host Comissiong
Jan 23, 2019
Two people reportedly killed in on-going #protests in Venezuela against President #Maduro.
#RegimeChange #BigOil #USMeddling #Democracy
The Real News Network
Streamed live 110 minutes ago
Lucas Koerner in Venezuela analyzes the current developments withTRNN's Sharmini Peries and Greg Wilpert
The Real News Network
Streamed live 41 minutes ago
Alex Main discusses the crippling economic #sanctions the U.S. has imposed on Venezuela
#JohnBolton gave an “#AxisofEvil” speech about Latin America
The #US will now go after a so-called “Troika of Tyranny”: #Cuba,#Venezuela, & #Nicaragua.
#Coup #RegimeChange #BigOil
#Venezuela (UNELECTED & UNKNOWN) opposition leader #JuanGuaido declared himself the country's interim president on Wednesday before "thousands of demonstrators" cheering in support.
Jan 12, 2018 - Opposition Leader said he 1st needs support from the army & the people
Challenged #Maduro's right to lead the country, ready to assume power himself & call new elections, called for protests on Jan 23rd👈🤨
Oct 31, 2018 Senior Treasury Official #MarshallBillingslea at the #BrookingsInstitution, claims Governments in #Venezuela & #Nicaragua “threaten the integrity” of the International Financial System.
#BigOil #RegimeChange
May 7, 2018 #US demands cancellation of #Venezuelan election👈🤨Huh⁉️
U.S. VP #MikePence called for other nations to join in increasing pressure on Venezuela.
#RegimeChange #Sanctions #ForeignMeddling #BigOil
Gloria La Riva, the coordinator of the #Cuba & #Venezuela Solidarity Committee in the #US and Lucas Koerner, a journo & political analyst at venezuelanalysis.com,
It's the Annual Anniversary of the Jan. 23, 1958 Coup d’état👇🤨😡
With #US support, the opponents of Venezuelan President #Maduro, organized the protest on Wednesday, the EXACT same day that marks the Annual Commemoration

#PsyOps For #US/Western TV Viewers 😡👉The Opponents of Venezuelan President #Maduro, organized the protests on the EXACT SAME day marking the Annual Anniversary of the Jan 23, 1958 Coup d’état, a day that Venezuelans always take to the streets to Commemorate🤨
#US & Allies have recognized the unelected opposition lawmaker #JuanGuaido
In response Maduro, announced those countries have 72hrs to withdraw their representatives in Venezuela
Jan 23rd, is the Anniversary of the 1958 Coup d’état,#Venezuelans always take to the streets to Commemorate on this day🤨
#Venezuela Pres. #Maduro after the ANNUAL anti-imperialist March of Jan 23:
It's like #Russia or #China naming #NancyPelosi as #US President‼️
Trump admin declared they recognize opposition leader #JuanGuaido as the country’s president, angering supporters of #NicolasMaduro, who won re-election in 2018
#RegimeChange #BigOil
Cut through the corporate media propaganda and get the full low-down on the current #US-backed coup in progress here: venezuelanalysis.com/news/14244 by @venanalysis
👇Watch for yourself to form your own opinion

#RegimeChange #Venezuela #WeAreMADURO #BigOil
#RegimeChange #Venezuela #WeAreMADURO #BigOil
A.: "We actually have, General Lopes issued a statement a few hours ago saying that the armed forces would not recognize the imposed president"
#VenezuelaYElMundoConMaduro #Venezuela #RegimeChange #BigOil
A:"Extremely significant, they have the real power, they control the territory, they control the country in Venezuela, they have responsibility. It is very, very important."
A:"You started the program used the word thousands, representative said hundreds of thousands, I think he has very,very broad support"
P.S. #Venezuela Population: 31 Million🤨
Q:"Quick resolution to this?"
A:"I think this is going to be much faster...the fact that leaders of powerful countries,basically have a huge amount of debt,we have creditors that want 2 have a conversation with Guaido,we have clients we would like to buy oil"👈🤨
It's commonly known George Washington University admit foreign students with potential to become #CIA assets. That's where #JuanGuaido👈got his master's degree from.
Here's one of many articles relating to the CIA direct links to the University: articles.latimes.com/2000/may/08/ne…
The U.S.-led effort targeting the oil-rich nation of #Venezuela dates back two decades, since the late #HugoChávez became president in 1999.
‼️Since October 2018,#JohnBolton with #Venezuelan Opposition in #PuertoRico & developed a manifesto to overthrow the Legitimate Govt👇😡
#PsyOps #BigOil #YankeeGoHome
Explaining the #US-led right-wing coup in #Venezuela
Jan 25, 2019
#BenNorton On All You Need To Know Status Coup & Historical Context To Understand The Critical Issues.
#BigOil #FakeNews #RegimeChange #PsyOps #HugoChavez
#NicolasMaduro's accused #Washington of ordering a Coup against his Government.
And there're multiple reasons to believe it's true...
Bravo👏Thank you, @RaniaKhalek!
#BigOil #PsyOps #Iraq #Libya #Syria #Iran #Honduras
The night before #JuanGuaidó declared himself #Venezuela’s Interim President, he got a phone call from Vice President #MikePence urging him to invoke a clause in the Country's Constitution to take over as Interim President. 🤨wsj.com/articles/a-cal…
#Venezuela’s #US-Backed Coup Leader Immediately Targets State Oil Company and Requests #IMF Money.
#Slavery #WallStreet #BigOil #Petrodollar #Imperialism #Hegemony
Jan 24, 2018
#DemocracyNow w/ Miguel Tinker Salas, Prof. at #PomonaCollege,who says, “This is unprecedented not only in #Venezuelan history,but in Latin America”
Journalist #MaxBlumenthal exposes how the Org. of American States functions as an arm of US imperialism, enlisting right-wing pro-#Israel lobbyists to demonize Venezuela's Govt
#Venezuela’s Communications Min. has presented evidence of a meeting on Jan 22nd btw Opposition Leader & the Govt
Guaido said he's being pressured by #US
Meanwhile president #Maduro remains open to dialogue
Jan 28, 2019
She discusses the history of US #RegimeChange in Venezuela and Latin America, the #Maduro premiership and attitudes in Venezuela
Jan 28, 2019
#UN Special Rapporteur blames #US sanctions for #Venezuelan Crisis.
Former #UK MP @georgegalloway joins In Question to discuss.