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Apr 25th 2021
Below you see a @NASA WorldView image of the Nile Basin taken yesterday from Southern Egypt to Lake Victoria.

25th April computer model forecasts for rain across the ME and Africa follow.

#GERD #Ethiopia #KS

[Thanks to @Arab_Storms for live images of today's #ArabianStorms.]
25th April 10 Day GFS model accumulated rain forecast across the ME and Africa.
An animation from this afternoon of the rainy part of the Nile Basin. The Clouds over Sudan, South Sudan and Western Ethiopia all contribute to the flow in the Nile River.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
The Nile Basin & Arabian Peninsula near sunset 24/4. A line of storms extends from Sana'aa Yemen to the Jordan Border, a distance of 1777 kms.
Clouds cover large portions of Sudan and run along the north red-sea coast from Port Sudan to the Horn.

Region rain forecasts follow.
First an image of accumulated rainfall across the wider North African region showing all the West Africa Monsoon, the engine for life this region earth's cradle for biodiversity, including for humanity.

In the South East Cyclone Jobo is making landfall right now in Tanzania. /2
The are of rain bearing clouds accompanying Jobo will have a significant impact over the coming 10 days.

The latest 10-Day accumulated rain forecasts from the ECMWF, GFS and KMA forecast models are below. They are in agreement. /3
Read 9 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
The East Africa Monsoon gets a big boost with the arrival of Cyclone Jobo (a 15km high tower of water) in Tanzania on Saturday. The water heads north supercharging rains in the Horn of Africa & Sudan.

Today's 10-Day rain forecasts for #Ethiopia & #MiddleEast follow below:
For all those following the #GERD in #Ethiopia #Sudan & #Egypt active and increasing rains across the Nile Basin may provide more than ample water for the planned filling of the dam this rainy season.

Over 10 days rain is forecast for all the Nile Basin south of Egypt.
10 day accumulated rain forecasts for Ethiopia from the ECMWF, GFS and KMA models.
#Sudan #SouthSudan #Ethiopia #GERD #Africa #HornOfAfrica #DesertRain
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