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Jun 8th 2023
@MikkoVapa @ECHR_CEDH @osce_odihr @anticorruption @RSF_inter @oikeusasiamies @oikeusmin @anna_maja @STM_Uutiset @MFredman #UnitedNations #Convention Against #Torture
- The text of the convention was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1984[1] and, following #ratification by the 20th state party,[3] it came into #Force on 26 June 1987…
@MikkoVapa @ECHR_CEDH @osce_odihr @anticorruption @RSF_inter @oikeusasiamies @oikeusmin @anna_maja @STM_Uutiset @MFredman #Finland again reprimanded by the committee against #torture | 20/08/2015
- there is much room for improvement in the #conditions of #Finnish #policeprisons.
- previous recommendations have still NOT been #implemented, even made 20+ years ago.… Image
Read 10 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
We are here at - House #judiciary committee hearing HB23-1133 - Phone Calls for People in Custody #copolitics gets the chance to vote for free phone calls for people in custody

We know this bill will
🔥Support Family Connection
🔥Reduce recidivism
🔥Ensure Healthy Communities
We had our first panel with @WorthRises & second chance & had awesome questions from @mjweissman & @RepEpps she asked how #data is looking in places this bill has passed

Rep. Epps asks - "in the work of decoupling humans and cages - we are just changing who is paying the bill?"
We heard a bomb 💣 panel from us 💅🏼 second chance center & Clayton Early Learning & parents & @WorthRises to launch into HB23-1133! #copolitcs
Read 10 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
We’re here with Sarah from @elephant_circle at the #pueblo city council meeting & our friends are lined up at the entrance ready to tell their councilor members that #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights & #abortion is something we all need access to! #reproductivehealth #copolitics
We are all about #reproductivehealth #reproductiverights & #reproductivejustice & making sure all zip codes & communities have access to #abortion 📣📣 shout out to @elephant_circle having presence here tonight #copoliticas
#pueblo came out tonight! They are lined up around the block, 2 security guards said they’d never seen public comment line this long before. #voters came to represent #copolitics
Read 41 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
1)Gone are the days when I thought #colonization was about skin color but I was wrong,black people can colonize other black people.A circle of #Tutsi #supremacists heavily supported by western nations are doing whatever it takes to colonize Africa on behalf of their masters! Image
2)The world's most admired president,Paul #Kagame,is doing to #Congo what King Leopold II of Belgium failed to accomplish.While King #Leopold killed more than 8 millions of #Congolese,Kagame is outnumbering him,he has killed more than 10 million and still killing with impunity! Image
3)Since colonization ended,they had to look for new ways to do it. Crazy #Kagame and his team of damn #fools took the job.They work as agents to former colonizers.They use their black skin to fool Africans and yet cause the same sufferings that the colonial era did to #Africans!
Read 7 tweets
Sep 11th 2022
It’s one thing to predict but NO ONE can say for certain what the EXACT temperature will be on each given day, not even the highest paid weather man.

Green Eggs & Ham
CHAMP ion Chip Belt

80 78 76 70 70
60 60 56 54 56
14. 18.132 16. 14 Image
Do I have to go any further SHOWING what they were SHOWING all those years ago?

I Will break it all down for you if you want me too, just as & you shall receive …

Q minus 1 = 16
Negative 1 = Lucifer

TWIN Towers = Twins

It’s GOD #PLUS NEGATIVE 1 !!! Image
Read 9 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
1/365 - Starting this thread with one of the first Motorcycles to be built in India. The @royalenfield #Bullet350. A Motorcycle which was initially built for the Indian Army but with time found patronage amongst varying genre of people achieving a cult status over the decades. ImageImageImageImage
2/365 - After selling imported Vespas for a while, Bajaj Auto started manufacturing the #Bajaj150 under license in 1959. This was one of the first Scooters in India and certainly changed the 2-Wheeler scene as it was initially available at a significant premium in the market. ImageImageImageImage
3/365 Automobile Products of India (API) was the 1st Scooter maker in India and manufactured the #Lambretta Li 150 Series 2 under license from Innocenti at Bombay in the 1960's. This scooter was very popular and made appearances in a few famous Bollywood movies too. #BikerLife ImageImageImageImage
Read 73 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
It's 2020, the year where anything can happen.

The #MinCup2020 bracket is sticking to the rules with all official minerals. Voting starts September 1st.

Who will join legends #Olivine (2017), #Garnet (2018), & #IceMin (2019) to be this year's #champion? Bracket reading in order: B...
#MinCup2020 is kicking off quasi-alphabetically in a battle of peacock ore #Bornite vs poisonous red #Cinnabar

Pick your champion, make your arguments, and VOTE!
ROUND 1 MATCH 1 goes to #Cinnabar with a 8% lead over rainbow #Bornite! The same bracket, but with ...
Read 6 tweets
May 28th 2020
Read 9 tweets
May 5th 2020
Et allez ça commence par Gilles Lartigot qui vient de se griller définitivement pour ceux qui doutaient encore

Salut de Sirius 🖖
Trotta sait donc mieux que l'OMS et les équipes d'infectiologues ou d'immunologues du monde entier

Il a fait ses propres recherches probablemement

#champion #LiveCasasnovas
Read 62 tweets
Apr 7th 2020
The baby doctor told us yesterday that she’d go ahead and schedule next weeks checkup, but there was really no point.

Said she’d just see us shortly at the hospital for the delivery.


I’ll be using this thread to live vlog (video + blog = vlog) the eviction of Pam’s daughter from her growing chamber.

No labor yet. All systems normal.

Update complete.
39 weeks pregnant today, and all is quiet on the labor front. I am beginning to suspect this alleged baby is yet another hoax which has been cooked up by Pam and the Democrats.
Read 39 tweets
May 31st 2019
Sorry @jessphillips you are wrong - come meet the public sector workers, retired policemen, business men + women, farmers, teachers, mums, students + so many more who we have in #Northumberland @Conservatives
I will take them over #Momentum 2015 +
#GordonBrown ➡️#PM in 2007?
Did #Labour members get a vote in 2007 when #GordonBrown deposed #Blair and was made #PM? No!
Hilariously #Labour in 2007 didn’t even give Labour MPs a vote?
#Peopleinglasshouses ....
And remind me of yr views of #Corbyn + the #Momentum wing of #Labour party - which have now taken over + attack you as much as me? We both know they are both anti #NATO, our allies + #business but are #Marxist, #antiSemitic + a genuine threat to the future of this great country
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2019
Our 6th Speaker;
Day 2: Evening Session
He is Bishop Francis Wale Oke
Holy Ghost Convention, Ibadan •

#WAFBEC #WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
🎶 Worship 🎶

We give you Glory Lord,
as we honor you,
You are wonderful,
you are worthy Oh Lord

Bishop @FrancisWaleOke

#WAFBEC #WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
Right now LIVE at The Covenant Place, Iganmu - Lagos, Bishop @FrancisWaleOke is making Prophetic utterances.

#WAFBEC #WAFBEC2019 #BeFruitful
Read 14 tweets
Jun 22nd 2017
Des fois je me demande si je vais pas vous faire un thread longue durée pour vous raconter les trucs bizarres que fait mon coloc...
C'est le genre de mec qui éteint jamais une lumière mais qui passe sa vie dans la cuisine dans le noir... (Vito faut qu'j'te parle 🎵)
C'est aussi le mec qui organise une fête, propose mes bières à ses potes, mais pense pas à me demander si j'en veux (dans la même pièce)
Read 55 tweets

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