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May 30th 2021
#THREAD 3rd joint report on the #implementation of #citizensrights provisions has just been released - makes alarming reading re: #britsinEU. In countries where people need to register by 30/6 lots of applications outstanding 1/
Quick reminder of the countries where this is the case #france #latvia #luxembourg #thenetherlands #malta and here's where each of them were up to at last report date ⬇️⬇️⬇️2/ Image
So, first things first, the stats re: numbers of #britsinEU are not always very accurate. I've written about this more times than I can actually believe including here for @BBCNews… 3/
Read 17 tweets
May 28th 2021
I've been looking a little more into the data behind this article this AM and want to focus on the need to look at the disaggregated figures - WHICH #EUcitizens are being turned away at the UK's borders is the question we should be asking #THREAD 1/…
Looking at the passenger refusal data for Q1 2021 and sorting to look exclusively at EU citizens, this is the picture broken down by nationality 2/…
Guessing everyone can see #Romania there in the top spot? And by a loooooong way. Across this dataset for Q1 2021 it is unusual for any country to have numbers of refusals in triple figures—only Bulgaria (199), Poland (140), Eritrea (125) and Iraq (107) are in this category 3/
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May 19th 2020
#EUcitizens were concerned the implementation of #settledstatus would result in de facto limitation of existing rights in the UK during #EULaw application – New guidance on applications for naturalisation as British citizen now seems to confirm these fears. How so? A thread 1/11
It marks the return of the nightmare that is comprehensive sickness insurance (#CSI). 2016 referendum led to an increase in applications for residency documents by #EUcitizens @the3million confirming leave to remain in UK:… 2/11
Not ‘qualified’ EUcitizens (simply not working/studying) expected to hold health insurance despite having lawful & legal access to NHS through residency. Rule not appropriately communicated at any point & result of improper implementation of EUDirect… 3/11
Read 12 tweets
Feb 4th 2020
Thread: @mrjamesob a friend heard on show this morning & that you were surprised British applications for a Ryanair cabin crew would be ruled out by the following requirement -
Applicants must have unrestricted right to live and work in the EU.…
@mrjamesob We had that as #EUcitizens.
#Brexit removed that right from us on Jan 31, but we do have right to live/work in Europe during transition while UK observes rules of single market. On Jan 1 2021, we lose that right. I wrote about this ages ago, see pinned tweet
@mrjamesob 'Freedom of movement' gave us right to live/work countries in single market, 30 in total.
(If you want to stay for over 3 months, you need to prove income or financial resources &
have health insurance cover). UK could have used those controls on immigration & did not.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 10th 2020
The Daily Mail have systematically hunted Meghan and Harry down like Diana over a number of years. Now they claim H&M to be "traitors" for being hunted and choosing a different path for themselves ... cont'd

@DailyMailUK @MailOnline @AlisonKMurray @carolJhedges @RachelAshleyVox
Cont'd ...

The Mail's treatment of Meghan and Harry is the same behaviours that tabloids apply to Remainers, Judges etc.

They invested 17 pages of hate in their pursuit of H&M today because they chose a different pathway for their exit instead of a tunnel of love ...

Sorry seems to be the hardest word for Mail readers. It seems to me that they live their lives like candles in the wind ...

Meanwhile, #WWIII, #ClimateCrisis, #BrexitShambles get no coverage due to the #gaslighting of our gutter press ...

@EUflagmafia @velvetsilk
Read 5 tweets
Dec 31st 2019
In her Hogmanay speech @NicolaSturgeon stated: "We will provide support and reassurance for the #EUcitizens who have done us the honour of choosing to make #Scotland their home."

Here is how we can begin to constructively fulfill that promise:…
1. EU citizens will face discrimination by Brexit/HostileEnv design. Those who have Settled Status need a physical token not offered by the Home Office but any individuals status can be checked online - including by @scotgov who should issue a #ScottishResidencyCard open to all.
2. All residents of #Scotland are equally affected by Scots Law, yet not all are protected by it. For 2020 I hope to see an all-party, multi-disciplinary Equality workgroup at the Scottish parliament finding & using Scots law & powers to enhance equality and protect all Scots.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
I shall be live tweeting this debate - hoping to see some constructive policy suggestions from @scotgov here. #NewScots #Scotland #UnitedInDiversity #SettledStatus
@scotgov Shockingly few attending the debate. @BenMacpherson points out that @scotgov is working with @the3million and other to provide support in applying for (pre)SS.
@scotgov @BenMacpherson @the3million Thompkin reprimands @BenMacpherson for using the phrase "hostile environment", stating that UKgov is welcoming skilled labour and that this is not 'hostile'. MacPherson responds that going by migrant's experiences the Hostile Environment has spread fear.
Read 21 tweets
Oct 13th 2019
Reports of discrimination towards #eucitizens increasing.

Though there should be no changes in the way third parties (e.g. employers) act towards European residents, there are increasing reports of differing treatments... Image
There could be a number of explanations for this, including a failure to properly understand the law in a time of extreme uncertainty.

