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Dec 20th 2021
#Read this new #Report while there’s still time to act!…

“US-#China Competition Enters the Decade of Max Danger: #Policy Ideas to Avoid Losing the 2020s”

My latest with Gabe Collins @BakerInstitute!

As #PRC/#CCP power peaks over this decade, #Xi may seek #Taiwan as historic prize.

To protect their security & rules-based order, US/Allies must mobilize immediately to deter aggression.

The mission is vital, the stakes are high, & the clock is ticking. Image
US/Allies/#Taiwan now face “#DecadeOfDanger” w/ peaking #Xi/#CCP/#PRC as #China has extreme version of “S-Curved #slowdown.”

Xi’s risk acceptance will likely be amplified by his track record of largely-uncountered revisionist actions vs. neighbors & RBO.…
Read 42 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
Report on #familychildcare supply is here!🎉 FCC educators face many barriers to entry & sustainability. The biggest? #ECE #policy challenges. But their strengths keep them going. Buckle up 🧵(1/n)

#solvechildcare #earlyedchat #childcare @JulietBromer
In this exploratory mixed method study, we asked 179 current/former regulated #familychildcare educators (FCCEs) across 4 states (CA, FL, MA, WI) about their experiences entering, staying in, and/or leaving the field, and we learned A LOT. (2/n)
ON LEAVING: 30 former FCCEs (small N, exploratory!) shared intersecting challenges w/ systems, economics, working conditions, & personal factors that contributed to their decisions to close their businesses (pre-COVID). Most mentioned at least 2/3 of the core challenges. (3/n)
Read 22 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
An example of why #pandemic #parenting #care during #Covid is particularly challenging. 3 days ago, my toddler started acting funny and slept terribly (up crying at least once/hour). The next morning, his nose was streaming, his voice was hoarse, and he coughed intermittently. 1/
In pre-covid times, this would be unremarkable. In covid times, this meant that on Sunday AM, even though he wasn't particularly ill, we realized we wouldn't be able to bring him to care during the week without a negative test. We cancelled social plans made weeks earlier. 2/
We also cancelled dinner with my ailing father, who was very disappointed and also confused. I promise to drive a plate of dinner up to his house instead. I feel badly that he spends so much time alone these days, but I also can't bring covid to a senior living community. 2.5/
Read 22 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
For the Love ❤️ of @JaniceDean 🙏🏼✌🏽🌹…
@GovKathyHochul Please trace the entire sequence of decisions. This also affects other states’ Governors using Dubious Powers to Direct Patient Flow in the Healthcare System.
The State Governors’ Actions were Contrary to All Precautions Nursing Facilities have in place for Influenza, another Highly Contagious Annual Virus deadly to Elders, Vulnerable People. If I was the Director of Nursing I would have Refused the order! Why Didn’t Anybody Refuse? 🤨
@MedicareGov @NYStateHealth @CDCgov @NYNHCARE @anajoy82121266 @ANANursingWorld @MedicareGov When Nurse or Nurse Aide reprimanded for breaking rules, How can This Chain of Command Not Be Scrutinized? Should Never Happen Again. #eldercare #LongTermCare Fin @threadreaderapp #unroll
Read 3 tweets
Oct 27th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/27/2020…
Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley…

#capitalism #economics #history
Read 6 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/21/2020…
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Enabling Organizations rhyme with 21C Complexity | by Simone Cicero | Sep, 2020 | Stories of Platform Design…

#organizations #design #complexity #ecosystem #platform #entrepreneurial
Income inequality: RAND study reveals shocking new numbers…

#income #rand #inequality
Read 8 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
Today, under the leadership of @POTUS, @HHSgov announced two major steps forward in advancing American kidney care that will help thousands of patients with end stage renal disease lead fuller, healthier lives
A new rule by @HHSGov & @HRSAgov expands reimbursement for living #organ donors to inc. lost wages, #childcare & #eldercare expenses in addition to travel, lodging, meals & incidental expenses. It supports @POTUS EO - Advancing American #KidneyHealth.
Also, @HHSGov through @CMSGov announced a transformative new model of care for Medicare Beneficiaries w/ Chronic Kidney Disease. This rule delivers on @POTUS Advancing Kidney Health EO, reducing costs & improve quality care for patients. See release below:
Read 3 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
September is #HealthyAgingMonth! All NYers should be able to age in place with dignity, & in their communities. As a caregiver for my mom who is living with Alzheimer’s disease, I know firsthand the challenges facing seniors & caregivers & how they’ve been exacerbated by COVID-19 Image
I’m running for City Council because I want to ensure that this city does all it can to support a care economy that is made up of mostly women, people of color, and immigrants. More here from @CaringAcrossGen:
There is so much more to #HealthyAging than simply growing old — safe, affordable housing without fear of deed theft or displacement; accessible & adequate healthcare; & an industry of care workers with real protections for the very folks we rely on to provide compassionate care.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 11th 2019
ICYMI Thread (properly threaded): I have a new piece @Harpers that I hope you’ll read. We all have elders we love and care for—I wrote this for them. The story is about elder couples across the country who are ending their lives together.… 1
The deaths fall across a broad spectrum: some couples simply can’t go on; others are men assuming their wive’s consent; still others are the culminating event in domestic violence. #mercykilling #eldercare #thegooddeath 2
The story I tell for @Harpers focuses on one couple, Philip and Becky Benight, who were separated when insurance and the Office of Aging sent Becky to a nursing home. They did not want to live apart; Becky no longer wanted to live. #mercykilling #eldercare #thegooddeath 3
Read 18 tweets

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