All instances of discrimination should be reported, because if the #settledstatus scheme is not working as intended we need it fixed...
Report it to us (, your European Embassy/Consulate or groups/organisations including @the3million, @publiclawprojct, @JCWI_UK and @InLimboBrexit about those instances, so that we can try fixing them at a Home Office and European level.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 10th 2019
The Home Office yesterday said that 2million of the (HO guesstimate) 3.3million #EUcitizens in the UK have now applied for Settled Status. Digging into those statistics in regards to #Scotland - bearing in mind there are no reliable UK immigration stats - reveals the following:
Going by 2017 NRS data there were 239,000 🇪🇺 #NewScots in Scotland. Subtracting the 21,000 Irish-born EU nationals (whose residency rights aren't depending on EU citizenship = No need for SS applications) that leaves us with 218,000 #NewScots required to apply for Settled Status.
Previous to @patel4witham "FoM will end on October 31st" misleading dogwhistling exercise only ONE in five 🇪🇺#NewScots had applied for Settled Status (despite ~ £5 @scotgov spend per head on access to SS info). Contrast this with 1 in 3 for rUK (with only ~£3 pp UKgov spend).
Read 10 tweets
Aug 31st 2019
@ameliagentleman Can I say a word or two about #theforgetten @BritishInEurope especially people in France? Like the UK, since 2003, France doesn't require #EUcitizens to register, unlike other countries. We do, however, have the right to a residency permit, called a carte de séjour, as long as...
@ameliagentleman @BritishInEurope We fulfill certain criteria. These include income, whether we are working, students, or retired, how long we have been here, etc. Many thousands of us started to apply to stay in our own homes (sound familiar?) and keep our jobs after the referendum - many of us couldn't vote.. 3
@ameliagentleman @BritishInEurope Either because we had been out of the UK for 15yrs + (cf Tory manifesto) or our ballots didn't arrive or our proxies didn't get the papers. (This also happened for the recent EU elections). So, to get our cartes, we have to get an appointment at the local prefecture/police... 4
Read 16 tweets
May 19th 2019
1/ Bad start to the journey to #Prague... I seem to be breaking #Germany 🤣💔🇩🇪 DB train delayed (again!!) by 45 mins & the escalator broke when I was on it... Let's hope I make it to the @PulseofEurope event eventually!! 😬🇨🇿🇪🇺 #EUsupergirlTour #TheFutureisEurope
2/ Yesss! #EUsupergirl finally makes it to #Prague! And I was met with a splendid pro EU event in the centre of the old Town! Music and speeches - everything we could want to promote Europe before #EuropeanElections2019 🇪🇺 #ThisTimeImVoting #EUsupergirlTour #TheFutureisEurope
3/ I met a lady who has been part of a pro Ukraine demonstration today, she told me the threat the country is under from Russia & how they aspire to become an EU member state 🇪🇺 Europe is an ASPIRATIONAL vision! #TheFutureisEurope #EUsupergirlTour @PulseofEuropeCZ
Read 15 tweets
Jan 28th 2019
Thread: The U.K. Govt. confirmed what was suspected (and what the @ukhomeoffice have hinted at in private talks) that, in the event of a no-deal #Brexit, free movement will end on 29/03/2019. For #EUcitizens arriving after this date, they face a new temporary system.
The Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill, once enacted, will repeal the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2016, which currently implement free movement in UK law.
This system will be a temporary transitional system running from 30/03/2019 and until 31/12/2020, to give the U.K. Govt. time to implement the new immigration system on 01/01/2021.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 10th 2019
1/ The team is in #Eastbourne #Wetherspoons. Within 5 mins of arriving a bitter faced woman comes up to me & orders me "not to disrupt the event or she will vote Leave again in a #PeoplesVote"
I asked her if she was threatening me? 🤔
(At least she is thinking about another vote)
2/ absolutely packed full in #Eastbourne #Wetherspoons. Some holding @LeaveMnsLeave placards. Everyone squeezed in like sardines. I heard a lady whining that Remainers had come. Someone else pulled a pro EU badge off my guitar case and slipped it into their pocket (Beats me?)🤷🇪🇺
3/This lady asks what facts Tim has to show food prices won't rise as a result of #Brexit, as evidenced by the various "commentaries" he dismisses. He claims we don't need to charge tarrifs on anything & then food prices will drop, @Jim_Cornelius taking him to task on his lies
Read 8 tweets
Jan 4th 2019
Arrived at #Wetherspoons in MCR. Tim Martin arrives 10 mins late & tells us "he is going to give us a talk". I thought this was supposed to be a #Brexit debate? 🤔 "Metropolitan elites are pushing for a deal we don't need & if we crash out on #NoDeal we will avoid paying £39bn"
I just had to point out to Tim that it is our own government who hasn't been implementing EU laws on controlling migration and hasn't properly documented #EUcitizens living in the UK, as they do in other EU countries.
He just admitted he needs to go back and "check his books." 🙄
This woman quite rightly pointing out that if we don't pay the £39bn financial obligation... then who else is going to pay @Nigel_Farage's pension? 🤔 Tim says his research hasn't led him to any answers.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
In a letter to @Andrew_Adonis, dated 5th September 2018, @Jacob_Reese_mogg displays his complete lack of care for #EUCitizens
@Andrew_Adonis On page 3 of this document, he makes the following statement:

"I do not believe there should be any special terms for EU migrants"

He takes a purely legal standpoint which does nothing to take into consideration the human cost of what will be a big change in legal status.
If you want to read the letter in full, where he discusses the lack of mandate for a second referendum and his stance that any breach of the Belfast agreement would be the fault of the Republic of Ireland, you can find the document here:…
Read 4 tweets

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